Chapter Ten: Deal

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They went back to the academy with Athena and Ethan injured. Sally felt guilty for what happened to them and she can’t help but blame herself for being weak. Felix went to her side and talked to her. “Hey, it’s not your fault.” He tried to comfort her but it didn’t help at all. She forces a smile and chuckled awkwardly. “Thank you for comforting me, Sir, however, I can’t help it.” She replied honestly. Felix pats her shoulder and she flinched at the contact. Felix noticed it and withdraw his hand. “I’m sorry.” He hurriedly apologized. “Oh, it’s alright.” She answered with a small smile on her lips. She stopped and turn to face them. “If it’s alright with you, I want to return to my room now. Everyone, I’m sorry for the mess I made. I’ll make sure this will not happen again in the future.” She said and bowed down in front of all of them. “Geez, Sally, you don’t have to apologize always,” Athena muttered with a bright smile and even hugged her. Sally was surprised at her sudden action but she didn’t push her away. Her eyes went to Ethan who was staring coldly at her. She hurriedly looked away from her and gently remove herself from Athena’s embrace. “Thank you for comforting me, miss. I need to go now, please rest well.” She expressed with a smile. “Alright, you too, Sally.” She answered. She turned her back from them and started to walk away. Mr. Bolton and Dr. Ashton who’s looking at her looked at each other. “Then, excused us as well.” Dr. Ashton said and went with Sally. Mr. Bolton followed them too. Sally was shocked seeing them beside her. “Sirs?” She called. “You looked a little gloomy. Don’t feel too burden about what happened. They did that voluntarily because they cared so much about you. You’re their friend.” Dr. Ashton mentioned. Sally stared at them for a while then she lowered her gaze. “They cared about me because I’m their friend…? I see.” A small smile formed her lips. Mr. Bolton frowned at her response. He can feel her hesitation towards them. “What are you hesitating about? No people would do something stupid for someone who’s not dear to them.” He said to her. Sally raised her head once again and meet his black eyes. Her silver eyes are quivering a little. “I, am aware of that, Sir. It’s just, this whole thing is new to me.” She forced her lips to lift a smile. “This whole thing happened all of a sudden and I don’t know how to deal with it.” She added. Mr. Bolton’s gaze became gentle and he patted her head. “You have to get used to it. Having friends is not bad.” He said. “Really, Mr. Bolton? Then do you consider me as a friend now?” Dr. Ashton asked with a teasing grin on his face. Mr. Bolton glared at him as an answer. Sally laughed genuinely at them. They both looked at her in surprise. They were caught off-guard by the sound of her laughter because it was so innocent and pure. It’s the laughter that you want to keep hearing. “Thank you for telling me that, Mr. Bolton and Dr. Ashton. Both of you were so kind and I hope you’ll be good friends in the future as well.” She muttered with a wide grin on her face. “Don’t dream like that.” Mr. Bolton said and sighed. “Mr. Bolton and Dr. Ashton.” They stopped walking and looked at the man in front of them. It’s Mr. Del Bueño and behind him is Helios who’s looking at them apathetically. “Please come with me. The board of directors and the headmaster wants to see you.” He added. His eyes fell to Sally and she can’t help but feel nervous. ‘Why did they summon them?’ Then her eyes widen. “I guess it can’t be helped. Excuse us, Ms. Esther and Your Highness.” Dr. Ashton said calmly. The two went with Mr. Del Bueño. Sally snapped from being shock and tried to follow them but Helios grabbed her wrist. “Where do you think you’re going?” He asked sharply at her. It made her tremble a little but she answered him. “I’m going to follow them, Your Highness.” “And then? What will you do?” That made her speechless. What will she do after following them and learning the consequences of the situation she had before? “You can’t do anything for them.” The prince added. “Let’s just hope that it’ll just only be suspended for the both of them.” “But, what if it’s not?” She asked anxiously. “Then, this will be their last day here in the academy.” He answered truthfully. She can’t let that happen. She pulled her wrist. “Your Highness, excuse me but there’s something I must do.” She said and smiled. “What? You’re going to help them? I told you, you can’t do anything to stay out of this.” He stated with a firm voice. “Still,” She said with her gentle expression and smile, “I need to try.”     --- Mr.Bolton and Dr. Ashton with Mr. Bueño arrived in front of a big wooden twin door. Each side had two angels as if they’re welcoming them, but the mood wasn’t as good as they think it would. Mr. Del Bueño opened the door. In front of them is a long table with the ten board members sitting and glaring at them. The headmaster is sitting, facing them with cold stares. “I expect that you knew why you’re here.” The headmaster said in a frigid voice. The two flinched after hearing his voice. They did not answer him but he knows that they are aware of the reason why they were called. “Mr. John Andrew Bolton and Dr. Edward Ashton, take a sit and explain everything to me.” He dictated. They walked towards the empty seats and started explaining themselves calmly. The headmaster listened to them calmly but his anger is still present. The atmosphere is so heavy making everyone tense. “So you’re saying that the student’s condition was getting worse every after thirty minutes and the students volunteered in taking the medicine for her?” The headmaster asked Dr. Ashton. “Yes. She’s a friend of Ms. Maria Athena Robia, one of the first-rate students and the sister of Mr. Felix Amadeus Robia.” Dr. Ashton answered. “Hah! Do you think I’ll bite that excuse? Dr. Ashton and Mr. Bolton, your decisions harmed more students. I and the board heard enough, both of you will no longer work here in my academy.” He decided with a firm voice. They felt like thunder struck at them. Working in the academy is a great privilege yet now it’s gone. A bitter smile formed on Mr. Bolton’s lips. ‘Too bad, I like working in here.’ He thought with a little sadness deep in his chest. Dr. Ashton saw it and felt bad as well. Mr. Bolton stood up and stared at the headmaster’s eyes directly. “I understand, but, I did not regret the decision I made because I’ve witnessed great friendship and kindness before me. It was, a rare scene that a person can rarely have in this cruel world.” He explained. “Me either. That was, one of the best decisions I made while serving here. If not, I wouldn’t have had heard a genuine laugh in my ears and clear eyes staring directly at me while thanking me sincerely.” He smiled widely. “Thank you, headmaster, and farewell.” Mr. Bolton said and both of them bowed down before walking away, however, the door suddenly opened and Sally entered while panting. “You. Do you know how serious this meeting is? And you dare to barge in without thinking?” The headmaster glared at Sally. She flinched but she ignores the fear creeping inside her. “I apologize, headmaster de Zalvede and members of the board. I am here, on behalf of the seventy percent of the students’ population to request to you to please reconsider your decision you granted earlier.” She muttered bravely. The members of the board started whispering. Seventy percent of the students’ population is not a joke to be ignored. She remained to stare at the old man who’s staring at her as well. His crimson eyes were sharp and intimidating but she didn’t back down from that. She needs to convince the headmaster whatever means it is. “I hope the headmaster will listen to the students’ plea. Please Sir,” She bowed down in front of them, “Mr. Bolton and Dr. Ashton are some of the loyal and kind people here in the academy. They love serving the students… I am not worthy of telling you this, how dare I? But as one of those students, Mr. Bolton and Dr. Ashton helped, I want to repay their kindness, even if it’s just a little bit.” She pleaded sincerely. The headmaster looked at her and saw her hands trembling. ‘She’s scared, but she dared to stand in front of me?’ A wide grin formed his lips which surprised everyone. Even the crown prince who was behind the door saw it and made his eyes open wide. “You’re so brave, little girl.” The headmaster leaned on his chair. “And you managed to gather enough people to support your plan.” He chuckled darkly. The truth is, Felix, Athena, Ethan and the crown prince himself helped her gather people, but she didn’t want to drag them into this situation fearing that this might cause them harm. Especially in their reputation but the headmaster knew it. “I’m almost convinced.” Sally’s eyes widen at his words. Anxiety, pressure, and guilt, that’s what she’s feeling right now. ‘What will I do? What will I do?’ She kept on repeating inside her head until it started to ache. She opened her mouth again. “Then please tell me how to convince you.” She asked. Mr. Bolton and Dr. Ashton flinched hearing her. Her eyes remained to stare at the headmaster. She showed no fear on the outside, but she’s really scared on the inside. “You’re not part of the best students here in the academy, you’re just nothing, and you’re expecting me to hear you just because some of the students supported you?” His tone is mocking. Helios stepped out from hiding the door and talked to him. “Then, if she become part of the best students here, will you reconsider your decision? Headmaster Ormphode de Zalvede?” Headmaster de Zalvede looked at the prince then at Sally who’s speechless. “Are you defending her, Your Highness?” He teased. “What?” “Oh, so that’s why you’re so brave in front of me, Ms. Esther.” He laughed. Sally raised her head, shocked because the headmaster knew her surname. She can’t let the headmaster insult her and the crown prince any longer so she opened her mouth again. “Headmaster, if I can be part of the first-rank students, you will take back your decision?” She asked. “… Yes.” Her eyes widen and it starting to twinkle like stars. She just opened an opportunity to help both of them. “This prelim, you have to be included to my list whatever spot you got as long as you’re included. Then, I’ll take back my order.” He challenged her. “Deal?” He asked as he grins. Sally looked at him straight in the eyes. “Deal.” “Good. For now, the two will be suspended for a while, and their fates will depend on your performance.” He put pressure on the latter making Sally flinched, however, it doesn’t matter anymore. She’s very happy that they solved the problem. “Thank you! Thank you so much, Sir! I promise I won’t let you down!” Her whole face brightened as she smiled at him. Her face was illuminated by the orange sunlight from the sun which was already setting. Her black hair sparkled and her silver eyes twinkled like stars in the lonely night. Who would have thought that she will be very happy because of this? “You’re dismissed.” The headmaster said. Sally bowed down but the crown prince drags her away. “Are you crazy? Did you just think what you said?” He asked furiously. “I don’t understand, Your Highness?” “Stupid. Getting to the first-rank students’ list is not as easy as eating a piece of cake.” “… I know that Sire, but,” She removed her wrist which was now numb because of her grip, “I have to try.” She said. Mr. Bolton and Dr. Ashton went out and approach the two. “Ms. Esther!” Dr. Ashton called. “You don’t have to do that. It’s our fault for being careless.” He explained as his face became gloomy. Sally shook her head. “There’s no one to blame, doctor, besides, the headmaster gave us a chance. I’ll try my best.” She smiled at them. Mr. Bolton looked at her, surprisingly, she can see that he’s worried for her. “You don’t have to pressure yourself.” He started trying to hide his emotions. “We’re already old. We can manage ourselves outside this institution.” “But you love being in here.” Sally said, “That’s why I’m trying my best because you and Dr. Ashton love being here, and I’m going to fight for that reason.” Mr. Bolton was moved by her words. All he did in his life is work in the academy and unconsciously, that became the reason why he lives and will continue living. He smiled and patted her head. “My, I’m moved by your speech.” Dr. Ashton said as he wipes a tear from his eye. “Stop this nonsense. You have a long way to go.” Helios said as he grabbed her again. Sally bowed at them before letting the prince drag her to wherever it is. “Uh, Your Highness? May I know where we are going?” She asked as she tried to keep her speed leveled with the prince. “Stupid, we're going to the library. We’re going to study now.” He answered. “What!? Now!?” She asked in surprise. “You still have three weeks left before the prelim. I’ll monitor your performance so you better work your ass out.” He threatened. ‘Did he just, talked to me inappropriately? The crown prince!?’ She wondered in shock. ‘I never thought he can be this, brazen?’ --- “You mean she was treated as an outcast? Then how did she manage to gather too many people in just hours?” Mr. Bolton asked. “Of course, it’s because of the crown prince and the other popular students. Seriously, I never thought that she can be that brave in front of the headmaster. She’s an interesting woman.” Dr. Ashton answered and sips his tea. Mr. Bolton can't believe it. He never knew that that bright child is experiencing such treatment. He stared at his tea and wondered how she can smile like that in front of anyone else. “It’s unexpected information, don’t you think so?” He smiled bitterly. “She was so pitiful and lonely yet she’s still so bright and hopeful. I admire her personality.” “She’s not lonely anymore.” Mr. Bolton said and looked at Dr. Ashton’s sky-blue eyes. “She has friends now, and they loved her dearly.” Dr. Ashton smiled as well. He sips his tea and puts it on the plate. “Yeah, you’re right.” He agreed.   ***
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