Chapter 11- She was mine

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(Malcolm pov) Seeing Eleanor falling over that ledge of the waterfall had to be one of the most terrifying moments of my life. My heart snapped in two as I watched this woman that was going to be mine..that WAS mine disappear into the darkness. My warriors held me back, knowing there was no way she could survive that. Fuck..what was wrong with me, why was I so attached to this girl? I knew she wasn't my fated mate..but as soon as I saw her wolf...I knew she was special. She wasn't just any wolf..she was a wolf blessed by the moon goddess herself. That's why I didn't give a s**t about those other omegas, I would let them free as long as I had Eleanor. That was how the Alpha wouldn't kill me. To have a blessed wolf in your pack is the rarest sought-after thing in this realm. It meant your pack was gifted by the goddess, that she favored you and your people. It would have given Alpha Richard power and status..and me a mate unlike any. I was going to mark her right then and there but f**k was she strong. I knew there was something about Eleanor, she was different than the rest. Especially that coward omega Lucy..she was good at only one thing and that was being on her knees with my c**k in her mouth. When she came to my room a few nights ago, I asked about Eleanor and something was up, I could tell. She spilled everything with one command..way too easy. I came up with a plan, I wanted to catch them in the woods and kill them all but Eleanor. After seeing her magnificent wolf and her silver fur...I knew it wouldn't be that I took the safe route, trying to get her to come to me willingly. Now I was in deep s**t and I lost my chosen mate...I shoved those feelings of hurt and anguish deep down, locking them away as Eleanor's turquoise eyes burned into my mind. Fuck..she was supposed to be mine... My wolf Kane whimpered, he wanted her just as bad as I did. We always did...I quickly shifted and we ran back to the pack house, ready to get the biggest ass-chewing of my life...I was in deep shit..fuck. (Damion) The twins were off doing their usual patrol, making sure the campgrounds and surrounding woods were safe from rogues as I went into my tent to lie down. My wolf Titus was more anxious than I had ever seen him and it annoyed the hell out of me. I didn't know what was wrong with him, his anger caused me to fly off the handle earlier and kill that Alpha without a second thought. I was at the point where if there was no reason or use for someone, then they would be killed, that was what I was taught and that was what I believed. It's that easy..some might call me cold-hearted and malicious but I see it as logical. All of these packs are run by egotistical, arrogant pricks. That's why I don't get involved, because honestly if I did I would probably kill half the Alpha's in this realm. After all, half of them truly are useless. My father led this realm cruelly, he wanted power and he wanted fame. Me, I just want one thing, revenge, on one person in particular. Elder Paul Vincent. My father's brother and my uncle..the man who killed my mother and sister. My father might have been the one to deal the final blow, but Paul Vincent was the man behind it all. I vowed to get my revenge..and not just on him, there was a long list of people I was slowly working my way through. I heard the sound of people moving about outside, sometimes the warriors drank a little or had their fun, I didn't care really. As long as they stayed out of my hair and did their job in the morning that was fine by me. I took a deep breath, settling into my cot when the most interesting scent slammed into me. It smelled like lilies mixed with sweet fresh rain. My eyes snapped open, and my wolf who had finally just stilled now began to stir once more. I sat up, straining my ears as I heard people whispering about something. "No, she was by the river, looks like she fell from the waterfall." One of my Beta's Lucas whispered to someone else. Who was he talking about? I stood up, the curiosity pulling at me, which was surprising, because usually I didn't give a s**t. I opened the tent, walking out into the campgrounds. The sight of me caused everyone to stop what they were doing and stand at attention. The forest grew quiet with the sound of the fire crackling was the only thing filling the cool night's air. Then I heard a faint gentle moan, followed by someone shuffling inside a tent. My Beta's tent, Lucas and Lance. They were twins and had been my betas for the past five years since I took the throne at twenty-one. My Gamma Jake stayed back at the castle in Night Shade. We were visiting the Alpha who had committed treason and were going to appoint a new Alpha for the Pine Creek Pack. That Alpha won't be around anymore to make that same mistake twice.Killing him proved to be useful considering I got some information I had been looking for, so it wasn't all bad. I'm not a firm believer in second chances if you couldn't tell...I mean look at my dad, he was the shittiest person I had ever met, and yet my mom kept coming back. Look where that