Chapter 5- A knife in the hand

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(Eleanor pov) Not even five minutes later Lucy ran back into the kitchen, her eyes wide as she cradled her hand with tears streaming down her face as painful sobs left her. "Lucy, what happened?!" I ran over to her worriedly. Her hand was bleeding like crazy. "s**t, get her some ice now Rachel." Zack ordered swiftly, tugging Lucy to the sink as he ran her hand under the cold water. "The psycho b***h stabbed me!" She shouted, causing Helen to rush over to the door and peer out, making sure no one was listening. "She stabbed you?!" I asked shocked, quickly grabbing the first aid kit under the sink as I raced over towards her. "She asked me to fill her water and stabbed me with her f*****g butter knife." She shouted once more, wincing as the cold water washed over her hand. Even though she had her wolf she wasn't healing as fast as she should be, considering we were so malnourished and overworked. "What is wrong with that woman." Helen hissed, pulling Lucy over to a chair and sitting her down. I hastily unzipped the first aid bag and pulled out a few bandages and some gauze. "She just snapped, she looked down and saw my shoes and stabbed me in the hand." Lucy looked shocked, her eyes still wide as she stared at the wall blankly, as if she couldn't believe it herself. I examined the wound carefully, it looked like the knife went all the way through. I quickly put on some numbing cream and bandaged it up. This would be sore for hours if not days, Lucy was practically useless in the kitchen without two hands. Helen must have been thinking the same because she glanced toward Albert and he nodded his head slightly. "Lucy, you should go down and rest, we can cover for you." Helen spoke softly, patting Lucy's knee as she glanced between me and Zack. Knowing we would be taking the brunt of the work. I smiled softly, showing Lucy I didn't mind one bit as I stood and quickly returned the first aid kit back under the sink. "But, I can still help..I feel bad." She mumbled then clenched her hand and hissed. "Don't worry about it, plus you should probably stay away from the Luna for the remainder of the day." I spoke softly, looking back at her and nodding my head as she sighed. "Okay, I'm sorry guys...really." She sounded like she was about to cry..which was odd for Lucy. She never bared her emotions very often. I walked over towards her, hugging her gently as I pulled back and looked at her. "Go rest..this might be your only day off don't fight this!" I joked, causing her to laugh as she nodded her head and wiped her nose. "Okay, thanks guys...I don't know what I would do without you." She added and then turned to walk out the door, leaving us to busy ourselves with all of this extra work. I quickly whipped through my prep for Benji's meal and got to work. Listen, I'm not one to brag, but I can cook...I have been training since I was eight and it came so naturally. I am usually in charge of a lot of the pastries and cakes, that is my wheelhouse for sure. After getting everything in order, Charlie, the server came back. I quickly placed everything on the tray neatly and handed it to Charlie. Right as he was walking out of the door I suddenly remembered I forgot the straw. Shit...I raced to the drawer and grabbed it swiftly then booked it for Charlie. He was already towards the dining room doors when I finally stopped him. "Charlie wait! One more thing." I added, breathing heavily from running to catch him. I plopped the straw in Benji's milk, causing Charlie to smile softly as I left him to it. Maybe I could stay and see Benji's reaction..there was no way in hell this kid would send all that back. No way at all... I cracked the door barely enough for me to see. Watching Charlie as he rounded the table and saw all of the higher ranks sitting together. The Alpha was glaring at the Luna, who had a wicked grin on her face. Imagining her slamming a knife down in Lucy's hand caused a shiver to run down my spine. The Luna was crazy, and if I didn't believe it before seeing this smirk on her face confirmed it completely. I dragged my gaze towards the boy with black hair as he looked at the table with boredom. His head rested in the palm of his hand as he looked down at the plate set before him. Suddenly he sat up and a small glint in his eyes showed. I swear I saw it..he had to be impressed. He motioned for Charlie to bend down so he could whisper something in his ear. He began talking to Charlie but I couldn't hear a thing since I was so far away, maybe if I had my wolf I would have been able to. That's when I felt someone