Chapter 24 - Ultimatum

2019 Words
Ajax POV I couldn't sleep, and the next morning, I was quite early, beating the crap out of a boxing bag. Marcus saw me and sighed, “What happened?” He lifted his eyebrows, and I wanted to tell him everything, but I knew he would return to my father and tell him I had found my mate. “Nothing.” I placed a mean punch on the bag. “Where is Gio?” he asked, and I lifted my eyebrows and hit the bag with a combination of jabs, “Do I look like his babysitter? Maybe you should try calling him?” I said between punches, and he sighed. “Whatever is bothering you, don't take it out on me… I am your f*****g coach, not your emotional punching bag.” He said, and after another punch, I burst the bag, and the filling spilled all over the floor. He chuckled, and I lifted my eyebrows, “What?” I barked, and he shrugged his shoulders, “The only time I saw your father ruin a boxing bag was when your mother went out on a date with another man… So if genetics doesn't fail me, this is about a woman…” Marcus paused, and I wrapped my arms across my chest, “And she must be very special to have affected you this way.” He finished, and I rolled my eyes, “Whatever…” I sighed; I didn't want to tell him he was spot on. “Alright, so you need to blow up some stamina… Let me help with that…” He chuckled, and I knew what he had in mind. He called out the training session three hours later, completely beaten up. “Hope she realized you are quite a catch, not only for your position but for your heart.” He said sincerely, and I sighed, “Can you please not report this to my father?” I asked him, and he nodded, “I only report to him whatever concerns your training routine… so rest assured he won't know about your special lady.” Marcus said, “Is she the one?” He asked, elbowing my ribs playfully, “Is this off-the-record and under confidentiality?” I asked, and he nodded, “Off the record and confidential,” he confirmed, “She is my mate,” I confessed, and he lifted his eyebrows. “And what the f**k are you doing here punching a bag and training instead of f*****g her?” Marcus asked, and I sighed. It was way more complicated than he expected. “Off the record?” I asked, and he nodded, “As a Sigma, I can hide the bond, and I decided to get to know her better without revealing who she is to me…” I confessed, and I almost choked with the water he was swallowing. “Man, how are you going to reveal to her the bond? There is no way she won't be feeling betrayed by this.” He said, and I nodded. “Yeah, I am afraid of that. Also, I kissed her yesterday, and she just flipped my f*****g world around…” I paused, “Also, she ran away…” I added, and Marcus laughed. He found my situation quite amusing. “Then, you have your hands full…” he paused. “May I suggest something?” he said, and I nodded. I was up for any kind of help. “Wait for a mating ball. Sometimes, the Goddess reveals special bonds, and then you can say that was the case…” Marcus suggested, and I nodded. That was a good idea. “When is the next one?” I asked him, and he sighed. “Next month, the ball will be hosted by Arcadia Pack. You know how the Goldenbergs throw the best ones…” He said, and I closed my eyes. They made those sumptuous balls, hoping Gracie would find a high-ranking mate. The irony is that if I reveal my bond to Susie at that ball, the ugly duckling will be the one being mated to the highest-ranking mate of all. “Thanks, I will consider it.” I patted his back and left the training grounds. I headed to my place to take a shower and have something to eat. While I was having breakfast, my phone beeped, and I opened a message. “Mr. Auburnwülf, please report to my office at noon.” It was a message from Mr. Costas. I sighed because he was one of the parliament members who was in charge of checking up on me, my grades, and my performance. You could say he was one of my father's insiders. I confirmed the appointment and sighed. Another long day of dealing with my father's crap. I attended my classes, and by noon I made my way to Mr. Costas office. I knocked on his door, and he allowed me to enter. “Ajax, have a seat.” He said, and I nodded. “Mr. Costas, what is the purpose of this meeting?” I asked. He didn't specify why he wanted to meet with me, “Several, but first, enlighten me: why did your class partner come this morning begging to have her partner switched?” He lifted his eyebrows, and I froze. Did Susie request that we be switched as class partners? Why? “ We had some arguments, but I am sure we can fix it,” I said, and he nodded, “Then do it because she needs this course to keep studying. Thankfully, she chose wisely and refused to drop the class. Once you drop my class, you will never get another shot.” He said, and I gulped. f**k, Susie was willing to risk her entire future just because she needed to be away from me. Damn it, I really f****d things between us. “ I will,” I said, and he nodded, “Now, your father has