Chapter 15 - Mates

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Susie POV I entered my place, and my heart was beating hard. What was happening? He is just the guy who I will be working with this semester. Alan, he is the love of my life… Yeah, that is it! I need to keep my head clear because my heart is a mess. I have never been this needy woman, and now I am sort of falling for the first guy who is nice to me here… Yeah, something is not right, and is so confusing that I think I need a good night of sleep and a little bit of alcohol to process what went down tonight. I went to my room and greeted Di and Gio on my way up. Those two had it so easy; they met, fell for each other, and now are stuck to each other like Velcro. I am happy for them but also a little jealous. Why was it not as easy for Alan and me? It would have been perfect. I am sure the Moon Goddess made a huge mistake not pairing us for life. I jumped into my shower, and when I closed my eyes, in my head, I kept going over and over tonight's conversation with Ajax. He was sweet and kind, but he was also flirty and coquettish. Was he interested in me as something else? I hope not because my heart belongs to another… but does it? I grunted in frustration. I was not expecting this kind of stress, and I hated it. After I finished my shower, I automatically dressed in a silky slip and made my way onto my balcony. Don't bother wearing a cover-up… The view from here was magnificent, and the moon was shining brightly in the sky. I loved the place so much that I had a swing that I frequently used. A masculine scent drifted in the air, and I sighed; it was comforting and alluring. Without thinking, I found myself walking closer to the wall that divided my balcony from the neighbors and resting my hand on the balcony rail, I saw the figure of a man standing on the other side. He growled, turned around, and headed inside his place. What the hell was that? There were three penthouses at the top of the building, and I had no idea which one was the one that shared a balcony with my bedroom… Could it be someone I know or someone I am yet to meet? I had no idea, but the scent was the most amazing I had ever smelled in my entire life… Ajax POV After leaving her in her place, I went into mine and showered. She was amazing. Cute, funny, a breath of fresh air, gorgeous…. f*****g gorgeous… I finished my shower, put on a pair of gray sweats, and sat outside on my balcony. I loved seeing the city from here, and I loved it even more when we had a Full Moon. I stared at our heavenly mother and prayed for a sign that I should allow her into my life. Despite this amazing date, I was still wary of letting her in… My wolf pushed hard for me to accept her, to reveal to her that she was ours, but my mind and human side were not so certain about it. She was Gracie's younger sister, she was close to her while growing up, and despite growing apart, I had no idea if any of Gracie's toxic DNA resided in her. It was a high price to move forward, risking my future for a woman who could turn out even worse than Gracie Goldenberg. Yeah, I had a lot to think about, and a lot was at risk, especially my freedom. If proven that she is what she seems to be, I would willingly relent my life to her, but without that reassurance, the price is too high. I was so deep in thought that I had all my walls lowered when I saw her… She was walking towards the end of her balcony that bordered mine. My wolf stirred inside me and chanted happily, ´Mate, mate, mate…´ My light was off, while a dim light adorned her with a soft glow. I took a deep breath and shivered when I noticed her potent and enticing scent, realizing my wolf was not masking our bond at the moment. Before she could realize who I was, I forced myself to turn around and lock myself inside my room. f*****g hell, that was close… now more than ever, I can't let her know that I share a balcony with her. Gio walked into my room, and the fucker was back. Recently, he has been spending every waking minute with his mate, and I don't blame him. Diana seems to be a good gal, and according to Susie, she is one of the best people she has ever met. I would have to wait and see, but if I go by my mate's opinion, Gio's heart is safe. -"So, how was it?” he asked, - “She is f*****g amazing…” I paused, and he laughed, - “And she looked f*****g hot; you can thank my mate and Maggie for that…” Gio said, and I grunted. My wolf was not happy about another male admiring what was ours. - “Anyway, she wanted to return to where I took her, and I hope to find a moment to ask her out again…” I said, and then Gio lifted his eyebrows. I was sure he was confused about why I was not moving sooner or why I would have to find an opening… -"I can't be that obvious or that eager…” I said, and he rolled his eyes, - “Whatever… You should move fast. She is a great girl; if you don't stake your claim on her, someone else will…” He advised, and I hated the fact that she was right, but at the same time, I would kill any other fucker that would try to make a move on my mate. He patted my back and made his way out of my room. Before he left, I stopped him - “Gio, do you think she is something close to Gracie?” I asked. That question was burning my head. - “My brother, she is the complete opposite… take your time in knowing her, and you will discover how much our Goddess has blessed you…” He said, and I nodded. He knows a bit more of their story because I am certain his mate has said things to him, but still, I need to be sure. Alan POV I went out tonight, and my best friend Raoul was tagging along with me. We were in the most hip club on campus, and the booze and sweaty bodies grinding against each other were evident inside the place. Raoul waved his hand, so I could follow him to the bar. He ordered two scotches, and we toasted. -"For a good f**k!” He said, and I smirked. Of course, he wanted to get a girl and get down and dirty with her. He didn't mind who; he just wanted a good f**k. - “For a good f**k…” I replied, and he chuckled. His smirk told me he was all for it. I downed my glass, trying to drown the turmoil I had been feeling lately. My father has been pestering me around about finding my mate. He even gave me a deadline: by the end of this semester, I must bring a bride home, mate or not mate bond. Then I just couldn't wrap my head around tying my life to a woman… - “I am going to mingle around…” I said to Raoul while he ordered another dry drink and nodded at me. I knew he was on the hunt, and in the end, he would get a woman to have a one-night stand. I walked around, and among the potent smell of booze, sweat, and s*x, I could smell another scent; this one was enticing. I took another whiff, and my wolf stirred inside me. - ´Find mate…´ my wolf urged me. I have always found myself attracted to both men and women… I have had my fair share of experiences. I was even sent to the Arcadia Pack when my father found a male omega performing a very skilled blow job on me. I took another whiff and followed the scent, hoping to find the owner of that amazing scent, fresh-cut grass, and rain… I walked around, squeezing myself between dancing bodies, moving along until I stopped in front of him. My eyes widened, he opened his mouth and growled, “Mate…” Panic filled me. I was mated to a man, and my father would disown me… he would never accept me, and the possibility of not having an heir to rule our pack. I saw my mate's eyes; surprise and grief filled him. He was tall, with dark hair and green eyes… his familiar face gave me a soft smile, and I couldn't control myself, and taking a step forward, I crashed my lips into his… To my mate, Michael… Susie's best gay friend. Mike was my mate.
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