Chapter 6: Beautiful Girl like You

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Vel’s POV It was a good thing that the first class was just a brief introduction and we were dismissed earlier than the scheduled time. I was still annoyed with Dale Sanders! How could he blurt out some dirty remarks like that? No wonder his parents wanted someone to keep an eye on his evil side. I have been sitting in the library for hours and I got bored. I have been here thinking about how I could know whatever that Sanders does without actually being near him but then I realize that I was told to report only anything unusual and the things which I think are relevant. I don’t think flirting in class is one of them. It actually looked like it is what he does on a normal day-to-day basis and he is used to doing it. I sighed. I looked at my class schedule and saw that my next class would still be after two hours so I decided to take my early lunch. I went to the cafeteria and checked on what I could eat. My eyes grew wide when I saw how much the food cost there; even a simple sandwich costs a fortune. Is this for real? Aren’t they overpricing them? I mean, at my old school, they almost had the same food but the price was way less than here. I have money; the Sanders gave it to me as my allowance, but I don’t think I can spend it on something like that. What should I eat? I thought to myself. If I go out of the campus, I am only surrounded by huge malls and expensive restaurants, seeing that our school is in the middle of the city. I won’t have much time to go home to my apartment and cook my lunch as I also have classes to attend. I was torn between eating now or just eat whenever I got home, but I was worried that I might get dizzy in my next class, so I chose the former. I inspected almost everything and looked for something that cost less than the others. I saw a sandwich with eggs and lettuce and I thought that it would be enough. I also took bottled water and settled it on the corner table. I watched as students at other tables were chatting as they ate their food. I really don’t think that I belong here. These students don’t even think twice about ordering anything in this cafeteria, unlike me, who checked every price just to make sure that I didn’t have to spend too much. Well, what can I do? I needed the opportunity and I had to deal with it. I was silently eating my sandwich when I heard noises and shrieking from the other tables. I wondered what was going on; I thought that there was a fight or something, but the students seemed to be excited about something. I looked over to where they were looking and from the entrance of the cafeteria, I saw Dale Ian Sanders along with two other men who looked like they were walking on a fashion show runway. What is all the fuss? Haven’t they seen guys before? What is so special about them? Nothing, I know right. I shook my head and continued eating. Girls at the other tables were still looking at them as they went to get their food. They even looked like they would break their necks just to see those three men. I shrugged it off. Maybe they just got a huge crush on Sanders and those two other guys, so I just let it go. If I wanted to survive in this environment, I should just mind my own business and stay away from trouble. I drank my bottled water and was ready to go when someone sat across from me. I furrowed my brows when I looked at who it was. I don’t know this guy at all, but he was looking intently at me. It was like he was reading me. “Hi,” He said in a friendly note. “H-hi,” I said. “You’re a freshman here, right?” He said. “Yes, why?” I said. I know that he was being friendly but I have no time for some chitchat as I still have to get ready for my next class on which I still have no idea where. “Well, it’s the first time that I have seen you here, and judging by your looks,” He said and smiled. “I wouldn’t miss a beautiful girl like you on this campus.” “Uhmm, t-thanks,” I said. “You’re shy,” He said. Who wouldn’t, right? He just told me that I am beautiful. Not to brag, but I also have been told something like that before. They say that I have a nice face, pointed nose, curvy lips, and hypnotizing eyes. I just don’t usually get it from a stranger, and not especially on our first meeting. “I’m sorry but I don’t know you,” I said. “Thank you for talking to me and thank you for what you said; I appreciate it, but I really have to go.” “Please don’t leave yet,” He said and offered his hand. “Let me introduce myself to you; I am Max and I am a junior here.” “I-I’m Yzavella,” I said. “I am, as you said, a freshman here,” “Yzavella,” He echoed. “That is a really nice name.” “Thanks,” I said. “But I’m sorry, I really have to go. I still have a class to attend to.” “Oh, my bad, I thought you just wanted to leave because you wanted to escape from me,” He said and laughed. “Do you know where your next class is? I can help you if you want.” His offer sounds interesting. I looked at my watch and saw that I only had twenty minutes until my next class started. Accepting his offer might not be that bad. Although he’s a stranger, I don’t think he could do anything bad to me inside the campus; there are security guards and surveillance cameras everywhere. “So?” He said. I sighed. “Alright,” I said. He smiled and nodded. I stood up from my chair and he did the same. We started walking out of the cafeteria and I saw Dale as we walked to the exit. He was looking at me like he was pissed off. What the hell is this guy’s problem? He was even glaring at me if I was not mistaken. I shrugged that thought off. Why would he even do that, right? Maybe he was looking at someone or something else. I don’t know why I even bother thinking about his actions. “What was that?” Max said when we were out of the cafeteria. “What?” I said. “You were mumbling something a while ago,” He said. “Oh,” I said. “It was nothing,” Gosh, I said it a bit out loud. Good thing he didn’t hear that I was talking about Sanders. 
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