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Flashback - 198 Years Prior --- Valen's POV Lorian and I approached the doors of the council chambers and pushed the doors open to enter. The heavy wooden table in the center of the room was surrounded by my father's most trusted advisors: men I looked up to while growing up. Now, I was to lead them. Their eyes turned to us as we entered, their surprise evident at my arrival with my father’s secretary at my side, instead of my father. General Thalor, the only one who knew of the situation, remained composed. The men all bowed their heads as we approached the table and Lorian pulled out my father’s chair for me to sit. I took a deep breath as I sat down. The men followed suit, looking confused and nervous. “I am sure you are all wondering why I have called you here at this late hour,” I began. “Earlier this evening, Queen Elara felt her bond break. Upon investigation, King Alaric is nowhere to be found.” I saw the shifters on the councils’ faces flinch at the thought of their bonds breaking, including the Generals. He must not have known that detail. “So far, what we know is that the King was last seen in his office. His guards were all found dead when the Queen sent for someone to check on him. His body is nowhere to be found. At this time, we are to proceed as if we believe he is alive.” I turned to General Thalor, “General, do you have any updates?” “Not yet, Your Highness,” the General’s expression was grim as he stood and he shook his head. “The guards who were found near his office show no signs of obvious wounds. I have healers taking a closer look at the bodies to determine the cause of death. Whoever took him knew exactly what they were doing. We've sent out trackers beyond the city walls, but it will take time before they are able to report anything useful." "We have increased the security in the castle and a thorough investigation of everyone with access to the King’s office is underway." General Thalor finished and sat down to allow others to speak. “News of this magnitude will be difficult to keep under wraps,” Sir Elros stood to comment, followed by the High Priest. "Agreed, I suggest we prepare for the possibility of succession, Your Highness." High Priest Aryn spoke up once the General was finished. Heads around the table nodded in agreement. “It will comfort the people, knowing that the throne will not be empty for long.” When there is no clear successor upon a dragon king's demise, all men from the royal lineage are expected to enter the Trials to see if they are chosen by the Gods to become a dragon shifter. If one is found, then the kingdom maintains a sense of stability, since only a dragon shifter may sit on the throne. However, there were times in history when the throne sat empty or was in the hands of a non-dragon. These time periods were marked by instability until a new dragon came to claim what was rightfully theirs. I tried to remember if father mentioned any other distantly related males we could also summon to the Trials and I couldn’t think of any. Shifters didn’t have many children and most of the distant relatives I could think of were already sifters or not yet of age, like my brother. “I believe my great uncle had a daughter. Does anyone know where to contact her to see if she has a son who is eligible?” I asked the members of council. I think my question surprised the council. Many men who wanted to become king would likely see another potential heir as a threat. But in the face of entering the Trials at an age that many considered too young, I was scared. What if I failed and led the kingdom into a time of instability? It would be better to have more potential heirs enter, to ensure that one is chosen to become the next king. My mother and father felt I was the heir from a young age and groomed me to lead. It doesn't mean they were correct. If someone else was chosen by the Gods to become the next king, I would gladly concede to them. “ Lady Althea married a tiger shifter who lives in the southeast.” He stepped forward and pointed to a small municipality on the large map strewn across the table. “He is Lord of Alderwood castle, Your Highness.” I nodded, familiar with the area from my lessons with father. It was a small, yet fairly wealthy area. The towns and villages were known for gem mining, and were always current on their taxes, since the largest purchaser of their goods was the crown. “With your permission, I can send a letter to Lady Althea. She has not kept in touch over the years. It is not a surprise, tiger shifters tend to be solitary, so I am unsure if she and Lord Warren have had any children.” I nodded, “Yes, let’s contact her.” “We should conduct your interview in order to set and announce a date for your Trial, Prince Valen. Once rumors get out, it will help keep the people calm to know the Trial for a potential heir is imminent.” We continued into the night. Father prepared me well, but there was a lot I needed to catch up on if I were to lead the kingdom until my father was found or my mother returned to her senses. The weight of the crown already felt heavy, though it had not even touched my head. —- Word of the king’s disappearance spread like wildfire over the next few days, but the council informs me that the general populace feels confident with me stewarding the throne, knowing that my father groomed me to lead. Days turned into weeks as I continued to shoulder the responsibilities of the crown, Lorian providing much-needed support and guidance, as I was way in over my head. When people's lives span hundreds of years, my twenty-three years was exceedingly too young to take on responsibility of this magnitude. I continued to work with military leaders on the investigation, hoping our efforts would lead to something, but my father disappeared without a trace. Wolf shifters couldn’t smell anything off. There were no signs of him shifting into his dragon to fly away. There was nothing. The guards found dead near his office were the biggest clue that foul play was at hand, but even they had no visible wounds. My mother remained distraught. Having recently confided in me that she was pregnant again, I knew she would be unable to relieve me. I sat in the king’s office, the very spot my father was last seen, with Lorian sitting across the massive desk from me. He was reviewing budget reports with me, when a knock at the door disrupted our discussion. Lorian rose and opened the door. “A message for the Prince.” I heard a man say from outside the room. Lorian thanked the messenger and took the letter from him. “It is from Lady Althea, Your Highness.” He said as he returned to the chair he was sitting in. “Open it,” I commanded. He broke the seal immediately as I finished speaking. “Your Highness, Prince Valen, I thank you for your letter. Since I heard of King Alaric’s, my cousin’s, disappearance, I have prayed fervently every day to the Gods that he may be found unharmed. However, I do understand the necessity, in the face of these circumstances, to secure the succession to the throne. I indeed have a son, Aric, who is of age to participate in the Trials. As it is his duty to take part, we shall immediately depart at once to the capital. As we shall travel by carriage, I estimate we shall arrive within two days of you receiving this letter. May the Gods’ Blessings be Upon You, Lady Althea” I nodded as Lorian finished reading aloud. High Priest Aryn had announced to all the city that I would be entering the Trails in two weeks. It appeared that I would not be the only one entering the Trials that day, after all.
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