


My father killed Alan's entire family before his innocent eyes. Now 18 years later, he is back as the most powerful Alpha with only one goal in his mind, killing my family and capturing the Lycan king's throne from my father. The first step to my father's downfall was his cherished daughter, and so he captured my lover and made me his imprisoned Luna who was used against her family's destruction.

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Alan's pov Blood was dripping from his palm as he stabbed my father without holding back his greed for the Lycan king's throne. The Lycan king rules over every pack in the Sollera kingdom. "Father!" My mouth screamed, but he was long gone. The king died and the one who killed him was 'George Watson, his loyal friend' George's wrath didn't stop there, he killed my innocent mother right after my father took his last breath. "Please, spare us!" My voice begged him for mercy, yet he ignored every desperate scream of mine. "Jonah, run!" My elder sister commanded while she was on the floor, struggling for her life. "I can't go without you!" My feet refused to move forward. George's sharp dagger went through her heart and blood slopped out of her pretty mouth. "Save yourself only then you'll be able to take revenge for our family!" A painful smile flickered on her lips as she slowly closed her eyes. "Now it's your turn, little prince!" That monster pointed the dagger at my neck. "I promise you, sister!" My legs vanished into the woods as fast as they could. A small child whose family was killed managed to save himself, but shortly, the royal army commenced a search for him on George's order. "Mother!" My lips were sobbing solitary inside an old cave as the cold breeze reminded me of my mother's embrace. I was in the blink of death, barely breathing in that cave, until she found my desolate existence. Emery Ainsworth, the great Luna of Silver Moon pack took me under her wing. "From now on, you're my son, Alan Ainsworth!" She gave me the place of her cherished son who died of a mysterious heart disease. Her mate, Alpha Silas was sick in bed and to keep her position secure in the pack, she needed an heir, so I became her dark secret that no one comprehended! Emery Ainsworth kept her son's death a secret and started training my mind in her maternal house whereas the pack was informed that she sent her son to the royal academy. My old self perished with my old name and as Alan Ainsworth, I swore to take revenge on those who ended my beloved family. 18 years later… "King George's elder daughter is getting married next week!" Zachary broke the news to me. He is my devoted Gamma who knows everything about my horrendous past. After my mind was fully trained, Emery Ainsworth sent me to a war, so that no one ever dares to question my worth as their Alpha. All these years when I was immersed in the war, Zachary wrote me letters informing every movement of the king and now it was finally time to start my revenge! "Then she is my answer!" An evil smirk glinted on my lips. "What do you mean?" Zachary lowered his gaze and inquired. "She must become my Luna!" Words came out of my mouth. "Your Grace, that's not possible!" His lips opposed my decision. "Why not?" I questioned, furrowing my brow. "Thea Watson is the illegitimate daughter of the king and your mother would never accept her!" Zachary conveyed his concern. "Even though she is the illegitimate daughter, Geroge loves her the most out of his three children!" My mind was determined to use her as my prawn. George has now become a powerful Lycan king, and to reach his position, I must climb the long stairs of revenge waiting ahead of me. Thea Watson was my first step to her father's destruction!!! "Once I take back my father's throne from George, she will no longer be needed!" My lips clarified. "I don't understand!" Zachary was muddled. "Thea will follow her father to hell, and I'll marry someone of mother's choice!" Vengeance repleted in my eyes. Unexpectedly, A loyal Gamma of my mother hurried to us and Interrupted our discussion. "The king is here to meet you!" He bowed and muttered the words. "Zachary, come with me!" I headed straight to the main hall where George was waiting for me. *** "I came to greet our war hero!" He was delighted to see me unaware of my true identity and tragic past. "The king came himself, It's an honor!" My head bowed and showed respect even though rage was piling up inside my soul. "You're indeed handsome and strong just like your father was!" His vicious tongue praised my excellence. "He was Sollera's most powerful Alpha among all the other packs, and I'm happy you're following his footsteps!" His face perked up with his words. "Thank you, your majesty!" I suppressed my rage to behave best in front of him. "Is it true that your elder daughter is getting married!" My vindictive eyes looked deep into his. "She is marrying the love of her life!" My eyes widened from the sudden twist. "Love of her life?" I became more inquisitive. "Issac Lewis, he is an omega, but my daughter's only love!" He seemed immensely pleased about her daughter's happiness. "Is Issac her fated mate?" My mouth bluntly asked. "No, Thea never searched for her fated mate, she never wore the destiny ring!" He explained. Every female of Sollera wears a destiny ring that only glows in front of their fated mates. Once the destiny ring binds two fated mates, they become one soul who will die without each other and that's why no one can separate them, not even Moon Goddess. Since Issac was not Thea's fated mate, there won't be any problem in separating them! "Thea is my weakness and that is the only reason I approved this marriage even though my heart wanted a strong Alpha for her!" That happiness from before turned into dismay. "Enough about my daughter, let's talk about you, Alan!" His mouth changed the subject. "You blessed us with victory in the war, so tell me what do you want as a reward?" He served me the chance I yearned for. "Is there any limit to my reward?" A smile glinted on my lips. "Alan, you're free to ask anything!" He permitted. My feet took a few steps closer to him and knelt. "Then give me your daughter, Thea!" His soul was stunned to hear my demand. "What?" He panicked and got up from his seat. "Your daughter deserves someone worthy of her, and Issac Lewis is certainly not that person!" My words tried to manipulate him. "She will suffer her whole life with that commoner!" Unsettled thoughts dominated his peaceful mind. "I am the only one who can love your daughter as much as you do!" My lips lied most genuinely. "You're right, but my heart won't allow me to go against Thea!" He was still persistent. "Try to convince my daughter!" His words left the situation in my care. *** "She is not worthy of our family!" Mother objected to my decision. "Thea is my key to revenge on her father!" My lips argued. "Alan, that girl is lowly, she is not of royal blood! Mother clenched her fist in upheaval. Thea's mother was the most beloved mistress of George who died giving birth to her and that's the only reason why Thea is so precious to George. "She will become the Luna of Silver Moon pack and no one can stop me from making it happen, not even Thea, herself !" My words made it clear.

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