Chapter Twenty- Six: It’s better to be Late than Never

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WINTER BALL is an event that happens every year in the Grandalia kingdom hosted by the queen and the mother of both the crown prince and the second prince. Helios didn’t like attending any social events but since he’s the crown prince, he needs to show his face for both support of the queen and his influence. He woke up with a migraine due to a lack of sleep last night. He had paper works he needs to finish and there’s a little problem regarding the eastern part of the kingdom that needs immediate attention from him. He needs to visit it early in the morning. He took a warm bath and wore his clothes. Anthony assisted him and they went downstairs for breakfast. “The king visited the queen’s palace after your highness left. His Majesty left with a grave expression on his face. Also, his highness’ horses were found dead in the stables. I have already investigated it and it turns out that all of them were poisoned.” Anthony reported. “Hm, it seems that my father has a word for me later. Anthony, strengthen the defense of the castle and don’t let anyone enter the palace without my permission. If it’s one of the king's or the queen’s people and insisted of coming in, inform them about the curse I put in here.” “Yes, your highness.” “Those two were quite cheeky nowadays, messing around with me.” He mumbled. His mana danced madly around him making everyone suffocated and terrified. He stood up and created a sudden noise in the hall. “I have already prepared the carriage, your highness.” “No need.” His mana surrounded him. “I’ll be back before the winter ball start. Make sure everything is fine while I’m gone.” “Yes, your highness.” Then he disappeared without a trace. --- Felix was reading a book in the library while sitting on a couch near the big window. He looked at the view outside the window. His eyes were gentle as he stared at the white snow slowly falling. Someone knocks on the door and opened it. It was their maid carrying a tray of coffee and a sandwich for him. “Thank you, you can put it on the table.” “Yes, young master.” “Where’s Athena?” “Young miss is in her room right now.” She was like that the moment she returned from the academy. She was heartbroken when she heard that the prince has already had a partner for the ball. He sighed and ordered the maid to leave the study. He took the cup of coffee and drank it slowly. A few days ago, he ordered a person to investigate the whereabouts of Sally. He was curious about where she lives since she never told him before she left the academy. He can’t still forget the gloomy look in her silver eyes as she stared at the snow falling from the sky. His day is peaceful yet it’s cold. Someone knocked on the door again. “Young master, his highness the crown prince is here.” “The crown prince you say?” He stood up from his seat. He was surprised by the sudden visit of a dear friend and a royal family. “Where did you take the guest?” “In the drawing-room, young master.” “Prepared tea. I’ll meet the guest soon.” “Yes, young master.” The maid left. Felix stared at the coffee for a while before standing up. He pulled his coat closer to his body and left the study. He arrived at the drawing-room. “I greet the future sun of the kingdom.” “Come and join me, Felix.” He took a seat in front of him and they started conversing with each other. “I heard that your highness had already a partner for the winter ball.” “That is true.” “I was surprised that his highness picked a lady that the queen,” “I picked her on my own. The queen has nothing to do with her.” “Really?” Felix’s eyes widen in surprise. “Is the world about to end soon?” He joked while laughing. “Ending the world would be easier than to find an interesting woman.” “I see. I’m glad your highness, for the first time, found a woman for the winter ball and will not attend the event alone.” “How about you?” “I realized that going alone wouldn’t be that bad.” “Hah! I don’t know if I’ll feel bad or glad for you.” He muttered as he sips his tea. “Should I find a lady for you to escort?” “No need, your highness.” Felix laughed. “I had this lady in mind, however, due to some circumstances, I can’t ask her to be with me at the ball.” Helios stopped drinking his tea for a while and stared at him. He put his teacup on his plate and asked, “The lady you’re talking about, is she Ms. Esther?” Felix halted from drinking and raised his head to look at the crown prince’s face. He can’t tell if he’s angry or not because not a single emotion is showing on his