Chapter Twenty- Five: Departure and Flowers in Memories

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IN THE end, Sally ended up having three dresses, three pairs of shoes, and two sets of jewelry. She felt nervous the moment her eyes fell to the luxurious things she got. The things the crown prince bought were too expensive just for her attendance at the ball and a single dance with him. How can that man be crazy? Isn’t it bad to spend too much on someone like her? Her mind is in chaos. She returned to her dorm dumbfounded. She laid on her bed and stared at the ceiling for a while. The day after tomorrow will be their midterm exam and after that will be the time for the students to return home. Her eyes fell to the flowers in the vase on her study table. The flowers didn’t match the vibe of the room. It’s dark but the moonlight illuminated her room a little. She raised her hand mid-air and mumbled. She cast a spell on the flowers so that they’ll remain fresh until she returns. ‘I shouldn’t remain lax like this. The midterm exam is coming soon, I should study.’ She sits on the bed, however, fell again. ‘It’s not like it has any difference if I do my best or not. I’ll just sleep.’ She thought and fell asleep. The midterm exam arrived. Sally didn’t have any difficulties in taking the tests, contrary to what she expected, the exam is too easy to answer. Despite that, she didn’t want to stand out. She wants her life to be quiet as possible like in the past months. ‘Good thing no one is bullying me now. I guess it’s because of the crown prince’s doing.’ She stood up and put her test paper on the table and left the room quietly. She walks to the hallway going to her room to pack her things and go home. She halted as he saw the man in front of her. His blue eyes fixed on her then trembled. He opened his mouth as if he has to say something but closed it again. Sally looked at him with a puzzled expression. ‘He’s hesitating. What’s he going to say?’ She waited for him to speak however he didn’t say anything. She swallowed her sigh and started walking away. “Ms. Esther,” He called. She stopped walking and turned around. “H-How is your exam?” He asked. “It is fine, Mr. Robia.” “I see. Are you going to prepare your things now?” “… Yes.” “If it’s alright with you, can we have tea together?” She stared at him. She can still see his eyes quivering. His blond hair is sparkling when sunlight hits it and his shy expression is adorable in her sight. ‘This is unfair.’ She thought and sighed again. “Alright.” “R-Really?” “Yes. Shall we proceed now? I still need to pack my things.” “Yes.” This time, he smiled brightly at her. She didn’t know how much happy he is that she agreed to have tea with him. It may sound absurd but he missed their time together. They arrived at the garden. A blanket was spread on the ground and in between them is the tea set and some desserts. Thanks to the magic surrounding them, the snow and the coldness didn’t bother them. ‘I thought we’re just having tea but we’re having a picnic in the middle of winter.’ “Are you going to the winter ball?” He asked. “I have to. I promised the crown prince I’m going.” “I see. If there’s anything you want, feel free to ask me anytime.” “There’s none, and I had more than what I asked for.” ‘The items the crown prince bought are enough. I don’t need anything else.’ Whenever she remembered the expensive things she has, her face turned pale, and sighed. Felix noticed her expression and chuckled. “I can see that you’re having a hard time dealing with the crown prince yesterday. He’s quite stubborn so please understand him.” He said. “That is indeed true. I can see that you two are very close.” “Ah, even I was surprised. He used to give me cold shoulders before.” “Whoa, that’s hard to believe considering how close you are now.” “I know. He was a lonesome and quiet boy back then. He doesn’t like anyone’s company and possessed a bad temper. My father brought me to the palace and I saw him sitting under an apple tree, reading an advanced book at a young age. Upon sensing my presence, he glared at me and called me a nuisance.” He laughed as he narrated the precious memory of his childhood. “I wanted to befriend him at that time so I decided to take my classes seriously which I always skipped before.” “You skipped your classes before? That’s very unlike of you.” She muttered in surprise. “Yes. After having straight A’s in every class, I went in front of him and said that I wanted to be friends with him.” “So, did the crown prince took your friendship?” “Of course not. He ignored me even more and I became frustrated.” He laughed bitterly. Sally felt bad for his frustrations towards the crown prince but the story must continue. “And, how did you become friends with his highness?” “Ah, it was because Athena interfered. She was very angry because she caught me feeling sad about it. She went to the crown prince and told all of my efforts and pain just to be friends with him. I was angry about that because she didn’t have to do it in the first place. I scolded her, she got mad at me and run away. Then she got kidnapped by thieves. I was so worried and scared for her that I don’t know what to do anymore. I guess I panicked at that time because I didn’t notice the crown prince was already beside me.” ‘Such hardship. The crown prince is a scumbag sometimes.’ She thought while listening to him. “He said he’ll save her. I was surprised, I said I’ll accompany him but he didn’t let me. Because of frustration, I yelled at him saying that Athena is my sister and I have the right to save her as well.” “You yelled at the crown prince!? You’re quite, brave.” “Yes, I was surprised as well. I thought he’ll get angry but what happened made me stunned, he laughed at me.” ‘On the other hand, his highness is quite crazy too.’ She muttered mentally. “Then I saw how powerful the crown prince was, then I vowed to myself that I’ll stay at his side and be as strong as him.” “Hm, that’s quite a promise.” “Yes. I’m quite bold for making an oath like that.” “I say it’s quite amazing to have such a goal like that. I think you’re strong enough to be in his highness’ side.” “Really? Thank you.” He chuckled. The snow started falling from the sky. Sally stared at it quietly. Felix stared at her while she’s looking at the snow. “How about you, Ms. Esther? Do you have any goals?” He asked. “I want to graduate.” She answered directly. “That is nice. Is there something else?” “There’s none.” Felix frowned at her words. “Then, I hope you achieve it soon.” “… Perhaps, I can.” He glanced in her direction but she never meets his eyes. The snow continued falling from the sky however the cold did not bother them. Their conversation ended. Sally returned to her dorm and packed everything she needed. Before she left the room, she looked at the flowers on her study table. She felt a little melancholic about leaving it behind but she still did it. Moments later, after Sally left completely, the crown prince arrived in front of her room. He knocked but no one answered. Since he is an impatient man, he snapped his fingers and the doorknob clicked.  