Chapter 4- He ordered what?!

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(Eleanor pov) After we all were given the nod of approval we went to the kitchen and waited for the breakfast orders to be called in. Usually, the young Alpha didn't wake up until 9:00 am so I would always help the others out while everyone started making their way down to the large dining hall. Not only did we have to make the meals for the Alpha but we also made the warrior's breakfast and the other higher-ranking wolves like the beta, gamma, and their families. Don't even get me started on the in particular. Malcolm Prescott, he was the Beta's son and the bane of my existence. Considering he just turned eighteen a few months ago and now had his wolf, he has become more arrogant than ever. Luckily I am never alone with him long enough for it to become a real issue but he gets handsy...I have heard stories of a few other omegas messing around with him. Let's just say he has a certain reputation for being very rough and cruel. Some people might be into that but I'm saving myself for my mate. thank you. I started cracking eggs and placing them in a large mixing bowl. We usually did a buffet-style option for the warriors so scrambled eggs were my go-to. After beating the eggs I added a splash of milk and some salt, which made them super fluffy. Then I added the mixture to a large pan for the oven, that was the easiest way to cook them for so many people. Next, I began laying out the bacon on a few sheet pans, we also cooked that in the me, it's much easier and you get less grease burns. I glanced over, noticing Zack was watching me out of the corner of my eye and suddenly became very self-conscious. I raised my eyebrow at him and he dipped his head towards me. "Come help with the cinnamon rolls." Zack encouraged with a smirk while mixing the cinnamon, butter, and brown sugar filling together. It was already 5:30 am so we have to get moving. We liked to have the buffet set up by 6:45 am that way we could focus solely on the higher-ranked families after that. I walked over, bumping my hip into his as I took the big ball of dough, rolling it out flatly so we could place the filling on top. "So, are you getting excited for your birthday?" Zack asked, glancing over at me as I continued to roll out the dough into a rectangular shape. I shrugged, placing more flour on the counter as I flipped the dough over. "I think nervous is the word you're looking for." I laughed, glancing over at him. He smiled kindly, adding more cinnamon to his bowl as he nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah, it's scary the first time, but once you get your wolf it's such an incredible feeling Elle. It's like finding a part of yourself that has been missing." Zack glanced over at me, his eyes burning into mine as I swallowed hard, my gaze focusing back on the dough. "What if..what if I don't get one for some reason?" I whispered...I don't know why I had this was just something I was always afraid of. A lot of people said they could sense their wolves even before getting them at eighteen. I have never sensed mine once. I bit my lip nervously while continuing to glide the rolling pin over the dough as Zack reached out, stopping my hands gently. "Elle, you will..and when you do, I have a feeling she will be incredible." He spoke softly, his words making my emotions rise as I let out a deep shuddering breath I had been holding. "Well, as long as she is faster than Zane, that's all that matters to me." I teased, cutting the thick tension that surrounded us. He let go of my hand, smirking as he couldn't help but laugh. "Zane says he can't wait to meet her." He smiled, his words causing my heart to skip a beat as I heard the timer for the eggs go off. "Go ahead, I'll finish these up." Zack said while scooping out the filling and placing it on the dough. I quickly wiped my hands, ran to the oven, and mixed the eggs. I flipped the bacon as well and started cutting up some fresh fruit. Suddenly the phone rang and I looked at the time. Shit...they were up early. Helen walked towards the phone, taking a pad and paper with her. The betas and gamma usually just went by the menu that we made for the week but the Alpha always demanded whatever he wanted, not caring for a created menu. "Good morning Alpha Richard." She said firmly, her voice professional and confident. "Yes Alpha, of course." She added, scribbling some things down. Suddenly she glanced up at me, her eyes rolling as she tried to keep her temper. I'm sure he was complaining about something we did wrong yesterday. "We won't make that mistake again Alpha. It will be ready on time and I will have a word with my staff." She said firmly, trying to convince him she was upset about whatever asinine thing he was complaining about. Suddenly she hung up the phone, letting out a long sigh as she glanced around the room. "Our Alpha was very displeased with the service given yesterday. Rachel, come here." She said sternly. Rachel froze, turning slightly as she stopped cutting a loaf of bread we would be using for this morning's French toast. "Yes, Ms. Helen." She spoke softly, Rachel was in her mid-twenties. She was very meek and quiet, she often kept to herself and rarely spoke. She had mousy brown hair and big brown eyes. Her parents and older sister were a part of Crescent Moon before Alpha Richard took over. They sadly had also been killed from trying to flee as a family. She was a teenager at the time, and she never really spoke much after witnessing that. I understood why, we all did, so we made sure not to push her. We also know there are spies within these walls and any talk of rebellion or the past would send you to the dungeon, or would be made an example of. Rachel walked over in front of Helen, looking down at the floor as she approached her. "Rachel, the Alpha wanted me to relay the message that he asked for ground pepper, not crushed pepper on yesterday's steak." Helen said in a monotone voice. I watched as Rachel nodded her head sharply. "He also asked me to do something else to make you remember that..but I think you get the message, correct Rachel?" Helen spoke softly, patting Rachel on the shoulder sympathetically as she responded quietly. "Yes, Ms. Helen, thank you." She whispered. "Now let's get back to work, the Alpha and Luna's orders are in, Lucy and Zack, get to it after you finish whatever you are doing." She ordered and we all got back to our stations. After another thirty minutes and the breakfast buffet was finished I wrapped up the trays and waited for the omegas from the C-wing to arrive. They were the omegas that served the food once we finished making it. We rarely did that ourselves but I noticed Lucy was called out to serve more often these days. Once again, the phone started to ring, making me sigh heavily. It was now 6:40 am. The little jerk was up earlier today than usual, which I honestly didn't mind. At least it would give me extra time to remake his meal a few times. It was the same for everyone. Helen went to the phone, giving me a knowing look as I placed the food on a rolling cart as the C-wing omegas walked in. Charlie one of the older gentlemen took the cart from me, his smile warm as he said good morning to all of us. He was originally from Blood Moon but seemed like a decent enough guy. You never know who to trust from that pack though because a lot of them report back to the Alpha directly. "Good morning Charlie. It should all be there." I said with a smile and he nodded his head once more, taking the cart and heading towards the dining hall for the warriors. with a few other omegas following behind. "Ready for this one Elle?" Helen said with an amused smile. "Lay it on me.." I wasn't looking forward to this at all. "The young Alpha requests chocolate crepes with strawberries and creme, with a side of bacon, sausage, and eggs. He would like oranges sliced in quarters and a glass of milk with a straw." She said, taking a deep breath as I was about to speak when she continued... "He would also like a stack of blueberry pancakes with maple syrup on the side. Oh..and we can't forget it all MUST be made from scratch. Or he is sending it back immediately." She added, putting the notebook down as she sighed. "Doesn't he realize we always make everything from scratch? Or does he expect me to butcher the pig at his bedside now?" I said with amusement, causing Zack to laugh behind me. "Elle, get to work." Albert chastised, but I could see the faintest smile on his face as he continued to put together the breakfast for the beta family. I sighed, getting to work immediately as I began making the batter for crepes and pancakes. How much can one kid eat?'s not like he has his wolf yet. I would expect this type of order from Malcolm but the young Alpha Benji was twelve..he just liked to torture us. Having to make crepes and pancakes?! He won't even finish them...I just know it. While working on Benji's breakfast, Zack and Rachel got the food ready to be served while another omega came in and grabbed the Luna's food and Lucy went to take the Alpha's. Let's hope they are in a good mood today...I have a weird feeling they're not.
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