got her. I clenched my fists, that anger rising as the image of my mom and sister filled me once more. it was an anger that made me black out in rage..the sensation threatening to make its way out. As my vision began to blur, that lily and rain scent filled the air, growing stronger with each step I took toward the tent, pulling me back to reality. I inhaled deeply, that rage taking a back seat as curiosity took over. I burst into the tent and looked inside wildly causing my Beta Lucas to whip his head around, surprise filling his face. "King Damion, we thought you went to bed." He said with surprise, his voice sounding off. Lucas was standing in front of his cot, blocking whoever was lying down on it. Lance walked up, patting my shoulder casually as he went to turn me around. "Need to talk about something? There's more privacy in your tent." Lance said with a wide grin. He always spoke to me much more casually and right now it was pissing me off. That scent was definitely coming from in here, it was almost too overpowering as I tried not to breathe deeply. The effect it was having on me made me confused and uncomfortable. I pushed past Lance and walked straight to where Lucas was standing. "Move Beta." I commanded, my eyes burning into him as he let out a sharp breath and stepped aside. What lay before me shook me to my core, I blinked my eyes, staring at a young woman with silver hair. Her fair skin looked pale and her lips almost blue. Was she dead? Then I saw her covered chest rising and falling faintly. Suddenly a sharp pain ripped through my heart, seeing her hurt made Titus growl with anger. Then I knew exactly who she was as the words slipped from my mouth in a snarl. "Mate." I growled angrily..fuck, this was the last thing I needed... 'Our little mate.' Titus boomed with excitement and that made me even angrier. Lucas and Lance's eyes widened as my hand clenched into fists. Titus began going wild and I was about to snap. Why is my mate here in the tent, and why are my two Beta's essentially hiding her from me? "Why is this woman lying in your cot?" I yelled, unable to control those emotions. I breathed in her scent once more, yes, she definitely smelled like my was she here? I had a witch sever my mating bond as soon as my last 'mate' betrayed me. Lucas and Lance glanced between each other, their silver eyes glossing over as they were having their own mindlink conversation privately, now that was unnecessary. "Tell me, not each other." I barked, feeling completely annoyed with this whole thing. This was already becoming a huge inconvenience. Lance brushed his shaggy black hair to the side and stood straighter, looking at me intently. "We found her on our patrol, she was standing by the river and badly beaten. She blacked out before we could question her." He said matter of fact, exactly the way I like. "Why is she in your cot, and not left by the river." I asked, wondering why they thought to bring her here. If they would have left her there she would be dead by now. suddenly a sharp pain throbbed throughout my chest. The thought of her dying pained me for a brief second. f**k this was bad.. "King Damion, we believe she is one of the blessed. Her hair color you see." Lucas added, stepping over and grabbing a lock of her silver hair, and holding it between his fingers. Suddenly Titus jumped up, his fur standing on the back of his neck from the sight of Lucas touching this woman. Now I was really annoyed. "Don't touch her." I growled, causing Lucas to flinch from my overwhelming surge of power rushing toward him. They honestly thought this would work again. They didn't get the message last time when I killed my so-called mate before? Elder Paul had to be up to this..there is no f*****g way I would randomly stumble upon my mate and she just so happens to come to our camp. No f*****g way at all..I fell for the innocent mate trick before...then I woke up with a f*****g knife to my throat. I would not let it happen again. "Kill her." I said firmly, not having time to deal with this. Lucas and Lance almost choked, their eyes wide as they glanced between each other. "Your majesty, I think we should let her wake up first and hear what she has to say." Lucas stammered, stepping between me and the girl briefly. I looked at him, wondering why he was behaving this way. Usually, he does exactly as I say right away, no questions asked. Why the hell does he want to save her when he knows what happened last time? I glanced at my mate once more, her body badly beaten and bruised..fine, I will hear the girl speak and then she is dead. Maybe she has the proof I need to finally get Elder Paul. "Very well, tie her up, I want her guarded at all times until we can bring her to the prison cells and interrogate her thoroughly," I spoke sternly and turned on my heel, leaving their tent. As soon as I stepped outside, Titus took over, transforming and running straight through the woods. I needed to be as far away from that girl as possible...The worst thing was Titus seemed upset the further we got. I was in deep shit...I just knew it.
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