Chapter 20 - Movies

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Ajax POV She agreed to come to the movies with me. We were together minutes ago, and I wanted to spend as much time with her as possible, so I skipped the shower and just changed to a yellow polo and navy jeans. The shirt looked good with my hazel-green eyes, dark hair, and fair skin. I checked the movie schedule and saw several movies would start in half an hour. We can pick the movie we want to watch there. I made my way out of the Penthouse and saw a man standing at her door. I saw how her eyes lit up and how they dulled when she told him she had plans. My enhanced senses allowed me to catch the conversation, and when he turned his head to the side, I saw who he was. Alan, the son of an Alpha, is a mediocre guy who stands on his daddy's title. How does she know him? What kind of relationship does she have with him? Are they friends or something else? Damn it! For a guy who claims not to want a mate, I am f*****g jealous. I waited for her to close the door. Thankfully, she didn't notice me eavesdropping. I took a deep breath, controlling my wolf. He kept protesting and complaining about hiding our scent from our mate. My best is certain that if we revealed ourselves to her, she would fall at our feet with the pull of the mate bond. I walked close to her;-"Hey, new friend, ready to go?” she was looking inside her place, following the other man with her beautiful gray eyes; my blood boiled when she jumped, startled. She was so f*****g mesmerized by him that she didn't notice my presence behind her. -"Yeah, I am ready,” She said softly, and I nodded. I took a deep breath, and her scent invaded my senses and helped me keep my s**t under control. I need to dig into as much information about this newfound discovery, -"Shall we?” I extended my arm to allow her to walk first. I followed her closely; I needed to be close to her to control my wolf. We made our way to the parking lot, and I opened the passenger door for her. She thanked me, and I gave her a soft smile. I can't be mad at her if I am the one hiding who I am from her. I nodded when she asked me to hook her phone to my car. She did that the last time we drove together, and I don't see a reason why to deny her. She was in charge of music, and I must say she has great taste. Her sweet features and cute demeanor don't match the Foo Fighters songs she decided to play. I loved how interesting she was. She was like a little onion; you had to peel her one layer at a time. Every single layer is more interesting than the one before it, and I just wished I could reach out to her heart. I want to know her deepest layer, to make her comfortable being herself without any layer, and to allow her to feel safe around me so she can bear her soul completely to me. I parked outside the Mall, which had a theater connected to the shopping center. “I checked the schedules online, and we have about twenty minutes to pick up the movie,” I said, and she nodded. We stood in line and discussed what kind of movie she would like to watch. She was thoughtful and considered my taste in selecting a superhero movie. Another thing we have in common is that we are super Marvel fans and mildly DC universe ones.” Want some popcorn?” I asked her, and she nodded. After buying the tickets, we decided to form a line to buy some food. “So, are you going to give me an advance on your brainstorming?” I asked, and she shook her head. "If you don't have yours, I won't share mine,” she pouted, and I had to muster every bit of control not to lean forward to kiss them. The line was moving slowly, and suddenly, I heard loud voices close to the ticket booth. Susie turned around and paled. -"Ajax, buy whatever you want for me… I want to go inside,” she said, almost with fear. I looked over my shoulder and saw Gracie and her minions loudly discussing which movie they wanted to see. -"Is something the matter?” I asked her, and she sighed, not meeting my eyes but keeping her eyes locked toward the area where Gracie was. -"Alright,” I gave her the ticket, “Hot dogs and popcorn, alright?” I asked, and she nodded, taking the ticket from me. "And don't forget lots of chocolate…” she beamed, still checking the ticket area. I have no idea why she is so afraid of her sister, but I wanted to wrap my arms around her scared frame and protect her from Gracie. Susie walked away just in time for Gracie to spot me. -"Ajax!” she yelled my name, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes, -"Gracie,” I gave her a little nod, "Why are you so uptight? I am sure you need to relax…” she said, trying to reach out and massage my arm, but I moved it away. I was not a people person, but I despised unwanted touches. -"I have told you many times, Gracie, we are not friends, and I don't appreciate physical contact,” I almost growled. She had annoyed me many times, and we had been through this s**t many times, but this time I was hyper-pissed, just knowing she was the reason Susie left me there alone in line. In my head, all those minutes away from my mate were her fault. -"Why are you so bitter? I am sure you just need to get laid…” She said in a flirtatious way, -"I have time later,” She poked her tongue against her cheek, and I almost gagged. -"No, thanks, I am busy,” I said, and thankfully, the line moved forward, and it was time to order. -"One day, Ajax… you will make me your queen…” She licked her lips and bit them. I took a deep breath and sighed. That will never happen, ever. I'd rather die. I walked to the counter and ordered a couple's combo with two hot dogs, a large popcorn tub, and two large Cokes. Susie wanted chocolate, so I bought two of each: Reese's, M&M's, Snickers, Kit Kat, and Milky Way. The guy at the cashier smiled and took my card. Then I heard Gracie chuckle and say in a mock whisper. I am sure she didn't intend for me to hear, but my senses were higher than most, and unfortunately, I did hear her. -"I am glad Ajax doesn't know my loser sister; Susie most certainly would have had an orgasm with that tray full of chocolates. What a fat loser she is!” All her friends snickered and laughed. I was on the brink of twisting their necks, but the guy at the counter called my attention to hand me my order. -"Thanks.” I said in a dry voice. I wanted to go on a killing spree, but that would have to wait because my mate was waiting for me inside the theater. I took my tray and made