Broken engagement

1059 Words
Thea's pov Father requested an audience with me as soon as the news of my broken engagement reached his ears. "Are you serious?" His eyes were fixed on my lips. "Yes, Father!" My voice politely answered. He came closer and rested his palm on my right shoulder. "What changed your mind?" His eyes were curious. "I met Alan Ainsworth, and he is the only man worthy of me!" Words came out of my mouth. "My goodness!" Father was extremely pleased. "I am so happy with your decision!" His face perked up. "Where is Issac now?" Father inquired. "He went back to his hometown!" This was my first-ever lie. "Let's celebrate this news with everyone tonight!" He pointed at a royal feast. "As you wish, Father!" My head bowed to him and showed respect. *** Later at night… "My lady, you're looking gorgeous!" Elisa praised my red gown. "Thank you!" My lips forced a smile. "Who all are coming to the feast?" I inquired. "Everyone from Sollera, including Alan Ainsworth!" She muttered with excitement. *Slammed A masculine figure stepped inside my room and Interrupted my conversation with Elisa. "Brother!" My voice uttered. "Give us some privacy!" He commanded Elisa to leave the room. As soon as she disappeared from his sight, he locked the door from inside. "I heard the news of your marriage with Alan Ainsworth!" A smirk glinted on the corner of his lips. "Uh…So?" My voice started to tremble. He came closer and pinned me against the mirror behind my back. "So now you switched to someone higher in rank, why?" His mind was viciously suspicious. "Brother, you're hurting my arm!" His strong grip on my shoulders felt like a huge force. "Answer me, Thea!" His voice groaned and shook the entire room. Ralph Watson, my stepbrother and current queen's son. He had always despised the sight of me just like his mother, Madelyn Watson. My real mother was an omega but my father cherished her the most because of her kindness and beauty. Even though Madelyn became his queen, his heart only loved my mother. After my birth, my father's love for my mother shifted to me which bothered Madelyn to the essence. Ralph was chosen as the crown prince, yet he thinks my existence will snatch that away from him. "Are you plotting against me?" His teeth clenched in anger. "No, of course not!" I denied his allegations. "Then why did you choose Alan, the most powerful Alpha?" He thumped the pillar beside him. "Stop, please!" My soul trembled with fear. Ralph tortures me whenever we're alone, and my pitiful self was enduring everything behind the four walls. Many times I tried to tell Father about my misery, yet he always answered the same. "Ralph is your brother, he only cares for your well-being!" His ears refused to believe my words against his son since Ralph is the crown prince of Sollera and his pride. "If you dare to plot against me, my sister, and my mother, I'll make your life the worst hell that ever existed on earth!" He threatened, twisting my wrist. "Ralph, please!" My soft voice screeched in pain. He freed my wrist from his grip and left the room in turmoil. *** My feet entered the hall decorated with millions of flashy lights and flowers. "Congratulations, Thea!" Every guest of my father muttered the same thing. I stood in the corner while my gaze was roaming around. "You must be very happy!" Madelyn found my presence in the corner. My lips didn't respond to her sarcastic words even though I had many suppressed thoughts. "There has to be something…" She was suspicious. "What do you mean?" I questioned her words. "Alan Ainsworth would never marry someone like you until there is something else he wants!" She explained in her sly tone. *Gulp Panic dominated my soul and thousands of negative thoughts barged inside my head. "I wanted him for my daughter, Athena, yet you stole my daughter's chance to become the most powerful Luna!" Disappointment replenished in her eyes. "Athena is beautiful, she can have anyone!" Words came out of my mouth. "You won't survive in his mansion!" Her voice whispered in my ear. My eyes widened and wanted to know the hidden meaning, yet she walked over to Father. *** After a while… He entered the hall, attracting everyone's attention with his dashing looks. His black shirt and black pants made him stand out among the white suits. My feet rushed to him holding my gown, yet my feet tripped and I hit his manly chest. His arms wrapped around my waist and saved my pride from the embarrassing fall. Our eyes met, and words came out of his mouth "Are you that excited to see me?" My cheeks turned red with discomfiture. "No…I have something to ask you!" My voice was quite hesitant. He helped me stand back on my feet and slightly tilted his head to the left, making straight contact with my eyes. "What is it?" His brow twitched. "Issac, how is he?" My worried self expressed all my worries in front of him. "Shhhhhh! Not in public, princess!" He put his finger on my lips and forbade me from asking any question related to Issac. Father approached us carrying a bright look in his eyes. "I am so happy for both of you!" He hugged Alan. "Thank you, your majesty!" Politeness concealed his wicked nature hiding underneath his smile. "Where is your family?" Father inquired. "They are busy decorating our mansion for the wedding!" He responded, shifting his gaze to my face. "When do you want the wedding?" Father wanted to know his opinion. "Next week!" His gaze shifted back to Father. "That's too soon!" My lips murmured. "I can't wait to marry you, princess!" A smile flickered on his lips. Father grabbed a champagne glass from the table and showed it to the crowd. "Everyone, Princess Thea Watson and war hero Alan Ainsworth are getting married next week!" The crowd started cheering, lifting their drink glasses in the air. "You all are invited to the grand wedding anyone has ever seen!" Father declared to the whole Sollera. The cheers became louder and replenished every corner of the hall. Father's chest broadened with pride, little did he know it was doom that knocked at our door.
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