Chapter 19 - Confusion

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Susie For a brief moment, I smelt the enticing aroma of sandalwood that had enticed me, but it suddenly disappeared. I looked at Ajax and wondered if the scent belonged to him. Then he moved to his desk and started munching on some chips as if nothing had happened. Am I going cray cray? Did I hallucinate the scent? If so, then why was my wolf on edge? There is something off, and the more I am here, the more I feel weird. To add to the situation, I was pissed. Earlier, Ajax was rude. His text was commanding and impolite. It was not the text one should send to a classmate and teammate. It was not the text of a partner. So I decided to go along but stick to just working. I will not try to be friendly if he wants to treat me poorly. I will be professional at best. “So, how is your brainstorming going?” he asked, intrigued, and I lifted my eyes from my screen and sighed. It had become very difficult to be around him. I felt unsure and suffocated. - “I got a few ideas, how about you?” I asked because it was in my best interest to complete this assignment. How long is a semester? Damn! Half a year… I know I can do it, maybe not, but I will root for a positive outcome. I just can't afford to fail this class. - “Nothing,” he sighed. - “Maybe I need some inspiration,” he added. I am definitely going to regret being my curious self, especially when I blurted, -“ What kind of inspiration?” Yeah, I regretted the question and then silently prayed - please don't say porn, please don't say porn - Somehow, my mind took me straight to the gutter. He rocked his body on the swinging chair before his desk while tossing chips in his mouth. I didn't want to be captured by his every movement, but he was a mesmerizing creature. His built body, tight muscles, and t-shirt fit him like a second skin. And Oh! Boy, his skin was something pleasing to look at. His disheveled hair, sticking around in a recently waked way but almost purposely sexy, invited me to run my fingers on it…, which is how dangerous it is for me to be close to a man like Ajax. I waited for his answer, and he looked at me. “I don't know. Maybe a movie?” he said casually but playfully. He's got to be f*****g kidding me. A movie? How old is he? Five? He can't concentrate, and his suggestion for inspiration is hitting the f*****g movie theater? What is he thinking? Should we base the project on the cinema scope? It doesn't make f*****g sense, he was supposed to be researching tech items. - “What?” I squinted my eyebrows, and he nodded, - “Yeah, I need a distraction; I can't focus…” He paused, and I closed my eyes. This guy came out at first as an overachiever, and now he is a slacker. Un-f*****g-believable. - “Then, I should go so you can do whatever it is you need to do,” I started cleaning up my s**t, when he stopped me. - “Aren't you coming with me?” He almost pouted, and I nearly caved. - “Why would I? I already told you I have a test tomorrow, and I have to study. Then I usually don't go out with d***s, so…” I picked up the rest of my things, turned around, and walked out of his room. This was absolutely the worst idea in the entire universe. Heck, the universe is playing me a f*****g joke, pairing me with him as my most crucial project partner. - “Hey, hey…” He ran behind me and stopped me right when I was about to open the f*****g door of his place. - “What do you want, Ajax?” I said, annoyed, and he looked at me with soft eyes. Something different crossed his eyes, something similar to pain. And somehow, my wolf whimpered. f*****g softie, why is she suffering for a guy who treated us poorly? -“I want to know why you are mad. I thought we were becoming friends,” he asked, and I sighed. - “Look, today was not a good day for me… and I wanted to check on a friend, one that I miss a lot, and you were rude and a d**k about it. I don't have to explain myself, and what I do with my time, and instead of studying for my test and checking on a loved one, I was forced to be here.” I ranted, and he sighed. I really hope he sees things from my perspective. He made me feel as if I was going to jeopardize our team's grades by skipping or being unable to brainstorm today when now he wants to go to the movies; that is a pile of horse s**t. He scratched the back of his head and sighed. I was sure that whatever he would say next would be a bunch of bullshit, but nevertheless, I was curious to hear his excuse for being an asshole. “Look, Susie… I am sorry. Honestly, the meeting today was just an excuse to see you. I had a lot of fun the other day during dinner, and I want to get to know you better. I want to be more than a project partner.” He said, and when I looked into his eyes, I could only see honesty and sincerity. I hate when this happens because I am a sucker for redemption and honesty, and somehow, I can't seem to stay mad at this gorgeous piece of man. Slowly, I lifted my hand and extended it to him; - “We can start over, but please don't do anything like that again. Friends speak to each other with the truth. If you wanted to hang around, watch a movie, or talk, you could just have said so.” I said, and he nodded, - “So, about the movie… Do you want to go?” He gave me a dashing smile, and suddenly, despite being pissed and wanting to stay home, I ended up nodding and agreeing to go out to the movies with him. I have no idea what happens inside my brain when Ajax is around, but I will go with short circuits because nothing makes sense. - “Alright, let me drop my things…” I said, and he nodded. “I will pick you up in a bit. Let me change into something decent,” he chuckled, and I sighed. He was deliciously perfect in sweats, but I guess jeans would be a better option for going out. I gave him a soft nod and moved away; somehow, being under his gaze made me make the worst decisions in the history of humanity, and I ended up agreeing with things I didn't want to do in the first place. I made my way into my place and went straight to my room. I brushed my teeth and combed my hair. I dropped my books and my laptop on my desk and made my way back. I checked my phone again to see if Alan had messaged me, but after the text I sent him earlier when Ajax went to get drinks, he didn't reply. I was considering calling him, but ultimately, I decided not to. We are friends, but if I want to be something more, I must give him space and allow him to woo me. I know it works for many she-wolves to be forward and chase after the guy, but I would rather be chased than be the one who chases the other. Somehow, I think being an easy catch is undignified. The doorbell announced that it was time to leave. I walked downstairs, and when I opened the door, I was floored. - “Alan…” I gasped, - “Hey, babe… I have missed you,” he said, quickly hugging me. His arms around me somehow made me feel uncomfortable. What was a welcome show of affection a while ago feels awkward and wrong now. I was confused and quickly released his embrace. “Are you going out?” Alan asked, and I sighed. I wanted to be with him; my mind kept repeating that he was the love of my life, while my heart and Wolf yearned to be close to someone else, Ajax. - “Yeah, I am sorry, babes.” I said, and he nodded, - “Well, I will hang out with Mike, then.” he said, and I chuckled. - “He is always available for a good time and party,” I laughed. Mike is one of my best friends, and he quickly became one of Alan's best friends as well, so naturally, he will look out for Mike to have a good time. Alan winked my way, and walked into the penthouse. My eyes followed his retrieving form. I was distracted and feeling torn. - "Hey, new friend, ready to go?” Ajax walked behind, startling the hell out of me. I took a deep breath and nodded. My wolf was elated, and my heart was beating erratically, but my head… my head protested because I was going out with someone who was not the guy my head chose to be the love of my life, Alan.
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