Chapter 21 - Orange Mess

1657 Words
Ajax I checked the time. Susie had been gone for 5 minutes, and I missed her. I sighed and decided to go and look for her. I was certain she must be about to be done by now. I walked towards the restroom area and saw Gracie and her minion giggling and laughing. They were celebrating something. I looked around, but Susie was nowhere to be seen. Gracie walked towards me and patted my shoulder. “Soon, you won't be busy for me.” She gave me a once-over with her eyes and left. I stood rooted to my spot, waiting for Susie, but no one entered or exited the restroom. My wolf kept peeking around, alert to find our mate, but we couldn't sense her nearby. It was a weird, sinking feeling. I walked towards the ladies' room door and tried to look inside. In the little hallway leading to the service area was a pool of orange soda and something that made me shiver in anger: Susie's purse. “f**k!” I almost yelled. I stepped into the hallway and picked up my mate's purse. Calling my wolf forward, I asked him to trace her scent. The trail led to a service door on the side of the cinema, and I sighed. She left me, but instead of being angry, I was deeply concerned about it; it was not likely for her to leave like that, nor to abandon her personal effects, especially when, inside her purse, she had chocolate. She worshiped chocolate, and I hoped one day she would love me as much, or better, more than chocolate. I picked up speed and saw a figure running away among the brush behind the mall. I followed her, trying to catch up with her. She ran for a good 15 minutes, and then she stopped and fell on the forest floor, broken and crying. What the f**k happened? Why is she crying? I stopped and slowly walked close to her. She was so immersed in her pain that she had all her senses blocked. I slowly held her shoulder, and she jumped and tried to attack me… “Hey! It's me,” I said softly, but she was scared, crying, and in pain; she kept fighting my hold. I took a deep breath, and my wolf partially opened our bond. I held her tightly against me while she kept fighting me… “It's me, beautiful… you are safe,” I kept saying, cooing her into surrender. The forest was dark, but I couldn't help noticing that she had damp clothes and hair, and I could not miss the orange smell that came out of her. f*****g Gracie, she will regret this for the rest of her life. I am going to humiliate her that she would wish to transfer f*****g schools. It took her a while to stop fighting me, and when she did, she lifted her gaze, and her bloodshot eyes locked with mine. It pained me to see her like that. She wiped her eyes clean and sighed, “What are you doing here?” she muttered, and I chuckled. She completely stood me up, and now she wonders why I am chasing after her. “I was in the movie theater when my date stood me up,” I gave her a cheeky answer, “It was not a date,” She muttered, and I chuckled. “I can't believe you are this sweet and naive, beautiful. When a guy asks a girl out alone, even if it is to the movies… I would call it a date, especially if said guy really likes the girl,” I declared, and her eyes shone under the swift light of the Moon. “You can't like me… Look at me…” she took a step away from me, and I chuckled. “I have already looked at you, and not only do I find you beautiful and intriguing… but your heart…” I paused. I wished you could see it through my eyes.” I cupped her chin, and she leaned into my touch. Subtle tingles flowed between us, nothing as evident as the mate bond, but it was a pleasant pull. “Why?” she asked, and I sighed. My mate needs lots of reassurance and certainty, and she needs to start loving herself. I wanted to say it's because I am your mate, but instead, I said, “Because you are an extraordinary woman,” She sighed while I caressed her cheek, “Ajax…” She said my name, and I was ready to lean forward and kiss her, “What is it?” I asked, “I want to go home…” she muttered, and I sighed. She lowered her walls, and then something like this happened: Her walls went up to the sky. She closed off and allowed darkness to settle within her. “Alright, I will take you back,” I said, offering her my arm. She took it, and we slowly walked back to the parking lot. As soon as we exited the treeline, I could clearly see the mess Gracie had made, and my fury grew exponentially. I gave her a side glance and sighed… “It was Gracie, right?” I asked, and she nodded. And in the clear light of the parking lot, she saw I was holding her purse. “I should call a cab. I don't want to mess up your fancy ride.” She said, biting her lip, and I sighed… “Do you know the good thing about being a sports junkie?” I asked her, and she shrugged her shoulders, “The good thing about it is that I always have a bag with changes of clothes in my trunk…” I said while pulling my polo out of my body and covering her with it. I couldn't care less if I was shirtless. She looked at me and gasped. I saw her eyes trail over my well-defined muscles. “Why are you being nice to me?” She mumbled, but I decided to ignore her remark. She was questioning everything, and I couldn't give her a straight answer, at least not without giving away the fact that we were mates and that I had been hiding our bond from her. “Did Gracie put you up to it?” She asked, and I sighed. “No, Susie, Gracie didn't put me up to anything. I hate that woman, and lately, I really despise her.” I said, and she nodded. “Then, why does a guy like you want to hang out with a woman like me?” I was sure he had been through a lot —so much that she was being extra cautious with her heart. “All I can say to you is that I think you are one of the few women around who are worth knowing…” I paused and saw the upcoming protests, “Why can't I be interested in a beautiful woman like you? Is it because you don't meet the skinny, starved standard? I told you before, I like girls with curves, and yours…” I sighed and ran my eyes over her form. She was a vision wrapped in my oversized polo. Damn it, I want her badly… “Are you going to be weird while doing our class project?” She asked, breaking the tension, and I laughed. “Have I been weird?” I replied, “Sometimes,” She bit her lip, and I broke down laughing out loud. “Maybe because I have never felt like this for anyone…and for that, I am sorry. If you feel uncomfortable, just speak up,” I paused, “And I promise to stop being weird.” I chuckled, and she giggled. “You have a way of making me forget and feel better… thanks,” she said, and I nodded. We were close to my car, and I opened her door; she climbed into the passenger seat. “Are you uncomfortable wearing my shirt?” I asked her, and she shook her head. “Are you uncomfortable with me not wearing one?” “It's a bit distracting, but who in their right mind will ask you to cover…” She laughed. It was a half-joke, and I understood the message clearly. While walking towards the driver's seat, I got a text from Gio informing me that all Susie's friends, and he would be hitting a bar. I placed my phone in my pocket and started the engine. I saw her typing away. “Did they tell you about the bar?” I asked, and she nodded, biting her lower lip. Do you want to go? I am not fond of all the crowds, sweat, booze, or unwanted touches, but if you want to go, we can go…” I offered, and she shook her head. “I don't think I will be able to remove this orange color from my face,” she mumbled, and I nodded. “But you don't have to be alone… want to come over to my place and hang out?” I offered, and she sighed. “Ajax, I don't want to give you hope of anything, but I would love some company…” She said, and I nodded. “So, it's a deal. After you take a shower, come to my place… I will leave the door open for you…” I said, and he added, “Come in, your pj´s… let's open a bottle of wine and relax… how about that?” I chuckled, and she nodded. “You've got yourself a deal…” she winked, and I almost stopped the car in the middle of the road to kiss her. I had no idea how I was going to reveal we were mates without breaking her frail trust.
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