Chapter Thirty: The Tragic Night

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THE TERRIFIED expression can be observed on Sally’s face as she slowly walks to the door. Before she can reach the doorknob, the prince caught her and pull her away. “What do you think you’re doing? I’m opening the door so stay back.” “… Be careful, your highness.” Helios’ eyes and face became gentle. “Silly, who do you think I am? Now get back and stay quiet.” Sally nodded and step back slowly and quietly as possible. Her heart is pounding so fast due to anxiety. She blamed the coffee she drank earlier for the nervousness she’s feeling at the moment. She silently went to the kitchen and took the knife. She hid it behind her and went back to the crown prince. He opened the door and saw a small boy crying. Blood is dripping on his head and he got bruises and wounds. “Help… me.” Before he started speaking, Sally pushed him to the corner. Wood came out of the child’s mouth and pinned Sally on the wall. Pointed woods came rushing towards her but they burned immediately, thanks to the crown prince’s magic. “You dare to attack me… Burn to hell.” The monster in disguise of a child engulfed in flames. Horrible beastly screams echoed the whole place. Sally was released from the monster’s grip. She immediately closed the door and locked it. “What the hell is that?” The crown prince asked. “Shapeshifters. They took the image of their victim by eating them…” “You said there are no such beasts in this forest.” “There’s none, as far as I remember.” “What the hell do you mean by that?” “Let’s talk later. For now, let’s get out of here. Shapeshifters attacked by group. I’m sure those screams were a signal for others to locate it.” The whole house suddenly shook. Plates and mugs fell and broke on the floor. The lantern lamps fell on the floor and fire started to burn the wooden floor. “Grandma!” Sally called and rushed upstairs. The crown prince followed her. She opened the door of her grandmother’s room and a horrifying image greet her. Her blood runs cold as she stared at the monster stabbing the old woman continuously. She froze in her spot and held her breath, then all of a sudden, someone covered her eyes from behind. She heard clashes and explosions and felt the cold wind of winter in her skin but that didn’t last long. When she opened her eyes again, she’s already inside the crown prince's palace. --- Fires rapidly spread inside the house. He halted from running when he saw Sally standing in the doorway with a shocked expression, other than that, what noticed him is she’s trembling too much. He rushed behind her and saw what made her terrified. He glanced at her and decided to cover her eyes and finished the beast who killed her grandmother before her eyes. Surprisingly, she didn’t try to remove his hand. After that, he decided to return to the palace together with her. They arrived, he slowly removes his hand from her eyes. Sally’s legs weakened and she fell on the marble floor, kneeling. She’s still shivering in both the fear and the cold. “Anthony, go get a blanket and prepare the guest room.” “Yes, your highness.” Anthony glanced at the woman beside the crown prince before leaving. He felt pity for her. A sad laugh came out from her mouth then it turned out to sobs later on. The crown prince, although, is one of the royalties that should not bow down nor kneel in front of anyone, knelt in front of her. He tried to wipe the tears rolling on her cheek but he stopped when she started talking. “Your highness, don’t kneel in front of a commoner like me.” It was a cold tone yet he can feel the pain in every word. “I’ll do what I want to do.” “I thought that was the last… I thought that I can protect someone I valued but, why? Why is fate so cruel?” Her tears continue falling from her eyes. The crown prince can’t see her expression because her hair was covering her face. His heart throbs painfully while watching her but he doesn’t know what to say. “It’s my fault… It’s my,” “You had nothing to do with it.” He pulled her towards him and wrap his arms around her. “You can cry all you want, but don’t blame yourself.” Sally’s trembling hand hugged the crown prince. She sobbed silently and shivered terribly. The crown prince is carrying Sally who fell unconscious due to shock. His face is grimed and gloomy as they went upstairs. Anthony approaches them. “The guest room is ready, your highness.” “Anthony, find out everything that happened tonight. Don’t miss a single detail.” “Yes, your highness.” “And call a doctor. Make sure no one knows about her being her. Have I make myself clear?” “Yes, your highness. I’ll make