Chapter 11 - Change of Plans

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Susie POV I opened my place´s door only to be greeted by Diana sucking face with her mate. Ugh! Can´t they do that in private? After a minute, she realized they had an audience and broke the kiss abruptly, making him groan in annoyance until she spoke up… -“Hey! You are here early!” She almost jumped out of the couch, fixing her top as best as possible. I chuckled, she was beet red and I certainly would enjoy making things even more awkward… -“Nope, I am just in time…” I said and she looked confused, while Gio, her mate, cleared his throat and discreetly fixed his crotch… Damn it! Now I am not going to unsee that s**t. “Either you were too into your thing, and completely missed what time it is, or I was early for the live porn show you were about to give…” I said, making her almost choke on my words… “i***t!”, she grumbled, while I laughed, -” Next time, take it behind close doors…” I winked at them and made my way to the kitchen. A minute later, they walked into the kitchen and Gio apologized for not being careful. -” So, how was your day?” Di asked me and I sighed. -” I´ve got this class with Mr. Rosenthal…” I paused and Gio chuckled, giving me a nod. That teacher´s popularity exceeded our building, even Gio, knew about him, and he was not even taking classes in our building. -” And today we made our teams…” I sighed, and Diana and Gio listened with attention. -” So, by the way, you look unhappy with your teammate…” Diana pointed out, and I sighed, -” It is not that… my teammate is not bad…” I paused, “Nevermind…” I said, ending the conversation. Ajax, why can´t I stop thinking about you? Damn it! I am sure the love of my life is Alan… then why can´t I get this stranger out of my head? -” Are you sure?” Diana pressed, and I turned around took a soda out of the fridge, and nodded. -” Yeah, I am just tired…” I said making my way to my room. I walked out and into my balcony, and sat on the swing chair that was placed on the corner. I was deep in thought, every time I closed my eyes I saw his gorgeous hazel eyes staring back at me. It was as if his eyes were calling out to my soul. My wolf perked up, just with the thought of him… but then, Why am I this torn? Why if there is attraction, there is no bond? This is so confusing, and I am going to bet that this whole thing is just a figment of my imagination. Alan, on the other hand, has been a constant, if course, even without a bond, I know he belongs with me. I remained in my seat for a while, until the night sky filled with stars… The Moon shone up above with a beautiful light, it was enticing and peaceful. I closed my eyes and prayed, prayed to our Goddess to show me the way, to help me figure these feelings out, becuase it is too soon to be in love with a stranger. The next day I was ready to rumble, wearing a pair of fitted jeans, a Rolling Stones graphic t-shirt, and a white hoodie. I had an entire day of learning to tackle and I couldn´t wait to start. After breakfast, I headed to my first class, it was the one I had over the Design building. I have to admit that I loved that class. It was one of those classes that besides being fun, gave you a ton of information and allowed you to unleash your creative gnome. It was so much fun, that when it ended, I was disappointed. I wanted more. Reluctantly I made my way to the Business and Administration building and headed to my next class. I was sitting at my desk when a ping on my phone alerted me that I had a new message. I unlocked the screen and giggled. Alan: Hey I miss you! Me: Me2 Alan: Wanna do something later? Me: IDK, got to meet with some teammates… Alan: Call me when you´re done… Babe… Me: K I giggled, he was so sweet and he called me his babe… Does that mean something? Does that mean he likes me? He wants to see me, and he said he missed me, so that means something… I am so sure of that. The only thing that is holding me back, on opening up my heart to him, and confessing my feelings, is the fact that he hasn´t made a move, or tried to make one… The entire class I tried to focus, unsuccessfully, becuase my mind was full of ideas about Alan and me, and the future we could build together. Another ping alerted me of a message waiting to be read, and as soon as the teacher dismissed the class I opened it up, Ajax: See you later! Me: 6pm@Coffee Bean I decided to confirm with him the time and place where we were meeting. Ajax: Actually, I was thinking, maybe we should go somewhere to have dinner… Me: Dinner sounds more like a date, and this is a classwork meeting. Despite feeling giddy about his invitation, I wanted to set some boundaries between us. I couldn´t go around complicating a team meeting with something else. Ajax: Come on… it is the same thing, but over a real meal, not just coffee and pastries… He insisted and he was right, but somehow a dinner invitation seemed to be more formal and intimate, not as casual as the first option. But he does have a point, our meeting is at dinner time, and what is wrong with having something better to eat during our meeting? I was debating between the options, but my stomach won... Dinner sounded great, after all. Me: Alright… Name the place… I sighed knowing he had won this battle. Ajax: I´ll pick you up… It is a surprise… Dress nicely! Bye! Damn him! This now looks more like a romantic date than a teammate's meeting. He didn´t allow me to protest nor did he answer my last message asking him again about the place where we should meet. He is an asshole, why is he turning a regular thing into something awkward? Ajax POV She is so f*****g cute, I could even picture her face scrunched with annoyance and the way I flipped things around, from a team meeting to a dinner outing. I don´t want to call it a date, but it is as close to one as possible. I didn´t give her the chance to protest or argue about me picking her up, after all, I wanted to relish in her presence the longest possible, so driving her would allow me to spend extra minutes with her. Especially when my wolf has been a pissing prick because we haven´t seen her today. I arrived home and took a shower. I dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a gray polo shirt that hugged my muscles and showed the endless time I spent training, and I finished up my look with a pair of vans with Koi fishes on them. -” Going somewhere?” Gio lifted his eyebrow when he saw me freshly showered and ready to head out. I gave him a nod, -” Yeah, going out to dinner…” I replied casually, becuase I didn´t want to give him any idea about what was going on. -” Have fun with our future queen…” He blurted, and I stopped in my tracks, How in the f*****g world did he figure out? -” By the way, why hasn´t she felt the bond?” He stood up and looked at me with his eyes squinted in confusion. -” Becuase as a Sigma it is a perk… we have…” I said and he lifted his eyebrows. -” Alright man, it is your life and your prerogative to use hose powers on your f*****g mate, but mark my words… when you choose to reveal the bond to her, she is going to be so f*****g confused and pissed, that she might not want anything to do with you…” Gio warned, while my wolf whimpered at the possibility of losing our mate, before even getting her. -” I won´t keep her in the dark for a long time… I just want to get to know her…” I said and he shrugged his shoulders. He was not convinced about my motives, and I am sure he could see through me. He knows me better than anyone, to know that I don´t want to be tied down, dragged back to our pack, and forced to be someone I am not.
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