Chapter 10- Teammates

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Susie POV Diana was completely mesmerized by her mate. Gio was a cool guy, three years older than us. He lived with his best friend, Ajax, but he was busy and couldn't make it to breakfast. We have been busy going around campus and settling our schedules. Thankfully, we were ready on time to start classes. Maggie decided to go for general courses, because she was still indecisive about her major. Mike was completely certain he wanted to study architecture, so he went all in with the major classes, not forgetting to toss some general courses in there. Diana was in between, so she went for Gio's suggestion, and mixed her schedule between the two majors she wanted. While I was certain, I wanted to pursue a marketing degree, and went for all the basic courses to build on my major. We were all spread around campus. Mike in the architecture building, Maggie had to run from one building to another, Diana was in medical school, while I was lodged mainly in the Business Administration building, I just had to walk out to the design building for ´Intro to Design´ class twice a week. I made my way to my first class, hoping to see Alan around. He was also studying for a Business Major, so naturally he would be in this building. I looked around hoping to see him, but with no luck. After my second class, I had a seminar in an auditorium. This class was a particular one. The teacher was known to be one of the thoughtest teachers on campus, and the program was designed for you to work on your own, with the help of an assigned team. Once the team was formed, there were no changes or switches… they said the teacher wanted to give us a bit of reality, because once you get into a work place, you won't be choosing who you work with, and you will have to work with them, regardless if you like them or not. I sighed, this was the hardest class on my schedule, and I prayed I could get a good team in order to make it easier for everyone. I sat in the second row, not too eager to be at the very front, but also not wanting to feel like one of those students that slack and sit on the back. The teacher walked in and scanned the room. -” Alright guys, you must have heard about me and this course…” He paused, -” And whatever you heard is truth, tenfold…” he said in an almost mocking voice. Damn it, this guy was a tough cookie. -”Look around, because one of the people around you will be your teammate for the entire course… that means all six months, including vacations, because I assure you, you will be working even then.” Mr. Costas said, making me shiver. I took a dep breath and braced for the best. -” Now stand up, and walk around the room… The ones in the front row, move to the back, and the ones in the middle move to the front… let's scramble a little, you won't be paired with an old acquaintance…” He said, and I could hear the amusement in his voice, he was enjoying our torture way too much. I walked around and stopped when the teacher instructed us to do so. We all looked around, and then walked again when he said we should continue. Definitely, we were all mixed up among us, by the time we finished the walking and stopping. At the last stop, I was between a tall hunk to my left, and a nice-looking shy girl on my right… -” Now look around, the first person you make eye contact with would be your partner…” Mr. Rosenthal said, and I looked at my right only to be greeted by the back of the girl's head… then I looked on instinct to my left, and met the mesmerizing hazel eyes of the guy to my left. -” Looks like we are going to be partners this semester…” the baritone voice of the guy filled my ears, and somehow my body slightly trembled because of it. -” Susie Goldenberg…” I extended my hand and offered it for a handshake. -” Ajax…” he paused and didn't give me his last name, but, in fact, extended his hand and shook mine. -”Hope you're hardworking, because I can't afford to waste my time, I am almost graduating…” He said and I lifted my eyebrow. This class was a beginners class. If he was about to graduate, why in the world was he taking this class? -” I hope you are not failing, because if you are about to graduate, let me tell you, you are taking a beginners´ curse…” I said, annoyed by his attitude. This was going to be a f*****g long semester. It didn't matter how hot he was, he had a bad attitude, and I could see he would push my buttons. He chuckled, -” I am quite smart, but I am starting a second major… I am about to finish engineering, and this course and the other three suggested by my counselor are required for me to graduate in both engineering and business at the same time…” He explained and I slowly nodded. Now I am stuck with a brainiac. -” Now sit down, and pass the roster around, so I can get who is teamed up with whom…” Our teacher passed a piece of paper around and then continued, -” In this class, we are going to work on an entrepreneurial project, and you will be responsible for the entire thing, from idea conception to distribution channels… don't forget the marketing strategy, sales, and overall concept. You will also have to estimate the financials, revenue and everything in between. I know it sounds pretty advanced for a beginners' course, but it is designed for us to screen the good ones from the ones that got into this major just because they are the next Alpha of their pack, and have to fill up a requirement…” Mr Rosenthal finished, and I gulped down. I wanted to study marketing, because I loved the entire process, but also I wanted to take something in administration because I wanted to please and impress my father. I looked over my shoulder and saw Ajax staring at me… -” Are you scared?” he asked, and I slowly nodded. He sighed and gave me a dashing smile, he was complete perfection, and I was momentarily lost in his great physique and handsome features, -” Don't be, we are in this together…” He winked, making my stomach churn. -” Now for your first assignment, you will start brainstorming on ideas for the future project… Next class I will give you some pointers and indications about it. You are expected to work on your own time, meet on your own terms, and by the end of the week we will have at least three ideas per group to show to the entire class…” Our teacher said, and then added -” Class is dismissed…” -” So, give me your phone, and we can get together some time…” Ajax said and I slowly nodded. Somehow, my words failed when I was around him. He handed me his phone and I dialed from his phone to mine. That way I could record his number as well. -” Alright, now I also have your number…” I handed his phone back, and he nodded. He was quiet and observant, somehow it was a bit unnerving, but I had to prove to myself that I could handle him. -” Text me when you have a chance… we can set up a meeting…” I said and he nodded. I turned around, and immediately my phone vibrated inside my bag. I picked it up, and then I read a text: “Would you like to grab a cup of coffee tomorrow@6pm? I would like to know the woman I will be working with the entire semester…” I sighed, it was a good idea, but somehow getting too close to him made my stomach flip with butterflies. Why in the world do I feel so attracted to him when I am certain he is not my mate… I don't feel a pull nor does his scent entice me. So f*****g confusing! “Meet me @The Coffee Bean…” I typed back, not entirely convinced about this, but also not totally against it. It was weird, because my wolf liked him, and she felt safe with him. I have a very special wolf, and she is not too keen to get close to strangers, but somehow she feels safe with Ajax. Let's see what happens, because Alan is still the one I want. Aja POV I double-checked with my wolf to see if our bond and scent were properly masked. He assured me that was the case. Her behavior around me was a clear sign that my wolf was using its abilities to our advantage. I made sure we were in the same team. After all, that was the sole purpose I decided to take that course. Two days ago, I went to my counselor and reviewed all the classes I was taking, and I asked him to help me get classes that will fulfill the credits to graduate with a double major. The second major of my choice was business, and he made a list of classes. Then I sent Gio to investigate her schedule, and signed up for the class that would get me closer to her. I was going above and beyond for her, because my wolf kept annoying me about getting to know her. When she entered the classroom, I was fully aware of her presence, and when Mr. Rosenthal started scrambling us around. I made sure to be close to her. She was cute, and her broad smile was a huge asset. Her kind demeanor, and the way she smiled at everyone, was a breath of fresh air. Several girls noticed my presence, and they moved around the room following me. I knew they wanted to be in the same team as me, but I had an agenda, and I was determined not to let them ruin it. Finally, we were in the same team, and at the end of the day, I went home with her number on my phone and my wolf completely mesmerized by her. Especially when I turned around and asked her out and she agreed. My wolf couldn't wait for tomorrow, and honestly neither could I. Susie Goldenberg is an enigma, one that thrilled me to uncover.
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