Chapter Nine: Being an Adult Again

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Ethan’s mana will die out soon and the enemies were increasing rapidly. He kicked his tongue as they continued running away from them. Unfortunately for Athena, she doesn’t know both defensive and offensive magic yet because the classes have just begun. Her complexion became paler than before. She didn’t realize it because she was clouded with emotions. ‘How can I forget such important detail? I, I brought this danger myself and I drag Ethan with me…’ She felt scared and nervous, but she can’t cry now. “Listen, we will part ways here.” “What!? No, we can’t.” “I’ll run out of mana soon. It’s alright, I’ll use some magic to teleport you to the prince’s location.” He stated as he forces a small smile on his lips. Her eyes quiver while staring at his hazel eyes. Other than the fear of leaving him behind, she also feared the prince’s reaction when he saw her. She doesn’t know what to do and what’s worse anymore. “… No. I refuse.” She said firmly and held his hand tighter. “I am not going to leave you like this! Never!” “Hah, you’re so stubborn.” Ethan sighed and pointed at her. “But I’m more stubborn than you.” “What?” “Be safe, Athena.” He grinned and all of a sudden, light covered her body. Her eyes widen and the next thing she knew, she’s in front of her brother, Felix. “Athena!” Felix called and rushed to her side. Goblins showed in front of him but he easily gets rid of them, however, some of them managed to attack Athena and torn her clothes revealing her bare leg and back. She shrieked in terror and kicked the goblin who pulled her ankle. “Athena!” Felix called again but before he could reach her, flames engulfed the goblins leaving nothing but ashes on the ground. Athena raised her head and meet the crown prince’s eyes. It’s glaring at her, glowing like a dreadful beast. His clothes and face were blooded and wherever she looked at, the dead bodies of the goblins were scattered. “Athena.” Felix wrapped her with his coat and hugged her. “Why are you here!? Didn’t the crown prince order you to stay behind!?” He roared but his anger subsided when he saw tears flow down from her eyes. “Brother, Your Highness, I’m sorry…” He muttered weakly and fainted in Felix’s arms. “Athena! Athena! Damn it.” Felix carried her and went back beside the crown prince. “Go,” Helios ordered as he started to walk away from them. “I beg your pardon, Your Highness?” He asked. Helios looked at him as cold as ice and anger are clear in his expression. “Go back and get the lady treated. I’ll go get the leaves myself.” “But Your Highness!” “I said go!” He roared. Flames covered him but they did not burn him. Felix shuts his mouth and stared at the prince. “Are you aware how much I’m angry right now!? Do you want me to burn you as well, Felix?” The flames became even brighter than before which means, one wrong move and he’ll make the whole place explode. Felix went to his sister and Helios. “… I understand. I’ll leave now, Your Highness and I apologize.” He turned his back and teleported back to the back gate of Mr. Noris house. Thankfully, they were immediately brought inside and medically treated. --- Ethan stopped running and turn to face the enemies. He’s panting, and he knew that he might not survive. He smiled bitterly as lightning enveloped him. “s**t. I don’t like that though.” Sharp ice crystals appeared in the air and aimed at the goblins who dared to go near him. Unfortunately, an arrow hit his leg and he fell to the ground. The ice crystals disappeared. It became an opportunity for the enemies to surround and beat him mercilessly. He was barely conscious when one of them took a sharp wood. It stepped on his chest and made him cough blood. The goblin raise the sharp wood and aimed at his eyes, but it was interrupted when a piercing light covered them. The goblins turned to specks of dust and a man appeared on his side. Ethan blinked to see the man. It’s Mr. Bolton, with the starlight lantern. “Mr. Lionel, I’m glad I’m not late.” Mr. Bolton sighed and assist him. “Let’s go back for now and get you treated immediately. Seriously, the headmaster will kill me.” He added and teleported back to Mr. Noris’ residence. A servant helped him and Mr. Noris prepared another room for Ethan. “I already called a healer from the town. He will be here soon…” He said to Mr. Bolton. “This is the second patient I have since you left.” He added. “What?” Felix showed up in front of them with a gloomy look. “Mr. Robia? How? Wait, where is the prince?” Mr. Bolton asked continuously at him. “The prince ordered me to get Athena treated immediately. He said he will be the one who’ll get the leaves.” Felix reported. “I’m going back. Mr. Robia, stay here and monitor them.” Mr. Bolton ordered. However, before he could use magic and teleport back to the forest where the crown prince is, a familiar person arrived. In his arms is a young girl with black hair and looking at them weakly. Half of her face was cracked and her lips dry. “It seems I was needed here?” Dr. Ashton uncertainly said. --- Helios walked further to the depths of the forest. Goblins were now scared to go near him because he reeks of blood and death, and his eyes were like of the grim reapers. A faint light can be seen a few meters away. ‘That’s it. The silver tree.’ He thought and fasten his pace. He stopped in front of the tree and stared at its sparkling silver leaves. He reached the leaves and put them inside a small container. He stared at the leaves for a while and mumbled, “What’s the worth of doing all this?” He turned his back and started to walk away from the tree, however, he halted and look the orc in front of him. It’s larger than him and in its hand is a huge blade. “I don’t have time for this.” He sighed and started to feel irritated. “Get out of my sight.” He ordered with a deep dark voice. Helios’s ability is fire but he also possessed the ability of darkness. In the kingdom of Grandalia, there are four elements which are the fire, water, earth, and wind. However, those who possessed light and dark magic were rare. A person who possessed light can be considered a holy person and was protected by the temple of light, however, those who can manifest the darkness can be considered soiled and evil. This is Helios and the kingdom’s greatest secret. If ever someone will know that Helios possessed such ability, he will be stripped from the title ‘crown prince’ and worst, be executed by the temple of light. ‘I need to get out of here now.’ He thought and ended the fight by shredding the monsters like pieces of paper. He teleported back to the Noris residence and entered the house. Servants paled and were all terrified at his image. He was covered and stinks with blood, and he hates it. “Your highness!” Felix can’t even stand the smell that he flinched and stopped a few steps away. A wicked grin formed his lips. He was about to insult him when someone rushed to his side and hugged his waist. “The good mister is back! It’s the good mister!” A child exclaimed happily. Her white dress was stained in blood, even her face. His eyes slightly widen at the cracks from her face to her neck. “Ms. Esther…!” Dr. Ashton stopped from running and watched the crown prince in terror. Beside him, Mr. Bolton and Mr. Noris had the same expression as everybody else, except for the child in front of him. His eyes went to her sparkling silver irises as he handed him the container full of leaves. “Go and take this to the doctor.” He ordered. “Alright.” She answered with a smile, however, her knees gave up. Thankfully, Helios caught her. “Can’t you walk carefully?” He asked irritated by her stupidity. Sally looked at him for a while. She forces a smile and answered him, “I am, but my legs suddenly became so, heavy.” Dr. Ashton took and examined her. It became stone and it’s cracked like the half of her face. “I’ll take the medicine immediately. Mr. Robia, please take Ms. Esther and put her with the rest of the patient.” Dr. Ashton instructed. “Yes, doctor,” Felix answered and picked Sally in his arms. She put her head on his shoulder and close her eyes for a while. Felix stared at her and he felt someone’s gaze so he raised his head and caught the prince staring at the child in his arms. “Your Highness, I’ll escort you to the bathroom. Spare clothes were placed in another room and you can take a rest in there for a while.” Mr. Noris said. Helios nodded and replied, “Thank you. I’ll be using it now.” He turned his back from them and followed Mr. Noris. After taking a bath, he went to the room Mr. Noris talked about. He saw the clothes on the bed and wore them. His red hair is still wet but he did not bother drying it. He wants to check everyone’s conditions. After buttoning the white long sleeves, he went out of the room and went directly to where everyone is. He arrived with Dr. Ashton with the cure for Sally’s condition. Felix approached them. “Excuse me but I need to tend to my patient first.” He excused himself and went to Sally’s side. “How are Mr. Lionel and Ms. Robia?” He asked Felix. “They’re fine now, however, Mr. Lionel is still unconscious because of mana overused.” He replied to Helios. He stared at Sally who was sitting on the bed and holding the cup. She turns her head in