Chapter 5 -Growing

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Susie Gracie left to study at Highlands U, and I took a deep breath, for once I would be at peace at home. It is not that she is this b***h, t least not openly… but she is always making these passive-aggressive remarks that dig deeper than open bullying, and despite that, she is my sister and, as such, I do love her, heck! I am going to even miss her. I won't miss her mean comments, her little jabs at my appearance here and there, her stealing my nice clothes or when she rounded up with my mom or the twins, their mockery and bullying. No, I won't be missing any of that, but I will miss her presence and the good moments because there have been good moments. She is strong-willed and gorgeous, and before she turned into this mean version of Queen B, we used to play together, we used to laugh and joke around, and she even used to defend me from others. I know there is kindness deep within her, but her pride and selfishness are getting the best out of her. I am sure life will teach her the proper lessons, and for sure, it is part of the growing pains each one of us has to endure to be shaped into the best versions of ourselves. Dad and Mom threw a huge party in our pack to wish her farewell, along with others who would also be leaving for Highlands U. I enjoyed the moment. Deep down I was elated, but at the same time, it was bittersweet. The next day after the party, Gracie, her minions, and others leave Arcadia Pack to settle into their new lives at the university. I can't wait for it to be my turn… Two more years. Two years had passed and, despite telling myself that I missed Gracie, the fact that every time she visited made my life a living hell, started to convince me otherwise. She returned for the Holidays, Spring Break, and Summer Break, and those were the times I dreaded being alone. Her bitterness and mockery got out of hand, she even got physical with me, slapping me for refusing to clean her clothes. It took me two years to accept that our relationship had changed, that we were not the little kids who loved each other, and that the new normal was that my sister was my enemy. Mom always favored her and the twins, but Dad, he remained neutral, and sometimes even, favored me. When he did, it was when things escalated and s**t hit the fan massively. During those years in high school, I managed to navigate them unscathed and be quite friendly with everyone, especially Alan. He was a year older than me, and I adored him. We instantly became friends, and he has been a real protector, loving, caring, and a true gentleman. I can't believe that he has become my center, and I am sure I have fallen in love with him. He is charming and funny. We can communicate with just one single look. We laughed together, and we had this quirky sense of humor that very few understand. We go out, have fun, and chat for hours… even when we have spent a whole day together, at night we text each other, and even fall asleep through video call. If that is not love and devotion, I don't know what it is. I know I should wait for my fated mate, but really… I am certain Alan is, so why not fall for him from the very beginning? Why not host him in my heart, if, in the end, he will live there forever? I have been missing him terribly. He graduated last year, and he is already studying for university in his first year of university. Every Alpha, or ranked member was supposed to get a higher education. Even the Royal pack, the rulers of all, had that tradition. So, Alan, being a future Alpha, was sent to Highlands U. Highlands U is the best university, their education system and their experience in teaching is traditional and well-known. Most kids who are looking to climb professionally die to study there. Of course, selection goes by rank, and many Omegas don't make the cut. I have always thought that it is such an unfair system. Admissions to higher education should be acquired by talent and effort, not rank. It was my time to choose a university, and I was certain of something. I didn't want to go to the Highlands U. I wanted to be as far away from Gracie, her minions, and her meanness. -” Your father wants to see you.” an Omega interrupted my sunbathing with a nice book by the pool. I removed my sunshades and gave her a confused look. -” Now?” I said back. It was rare that my super busy father would take time from his packed schedule to talk to me about something, especially since I had made sure to stay out of trouble. The Omega nodded her head, and I sighed, closing my book and throwing my swimsuit cover-up over my body, I followed her. Yeah, I am now confident to walk around in a bathing suit. I was not skinny like a supermodel, but I lost some weight, and toned my body, embracing my curvy shape… so why not feel proud and confident in my skin? I knocked on my dad's door, and he instructed me to enter. His velvet baritone voice was so warm and familiar that it was comforting. -” You sent for me,” I said, sitting in front of his hand-carved mahogany desk. A true family heirloom if you ask me, that desk has been in this office for several generations now. He nodded, -” Susie, I am worried about your further education. Almost everyone in our pack had sent their requests and had notified me where they are heading… and you, you are still undecided…” Dad said, his voice concerned about my lack of certainty. “Are you unsure of what you want to study, or the place where you want to attend?” He asked. I knew he was trying to be helpful, but there was no way in hell that I would confess to him that I was certain what major I wanted to do, and the best university for it was the Highlands… but I refused to go there, not when Gracie was there, alone, without restraints. I refused to put myself into that situation. -” I don't know dad. Like I know what I want to study and all… but I am not sure if the best ranked university for that major is the one for me…” I tried to sound honest, without giving him too much food for thought. He looked at me, he already knew that I wanted to study marketing, and as a good Alpha he also knew which university was the top ranked for that major. -”Are you avoiding your sister?” he asked in a blunt, matter-of-fact tone. It was so powerful that I felt the need to lower my gaze. -”Sweetie, I know that things between you and your sister have not been ideal, and I don't blame you for not wanting to be around her… but maybe going to that university would be what needs to happen for you two to get along…” I loved him to pieces, but that was just thinking. -”Maybe you should consider for once, what is best for you…” He paused, -” If you want to major in marketing at the best university, don't let her stop you. You are giving her too much power, and I know you are far smarter than that…” He finished, and I bit my lower lip, he had a f*****g good point, also Mike, Mags and Di would be attending there as well. -”Alright, I will go to Highlands University, on one condition…” I said and he looked at me, -”I know, you want your own place, with those three troublemakers as roommates…” He chuckled. I knew he loved them deep down, but as the Alpha of the pack, he had to deal with so much f*****g mischief from us, that I got where he was coming from. -”I believe they are waiting for you to confirm that you will finally be their fourth roommate…” Dad pointed out at the door. He knew I would cave in, and he had everything ready for me to be happy and protected within my circle of loved ones.
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