face. “Felix, the one I chose to be my partner for the winter ball is none other than Ms. Sally Esther.” Athena arrived behind the drawing-room door. She accidentally heard the crown prince and Felix’s conversation. “The lady you’re talking about is she Ms. Esther…? Felix, the one I chose to be my partner for the winter ball is none other than Ms. Sally Esther.” Her eyes widen and she gasped in surprise. Her blue irises are trembling as she heard an unfamiliar name. She opened the door and the two looked at her both in surprise. “A-Athena, why are you here?” “Your highness, Ms. Esther is your partner for the winter ball?” She stuttered and looked at him with quivering eyes. “Athena, it is rude to question his highness’ decision,” “Felix,” the crown prince called. Felix stared in his direction. “If she wants to know, let her be.” He muttered apathetically. “Your highness, is it true? That the lady your highness will escort is Sally?” “Yes, that’s true.” Athena snapped at his words and raised her voice in anger. “I don’t understand! I am always on your side yet you never once asked me to be your partner on any occasion! I am a woman with noble birth and my family can help you attain the royal throne! Yet why, to a woman with an unknown origin,” “You, shut your mouth.” She flinched and closed her mouth. The crown prince’s eyes glowed dreadfully and anger rose in his veins. “You have no right to question my decision and in regards to the throne, are you saying that I can’t become king without your family’s help? Are you thinking of me as a weak person who can’t get what he wants?!” He roared. The windows broke and the room turned into a mess. Felix immediately went in front and knelt in front of him. “I apologize for my sister’s thoughtless words, your highness. She’s not feeling well this past few days, Please pardon her rudeness.” Helios glanced at Felix then glared back at Athena who was looking at him with frightened eyes. “You should thank your brother. If it’s not for him, I would have cut your tongue.” “Thank you. Thank you, your highness.” Felix sighed in relief. The mana around the room disappeared and the broken objects inside the room were slowly restoring. “I apologize for ruining everything in this room. Felix, it’s nice to talk to you however I need to go now. I still have a lot of things to do.” “Yes, your highness. Thank you for your time.” “I hope this will not happen again. Bear that in your mind, Lady Robia.” “Y-Yes, yes, your highness.” She answered and bowed down. The crown prince disappeared from their sight. His wrath was evident in Athena’s scared expression and she can’t help but weep and tremble. Felix embraced her since he understood her feelings for him because right now, he’s angry about him being with her. --- Sally just finished doing the laundry. She lived with an old woman who resides in the countryside named Grandma Rena. She was a kind and generous woman without a family to rely on. For her to repay the kindness she received from the old woman, she does the household chores and takes care of her. When she’s away, a kind neighbor will look after her. She was baking a pie when the old lady started to talk to her. “I smell a pie. Is that blueberry pie?” “Yes. Please wait for a moment, the pie will be served soon along with the cocoa.” “Oh, I love cherry pie! I can’t wait to drink it!” “Grandma, it's blueberry pie and not cherry pie, and we don’t drink pies, we eat it.” “That is what I said.” Sally prevent herself from laughing at how messed her words were. She served the pie and sits on the carpet. She’s near the fireplace and on her lap is a book. She looked at the clock, it’s already four in the afternoon. The winter ball will start at eight in the evening. “Grandma, I’ll be out for a while. Sarah, our neighbor, will watch you while I’m gone.” “Sarah? Who is that? Who are you?” ‘Ah, her words were messed up again.’ She smiled kindly at her. “Sarah is our neighbor and I am Sally, your granddaughter.” “Ah, right. You’re Sally…” ‘Now I’m worried again. If I had a choice, I wouldn’t leave grandma alone here, but I have a promise to the crown prince. If I broke it, who knows what’ll happen.’ She sighed. Finally, Sarah, the neighbor, arrived. She hanged her coat and hugged Sally. “Thank goodness, you’re here. I baked blueberry pie. Come, I’ll serve you a slice.” “Thank you. Hello, Grandma Rena.” “Who? Who is that?” “It’s Sarah, your neighbor,” Sarah answered her kindly. “I don’t have a neighbor!” “Grandma, now, don’t be like that to Sarah.” Sally sighed and shook her head. “I’ll get ready now.” “Of course. Leave everything to me.” “Ah, your pie and hot cocoa are on the table.” “Yes, thank you.” Sally went to her room to change. Sarah looked at the pie and the hot cocoa and wondered how it ended up there when Sally was talking in front of her. ‘She must have served it before I arrived.’ She shrugged. Sally stared at the white ball gown on her bed. It was an off-shoulder, long sleeve gown. The cloth was soft and sparkling. She had her pair of white shoes on the wooden floor and the jewelry on the table. “I should take a bath first.” After taking a bath, she went out of the tub and wipe herself to dry. She went to her bedroom and started dressing. She tied her hair up but some of the strands remain untouched. She wore the jewelry that was given to her including the shoes, then she looked at herself in the mirror and felt satisfied. She took the red cloak and went downstairs. Sarah who was reading a book looked at her astonished. “Sally, you’re so beautiful.” Grandma Rena looked at her and her eyes twinkled. “I looked like that in my younger days.” And laughed. “Thank you for the compliments. This is so embarrassing… I need to leave now. I’ll be back, Grandma, Sarah.” “No, you should take your time, Sally! Don’t worry about Grandma Rena. I’ll take good care of her.” “Thank you.” “But, how will go to the royal palace? With a dress like that, it will be hard to ride on a horse.” “Don’t worry about that. Thank you so much, Sarah.” “You always thank me. This is nothing compared to what you did to my family.” She smiled at her. She went out and looked up at the sky. The snow is falling and it’s very cold. She pulled the hood to cover her head and went to the stables to get the black horse. “Penny, will you help me going to the royal palace?” The horse stared at her. She smiled and patted her head and took her out of the stables. She rode the horse easily. “Giddy up!” The horse started running. She will be minutes late due to the weather’s condition. ‘It’s better to be late than never.’ --- The crown prince is very handsome with her white uniform and red cape. His drinking wine and sitting on his throne staring at the main door agitated. The door opened, he thought that was the person his waiting for but it’s not. A sense of disappointment flashed on his handsome face. “The second prince, Edmund Benedict Grandalia enters!” A servant announces. ‘Another bug appeared.’ Helios thought and drank the wine. Felix went to him and whispered. “Your highness, are you not going to dance?” “There’s no reason to dance. Don’t tell me what to do, Felix.” He frowned at him. “Yes, I apologize, your highness.” He bowed before him and left. --- The guard guarding the gate looked at the woman who just arrived. “Your invitation.” Sally handed her the red envelope. The guard happened to raise his head and saw her face. He was stunned by her appearance. He gave her the invitation again since she needs to show it to the servant near the door. “You must hurry, young lady. The first dance has already begun.” “Yes, thank you.” “Please give me the horse. We will tie it near here.” “Thank you.” She removed her cloak revealing herself and put it on the back of the horse. The guards stared at her, astonished by her beauty. She noticed the gazes but decided to ignore them. She went to the door, just like the guards outside, the servant was astonished by her lovely appearance. “Ah, you don’t need to announce my arrival. It might ruin the atmosphere since the first dance has begun.” She said. “Yes, I understand. You may enter.” Sally entered silently. She roams her eyes around and was amazed by how splendid the hall was. Everything was perfectly and beautifully placed. She walked slowly, still roaming her eyes around and not noticing the gazes of others towards her. All of a sudden, someone held her hand, she looked ahead and saw the crown prince. “You’re late.” “I apologize.” He pulled her towards the center. Sally felt embarrassed due to the attention she’s receiving. The orchestra started the music. “Wait, I’m not a good dancer.” “I figured that out already, so, I’ll take the lead.” He smirked and pulls her closer to him. “Why are you late?” “Do I need to explain, your highness?” “Yes.” “Due to the weather. It’s hard to travel with this dress and with all the snow on the road.” The crown prince didn’t understand her and asked further. “Should I give you a carriage?” She chuckled. “That is not necessary, and I am fine. It’s better to be late than never, don’t you think so?” He laughed shortly then grinned at her. “What a great excuse.” ***
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