staring at me so intently, I felt their eyes burning into my own and I knew exactly who it was. I slowly dragged my gaze to the culprit as I locked eyes with the one and only Malcolm Prescott. His deep green eyes were blazing, and the fact that he caught me peeking through the door caused the biggest smirk to pull on his lips. I will be the first to admit that Malcolm was good-looking...I won't deny it. His dark brown hair came to his shoulders, his deep green eyes, and his olive complexion. He had a chiseled face and sharp features, not to mention his 6'2" height and toned muscles. He was one of the highest-ranked warriors, he trained every day and it showed. But you do not want to be on Malcolm Prescott's radar, no matter how good-looking he was. To be on his radar meant he wanted to break you down, mind, body, and soul. That was what got him off and I made it my mission to stay as far away from Malcolm Prescott as possible. I quickly ducked behind the door and began making my way back to the kitchen. Of course, I didn't even get to see if Benji liked the food or not. My goal was to only get one complaint today and fix it right away. Right as I was about to walk back into the kitchen I suddenly felt a strong grip latch onto my wrist, startling me. I whipped around and came face to chest with Malcolm Prescott. "Well, well, aren't you a curious girl today Eleanor Winters." He smirked, causing my heart to drop as I tried to free my wrist, making him tighten his grip even more. "Good morning young beta Malcolm sir." I addressed him properly, he would one day be the future Beta but right now he was just a higher up. "Please, skip the formalities, Eleanor." Malcolm reached up, the back of his hand grazing my cheek as I froze immediately. "I need to get back to work sir." I said, completely ignoring his request, causing visible irritation to cross his face. I tried to pull away once more, only causing him to yank me forward as he stared into my turquoise eyes. "When will you accept this Eleanor..this attraction between us. I have been waiting for you to come to me, to beg on your knees for me to touch you." His words caused a knot to form in my stomach...oh goddess, I never should have peeked through that door. "I'm sorry, but I am saving myself for my fated mate." The words came tumbling out, causing me to regret them immediately as a glint showed in his eyes. Crap, why did I admit that? He preys on the weak and innocent, and everything I said made me seem just that. "Our sweet Eleanor is a virgin...I never would have guessed." His eyes turned feral, his hand squeezing my wrist so hard I knew it would be bruised tomorrow. I tried to step back, causing his other hand to snake around my waist. His mouth was mere inches from mine as he pressed his body against me. His hard length was present as he began to rub himself against my stomach. "Feel that Eleanor? Soon it will be inside of you..whether you want it or not." Malcolm's words were sharp and threatening, causing my heart to drop. His hand lowered down my back as he slowly gripped my butt. My stomach turned, the words he spoke echoing through me as I tried to will my body to move. Do anything..say anything..don't be a coward Eleanor! Just then the kitchen door flung open, causing Malcolm to loosen his grip as Helen stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips. "I would appreciate it if you let my staff get back to work. We have a long day of prepping young beta sir." She said with a stern tone but made sure to not step too far over the line. Malcolm forced a smile, his eyes burning into mine once more as he looked down. "Soon Eleanor, don't forget what I said." He whispered before swiftly letting me go and turning on his heels as he went back to the dining room. 'Are you okay?' Helen mindlinked me quickly and I nodded my head, rubbing my wrist where he grabbed me. 'Please don't worry, it's no big deal.' I mind-linked softly, not wanting to stress Helen out about this as we walked back into the kitchen to continue prepping for lunch next. 'Elle, what did he mean by that?' She asked worriedly, stepping next to me as Zack entered the room with a tray of dishes and smiling at me. I gave him a fake smile back and continued cutting some onions. 'It was nothing, I promise.' I mind-linked, trying to reassure her but she just let out a long sigh and nodded. I busied myself for the rest of the day. Surprisingly Benji only returned one thing and they were the eggs, he said they were too runny and I remade them. After that, we took our small break and continued with lunch and dinner.
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