asked me if you are going out with someone, any love interest, mate fated or chosen on the horizon?” he lifted his eyebrows, and I rolled my eyes. Every f*****g time, he asked the f*****g same. “Same old… Mr. Costas, I am devoted to my classes, so much that I barely have time to eat, less check out girls.” I gave him the same answer. “Look, Ajax, we know you are not making an effort in that department, and the parliament is growing restless. We have selected several candidates for you to go out and choose a mate from the list…” He handed me a yellow envelope closed by a red wax seal with the king's crest. That was a direct order from my father. “I won't date anyone…” I said, “he said I could take my time finishing my studies, and that is exactly what I will do.” I finished, and he sighed, “Either you choose or we will…” He threw out the ultimatum. “I have a year and a half left. If, after that time, I haven't found a woman myself, you can choose whoever suits you…” I said, standing up. My wolf was furious, and so was I. “Alright, Prince Ajax… have it your way… but be wise, because whoever you choose has to be worthy of the crown.” He warned me, and I nodded. Not being able to really come up with an answer worthy of this asshole. I left the office, and my mind kept thinking of just one thing: Susie. She is my queen, and she is running away from me. I needed to fix that first, so I made my way back to the Penthouse, but instead of entering my place, I knocked on my neighbor's door. “Hey,” Maggie greeted me, “Hey, Maggie… Is Susie in?” I asked, and she sighed, “She is feeling ill, sorry. But I will tell her you stopped by.” Maggie said, and I sighed. “Is it bad?” I asked, and she shook her head, “Just a headache…” She said vaguely, and I nodded. “Alright, tell her to give me a call. It's about Mr. Costas's project…” I added to make sure she knew it was about something important. “I will… Bye, Ajax.” She said, and I sighed. I made my way to my place and into my room. I stepped out onto the balcony and smelled her amazing scent. Ever since we shared that kiss, I have been even more attracted to her scent. I could hear the noise of a swing and uneven breathing. She was crying. Someone else stepped out on the balcony. “It was Ajax, and he said it was important. Maybe you should give him a call…” Maggie said, “Maybe…” Susie said, and it broke my heart to hear her like that. “Babes, you have to tell me what happened?” Maggie said, and she sighed. “We kissed, OK?” Susie said, “Who? What?” Maggie said, shocked, “Did you and Alan finally kiss?” Maggie asked, Alan? As for the asshole I saw around yesterday? No f*****g way, he is the one she has a crush on… “No, You i***t! Ajax.” Susie confessed, and Maggie gasped, “Damn! And?” She asked, and I was very interested in hearing what she had to say. “Did you like it, or was it that awful that you are crying in your wimpy corner?” Maggie asked, “f**k you… It was amazing, OK?” Susie barked, “But…” She paused, “But what, babes?” Maggie asked, “But, nothing… I am a mess… f*****g confused…” She sighed, “And I have no idea how to face him again… so I went to change project partners, and Mr. Costas didn't allow it… so now I am stuck with him for 5 more months. Not to mention, I have no idea what I feel for Alan anymore…” She said everything in one go. Maggie sighed, “Alright, so you will have to see him constantly again. So wear your big girl panties and face the music; be a grown-up about it.” Maggie said, and Susie sighed. “I guess so,” She muttered… “Then, why don't you use the time you have to work on your project to get to know him better? Maybe he is better than Alan…” Maggie said, and Susie chuckled. “Maybe…” Susie sighed, and I thanked Maggie for what she was doing there. Without knowing, she was giving me a f*****g huge hand. “But how am I going to be able to work on the project when all I can think of are his lips kissing me?” Susie asked, “That babe, I don't know…” She replied, “But since Mr. Costas f****d you up with that one, then you will have to figure it out… or maybe just be brave enough to scratch the itch and explore a bit more…” She said, and Susie sighed. That sigh sounded uneven, even trembling. “And about Alan, why don't you kiss him and find out?” Maggie suggested, and I had to really control my wolf so that she would not jump onto her balcony and rip Maggie's head off. “We have been friends for so long that it will be weird…” Susie said, “Yeah, but what better way to know how you feel than kissing him…” Maggie repeated, and Susie sighed, “Makes sense… Thanks Mags… you are a lifesaver…” Susie said, and with that, Maggie left her alone. I wanted to say something and let her know I was there, but instead, I decided to sit on the floor and stare at the heavens. Damn it, I can't erase from my mind the fact that she is considering kissing another. Especially that asshole.
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