Chapter 13 -Dinner Pt 1

1891 Words
Ajax POV Fucking hell! I died and went straight to heaven, without even deserving this angel. She is f*****g gorgeous. My mouth went dry and I couldn´t utter a single word… for the first time in my existence, I was rendered speechless. I led the way to the elevator not sparing the opportunity to place my hand on her bare back. Backless dresses, who the f**k invented that s**t? Someone who was looking into torture male souls, that is for sure. The sparks that flowed in my skin were magnificent, but I removed my hand quickly, because it was too tempting, and I had to hide the bond from her. I opened my Land Rover´s passenger door and she climbed into it. I could tell she was struggling with the entire climb up, her dress was not too short, but I was certain she was not used to wearing these clothes. I made my way to the driver´s seat, and when I gave her a side glance, my eyes landed on her perfectly round breasts, covered by only the fabric of her dress, I couldn´t contain the little curse that slipped out -” f**k…” this was going to be torture on and on… and this night was going to be memorable… She stiffened next to me, and I could feel her becoming wary, did she think I cursed because she did something wrong? I hope not, because so far she has been more than perfect. -” Do you want to hear some music?” I offered trying to break the deafening silence that fell between us. -” You don´t mind?” she asked, and I chuckled, -” I wouldn´t have offered, if I minded…” I replied, and she sighed. -” Well, you are different, Ajax… most guys hate when girls handle anything around their vehicles…” She chuckled, and I lifted my eyebrows. Yes, most guys would get annoyed by others driving or handling their vehicles, but she was special to my wolf, and thus, I was willing to share with her my baby, aka my Land Rover… -” I must warn you… I have a very eclectic taste in music…” She lifted her eyebrow, and suddenly the discomfort her outfit caused her, was replaced by the comfort of each other´s presence. I laughed, -”Amuse me…” And Oh boy! Was I amused, she hooked her phone to the Bluetooth system of my SUV, and then she took full control of the music system. A weird beat started playing and she beamed… while I squinted my eyes, was she playing old songs? The beat of ´Pump up the Jam´ filled my car, and I chuckled. When she said she had eclectic taste in music, I never imagined to be listening to an old rap song. It was so funny that she started singing to the beat, making me laugh. She is so f*****g cute, and funny… Before the song was over, she looked at me, and asked -” So your pick next… try to top mine…” She dared, -“ Is that a challenge?” I asked and she slowly nodded. My wolf and I had to swallow a grunt, because was she was doing was f*****g sexy and a complete turn-on for us. -” What are the rules?” I asked, and she laughed---- the best f*****g sound I have ever heard. - “The rules are… There are no rules, Ajax…” She said smirking, and I had to swallow hard. It was almost sinful to look like that, but then her choice of words and the double meaning of them, made me almost stop the moving vehicle to claim her lips. I slowly nodded and then concentrated on my game, she was challenging me, and I had to deliver, and try to top her choice of song… I opened my hand and she looked at me weirdly… -” Your phone, beautiful… so I can amuse you…” I said and she giggled, and placed her phone in my hand… -” No peeking on my playlists…” She said with a pout, and f**k me if I didn´t want to capture those lips with mine. At a red light, I quickly searched for the song I wanted to play, and decided to play ´Bohemian Rapsody´. A classic and a f*****g long song, that will allow us to reach the restaurant without further complications. I loved music, but I was not certain if I was up to the challenge presented, especially when I had to have my utmost concentration on not pouncing on the delectable creature sitting next to me. I parked outside a little cozy restaurant, it was not a place close to campus. I picked this place because the food was delicious, but also the distance from campus made it the perfect spot to be out with her, without the rest of the student body noticing my interest in her. I didn´t want her to be bothered by the bunch of women that are adamant about getting my attention, especially her sister Gracie. Gracie can be the most mean of them all. She is like the Wicked Witch of the West, if you ask me. -” Are we eating here?” she asked, and I slowly nodded, feeling unsure if the place was to her liking. Most girls would find a