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I stared at Prince Arkin, not knowing what to do. I didn’t understand why he was here. He should be doing his best to avoid me, especially at night when he knew I wouldn’t be in veil and he would be forced to witness the horror painted on my face. “Fo—forgive me. I—I’ll just put on my veil,” I said before quickly turning around and grabbing the first veil I could get my hands on which was a pale pink chiffon. I quickly pulled it over my head before turning to face him once again. “I didn’t know you’ll be coming, otherwise I would be more presentable.”  “You’re getting ready to retire?” He asked.  “Yes, Your Highness,” I answered.  “I hope you’re happy…” “Pardon me?” Happy about what? The fact that I was no longer allowed to walk around unless I was given permission?  “You could’ve been executed for your crimes against the Kingdom. And if I hadn’t convinced my parents to spare your life, you wouldn’t be dressed in your night clothes right now. They’re also going to spare your parents and your Kingdom,” he clarified.  I nodded. “Yes, Your Highness. The King and Queen have been more than merciful and I’m so grateful to you for persuading them to spare my life. I’ll forever be in your debt. If there’s anything you need from me, please don’t hesitate to ask.”  “Hesitate to ask?” He arched an eyebrow as he took a step forward. “You think I will hesitate if I want anything from you? I own your life, Raina, and I can do whatever I want to you and you’ll have no choice but to endure it, because you know what will happen if you don’t, right?” He trailed two fingers up my bare arm, leaving goosebumps in his wake.  My mouth went dry at the dark undertones in his words. No matter how much I tried to deny it, Arkin was telling the truth. He owned my life because he was the one who persuaded the King and Queen to spare me and he had the power to do whatever he wanted to me because if I refused, then my family and Kingdom would be in trouble.  But what could Arkin possibly want from me? I was only a woman with a deformed face and he couldn’t even bare to look at me, so what could he possibly want to do to me that he was willing to overlook my face?  “I—I’m aware of the fact, Your Highness,” I managed to reply, hating how I could barely get my voice out.  I’d never been scared of Arkin before. Truth be told he was the reason I was never afraid of anything, but seeing him looking at me like I was prey and he was the predator, I had to admit, I was terrified.  “Good. Then we won’t have any problems.” He turned to go but stopped and turned around to fix me with those arresting eyes of his. “Oh, and one more thing. The envoy sent by one of the neighboring Kingdoms will be arriving tomorrow, so you’re not to leave your chambers no matter what. If you fail to abide by my commands, then it’s your family and your Kingdom that is going to bear the punishment.” My eyes widened. Was that how my life was going to be like from now on? I would have to be a slave to Arkin’s wishes in order to protect those I loved? Who was this man? This was not the Arkin I knew. The Arkin I knew was kind and compassionate and would never take advantage of another human’s weakness. This man standing before me was downright cruel; his eyes frosty; his words arctic.  “You shall not have the misfortune for seeing my face tomorrow, Your Highness. I vow it on my Kingdom,” I eyes, lowering my gaze so as not to come off as insolent.  I should really get used to living alone in my bed chambers now as that’s what my life was going to be like. How long would I last before the loneliness ate away at my sanity? I hope it wouldn’t take too long. I didn’t wish to suffer for years. I knew I wasn’t strong enough.  “Good. We can all do with some small blessings.” His cutting words didn’t go unnoticed but I decided to reserve my tears for when he wasn’t around. Instead, I watched as Arkin gave me one final glance before striding out of my bed chambers.  Now that I was alone I ripped the veil from my head and flung it across the chamber, not caring where it landed. I’d pick it up in the morning, but for now I just wanted to crawl in my bed and hide my face from the rest of the world.  Pulling the covers aside, I hastily climbed on the bed and slipped inside, pulling the covers up to my face. My sister often wondered how I could sleep with a blanket covering my face as she felt suffocated, but she didn’t have anything to hide, I did. What if somebody decided to come into my bed chambers at night, that person would get scared if he or she got a glimpse of my face. But Orla just laughed and shook her head. According to her, nobody would bother me when I’d retire to my bed chambers, so my concern was unwarranted. But I knew how horrific I looked and if it were up to me, no one would have to suffer by looking at me.  Once my face was hidden from the world, I tried to close my eyes and go to sleep but Arkin’s harsh words kept buzzing in my ears like an incessant echo. I didn’t want to cry because this was a common occurrence; since the incident people stopped treating me like normal. All those people who used to wait for me to make an appearance in court now couldn’t even bear to look at me. And those who always had something nice to me were now the ones hurling the worst a***e in my direction. I used to be the reason Dossoba progressed, at least that’s what the people told me, but now I was the reason for the Kingdom’s misfortune.  It didn’t help that my parents turned all their love to Orla after my face was ruined. Mother was always fond of her, but it hurt when my father started preferring her over me, especially when he used to call me the light of his eyes.  And then there was Arkin. He made me believe that no matter what happened, he would always be with me. That the whole world could turn its back on me but he would be right beside me. He was the one constant in my life and I thought he would be with me forever.  Lies.  All lies.  He was the first to turn his back on me without a word or an explanation. It was only after me constantly badgering him for an explanation did he tell me how he never wanted to see me again and if I bothered him any more, then he would have me arrested by the same guards he ordered to protect me. Though he was kind enough to tell me that he didn’t want to see to me as he couldn’t bear to look at me.  And then he agrees to marry you.  It was evident he did it to save the reputation of his Kingdom. But even then, it would’ve taken every ounce of courage he possessed to go through with the wedding, as he was marrying the woman he abhorred.  