Chapter 12- My name is Lance

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(Eleanor pov) My body hurt, everywhere, I couldn't move but I kept hearing voices. Kari was resting, trying to get strong enough for us to heal. Whoever those wolves were, I had a feeling they meant no harm. As I lay there, unable to open my eyes or move, the most intoxicating smell hit me, it smelled like leather and Rosewood. The scent was so masculine and overwhelming that it caused me to groan softly. Suddenly I felt a cool hand on my head, touching me gently as a low voice spoke, the one I heard before. "She is burning up. s**t Lucas, we need a doctor in here." The man said quietly, his touch bringing me relief as I tried my hardest to open my eyes. "I'll go get Steven, he should know what to do." The other man said, their voices similar but this one was more gentle in his tone. That's when I blacked out, the darkness pulling me under once more and that faint scent lingering with me. I floated endlessly in my mind, the events that occurred playing over and over again as those words my mother once spoke slammed into me. "You must endure, it is the only way. Stay strong my sweet Eleanor." The sound echoed all around me, then I saw it, a bright white light. So ethereal and pure, its light warmed me, healing me from deep within. I felt my bones mending, my bruises healing. That light flowed through me, filling every inch of my flesh, cleansing all of those impurities that littered my body. "Wake up." A voice whispered, causing me to flutter my eyes open. It was a beautiful voice, one that seemed not of this world. What was happening to me? I quickly turned my head, my body still sore but almost fully healed now. 'Kari, are you okay?' I asked her worriedly, feeling her presence once again in my mind. 'Yes, I am fine.' She spoke earnestly. Causing me to blink my eyes once more and look around the room. We appeared to be in some type of bedroom, the walls all stone with a heavy iron door that I suspected was locked. Looking up there was a small window where a gentle breeze drifted in, bringing the smell of the ocean with it. Looking down, I was now fully clothed in a grey t-shirt and sweats. My now healed arm was bandaged too. I looked at the bed I was in, which I might add was bigger than my cot at Blood Moon Pack. I was wrapped in a comforter and there was a small bowl of fruit with a glass of water on a table beside the bed. 'Where are we?' I asked, not sure how Kari would know more than me..but someone had to ask. Maybe we were in River Rock..maybe those two wolves were with their pack! I jumped up, swaying slightly as my head spun from the sudden movement. I dizzily ran over to the window and tried to peer out but realized I was way too short. Looking over, I went and grabbed the small bedside table, clearing everything off, and went to stand on it. I climbed up, gripping the windows ledge as I peered outside. It was dark now and I wondered just how long I had been unconscious for. I peered out at the horizon and saw hundreds of lights...wait I was in a city. Suddenly I gazed further, the sound of the ocean surrounding me as my stomach now dropped. I was in Night Shade, the ocean and city lights gave it away immediately. Night Shade was the only large city in this realm by the ocean. I had never been but the destination was on every map I had ever seen. Shit..was I captured after all, sold to be traded? I stumbled down, almost losing my balance as I began pacing the room. Kari followed my steps as she too began to pace in my mind. 'We have two choices..we either attack whoever opens that door and run for our lives..or we end our life now.' She said in a serious tone and my eyes widened. Those were our only two choices. Why was she so cutthroat? 'Maybe we make sure this isn't some type of mistake first. Someone could have found us and wanted to be cautious, make sure we weren't dangerous first.' I tried to say reasonably and she scoffed..actually scoffed at me. 'Highly doubt it.' She said, beginning her pacing once more. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down as I placed the table back next to the bed. Lifting the glass of water I smelled it carefully. Not sure if something was in it. I'm sure I looked like a weirdo if anyone saw me. I took a sip, waited for a few seconds, and then took another. Pretty soon the water was gone. I looked down at the bowl that was left for me, seeing an apple, banana, and orange. I picked up the banana and ate it slowly. My energy finally began to return as I laid back on the bed, waiting for anyone to come. What were we going to do...if we really were captured to be auctioned off, how in the hell would we get out of this... I must have fallen asleep because the next time I woke up it was morning and the water had been refilled and a slice of bread with warm oatmeal was now at my bedside. I sat up, looking at the food as I wondered how someone came in here without me hearing. I looked in the corner of the room at the toilet and sink I didn't notice before and quickly got up to use the bathroom. After washing my hands I splashed water on my face, trying to wake myself up as I sighed heavily. So was I a prisoner now? What did all of this mean? I looked into the small mirror above the sink, seeing my reflection for the first time. I almost hair was in fact now silver. Not just any silver either, a shimmering color that sparkled with my every move. How did this happen? 'Maybe when you came Kari it changed my hair to match your fur.' I wondered, never hearing of this before. Most wolves were the same color as their hair if not a few shades off. I examined my arm, taking off the bandage next. Everything was healed, the bone back in place, and not a scratch on me. I was still stiff and sore but I was amazed. 'We healed so fast.' I whispered into my mind. 'I saw the power, it came from deep within us.' Kari said ominously, causing a chill to run through me. What the hell was happening to me? Sitting back down on the bed, I ate the oatmeal and bread. Once it was all finished I placed it neatly on the bed side and waited. Someone had to come soon right? 'Well, look at it this way, we finally have our own room.' Kari joked humorously and I was pleasantly surprised, so far she had been so serious all the time. 'See, now you're looking on the bright side.' I linked happily smiling to myself as the door suddenly clicked and began to open, causing me to jump. I sat up and scooted back on the bed. Pulling my knees to my chest as I looked ahead with wide eyes. My senses were on high alert as I tried to assess the situation. Suddenly a head peaked from behind the door, a man's head with shaggy black hair and a wide smile. "Oh, you're finally awake." he said cheerfully, walking into the room as his appearance stunned me. Wow was he handsome.. The man had shaggy black hair and fair skin, his face was long and sharp, he had to be one of the most attractive people I had ever seen. His silver eyes burned into mine and I recognized them immediately, he was one of the wolves. 'Be careful Eleanor, we don't know his intentions.' Kari linked with a firm tone. I sat up a little more, straightening out my shirt as I put my legs down. "Oh good, you already ate too. I was coming to check on you and see if you were okay." He spoke kindly, the vibe I got from him had no ill intent whatsoever. But I still needed to have my guard up. I nodded my head, looking down at my hands as the man stepped closer. His hands were in his pockets and he had such a laid-back charisma to him. He was tall and lanky, his body was definitely muscular though. Examining him further he had a black earring dangling from his ear with a small cross on the end. He wore all black and just looked That's all I could think of, he seemed like a naturally cool person. 'Don't get swayed so easily.' Kari warned me and I knew she was right. The man leaned against the wall, watching me intently as he studied my every move. "My name is Lance, by the way, me and my brother Lucas found you by the river." He said with an even tone, causing me to look up and meet his gaze. "What's your name?" He asked, tilting his head to the side and smiling at me. I quickly cleared my throat, feeling slightly overwhelmed as I tried to find the confidence to speak. "I...I'm Eleanor, thank you by the way..for saving me." I spoke quietly, my voice hoarse from not speaking for who knows how long. "Eleanor, what a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He smiled broadly, his compliment causing me to blush as I looked down at my hands once more. Honestly, his stare was so intimidating I couldn't keep it for long. All I could do was nod as he chuckled softly and stepped forward. "I wanted to ask, how did you get in the river?" He narrowed his eyes, his question making me feel nervous. What if they knew Alpha Richard and would send me back? I bit my lip nervously, unsure of what to say as he waited patiently. 'Tell him Eleanor, I want to see how he reacts.' Kari said, her voice filled with curiosity. I wondered what she would be looking for. "I ran away from my pack, Blood Moon, I was being chased by the Beta and fell down the waterfall." I said clearly, I could tell he was surprised by my honesty and cleared his throat. "Why did you run away?" He stepped forward once more, now only a few feet away with interest filling his expression. "Because I was bought by the Beta's son, I didn't want to live that way." I said quietly, hoping he didn't work for Alpha Richard. I decided not to mention my friends because I didn't want them to get in trouble. His expression turned cold, his eyes studying me quickly as he opened his mouth to speak again. "You were to be his personal slave?" Lucas asked, anger seeming to rise as I nodded my head. "Is this common at Blood Moon Pack?" He was furious now. 