place like this simple, and not extravagant. I wanted to see her reaction. -” I mean, we can go to someplace fancier, if you like…” I offered, trying to please her, but she shook her head. -” Ugh… no way in hell, those fancy places serve you bite-sized-finger food to the price of a small store…” She said, and then she added, -” Also if this was our first pick, I am curious to know why…” She then opened her door and headed to the restaurant´s door. I was rooted to my place and my wolf had to urge me to chase after her. Damn it! This woman was unpredictable, and I loved it! By the time I walked into the restaurant, she was already sitting at a table. Did I take that long? I sighed, knowing I was not making the best first impression. I wanted her to feel comfortable with me, and to make a good impression… but I was not sure if I wanted her to feel extra special, just in case we were not compatible. -” Took you long enough…” She said and I chuckled. -” Well you jumped out of an almost moving car…” I said in a playful voice and she laughed. f**k I can go hours hearing that sound. -” You were taking too long, and I am starving…” She said, making me chuckle. She is not like every other she-wolf. You know the ones that stuff themselves before going out, and order a salad to pretend the take care of themselves, but in the end, they end up starving themselves. Or the ones that are on an eternal diet, refraining from eating the good stuff… - “Alright, so you like to take initiative, are strongly opinionated and playful, and you have a hearty appetite…” I said, and she blushed, -” Busted!, Is that a good or a bad thing?” She asked amused by how I could read her. - I squinted my eyes, making her shift in her seat… -” Good thing…” I said with a soft smile, and she winked at me… -” I am still trying to figure you out… Ajax, you are coming out as a complete enigma… a tight lid book…” She pointed out and I chuckled… -” What would you like to know about me?” I offered, and she smiled… -” Mmh… let´s see…” She tapped her finger over her soft lips, drawing my eyes to them. Damn it, she was wearing a shimmery thing over her lips, making them look extra juicy and kissable… -” Oh! I know… what is our favorite food here?” She asked, and I squinted my eyes… -” Too lazy to read the menu?” I said, -” No... too hungry to debate about what to eat…” She replied making me chuckle. -” Let me handle it…then” I said and waved to the waiter to come to take our order. I decided to play a little joke, -” Hi, Sir… What can I get for you tonight?” the waiter asked politely, -” Well, I would like to order a couple of Ceasar Salads…” I said and she scrunched her face… -” Wait, one Ceasar Salad, for the gentleman, and a Bacon and Cheeseburger, all dressed, with seasoned fries and a side of onion rings for me…” She interrupted me making me chuckle, while our waiter looked at us amused, -” Make that two, and don´t forget to bring us two extra large Cokes and a couple of strawberry milkshakes…” I finished and she beamed. -” I love a good milkshake…” She sighed, and I chuckled, -” This place has the best…” I said biting my lip from calling her a cute pet name. The ones that came to my mind were darling, honey, baby, or love… neither one of them appropriate for a teammate to call her counterpart. We started talking, and when we reached the subject of her pack, she made every type of effort to divert the subject, and I understood right then and there, that her Pack and family were a sore subject. -” So tell me something nobody knows about you…” She asked, and I was amused by her weird question, but I decided to entertain her. -” I will tell you if you tell me a secret…” I countered, and she nodded… I took a deep breath and then decided to reveal something only Gio knew… Don´t panic, it is not my true nature, but is a close second… -” I have always wished to be free to do what I have always dreamt of doing…” I said and she gave me an understanding look. I could feel connected to her. There was no sadness nor pity in her eyes, just comfortable and soothing understanding. She sighed, -” Want to know a secret?” She whispered and I nodded, it was part of the deal we just made… she gave me a soft smile, and then without hesitation, she opened up to me, -” You want freedom, but I want to feel accepted, to belong…” She lowered her gaze, and right then and there, I could feel how she had endured so much pain. I could feel every single emotional wound inflicted on her, and I swore that even if we ended up not accepting the bond, I would protect her with my life.
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