Chapter 4 - Wondering

1963 Words
Ajax After carefully choosing my words, and convincing my father, it was time for me to leave. The more excited about it was my best friend and future Beta George. Highlands University was the best university in the entire kingdom, and we were heading there. I will be coursing the degree of Engineering, while Gio will be taking Management classes. We will be in different buildings, but we will share a Penthouse in an apartment building a couple of blocks away from our campus. -” Are you ready to leave?” Gio knocked on the open door of my bedroom, where I was finishing with my last suitcase. We were driving to Highlands Pack. That way we would have a car with us, and I could move easily between campus and the main training grounds of the pack, where I would be having my Alpha and physical training. -” Yeah…” I sighed, taking a last glance at the room that hosted me for my entire life, 19 years of my life were spent in this room, and now it was almost empty. It was a freeing feeling, it was the moment my life would begin. The first pack we crossed was the Arcadia Pack, and as soon as we entered the territory, my wolf stirred inside me. He whimpered because he knew we were choosing our dreams over our bond. It was a huge bet, the one I was making for the sake of us. I just hope that, in the end, it pays off, and I get to follow my dreams and, mainly for my wolf's sake, get my mate. -”What are you thinking?” Gio asked me, and I looked at him. He didn't know about me seeing my mate around at the lake party. Yes, he was my best friend, but I was certain that as soon as the news of me finding my fated mate leaked, this deal with my father was over and done. -” Can I confess something?” I paused, and he looked at me with concern, “I need you to swear secrecy…” I continued, and he nodded. I am a Sigma Wolf, and I am not as powerful as an Alpha, but as my Beta, he can be sworn to secrecy if needed. He slowly nodded, he knew this kind of deal came within the job description. -”I, George Morgan, swear to keep and protect, with my life, all the information that my future Alpha, Prince Ajax Auburnwülf, would confide in me…” He recited, and I nodded, feeling the secrecy pact snap between us. -”The night of the lake party, here in the Arcadia Pack, I scented her… my fated mate… it was a faint sweet scent, not mature enough for my wolf to claim her, but I am sure she is here…” I confided, and his eyes snapped open. It was as if he was hearing this information for the very first time. He might have been too drunk to remember why I left the party early. He understood that it meant that my mate was underage and not ready to take her position next to me. He nodded, understanding that I wanted to live my life before I came back and get her, once she was ready. So I decided to leave her behind for the time being. I just hope that when the time comes, she is not mated to another. -” Damn it, Ajax! The moment this leaked, this little escapade will be over…” Gio said and I nodded. “Don't worry, I will take this to my grave…” He said, and I nodded. I trusted him with my life, and now he knows two of my biggest secrets. The first one, is that I am not an Alpha blood wolf, but a Sigma, and the second is that I have found my fated mate. -” So, who did you hook up at the lake party?” I asked him, we hadn't talked about that party, and it had been three days. It was a summer party, a farewell for all the seniors leaving for Highlands U. We were not sure if we would be allowed to go, because as Alpha and Beta of the realm we had so many obligations, more than we can count. We didn't expect our parents to agree to this so easily, so we had only two days to prepare in order to settle on time for our introduction week. -” Gracie…” He grimaced, and I chuckled, lifting my eyebrows and giving him a side glance. -“Don't blame me, she is a pretty she-wolf… and let me tell you she was a great shag, you should try it at least once…” He laughed. I scratched the back of my head. Yes, I have had s*x before, but once I did it, it didn't feel right. The girl was not my mate, and was not the right person to be with. She was some random hookup at one of those hot and steamy parties, no one important, no one with whom I shared a connection or a bond. It was just filling a void with emptiness, and the aftermath of that was not a pleasant feeling at all. Yes, I am a weird guy, but hey! I am the only Lone Wolf, and my nature calls for fewer, but more passionate connections. That is why I want to go back to the girl we scented, and that we believe to be our mate. -” No, thanks… I already tried it, and I just prefer to wait for the right one… until then, healthy handshakes will have to do…” I joked while Gio scrunched his face. -” I don't get it, you could have as many girls as you would want. Why don't you take advantage of that? Why do you do