'I think we can trust him Elle.' Kari said softly. "It was rumored that they were auctioning off the young she-wolves to neighboring packs, Malcolm..the Beta's son said he purchased me so I wouldn't get taken away. He..well..he wanted me for certain things." I said, feeling embarrassed as Lance was now right next to the bed. His expression was dark as he let out a deep breath, nodding his head. "And your hair, were you born with this color?" He asked, reaching forward and taking a lock of my hair between his fingers gently. I shook my head no, looking at the strand between his fingers, still getting used to that. "It happened after I shifted, I am still not used to it myself." I admitted, causing him to smile softly and nod. "Do you know what it means?" Lucas asked, gently stroking my silver hair with his thumb. The action caused my stomach to flip as he locked eyes with me. I shook my head no once more, unable to speak. "It means you are a blessed wolf. You have been gifted from the goddess herself, to fulfill a special purpose." He whispered softly, his words causing my heart to race as I swallowed hard. 'I told you we are unique.' Kari said with a happy tone. "What purpose is that?" I managed to choke out, almost forgetting how to speak altogether. Lance laughed, letting go of my hair as he smiled softly. "Well, you should know more than I do. At least I would hope." He said light-heartedly and I frowned. Realizing that I knew absolutely nothing. "I just met my wolf for the first time yesterday...I'm more surprised than anyone, and this..used to be brown." I said pointing at my hair, causing him to laugh loudly as he smiled down at me. "Well, happy belated birthday." He added making me blush once more as I said thank you quietly. "I hope you don't mind, we just need to keep you down here for a few more days, we just have some things we need to get through and then hopefully we can get you a room up in the castle soon." He said while glancing around the room and I almost choked on my spit. I knew we were in Night Shade but it never crossed my mind we were in the castle..of course. "I...I used to work in the kitchen, I could always help out if need be. I mean, I would really appreciate it, I'm not sure how those things are assigned or if you need to have special privileges, it is the castle after all. I was used to sharing a room with seven other people, so I can just squeeze in anywhere, or stay here that is fine too.." I rambled on and luckily Lucas put his hand up to stop me, thank the goddess because I would have just kept going. "Wow aren't you just precious, angel." He smiled brightly, his eyes searching my face once more as his random pet name for me made my cheeks warm. "You don't need to worry about any of that, I will handle it all, you could even stay on my floor, I might prefer that actually..for now that is." He gave me a wink and I almost combusted. His smooth voice caused my stomach to flip. 'Control yourself, Eleanor.' Kari chastised me. 'He is just so handsome.' I tried to explain and she actually laughed. Then Zack crossed my mind and I felt guilty for a moment. I missed him, I hope he would find his mate in River Rock and be happy..who knows, maybe after I get out of here I can go to River Rock. Maybe he will be waiting for me. I looked back up, almost forgetting Lance was there as he continued to study me intently. "So you don't work for Alpha Richard then?" I asked quietly, feeling like I could possibly trust him. Kari felt the same apparently, because she didn't protest. "I do not." He stated firmly, placing his hands back in his pockets once more. "Well, my pack members..they ran away with me, they found refuge at River Rock Pack. I was wondering..after all of this, maybe I could go there." I felt nervous for some reason, unsure if I was a prisoner or not. "It depends." He said cooly, turning and walking towards the door. "Depends on what?" I was afraid to ask this. "If he wants you to leave or not." And with that he left the cell, closing it behind him as he shouted behind the door one last time. "See you tomorrow Angel!" His words not helping the pit that has formed in my stomach. Who was this 'he' Lance spoke of and why was my heart suddenly racing?
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