my way into the cinema, hoping Gracie was not a fan of Marvel because if she stepped into our movie theater, Marvel would be ruined for me forever. I walked inside the theater, looked around, and smiled. Susie was right there waiting for me. She was not looking at her phone; instead, she was biting her nails, a clear sign that she was nervous about something. I walked towards her, and she sighed, gifting me a soft smile, one I will treasure forever. I sat beside her and placed the tray between us, using the chair's cupholder to hold our tray. -"Your food, Madame…” I winked, and she bit her lower lip, blushing. She is the cutest creature. -"Merci, Monsieur,” she joked back. "I'd rather have you eat real food than your nails,” I said, noticing how she was unable to relax —at least not as relaxed as she was before seeing her sister. "Whatever it is, you know you can tell me, right?” I leaned forward to meet her eyes, but she shook her head. She didn't want to talk about her sister or open up about her sister's nasty attitude towards her. I sighed, feeling defeated. -"You know my last name is Goldenberg, right?” she sighed, and I knew she was struggling. -"Well, Gracie, she is my sister…” She sighed, and I nodded, -"I am sorry for you…” I chuckled, and she looked at me with confusion, -"What?” She squinted her eyebrows, -"Well, honestly, I have no idea how you endure family affairs with her nearby,” I paused, and she laughed, -"I usually hide,” She chuckled, -"Well, you shouldn't… between you and me… you are the sister worth meeting,” I winked, and she bit her lower lip. -"But she is the popular, skinny fashionista everyone talks about and everyone looks up to,” she said, and I chuckled… -"First, she is popular. I will give you that one, but not for good reasons. Most guys have slept with her, and most say it was nothing memorable.” I paused, -"Yes, she is skinny, but honestly… I don't think skinny is attractive; being overly skinny is a trend, an unhealthy one at that, and personally, I love women with curves.” I winked at her, and she blushed. Yes, mate, we like women, just like yourself: cute, curvy, and f*****g sexy. -"Lastly, she is not a fashionista. A woman who needs to flash branded clothing overly only shows how empty everything else is. She might dress fashion forward, but she usually over does it, borderline, tacky.” I finished, and she bit her lower lip, -"So, I guess you don't like her,” She muttered, and I chuckled, -"What gave you that impression?” I asked, and she took a deep breath, -"Because you haven't slept with her, you said most guys say she is not memorable in bed, which indicates you haven't experienced that firsthand…” She paused, and I laughed, -"Of course, I would never sleep with her… I love my d**k too much to risk it falling out of my body…” I joked, and she finally laughed. A full, heartfelt laugh. Damn it, I have grown to love the sound. The lights in the theater dimmed, and I sighed in relief because Gracie and her friends hadn't walked into our theater. I took a hot dog and passed it to Susie. The movie was about to start, and she prepared her hot dog and gave it a bite. I looked at her out of the corner of my eye and couldn't help but smile. This girl is perfect for me —sassy enough to keep me on my toes and tender enough to keep my heart at bay. I noticed a bit of ketchup on the corner of her lip and couldn't help but reach out and clean it with my thumb. She looked at me with surprise and then awkwardly shifted on the seat when I licked my thumb. "You had some ketchup…” I whispered, and she nodded. I was sure she was completely out of her element here. The movie started, and I enjoyed it so much, especially the moment when I was sharing popcorn, my fingers graced her hands. She is a chocolate junkie, I managed to eat a couple of bars, but she got rid of all of hers. I don't have a sweet tooth and quickly get fed up with sugar. I bet if I kissed her now, she would taste as sweet as she is. Why the f**k am I thinking about kissing her? I thought the plan was to meet her and then see if we could work things out. She is oblivious to our bond, and I am breaking every rule I set for myself. This bond is stronger than I thought, and I find it rather hard to stay away. The movie ended, and Susie wanted to hit the restroom before we left. I waited for her out in the lobby, thinking about how to extend this moment with her. Susie POV I couldn't believe how he spoke about Gracie. I have always thought that she is like a superstar among guys, and knowing Ajax's opinion of her grounded me into a completely different reality. The movie was great, and I enjoyed his company, especially when our hands touched. My heart made a little leap, a dangerous leap, one I am not sure if I can afford to fall into. Once the movie was over, I desperately needed to pee. I had drunk too much Coke and had held it in for over twenty minutes. I didn't want to miss any of the action. Ajax nodded and said he would wait for me outside in the cinema lobby. I rushed into the restroom and barely made it to one clean stool in time. I did my business and washed my hands. I fixed myself a little, combing my fingers through my hair. Looking at myself in the mirror, I realized I had a couple of chocolate stains on my shirt. Those are battle scars, and I will wear them proudly. When I was exiting the restroom, my worst nightmare materialized in the shape of my older sister. -"Well, well, well… if it is not the family's shameful daughter…” She said, and her minions laughed. -"Let me pass, Grace…” I said in a nonchalant voice, covering my fear for her well. I knew that if provoked, she would do something to me. -"And why would I do that?” She said, and I sighed, -"Because I am living?” I lifted my eyebrows, and she chuckled. -"You know, Susie… I wonder how many chocolates you ate? I bet a bunch, since half of them are smeared around your clothes.” She pointed out, and I closed my eyes. Here it goes, the torment and torture. -“I bet those stains will go well with this,” She lifted a cup and poured it all over me. It was freezing cold, Fanta. I shivered while she and her minions laughed. -"What did I ever do to you?” I said, shivering, while my tears threatened to spill out of my eyes. I pushed her and her minions out of the way and ran out of the cinema, completely forgetting that Ajax would be waiting for me outside.
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