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The doors of the royal chambers opened and I had no choice but to step inside and accept whatever decision the King and Queen have reached.  I wanted to take in the luxury that was the royal chambers. I wanted to just stand and look over the stained glass windows and heavy drapes with crystal chandeliers that littered the chambers, but I had more pressing issues at the moment.  My eyes immediately searched for Arkin who stood next to his father, his face void of emotions. What could he possibly be thinking? I understood he was angry with me, not only because I had deceived him but because he had been forced to marry the one he despised most in this world.  “Princess Raina, please step forward,” commanded the King, his voice echoing around the chambers, letting me know exactly how much power he possessed.  I curtsied and stepped forward despite the trembling in my legs. This was it. They were going to execute me and humiliate Dossoba until it perished. I had doomed my Kingdom.  “We had a long discussion on what to do about your treachery and believe me it was not easy for us to come to this decision. However, upon the insistence of Prince Arkin we had no choice but to accept this sham of a marriage and allow you to continue with your duties as the Princess of Oyehan,” King Delray announced.  Oh my Lord! Oh thank you Lord!  I couldn’t believe it. They were not going to execute me. They would allow me to serve this Kingdom. And Prince Arkin insisted upon this? But he loathed my existence. Why would he persuade his parents to have mercy on me?  “However—” my attention was once again snatched by the King. “You are to remain a Princess in name only. Do not expect us to treat you like a royal. The only reason we are allowing you to live is because of the reputation of this Kingdom. What you have done is unforgivable and you must pay for your crimes.  “Orders shall be given to the servants on how to treat you here and if you dare complain, then we will not hesitate to exile you, or even kill you. As long as you behave and act the way you have been ordered to, then no harm shall come to you or your Kingdom. I give you my word as King,” he stated.  Of course, it was too good to be true. But I believed that letting me live was a blessing in itself. I did not deserve to be considered a real Princess when I had nothing to earn the title. I had lied and lied and the Kingdom of Oyehan did not deserve that. I was not sure if I would ever be accepted as the Princess but I would try my best to earn my place here. And that meant aiding Prince Arkin in his duties instead of creating problems for him.  Not knowing what else to do, I curtsied as deeply as I could. “Thank you, Your Majesty. I am extremely grateful for your mercy and I accept your decision—” “I have not finished speaking, Princess,” the King bit out with disapproval.  I swallowed hard and nodded, wondering what more could he possibly wish to say to me. But I had my answer soon enough.  “Moreover, you are not expected to provide us with an heir since you are not the Princess of our choice. Prince Arkin shall be required to take on a concubine and give Oyehan an heir. Even if you end up with child, the child will not be given any title or status in this Kingdom and you are free to leave and raise the child elsewhere.”  My throat felt like somebody had stuffed it with sand and glass, making it impossible for me to speak. Was it such a crime to love Prince Arkin? To love the man who had always been there for me as a child? And now I had to watch him with another woman only because I was not desirable. What was the point of me being left alive after the incident when all I had to endure was suffering from the only people I expected love from?  However, I understood that I had no option but to accept the verdict. If I would not be allowed to love Prince Arkin the way I wanted to, then at least I could make sure that my family and Kingdom would be safe from eternal humiliation.  “You may speak now,” King Delray permitted.  I bowed low before saying, “I accept your decision, Your Majesty. I shall do my best to honor your words and not disobey. However, if you feel that my actions are going against your wishes, then please do not hesitate to punish me. I shall accept any and every punishment given by you with all my heart.”  “Very well. You may go back to your chambers. Food shall be provided to you and if you wish to venture outside, then the timings for that shall be provided to you as well. You are not to leave your chambers at any other time. Is that understood?”  My heart felt like it was being forced into a cage, and I believed in some way it was. I was no longer allowed to go out whenever I wanted and I was certain if and when I did go out there would be someone keeping an eye on me. Every action, every word of mine would be reported to the Prince and King and there was nothing I could do about it.  “Yes, Your Majesty.” I curtsied once more before slowly exiting the royal chambers and back to my own. I had no idea who escorted me back and how, I just knew that I was back in my chambers and would remain here until someone would come and tell me that I was allowed to venture outside.  “You are to remain here until one of us comes to tell you that you are allowed to go outside. If you venture outside the chambers during any other time the consequences will be severe,” the maid said to me.  “I understand. Thank you,” I replied, watching as she curtsied and walked out without a backward glance.  What are you going to do now?  I sighed and sat down on the bed. What could I do here? There was nothing much to do except sit and think about anything and everything. Mayhap I could ask the King and Queen for some needlework supplies. I would also like to paint but something told me that they wouldn’t be so accommodating. They were letting me live, to them that was the ultimate act of mercy. Why would they indulge a liar?  Though I had no idea how I was to spend my time indoors, I knew exactly where I would want to go should I get the chance to go outside: the Herb Garden. My favorite place in all of Oyehan and the one place Prince Arkin did not want me to go. But that was before he loathed my existence. It was before he begun to despise my face.  