Chapter 13- My fake mate

1691 Words
(Damion pov) After returning from our recent trip with one Alpha dead and a new prisoner in tow, I needed to get back to work. That overwhelming scent was driving me insane. It was pissing me off more than anything. Knowing I had another fake mate..I asked the light witch to break any chance of a mate, so I knew this had to be another fake mate sent by my uncle. This had to be some dark magic, that's for sure..the first mating bond wasn't this strong. But I won't be fooled again. The girl didn't wake up the entire way home. Even when Lance and Lucas placed her in the car. She looked to have a broken arm and a lot of bruises. I started wondering what had happened to her and I quickly shook it away. I didn't give a f**k and I refused to let those feeling take me over. She was in the dungeons now so I'm sure she is contemplating her life choices on helping the Elders deceive me. It had to be my uncle, Elder Paul, he just didn't learn..this might be my chance though, if I can get the girl to talk this will be enough to punish him by death. Since he was an elder he had been essentially untouchable. I am the Alpha King but the elders have been around longer than me and I know there are rules I need to follow. My last 'mate' broke down pretty easily, saying she was forced to try and kill me. Then she confessed about the dark witch that helped her and how I was slipped a potion to make all the mating bond symptoms feel real. I was stupid and acted irrationally...before I knew it she was dead and all my proof went out the window. That confirmed it all for me because I felt nothing when she died..absolutely nothing seeing her lifeless body on the floor. That's how my dad raised me right? To be a ruthless killer with no remorse. Now this time I will get Paul Vincent's name from her mouth after the girl sits down there for a few days with no food or water. Then we will start the interrogation and she will speak..if not...I have ways of making her. Just as I was walking to my office that scent slammed into me, causing me to stop immediately. Turning my head I saw my Beta Lance laughing with the Gamma Jake about something. I walked over, approaching them quickly as they both stopped talking and faced me. Jake straightened his back and looked at me with respect, Lance on the other hand had the goofiest grin on his face and slid his hands in his pocket. "What's up, man." Lance said casually, causing Jake to shoot him a look. I guess Lance wants to get his ass kicked today. "Has the prisoner said anything yet." I asked firmly, ignoring his smug attitude. I could smell her all over him. The fact that he was near her irritated me completely as Titus began to growl possessively. The girl had been down there for four days, she should be begging for food and water by now, not to mention weak from the silver chains. Lance looked away for a moment, shifting his weight to his other leg as he raised his hand and rubbed the back of his neck, avoiding my gaze. "Well, she says she is from Blood Moon Pack, she was an omega there and was running away because the Beta's son purchased her as a slave." He spoke nonchalantly, looking towards Jake and then back to me. Blood Moon Pack...I know that pack... The Beta's son purchased her as a slave. That is against the rules, all packs know that. Suddenly Titus snarled, causing a low growl to leave me, surprising every single one of us as I cleared my throat trying to hide it..which obviously didn't work. Jake and Lance exchanged a look and then quickly composed themselves. What the hell was wrong with me? My anger was rising by the second as I looked toward Lucas once more. I needed to get this done with as soon as possible. Maybe I should just get a light witch to break the spell now, that way I don't have to deal with Titus's possessive behavior. She is lying about everything she told Lance anyway. Elder Paul probably trained her to say that, and came up with a whole back story and everything, like last time. "We can't believe a f*****g word she says, you know that Beta." I said firmly, causing Jake and Lance to nod. "She has been without food and water for four days, correct?" I barked, thinking I will give it another day before going down and unchaining her. Just then Lance looked behind me, causing me to turn my head and see Lucas approaching us. He smelled just like her too...what the hell was going on? "Correct Beta?" I asked between clenched teeth, causing him to frown. "Well..not exactly." He said sheepishly, linking something to Lucas, causing him to falter in his steps while approaching us. "What do you mean not exactly, I told you to treat her like the other prisoners." I yelled. Why were they being so incompetent? This was new and I didn't like it. "Take me down there right now." My voice was loud and commanding, making Jake flinch. "Yes, your majesty," Lance said with a tight tone, the way he called me Your Majesty throwing me off. He never addressed me formally. All four of us walked down to the dungeons, the guards bowing and showing their respect on the way down. I was about to take a left to the prisoner cells when Lance quickly took a right..this wasn't where we kept prisoners. This was for people we knew were innocent but had to hold for questioning purposes. I looked at Lance with a raised eyebrow, causing him to shrug and smile sheepishly. This wasn't good..not at all. I could smell her sweet scent as soon as the door opened, the fragrance causing Titus to pace as we walked toward one of the cells. 'Mate.' Titus spoke that dreaded word I had heard once before. I suppressed my anger, clenching my fists as it was rising by the second. Lance looked at the guard on shift and nodded his head. Once the guard unlocked the iron door, Lance stepped inside and I heard a sweet angelic voice speak softly. "Back already?" She asked with a playful tone. Then I couldn't contain it anymore, pure f*****g rage took me over. Anger coursed through me as I walked forward, shoving the door open, causing the woman to snap her head towards me. Her eyes widened as she looked at me, her full luscious lips parted as that sweet but terrifying word left her mouth. "Mate." She spoke softly. Her turquoise eyes, unlike any I had ever seen in my life, were wide with shock and something else..something that I couldn't place. My Beta's and Gamma's heads jerked towards me, seeing the anger that radiated from my body. "Not this f*****g time." I said through clenched teeth. These feelings of anger driving me to act irrationally. I stepped forward, gripping this small woman's arm as I pulled her through the door, dragging her down the hallway toward the prisoner's cells. My hand warmed instantly as the touch of her bare flesh made my palms tingle. She didn't say a single word, I think she was in shock which might have been for the best, she was probably surprised I figured out her plan so quickly. I wonder if she knew about the other one, or did Elder Paul send her in here blindly? I heard three sets of footsteps following close behind as I motioned the guard to open a cell. This is much more like it..this is where she belonged. I pulled her inside, tossing her to the floor as I yelled to the guard. "Chain her up." I commanded, hearing Lance try to protest. I whipped around, my eyes glaring at him as I clenched my hands into fists. I wanted to kill him for disobeying me. My strong Alpha presence seeped out, reaching him in an instant and making him turn his head in submission. I didn't like using my aura on my higher ranks but this was necessary. If I didn't I might just do something much worse. I heard the girl whimper softly as the guard snapped the silver chains on her wrists, pulling the chain up and securing it on the wall so she was suspended in the air with only her toes sweeping the ground lightly. "Please, I'm sorry...I know I'm not what you expected. " She cried out, her voice cracking as my heart ached for a moment. I quickly pushed those feelings aside, knowing they weren't genuine in the slightest. "I suggest when I come back in three days, you better talk. It will make it much less painful for you." I said coldly, not feeling any sense of remorse seeing this woman hanging before me. "I'm sorry.." she whispered once more, tears falling down her cheeks as she hung her head. For the briefest moment, I wanted to run to her, wrap my arms around her, and comfort her. I needed to get the f**k out of here now. I turned swiftly, coming face to face with Lance as he looked at me with rage. "I suggest you get your s**t under control Beta, I don't want to see you disobey me again." I said firmly and pushed past him, yelling once more over my shoulder. "No food or water for three days, then we will see if she is ready to talk." I walked out of there as fast as I could, wanting to forget about every second of the encounter with that woman. She will be dead soon enough, then I will be free of this and get the proof to punish Elder Paul once and for all.
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