that to yourself?” Gio asked, and I understood his honest and sincere question. He is my friend, and he knows that as soon as I dismiss a girl, they look his way, and like the man-w***e he is, he completely takes advantage of them. -” Because those girls that throw themselves at me, they are not there because they care for me, they care about the shiny and glory of the crown, they care about the power and status of the position, they care about the comfort and riches of my family's bank account, but they do not care about me… it is so frustrating that they are willing to even pretend to be someone they are not, just to get ahead on the sick game of getting the crown…” I sighed, that was also another motive as to why I didn't date. The few dates I went on showed me how girls would do almost anything to get the lifestyle they think comes with my position. One even tried to drug me in order to have s*x with her and get pregnant, all of it to force me to marry her, because she would be carrying the future king. After that experience, I swore to keep myself away from all those scheming she-wolves. -”I understand, I don't share the sentiment, but I get it…” Gio chuckled and turned the music up. The car ride was full of jokes, junk food, and excellent music. Don't tell Gio, but I honestly think that if he was not meant to work for me as my Beta, he would be a very successful DJ. -” Welcome to the Highlands Pack, Your Majesty…” Beta Tyler, Highlands Pack Beta, gave me a courtesy bow, and I responded it with another. I have always found it odd, but it was the custom, and I went along with it. -” Thank you, Beta Tyler…” Gio answered for both of us, and he gave him a mischievous smile, -” By the way, your father asked me to train you for your Beta duties, this is your schedule…” He smirked, handing him another piece of paper that looked as cramped with activities as mine did. I chuckled, he thought he would be spared, but apparently, no one informed him that we would have to train as hard as I did. It was part of the package deal our parents struck with us. He took the schedule and sighed, -” Thanks, Beta Tyler…” He was not happy with the surprise, but as he always says, life goes on. Beta Tyler nodded and then turned around on his heels, leaving the establishment. Gio and I felt in comfortable silence, knowing that our path around the University would be quite different from the path of other students. We had a full course load, and then we had the extra training, all of that beyond what Gio had planned to do, partying… -” Suck it up, we can do it all…” I said and he nodded. I knew he was a bit bummed by the fact that his plans of partying and hooking up every single night of the week with random girls were just cut short, by hooking up once a week during weekdays, and the entire weekend. He pouted, and I laughed, only he would pout like a woman when she did not get her way. -” Oh! My Goddess!” An annoying high-pitched voice boomed around the place, and Gio quickly turned towards the source of the annoying sound. He grimaced and then shivered in mock fear. I chuckled, only he would get away with such rude manners. -” Gracie…” He mumbled, and I rolled my eyes, it was evident that the firstborn daughter of the Arcadia Pack's Alpha and her minions were there. We graduated together, so it was just natural that they would be here. -” Ladies…” I said, greeting them, and she walked towards us and pushed Gio into the booth he was sitting in, taking a place next to him. I inhaled and the faint scent of jasmine and lemon was not there. It was weird that scent was present at the party, but somehow I knew it didn't belong to her. -” Gio…” She whined and then pouted, maybe thinking she was being seductive, but failing miserably. -”I am quite upset because you didn't call back…” she said, while running her fingers up and down Gio's arm. He chocked in his food, and she softly patted his back, trying to help him. The whole situation was almost hilarious. -” I am sorry, Gracie… but I was busy packing my things. It was a last-minute decision to come to school here…” He tried to be polite and gave her a fair excuse. He could have gone for something more unrealistic, but I have to give it to him. He is a quick thinker. After flirting with Gio and giving me hungry looks, Gracie parted ways-Wow, she slept with my Beta and was flirting with me. There are no moral values these days. As soon as she was out of hearing reach, I laughed at my best friend's expression. So long was the idea of hooking up with random girls, when he would be watched and chased like a juicy prayer by none other than Gracie, a possessive Alpha she-wolf. He threw a bunch of french fries in my face, -” That was not funny…” He complained, making me laugh hysterically. This is going to be a fun ride, and I can't wait for it to start.
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