Chapter 16 - A Plan

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Mike POV I decided to go with some classmates to this new club, it is called ´The Howlers´ it was a cute name to a place made for shifter, especialy werewolves. I dressed up casually and headed out. Diana was not interested in joining the fun, why would she? She struck the mate lotto with that hunk from The Royal Pack. Maggie said she was tired and complained that tomorrow would have a hell of a long day, being laundry day and all… Sometimes I think she is getting quirky as if she was an old lady, but that is a conversation for another day. My cousin can be the funniest person to have around until she is not, and I guess today is one of those days. Susie, on the other hand, was out with a classmate and hadn´t arrived, so there was no way I could ask her to tag along. - “I´m out!” I yelled, and Diana quickly jumped up from the couch. - “Be careful… and if you need anything give us a call… text if you are spending the night somewhere…” She was like a mother hen. It was one of my first outing in college without my usual crowd, the one that would not anything happen to me, so I understood she was worried. -” Yes, Mom…” I joked and she rolled her eyes, while Gio chuckled. -” I heard the place is dope, maybe we can hit it tomorrow…You guys and I can tell Ajax” He said and I nodded, that sounded like a plan, after all, Gio and Ajax were Seniors, and as newcommers it was cool to be seen with older crowds. I made my way out and requesting a car. I climbed into my private lift. I texted my classmates, we made a group chat, and one of them told me they were already at their reserved table. We had a class together, and we hit it off immediately. In my new group were three girls named Stacy, Coral, and Penelope, and four guys: Randall, Marcus, Manuel, and me. Coral and Penelope happened to be a couple, and I was gay as f**k, and even when all the other males in the group were straight as an arrow, they accepted me without complaint. I walked to the door, and the guy at the front asked me for the name of my reservation. The place was packed and hey were not taking any walk-ins… “Reservation under Manuel Gallant…” I said and the guy quietly opened the red rope to let me enter. The place was dope with dark ceilings, and walls, illuminated by big spider crystal chandeliers. In the middle was stage where a band was playing live, and on top of the stage on a floating stage a DJ alternated with the band, to keep the music rolling. Neon lights flashed around, and a dance floor packed with bodies, while around all that were tables packed with peple drinking and having a good time. I scanned the place and spotted my friends. With difficulty, I managed to reach our table. - “You made it!” Stacey yelled to be herd over the loud music. - “I wouldn´t miss it… this place is cool…” I said and she beamed. - “What´s your poison?” Manuel asked and I squinted my eyebrows, confused as to what he was referring, -” What do you want to drink?” He asked again and I chuckled… - “Tequila…” I said and he chuckled… Manuel lifted his hand and a waiter walked towards us… -” Bring us all double shots of tequila!” He yelled over the music and the waiter quickly nodded. I didn´t had much money so the bill was something that worried me. Manuel noticed and then he said to me privatelly, -”It´s on me…” I sighed, I never cared about my money situation, my family was not rich, but also not poor. I was friends with one of the Alpha´s daughters and that gave me certain implicit rank, but moneywise, in our pack we never lacked anything. Here was a different story, having my parents send money and having to stretch it to last for an entire month was a different story. Manuel, on the other hand, was a rich kid from The Midnight Pack, he was not an Alpha, but his father was a Beta, and that gave him unlimited ressources to spare in partying. He was cool, and thus he offered to cover the bill for all of us. This is the first time I am out, and now I am seriously thinking about getting a job, just in case. We drank the shots and I felt the burning sensation going down my throat and immediately yearning for more… Manuel waved his hand and the waiter kept the shots comming. -” Let´s go dance!” Penelope yelled, and all the girls squealed, while the guys wanted to stay behind drinking, all of them except Marcus, Marcus was all in to go and dance with Stacey. She captivated him, and would be making his move soon, I could tell. Stacey was a shy cute creature, while Manuel was a burly guy with redish hair, and the body of a warrior. He was impressive and I was certain that Stacey was not indifferent to this rough-around.the-edges stud. - " Come on, Mike!” Coral insisted while Manuel and Randall waved at us to go ahead. We moved around making a little train squeezing amongst the massive amount of sweaty bodies and found a spot oin the dance floor. We danced and sang… Penelope, Coral, and I danced in a little group, while Marcus was dancing with Stacey. He was being careful, respecting her boundaries, while she was blushing furiously, I guess we all could sing ´Love is in the Air´ outloud with those two. I was dancing when a scent hit me, it was a scent somewhat familiar, leather and cinnamon, my wolf stirred inside me. I had scented that combination before, but its been a while, I just turned of age, so it is hard to tell... I looked around trying to find the owner of that enticing scent that made my mouth water… ´Mate, mate, mate…´ my wolf announced and I was desperately moving in the crowd to find the owner of that scent. I was openly gay, so I was looking for a guy, I was certain our Goddess would bless me with an amazing partner. Suddenly I stopped in front of him. Tall, tanned skin, blonde hair and green eyes… -” Mate…” I growled, then flashed him my million dollar smile. My body shook, I was certain he would never accept me as his… Alan was the son of a very conservative Alpha, he had a duty to his pack, and I was not the path to fullfill those responsibilities. I was bracing myself for a painful rejection, but instead, he took a step closer to me, and crashed his lips on mine. Fucking hell, I was brought to heaven and back…. He was amazing, and…. My mind drifted to the smiling face of my friend, Susie… he was the love of her life. I pushed him away from me… - “We need to talk…” I said and he chuckled, -”Talk, f**k, whatever you want…” he was brasen with his words, and I loved it. - “Come on… let´s go…” I said and he followed me. He had an image to keep s¿oi he walked at a close distance from me, and I was thankful, because just with one kiss, I felt guilty… I was her friend, and she would be devastated. Alan POV I followed him, and we made our way out of the club. He texted someone and then we silently walked towards a small restaurant a block down the club. - “Are you hungry?” I asked him and he shook his head, -” No, but I need food, I drank some tequila and I need my head clear….” He said and I slowly nodded opening the door for him. I walked in heading towards the back and sat in a booth. Mike followed and sat in front of me. The waitress walked to take our order and he asked for a simple cup of black coffee, while I asked for a Coke. -” Are you going to reject me?” I looked into his eyes, -” No, I was raised to cherish the mate bond…” He said and then added, - “But I can´t be open about us, at least not now…” He said averting my gaze. I took a deep breath and sighed. It was a relief that he didn´t want to be open about us yet, because that gave me time to have a plan to get the pack and my mate. - “Alright, I can wait…” I said and he gave me a soft smile… He surprised me with the following revelation, “It is not that I don´t want to show the world how lucky I got, but we need to be careful, because my best friend is in love with you, and I don´t want her to get hurt…” He said and my eyes snapped, - “Who?” I asked, feeling anxious, maybe a girl who loves me is the answer. I can marry her, and use her to get the Alpha position, then once my father is out of the picture, divorce her and get my mate his rightful place. -” Susie…” Mike reveled, and I nodded. That was interesting, and something I could work with, after all my father would be pleased that I brought back home an Apha´s daugther. A plan started forming in my head, I just need to be very careful with Mike… I don´t want to break his heart, and I don´t want him to alert Susie about it. -”It´s OK… we will figure comething out…” I took his hand in mine…
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