Chapter 14 - Dinner Pt 2

1970 Words
Susie POV Ajax was a pleasant surprise. He seemed so serious and uncomfortable at first, but when we reached the restaurant and after ordering real food, he relaxed. Somehow it felt so natural the interaction, as if we were meant to be class partners, as if a greater force was playing here, but at the same time, without a mate bond, or my heart choosing another different from Alan, I was kind of in limbo. I could see myself having a great semester working with Ajax. He was witty, funny, and intelligent. Not only book smart, but also streetsmart… He was impressive and quite handsome. -“So, Susie… tell me something else about you? What are your dreams?” He asked, his gaze piercing into my vulnerable soul. I chuckled and nervously replied… -“That is a thick question… Why would you want to know my dreams? I already told you a secret…” I gave a silly smile, hoping to distract him from the subject. He chuckled, and I thought I had dodged the ball, but unfortunately, it didn´t. - “Are you avoiding to answer?” He lifted his eyebrows and I slowly nodded. - “Why?” he asked, and I shrugged my shoulders. -“I guess because that is deeply personal and I have to get to know you better to share something like that…” I bit my lower lip, and he slowly nodded. I sighed in relief, but then he surprised me, -“So let´s get to know each other better…” He said using a casual tone, and I didn´t understand why he was so adamant about getting to know me on a deeper level, after all, we were only class partners for a semester. Of course, it helps to know what kind of people ou are working with, but it doesn´t mean you have to become friends, or less of all, confidants. I slowly nodded, what can happen if I get him in a little? The worst case scenario would be I made a new friend… -“Alright, I have learnt quite a lot about you…” He said and I squinted my eyebrows, while he chuckled, - “Look, you are not comfortable wearing dresses,” He pointed out at the m hands pulling down the hem of the skirt, - “But you wore it, because your friends dared you, or threatened you…” He added, and I was dumbfounded, how in this world did he reach that very accurate conclusion? -“You love your privacy, and much as I do…” He continued, - “You are funny and smart, and as I pointed out earlier, you love a good meal…” He said and then added, - “How am I doing? Did I nailed it?” I chuckled, then sighed, - “Is it that obvious?” I said pulling down the hem of my dress again… and he laughed. - “There is nothing obvious about you…” His hazel-green eyes stripped my soul, “And I am sure we will have time to get to know each other…” He said it like a promise… -“So what did you learn about me? Am I a good project partner or not?” He wiggled his eyebrows playfully, breaking the tension of the moment we shared before. I cleared my throat… - “I think I will need a bit more time to think about it…” I said with a playful smile and he feigned offense, making me giggle. - Yes, you will be a good class partner… I guess we both got lucky because I have heard horror stories about this class, not only the teacher, but the strain of the project... and a good team is essential to do well…” I said and he chuckled. -“I am all in, if you are…” The way Ajax looked at me, gave me chills… somehow I new he was talking about the project but at the same time his words held a double meaning. I chuckled nervously, he cleared his throat, breaking the moment, and then he waved at the waiter… - “Want some dessert’” He lifted his eyebrows, and I beamed… What is the purpose of having a hearty dinner if it didn´t ended with a good dessert… Life is full of sweet moments, and dessert is just one of them… -“Do you want dessert?” I asked abck, and he laughed, -“I wouldn´t asked if I didn´t…” was his short answer, and soon the waiter arrived, -“Can I help you with anything else?” The lanky waiter asked and Ajax nodded. -” Yes, we would like to see our dessert menu, and I would like to order a cappuccino with lots of foam, please… Do you want one, Susie?” Ajax asked and I shook my head. I don´t like coffee. Yeah, call me weird, but I get my entire caffeine doze out of coke… I don´t like bitter flavors. -” No thanks… I am fine with my drink…” I said and the waiter looked at my half-empty glass. -” Do you want a refill?” He offered and I nodded handing him my glass. The waiter walked away and then returner with my full glass and the dessert menus. My mouth salivated by the image oif the luscious cheesecake and strawberries that were portrayed on the cover. Ajax stared at me, and then he chuckled. I looked up from the menu, and then I suddenly blurted, -” What?” my eyes wondering what was going on in that head of his. -” I am sure you will