But at least he married me. Now my Kingdom was at peace and nobody had to see my face if they didn’t wish to. I could pass the time in my chambers until it was time for me to die. And though the thought caused me physical pain, Arkin would consort with a concubine in order to produce an heir, as even if by some miracle Arkin decided to be with me, the King made it clear that my children would not be recognized as heirs to the throne. I would have to raise them in hiding. And if I caused any problems, I would be executed or exiled and my Kingdom would have to suffer for my indiscretions.  Clutching the blanket tightly, I prayed for mercy. I never wanted to harm anyone, nor wished ill on anyone. I just wanted to live a peaceful life. But wherever I went, people turned away from me and shielded their children, as if looking at me would curse them as well. Nobody allowed me to help them anymore. They refused to take food from me. They refused to speak to me. I just didn’t know how to defend myself anymore.  Sleep found me eventually in the midst of my dark thoughts and I didn’t bother fighting. I knew I would have to fight a lot more in the coming future, and I needed to save my strength for that.  ~*~*~*~* The next morning I woke up just as the first rays of the sun were forcing their way through the clouds. It was probably around four o’ clock, so I had plenty of time to myself. I didn’t know what time breakfast would be served, but the least I could do was dress up and put on my veil so that the maidservants wouldn’t have to look at my face.  I quickly prepared a bath for myself and washed my hair and body before donning on a pale gold gown with a matching veil and waited for someone to come and serve me breakfast.  With my stomach growling and nobody coming to serve me breakfast, I looked out to see the majestic view the Palace of Oyehan was famous for, and I desperately wished I could take a walk in the gardens as I was certain there would be no one roaming the grounds at this hour. Perhaps I would request the King and Queen to allow me to roam the gardens at this time; that way no one would have to look at me and their reputation wouldn’t be tarnished.  Another hour passed as the sun began its ascend, warming up the grounds. I watched as the gardeners came out followed by a parade of guards as they marched the perimeter of the grand palace before going off to practice. Arkin had showed me where the guards practiced and it was one of my favorite places in the palace. The training grounds stretched on for miles and there was nothing the guards of Oyehan weren’t skilled at. From fighting to archery to horseback riding, these men were more than capable of protecting the Kingdom.  Seeing people waking up had another hour slip by and my stomach was starting to ache due to not eating. Back in Dossoba I could wake up whenever I wanted and I would have a maidservant bring me breakfast, even after the incident. However, these people didn’t know me and I was certain they only answered to the rulers, so no one was obliged to do my bidding and bring me breakfast at four in the morning. However, I was used to waking up at this time and it seemed like I would have to request the Queen to have someone serve me breakfast. I wondered when she would be available to grant me an audience.  I had just about given up and was getting ready to go over to the guards standing outside my chambers and ask them to have someone bring me breakfast when the door opened and in walked a few maidservants, one of them carrying a tray laden with food and I had no idea what the rest of them were here for.  “Milady, we’re here to…” she trailed off as she looked at me.  “What happened?” I asked. Could she see my face through the veil? I admit the material was sheer, but it could hide my face just fine. I had all my veils sewn of the same material.  “Milady, you’re already dressed. We were here to give you a bath and get you changed…” she mumbled.  I smiled, hoping she would be able to see that. “That’s very kind of you, but I am an early riser, so I prepared a bath by myself. I was just waiting for someone to bring me breakfast as you all know I’m not allowed to venture outside my bed chambers without permission.”  “Fo—forgive me, Milady, I did not know you were an early riser. I should’ve asked you,” the young maiden holding the tray of food said, clearly worried about the repercussions of a delayed breakfast.  “Do not fret. You don’t know me. You’re accustomed to the ways of the Palace. I should be the one to apologize for causing you such inconvenience. Please do not worry,” I told her, hoping to alleviate her worry.  “Thank you, Milady. I am grateful for your mercy,” she said, bowing slightly so as not to drop the tray. “Milady, would you require breakfast at dawn?”  I nodded. “If it’s not too much of a problem for you. I wake up at four every day. I bathe and then I wish to have breakfast.”  “Please do not worry, we will do our best to serve you breakfast early in the morning. And you do not need to bathe alone as we shall be there to prepare the bath and clothes for you,” she said, putting my heart at ease.  “Thank you so much for your kindness. If you can do this for me, I shall be eternally grateful.” If I get a chance to help my maidservants in any way I’d do it.  The young maiden placed the tray on my table before curtseying and leaving with most of the entourage, leaving only two ladies remaining. I wondered what they were here for but I didn’t have to wait long because as soon as everyone left, both of them turned their attention on me.  “Is there anything you would like to say to me?” I asked with a smile.  “We are from the Queen’s court. She has sent a message for you,” one of them said.  “Of course.” What did the Queen want me to know? “We have some very important guests arriving from the neighboring Kingdom. You are to remain in your chambers as long as they are here.”  I nodded. “Yes, Prince Arkin informed me last night. I shall stay in my bed chambers.”  “And the Queen wants you to know that the message has been passed on to look for a concubine. She would like your attendance when the time comes to select the concubine,” the second one said.  My heart cracked at hearing those words. Did the Queen hate me so much that she would make me select the woman who would bear Arkin’s child? She knew how much I loved the Prince. Why was she doing this to me?  How could she expect me to choose a concubine for the man I loved? 
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