their direction. “Thank you for helping me. I don’t know how I’ll repay you but someday, I will.” She smiled at them. Mr. Bolton patted her head. “You don’t have to. Drink your medicine now.” He said with a gentle look in his eyes. She nodded and she slowly drank the medicine. After drinking, she faints and turned back to normal. Mr. Bolton sighed and faced Mr. Noris. “Thank you for helping us, Mr.Noris.” He expressed as he shakes his hand. “It’s my pleasure, Mr. Bolton. I’m glad that the young lady is fine now.” Mr. Noris said and throw a glance in Sally’s direction. “If not with her black hair, I might think that she’s only a drawing in the bedsheet.” He joked. ---- Sally woke up from the noises and the first thing she saw was the chandelier hanging on the brown ceiling. Her eyes then shifted to the people beside her and it gave her a bizarre feeling. She’s not used to people besides her due to her being an outcast of the academy. She sits on the bed and felt a pain in her head like someone just hit her so hard. “Ms. Esther, you’re awake now. I’m glad.” She saw the blond man smiling at him. A relief expression was displayed on his face. “Mr. Robia, what happened? Why am I here?” She asked as she roams her eyes around. Her eyes widen when she saw Athena on the other side of the bed, lying unconscious. There’s another man as well whom she’s not familiar with. “W-What happened?” She added anxiously. Felix explained what happened, from the accident to her turning into a child and getting the cure for her condition. She felt embarrassed and greatly indebted to them. Her face turned bright red as she bowed her head. “Thank you for helping me and I’m sorry for causing trouble to all of you. I’ll make sure this will not happen again.” She muttered gravely. She’s unable to meet their eyes. How dare she do that? And to top it all, she even drags the crown prince! “Let’s go back now. I still have a lot of things to do.” Helios said. He still needs to explain everything to the headmaster about Athena and Ethan’s condition. He’s certain that Mr. Bolton and Dr. Ashton’s position will be in danger if he didn’t move immediately. “Also, I’ll explain what happened today to the headmaster. I’ll take the responsibility since I drag everyone in this stupidity.” He added and left them behind. --- Sally felt hurt a little at what he said about him saving her. ‘Other than stupidity, I did became a burden for everyone.’ She thought in disappointment. “I’m glad you’re fine now.” She raised her head and saw the doctor beside Mr. Bolton. She hurriedly bowed down to them. “Thank you so much for helping me, Sirs.” ‘Even Dr. Ashton and Mr. Bolton!’ She exclaimed. “How is it that you’re an adult again?” The doctor asked again with a pure wide smile. Her eyes became gentle and she smiled brightly as she could. “It’s nice to be back.” She answered cheerfully. They’re all glad that everything is fine now, however, this is just only the beginning of all the troubles that will come before them. The man who was sitting on the top of the tall clock tower was so furious he smashed his table in half. The crown prince who was in front of him stood emotionlessly. “Do you know that it could soil the academy’s reputation!? How can you act rashly, Your Highness?” He roared like thunder, yet the prince remains unshaken. “Two of the students got hurt because of that unwise decision you made and not just ordinary students.” He added. Athena and Ethan were both included as one of the best students on his list. Those who were listed had a bright future ahead of them. The crown prince Helios was placed number one on that list. “Why?” The headmaster asked all of a sudden as he sits on his chair. “I beg your pardon?” He asked, confused at his question. “I know that you’re not that type of man who acts rashly. There must be a reason behind all of this.” He explained. “There’s nothing, Sir.” He answered, however, the headmaster wasn't convinced. He sighed and lean on his chair. His dark blue eyes shone like daggers in front of him. “Alright, however, I won’t let this slide, even if you’re the crown prince.” The crown prince’s eyes widen at the headmaster’s reply. He was about to argue but dismissed immediately. The headmaster rubbed his face in frustration. He never thought that an incident like this is possible under his strict watch. He called his assistant and Mr. Del Bueño entered the room. “Call the board. We need to solve an urgent issue and when the two rascals arrive, summon them in the meeting hall.” He ordered. “Yes, Sir.” Mr. Del Bueño replied and exited from the room.   ***  
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