love that cheesecake and strawberries… but May I suggest the Reeses´ cheesecake? It is way better…” He said and I blushed, was I that obvious to him? Or is he really observant of my every move, what is ging on? - “I don´t know…” I paused, -” Why don´t we order both and we share… that way ou can sate your craving and also try my optioin…” He winked and I slowly nodded. Was it weird sharing food with a guy I have just met? Probably. Was I willing to let the offer go by? Never in a million years…so I slowly noded my head at the idea, and he beamed.. He called the waiter and placed our dessert order. -” So, you are from The Royal Pack… how was it growing up there?” I asked him, and he chuckled. -” It was fine, I guess… My parents have high-ranking jobs, so I was by myself most of the time. Except for Gio… he tagged along in our solitude…” He said and I understood that side of growing up with busy parents… more often than not, you get to learn to fend for yourself. - “Any siblings?” I aksed, - “Nope, I am an only child…I don´t ask you that question back, because I know you have three other siblings…” He paused, -” How was it? Growing up with more siblings?” The way he asked that question made me feel sorry for him. He is observant and quiet, and maybe that is because he lacked that contact with others while growing up. I have no idea what his parents do for a living, but no amount of work or rank should be as important as rising and being there for your kid. -“Well, it was fun for several years, but when we turned into teens… everything changed…” I tried to give him the PG version, the tamed version, the one that was vague enough for him to fill the blanks. -”So you are not close to your older sister?” Ajax asked, -”I have two sisters and a brother… and you already met them… Diana, Maggie and Mike….” I said and he slowly nodded. -”Well, I guess we will become family soon enough, because Gio is my brother…” Ajax said, and I chuckled. He was funny, smart and so f*****g good-looking that if my heart was not housing a permanent residence for Alan, Ajax could easily take the spot. The waiter walked back with a tary, with a steamy and foamy cappuccino, and two plates with delicious cheesecake. As soon as he left, I silently clapped and danced on my chair. Ajax looked at me, with amusement… -” Just so you know, dessert makes me happy…” I said and he slowly nodded. -” Noted, and I aim to make you a happy lady..” He chuckled, and pushed the Resses´s cheesecake forward for me to take a forkful of it. I took my fork and scooped up a generous amount of the deliciously looking pie. As soon as I placed the fork into my mouth, an explosion of flavors invaded it and I moaned. This was the best cheesecake I have ever tried. Ajax growled and his eyes shifted from hazel-green to olive green, and in a minute he got control out of his wolf, and apologized. It was cute and funny, especially when he blushed at his wolf´s outburst. He took the pie and scooped up a bit of it… and then tried it… -” It is really good… this place has the best cheesecake pies…” He added, and I slowly nodded. -”Well maybe we should come back…” I stopped in my tracks, I was openly suggesting another dinner or date with him. What is wrong with me? I am not a woman that is in need of attention, especially when my heart belongs to anohter. -” I would love to come here again with you…” He said and it was my time to blush and be embarrassed by the situation. As soon as we finished our dessert, Ajax asked for the bill, and when I offered to split it, he completely refused, covering the entire thing himself. -” I invited you…” He said as if that made it OK for him to pay for the both of us. We were class partners, this was not a date, and as such, he is not obligated to cover the full bill. Not even Alan pays for the whole thing when we go out... Ajax is different. Seeing him this determined, I slowly nodded, and gave him a small smile, -”Thank you…” I said and he slowly nodded, leading the wa to his car abd back to my building. He parked in the other´s penthouse parking spot, and then we exited his Land Rover. -”Are you sure Gio´s roommate would not mind if you park there? I asked, because from what I heard, Gio´s roommate is quite particular about his things… -” I am sure he won´t mind…” Ajax chuckled, and I lifted my eyebrows…”I am Gio´s roommate…. Which means, we are…” He paused and we both said, -” Neighbours…” Oh! Boy…. having Ajax this close by, is going to be something I was not expecting. He has stirred within me something, and I am sure, despite my heart belonging to Alan, the same treatcherous heart is getting attached to the gorgeous man in front of me. I am in real trouble.
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