A bitter smile curved my lips as the realization sunk into me that Arkin would no longer care where I went or how I spent my time. There would be no one who would worry about me being poisoned by the plants growing in the garden? No one to make up a secret hiding place just to keep me safe from the toxic plants   There was no one who cared anymore.  Tears burned the corner of my eyes but I never got the chance to let them spill as the chamber door opened and a maidservant entered carrying a tray.  “Your supper, Milady,” she said and placed the tray on the table overlooking the sprawling courtyard that surrounded the palace.  “Thank you, but you needn’t bring this to me. I could’ve come and taken the food, or even eaten in the larder,” I told her, hoping to make conversation and getting to know the servants better. It was an old habit, one my mother disapproved of, but I could never understand what was the harm in speaking to the servants when they did so much for us.  “No Milady, please do not ever step foot in the larder. You are not allowed there and…” she bit her lip while wringing her hands.  “And?” I prompted.  “It will be uncomfortable for us, Milady,” she finally said. Before I could ask her to elaborate, I understood the meaning behind her words as she gave a subtle glance towards my face. My face heated as a wave of shame washed over me. What in the world was I thinking? My own parents could not stand to look at me, how could I expect these servants to endure my presence? How could I be so selfish?  “Forgive me, I didn’t realize. Don’t worry, I won’t come to the larder. And you can leave the food at my door. You don’t have to come inside,” I said, hoping to ease her troubles.  “I shall ask the Queen; if she agrees, then I will leave the food at your door.” Without another word, she turned and walked out, as if she couldn’t stand being in my presence a second longer. I understood her motives; if I were in her position I wouldn’t stand to be in my presence a second longer either.  That’s a lie.  My inner voice was telling the truth, but I did not care. Accepting the truth hadn’t gotten any easier for me; knowing that people couldn’t bear to look at my face made me wish for a new one. The sound of my stomach growling pulled me from my dark thoughts. Though I did not want to eat anything, I knew I had to do everything I could to live, as I knew one day I’d be forced to leave this palace and find a new place to live. And if freedom was in my future, then I wanted to be strong and healthy for it.  Pulling the lone chair back, I sat down and pulled the cloth covering the tray to reveal my supper. My mouth watered as I inhaled the aroma, making it difficult for me not to throw decorum out the window and just devour the food whole. I may not be the official Princess but I was certain there were people standing outside my chambers tasked with keeping an eye on me, so I had to eat while maintaining my manners.  But I tried to appease my stomach by telling myself that I could savor the food longer if I eat slowly and would also prevent myself from getting a stomachache. And so I picked up the spoon and slowly begun eating, starting from the soup before moving on to the dumplings and noodles. God knows how long I’d be allowed to stay here, so I needed to cherish the food and every other blessing bestowed on me.  Once I finished every last morsel, I sighed in contentment and looked out the window where the moon was shining in its full glory, casting soft shadows, bathing the entire palace in an ethereal glow. Kingdom of Oyehan was built on a magical location. When I was little, I always used to look for fairies and elves in the corners as I truly believed that magic existed here. With all the lofty towers and dense forests with waterfalls and cliffs, who wouldn’t expect this place to be magical?  “I wish I could go for a walk right now,” I said to myself, hating the fact that I was confined to my chambers on such a whimsical night. I wondered what the herb garden would look like at this time as I had never been allowed to roam the garden after sunset. Mayhap I could ask someone if I had permission to go out right now.  Do you really want to do that after the maidservant told you that people feel uncomfortable in your presence? Why do you want to trouble them by having them escort you everywhere?  My inner voice was always quick to remind me of my place. The maidservant had clearly told me about the discomfort people felt around me, so why would I be selfish and cause them problems because of me?  I sighed. “I guess I’ll just go to bed, then. Maybe the Queen will have mercy on me and allow me to get some fresh air tomorrow.”  Though it was customary for a Princess to have chambermaids who helped her undress and get ready for bed, there was no one here for me. So I was left with the tedious task of removing my dress which had me cursing in the most unladylike manner. The dress weighed a tonne and the never ending amount of knots and buttons had my arms aching by the end. If this were a normal day, my wedding day would’ve been the most magical day of my life, and all this pain would’ve been worth it. But my husband couldn’t stand to look at my face much less share a bed with me, so all this was nothing but a nuisance.  Putting on my night gown had me sighing in relief as I ignored the ache in my arms. Maybe if I found some way to cover my face, then people would not have much of a problem being in my presence. I’d started wearing a veils since the incident whenever I went out, perhaps I should sew a veil to wear indoors as well, for the sake of the people. I sat down on the bed and begun undoing my hair. Though I wanted to sit in front of the vanity, but I couldn’t as looking at my face was not easy for me either. Mayhap after a few days I would gather the courage to look at myself in the mirror, and maybe I wouldn’t cry.  Just as I pulled the first few pins from my hair, there was a knock on the door before I heard it open.  “Pardon me, but I—” My words died in my throat as I looked at the person who should not have been here at all.  What’s he doing here? Can he not see how hedious I am?  Perhaps he was here to tell me that I was never allowed to go out of the chambers. Maybe he wanted to insult me some more. He no longer had a shortage of cruel words to throw at me anymore. And yet, despite the fact that I wanted to stay as far away from him as I could, I knew I had no option but to face him.  And face Prince Arkin I did. 
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