sure that everything will happen according to your wishes.” “Good.” The crown prince arrived in the guest room and lay Sally on the bed. He pulled the blanket and covered her with it. Her crying image came to his mind and an unsavory feeling arises in his throat. “I never once saw myself sympathize to someone else’s despair, however, when I saw yours, it’s surprisingly heartbreaking. There’s something that urges me to ruin those who made you cry, those who cause you pain and suffering, those filthy beasts, I’ll erase them in this world, so, don’t cry...” He wiped the tear that rolled on her cheek. He went out of the room and went straight to his office, sits on his chair and hold both of his hands, and sighed heavily. A heavyweight is clinging to his chest making it hard to breathe. Someone knocked on the door. “Come in.” Anthony entered with a bottle of wine and wine glass on a tray. “I already ordered the private investigator regarding the matter of the young lady in the guest room.” “Good. Served her well. Whoever servants in this palace who disrespect her or displayed rudeness towards her means disrespecting me.” “Yes, your highness.” --- Flames and the scent of blood. That was what her dreams were made of last night. She’s standing near the window, looking at the white view outside with dead eyes. She can’t believe what happened. Her beloved grandmother is dead. She died due to a beast attack that was new to her. ‘If I had known that it was a beast, and if I was faster than time, perhaps I was able to save her.’ The sun is rising in the sky however she didn’t feel pleasant at the sight of brightness. Someone knocked on the door. She immediately wiped her tears away and answered calmly. “Come in.” The door opened and a young maid entered. Her brown hair was braided and had a pretty pair of brown eyes. “Good morning, young lady. I am Jannette. I will be the young lady’s maid from today onwards.” “Maid? There must be a misunderstanding, I am not a young lady and I won’t stay here for a long time.” Jannette smiled brightly at her and replied. “Still, the butler assigned me to you. I have to do my responsibility and take care of you with the best of my abilities.” “W-What?” “The breakfast will be served soon, young lady. Is there anything you want to do?” Sally quieted for a while and looked at her through her eyes. Jannette noticed her swollen eyes and felt sad for her. She doesn’t know why she had such a gloomy expression nor how she appeared in the crown prince’s castle, but one thing is certain for her, that she needs to take care of the lady that the butler assigned to her with a stern face. “… I want to take a bath first before eating breakfast. Will that be alright?” “Yes, young lady.” Sally had a hard time taking a bath because she’s not used to anyone’s assistance especially in bathing. In addition, Jannette always talks about how her skin is so white and soft at the same time. It made her feel cringe and awkward. After that, she helped her get dressed. She wore a simple green dress and her hair was braided. “You’re so beautiful, milady.” “Please don’t say that. It’s embarrassing.” “But you are beautiful!” She didn’t answer and stared at her reflection. She had a feeling of déjà vu looking at herself. ‘It’s been quite a long time since I watched sat in front of a dressing table…’ All of a sudden, someone knocked on the door. “Come in.” The door opened and an aged man came in wearing a neat uniform. “Good morning, Lady Esther, I have come here to tell you that the breakfast is ready.” “Yes.” “I shall accompany you towards there, milady.” “Thank you.” The butler only smiled at her. She smiled at him as well. She walked silently beside him. The butler glanced at her and felt sympathetic for what happened to her. “Pardon my late introduction. My name is Anthony. I am the butler here ever since the crown prince was a child.” “It’s nice to meet such an important person in the crown prince’s life. My name is Sally Esther.” “What a pretty name you have, Milady.” “… Everyone has pretty names for their own.” “Ah, I agree with you.” The butler smiled at how relaxing it is to converse with the lady beside her. She is not conceited nor lacking in confidence. She spoke firmly as if she didn’t experience that horrible event last night. Sally is aware that the butler knew what happened to her. That explains the pity look he is giving her the whole time, however, she ignored it. “May I speak to the crown prince? There is something I need to discuss with him.” “I’m afraid that the crown prince is currently grounded and mustn’t come out of his room, therefore, meeting with his highness is difficult.” “… I see, can I go out of here for a while? There’s a place I need to go.” “I apologize, but you shouldn’t go out for a while. The crown prince ordered to not let anyone know your existence here in the palace.” “What?” “Please understand, Milady.” ‘So, just like him, I must undergo confinement? What the heck?’ “… Alright.” “Thank you for understanding, Milady.” She finished eating breakfast and returned to her room after. She was staring at the view outside when someone knocked on the door again. “Come in.” Jannette entered a book in her hand. “Milady, would you like to read a book?” “A book?” “Yes, this one is popular. Do you like romance novels?” Sally isn’t fond of reading romantic stories but seeing Jannette’s bright smile, she considered reading it. It was a typical love story between a man and a woman. “Is the book to your liking, Milady?” She smiled weakly at nodded. “Yes. It’s a good story.” She answered. Jannette knew that Sally lied however she remained silent. She can feel how sad Sally is while reading the book. “Milady, are you alright?” She asked her with worry. Sally smiled at her. “I’m fine. I’m just not used to this. Anyway, thank you for the book.” “Don’t mention it, Milady. Milady, if there’s anything you like, feel free to ask me.” “Yes. Thank you. If you don’t mind, I want to be alone.” “Ah, yes. Then, please excuse me.” She continued smiling until Jannette left the room. Her smiling face disappeared and she closed the book on her lap and stared at the view outside. Her tears that she held for a while fell again. She weeps silently while watching the snow starting to fall again. --- “How is she?” The crown prince asked who just arrived in his room. Anthony took his cloak. “The lady is still sad about her grandmother’s demise.” “I see…” “The lady asked me if she can get out of the palace and just like what you instructed, I forbid her.” “You’ve done well, Anthony. I will increase your wage.” “Thank you, your highness.” “Would you like to join the lady for dinner?” “There’s no reason not to. Prepare the best food.” “Yes.” “You may leave.” “Yes, your highness.” The butler left the room. He sits on the chair and sighed. He went out to clear the monsters in the mountain where Sally lived. Before he decided to get rid of the whole mountain including the forest but it might cause a bad affect on Sally’s emotional and mental health so he changed his mind and eradicate all the filthy shapeshifter beasts. However, it is not easy to kill all of them because they change their appearance to humans from time to time. It bothered the crown prince but he still managed to kill them all. He called for a servant to prepare a bath for him before dinner. He doesn’t want to smell filthy in front of people, especially to her. After bathing and dressing, the butler called him for dinner. He went downstairs and saw Sally sitting on the chair opposite to his. Upon seeing him, Sally stood up and greeted him. “I greet the future sun of the kingdom. Thank you for letting me stay here for a while. Your highness.” “Take a seat.” He commanded. Sally sits on the chair and silently looked at him. “How are you?” he asked. “… I am fine, your highness. Thank you.” The crown prince gazed at her through her eyes and knew she was lying. However, he didn’t say anything regarding that. He knew the feeling of staying strong in front of everyone despite the bitter events you were experiencing in your private life. He knew it well since he’s like that too. “You don’t have to worry a thing. You can stay here as much as you like.” “Thank you but I can’t abuse the crown prince’s kindness. I still need to return to my home.” “That place is dangerous. I won’t recommend you to go back to that place.” He refused. “Your highness has a point, however, that place is my home. It’s precious to me and I can’t abandon that place easily.” “You’re stubborn. I understand you, however, I still refuse.” “But…!” “Stop. Resume eating, Ms. Esther. I don’t want to talk about this any further.” “I insist, your highness.” “Ms. Esther,” “I, I want to at least give my grandmother a proper burial. I want her to rest in peace.” Her voice trembled as she explained why she’s desperate to go back. His heart stings the moment he felt her extreme sadness but he can’t let her take the risk of going back to that place. “… I still refuse.” Sally was disappointed. She never asked for anything again and continued eating. Despite the crown prince’s rejection of her request, it is for her to decide if she’s going back or not, and she already decided that she’s going back no matter what. ***
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