Chapter Thirty-One: There is None Anymore

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THE DINNER between them had an awkward atmosphere. No one dared to talk to each other. If it was her normal self she would gladly start the conversation but right now wasn’t the right time to be talkative. She can’t think of something to lift the gloomy atmosphere yet she can’t stand the silence between her and the crown prince. She gathered all her strength to speak again. “When everything is alright… I plan to live with Sarah for a while.” “Sarah? Ah, that woman? She lived in that mountain, right?” “Yes, but sometimes she goes with her family near the capital since they also had a house there.” “I see.” ‘They must be in their other house when that incident happened. How fortunate.’ The crown prince thought. “Alright.” “Thank you for understanding, your highness… If you’ll excuse me. I’m done eating so I’m leaving.” “Leave? You only ate a little, and there’s still dessert coming.” “I’m already full, your highness. I’m afraid I can’t eat dessert any longer and my stomach might explode if I eat more.” She explained calmly. “… Alright.” “Then, have a splendid night, your highness.” She turned around and left the dining hall. He watched her back until the servants close the double door behind her. The crown prince stood up and left the table in a hurry and followed her. Sensing his presence, Sally stopped and looked at him in confusion. “I’m also done eating… I’ll escort you to your room.” Sally was taken aback by the crown prince’s words. She didn’t hear before that a member of the royal family would escort a commoner like her towards her room. “… I’m fine going on my own, your highness.” “I insist. Also, my room is just next to yours so you don’t have to worry about the distance.” ‘His room is next to mine? The butler didn’t tell me that. My goodness, why is he so stubborn?’ She sighed in exhaustion. “Alright. Thank you, your highness.” They walked across the room silently. Sally knew that the crown prince is not interested in breaking through the tranquility between them so she did. “How are you, your highness?” The crown prince glanced at her with a hint of surprise. “I am fine.” “That’s nice to hear.” “How is your stay here? Are the servants nice to you?” “They’re very nice… I can’t get used to it.” “Then you have to get used to it.” She smiled at his words. The crown prince’s expression softened and his eyes were gentle. He was satisfied and happy to see that she can smile now. --- Sally woke up in the middle of the night. She went out of bed, walks to the window, and peeked at the view outside. It’s snowing heavily. She took a coat from the cabinet. She opened the window and threw the blankets which she tied earlier to make a rope. Thankfully, there’s no knight roaming around, and the crown prince seems to be sleeping since there’s no light illuminating the room. She went down, and run towards the back to get some horse. She stopped and hid immediately when she saw a knight in the stables. She mumbled a spell and blew the air in the knight’s direction. Suddenly the knight fell on the ground and fell asleep. She went out from her spot and went to the stable. She stared at the black horse and touched its head. “Don’t be afraid. I’ve come here to ask for your help. I’ll return you when I’m done.” The black horse seems to understand her and lets her drag him out. She whispers a spell again to turn the horse invisible and silently went to the back exit of the palace leading to a forest. Two guards were guarding the back gate. Just like before, she mumbled a spell and the guards fell on the ground. She hurriedly went out, removes the spell she cast on the horse, and flee with great speed. --- The crown prince woke up. He sits on his bed and looked at the window. It’s snowing heavily. He went out to his room and walked towards the door next to his. When he opened the door, his eyes widen in shock as he saw the open window. He rushed towards the window hoping to see Sally below but there’s no one there but the hanging blankets tied together. Anger filled him. He ran outside and met the captain of the royal knights, Capt. Locksworth. “Your highness, there’s an intruder in the palace and,” “There’s no intruder. Bring men with you and follow me.” He was staring at the crown prince with a puzzled look but he did what was told. The captain brought five men with them. All of them were members of the elite forces in the royal knights. The crown prince, wearing a black coat and a red cape, is riding a white horse leading Capt. Locksworth’s troop. ‘Do you think that you can run away from me?’ “Think twice.” He growled. --- White smoke came out of her mouth. The cold didn’t bother her and continued to drive the horse faster than before. She used teleportation magic and arrived fast at the foot of the mountain. She entered the forest. She took a familiar path and minutes later, she arrived at the burnt-out house. She went down from the horse and tied it to a tree. The pain burned her heart and her footsteps heavy every time she takes steps towards the house. It’s hard to breathe and surprisingly, she can now feel the coldness of winter. No corpse can be found, perhaps the beasts already took it. The tears that she held started to fall again from her eyes. Intense sadness enveloped her. She fell on her knees and searched for something in the ashes and the debris. She picked an old notebook and beside it is a dirty, ruined cloth. She also picked it up and hugged both of them. Tears fell from her eyes again. ‘Ah, there’s none. I have nothing now.’ She thought. She stood up and dig a hole in front of the ruined house. In there, she dropped the blanket and covered it with soil. After covering the hole, she placed rocks on it and offered a prayer. Minutes later, the crown prince arrived with the knights. He saw a familiar figure of a woman standing and looking at the burnt-down house. He stopped the horse. The knights stopped as well and stared at Sally’s back. Her clothes are dirty and despite her wearing a coat, it’s evident that she’s feeling cold. Contrary to what they understood, it’s not because of the winter atmosphere that Sally felt cold, it’s due to the pain and sorrow she has deep inside her chest. The crown prince walked beside her. He was shocked and his heart painfully throbbed at the sight of her crying face. He removed his cape and put it around her shoulders. The knights including the captain were astonished at the crown prince’s action towards the woman beside her. The cape of a royal family member signifies how noble and majestic they were in society. What’s unique in the cape is it was blessed by the high priest. A royal family member who offers his cape to the other individual means that that person is high of importance. Capt. Locksworth’s curiosity grew even more. “Enough, let’s go back or you’ll catch a cold.” “To where? Where will I go when I have no place to go back to?” The crown prince quieted for a moment. He was about to talk again when someone called Sally from afar. “Sally?” She looked at her. Her eyes trembled and rushed towards her. Sarah embraced her tightly and patted her back. “Grandma, she’s gone…” “What?! More importantly, why are you dressed like this in the middle of winter!? And why are you so dirty!?” “I-I’ll explain everything later.” “Alright, you can stay at my house.” Someone held her hand. Sally looked at the crown prince who’s seriously looking at her. She gave him a confused look and tried to get away from his hold but he held her tighter. Sarah immediately bows down in front of the crown prince. “Your highness!” “There’s a misunderstanding. This woman will stay with me. Let’s go.” He pulled Sally and walked towards his horse, however, she pulled herself stopping him from his track. He faced her in annoyance. “… I won’t go back to the palace, your highness. I’ll go with Sarah.” She firmly said. “Why? Is there anything that displeases you in my palace?” “There’s none.” “Then what is wrong?” “I, It’s not because there’s unpleasant in your highness palace, however, I can’t live in there all of a sudden. Rumors in the capital might spread and tarnish your highness’ reputation!” She knew very well how society works. Even words can ruin a person. One misunderstanding might lead to a great downfall of someone’s image! And what’s worst is she’s with the crown prince who will soon become the ruler of the kingdom! What will happen if to the crown prince’s if rumors started to spread? “Are you taking me lightly? Who dares to talk shits behind my back? If anyone will do it then they better prepare for the consequence.” “Still, I won’t go back. I told your highness that I will stay with Sarah for a while.” “You escaped my palace, stole my horse, and disobeyed my words, and now you dared to argue with me after making me look like a fool? Why are you making everything so hard for me?” He fumed. She didn’t say a word. The cold wind blew sending shivers to everyone. She looked at everyone and felt sorry for the mess she made, other than shame, her feet are starting to become painful. ‘He’s the one making everything hard…’ She thought. “… I don’t understand why your highness helped me to this degree… Alright.” ‘It looks like I won’t win in this argument anyway.’ “However, if everything is fine, I will go to Sarah’s house and stay there.” “Let’s go.” “Wait, your highness.” She runs towards Sarah and hugged her tightly. “Be safe, Sally.” “I will. For now, don’t come here. I’ll go to you when it’s fine.” “Alright.” “Goodbye, Sally.” “Bye… This won’t be the last time…” “I know.” Two knights accompanied Sarah escorting her to her house. She walked towards the crown prince. He was about to lift her but she stepped back. “I can ride on my own, your highness.” “… Alright.” The crown prince replied. She went to the black horse she rode earlier and untied it. She rode it easily and went to the crown prince. “I was surprised to see you riding that horse.” “I beg your pardon?” She asked. “Nothing. Let’s go.” They started moving. Sally glanced at the house. She felt sad again. ‘Goodbye.’ She muttered painfully in her head and never looked back again. Helios looked at her. He noticed her feet having frostbite. His face darkened and made everyone stop. Sally looked at him with a puzzled expression. He went down from the horse and handed it to a knight. He went to Sally and rode on the horse with her. “Your highness!” “Shut up. Your feet have frostbite, we better treat it when we get back.” “… Alright, but I can ride the horse alone.” “Quiet.” She closed her mouth. They started moving again and entered a magic portal going to the crown prince’s palace. They arrived peacefully and the crown prince immediately dismissed them. Sally looked at them and she met Capt. Locksworth’s eyes. She looked away and slowly walked with the crown prince. She was looking on the ground when the crown prince stopped promptly. She hit her face on his back. Feeling abashed, she stepped back and quickly apologize. “Don’t move.” He muttered. He lifts her in his arms and went inside the castle. Her eyes widen in surprise. “Y-Your highness! Please put me down!” “With that feet, it might take years before we arrive at your room.” “T-Then I’ll…!” “Don’t argue with me. This is better.” She didn’t talk back. Anthony approach them and bowed down in front of the crown prince. He noticed the frostbite in her feet. “I’ll call the physician, your highness.” “Tell him to go to the guest room.” “Yes, your highness.” He replied and left. He continued walking upstairs with her in his arms. It was uncomfortable for her, but she can’t voice it out. She remained silent until they arrived at the guest room. He laid her on the bed. “Thank you, your highness, and I apologize for causing a disturbance.” She muttered genuinely. “It’s alright… What’s that in your hand? You’ve been carrying it for a while.” “Ah, this belongs to my sister. This is the only thing that reminds me of her.” She said and held it tighter and closer to her chest. “A memory that reminds me of my lovely sister… I really can’t recall her face but I remembered the happy times we were together. It’s bright, warm, and nice.” She added. “… You look sad.” She smiled bitterly at him. “On the odd occasions, happy memories bring sadness.” She uttered. ‘And now I have none…’ She thought sullenly. ***
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