The door opened showing no one but the flowers on the study table. He entered the room and touched the flowers then his eyes widen a little. His lips lifted and he laughed at the magic he discovered. It was a spell to make the flowers remain fresh. “That woman is quite sentimental. Does she like flowers so much?” He left the room with a smile on his face. It’s time for his return to the palace. He bid goodbye to Felix but didn’t show himself in front of Athena. Felix understands him and didn’t complain about that. He rode the royal carriage and the peaceful journey began. He arrived at the palace exhausted. His butler, Anthony, took his coat and bowed in front of him. “Welcome back, your highness.” He greeted. “Prepare a warm bath for me.” “Already preparing, your highness.” “I expect that nothing bad had happened while I was gone, butler.” “Not at all, your highness. The queen wished for your presence in the emerald palace tomorrow at eight in the morning.” “Alright.” They walked upstairs. “How’s the preparation for the winter ball?” “Everything’s fine just as what you expected it should be, your highness.” “The queen seemed very excited over that social event. I never once had thrilled over such events, well, not until now.” He expressed his words with a grin on his face. Anthony noticed his odd expression. It’s the first time he saw the crown prince getting excited over the winter ball. ‘Though he always complains of the cold during winter.’ His butler thought. “I can see your highness is thrilled.” “Of course. There’s someone I’m expecting to come.” “Is that a woman, your highness?” But the crown prince didn’t answer him. Tomorrow came and Helios went to see the queen in her palace. He wore a white long-sleeve, a black waist coat, a cravat, and black pants. His hair was neatly styled showing his forehead. He walks upstairs and every maid he encounters would bow to him at the same, charmed by his looks. The door of the drawing-room opened and he saw the queen wearing a green dress and drinking her tea leisurely. She saw him and put down the teacup on the plate, stood up, and open her arms to embrace him. “Ah, the crown prince is back!” Helios bowed in curtsy and, despite his reluctance, hugged her in return. The queen gave her a satisfied smile and offered him a seat. “How’s school?” “Fine.” “Congratulations on being the number one again.” “Thank you.” “Oh, and I heard there was an accident in the academy?” “Yes, however, it went well and there was no further damage.” “That’s good.” Helios wasn’t surprised that the queen knew about the accident in the academy. She had her eyes inside of the institution so he had to be careful in everything he does inside. “Do you have a partner for the winter ball?” “I have.” “You have? Is that Lady Robia, the daughter of Duke Robia?” “It is not necessary for her majesty to know.” “I believe it is needed, your highness the crown prince, after all, I am your mother.” He wanted to laugh in front of her face for hearing such nonsensicality. He puts down his teacup, stared at her face, and playfully smiled. “Just look forward to it, your majesty. If you’ll excuse me, I still have a lot of works to do.” He stood up from his seat and walks towards the door. Just as he was about to touch the doorknob, the queen started talking. “Your highness, do you still resent me?” He stopped and turned to face her. He had an insulting grin on his face as he glared at her. “What can you gain by bringing up the past? And was it a question that I already answered years ago?” “I have proven my innocence a long time ago.” “You lied at the court.” “No, I did not. It is you who turned blind eye to the truth that was laid in front of you.” “Don’t test my patience, your majesty. I’m bad at handling my temper. With one swing of my hand and this castle will be damned.” She didn’t utter a word. The crown prince glared at her for the last time before going out of the room with an infuriated expression. He went downstairs and head to his palace. He went to his office and met Anthony organizing the things on his desk. “Good job, Anthony.” He sits on his chair and started reading the papers on the table. There are also letters of each noble house describing their daughters. He got annoyed and ordered Anthony to burn the letters in the fireplace. “I already have a partner for the event.” He explained to him. Anthony was shocked and stared at him with his eyes wide open. He immediately recovered and a small smile appeared on his old face. “It seems that the lady possesses quite interesting abilities for your highness to choose her.” “I say she’s dumb for getting hurt so easily.” “Oh, I see. Then the lady needs thorough protection and attention.” “She doesn’t need it, and she’ll argue with anyone saying she’s not a burden. Anyway, Anthony, before the ball started, there’s a task I want you to do for me.” “What is it, your highness?” A smile formed his lips as he leans on his chair. ‘Yes, those flowers suit her.’ He thought. “Go get hydrangea, white tulips especially amaryllis.” “Yes, your highness.” Anthony left his office. He stared at the view outside his window. Everything is white due to the snow then his thoughts shifted to Sally’s expression while receiving the flowers. A distant memory came flashing in his mind. It was a sad yet bright memory. “I don’t know that you like flowers so much.” “I don’t like flowers but the meaning behind it. Do you know what flower this is?” Her amber eyes twinkled in excitement as she held the flowers given to her by the crown prince. “No, I don’t.” “Too bad, but I’ll tell you anyway. This is Amaryllis which means, value beyond beauty… I’m glad I’m important to you, your highness.” She smiled brightly at him making his heart skip a beat. The next day, they met again in the same place. She was holding a flower and gave it to him. “Here take this.” “I don’t like flowers.” He said directly. “I know, but I’m giving this to you because the message suits you very well!” “Really? Then what’s the meaning of this flower” She handed him the reddish flower with pointy petals. “It means courage since you’re always brave! A flower worthy for a hero and king!” “I don’t know its name but she said it suits me…” He mumbled. ***
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