Chapter 10- You're magnificent

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'Okay Kari, I am handing it over to you.' I whispered, feeling anxious as I felt her growing even bigger inside of my mind. 'Just breathe Eleanor, and focus on me.' She said confidently, her presence coming forward as I slipped into the back of my mind. I felt her consuming me, her power taking over my body as my skin began to warm. I kept my eyes shut tight as I heard people moving around me but quickly shut them out, needing to focus solely on Kari. Soon my blood began to boil, a heat so scorching it felt like liquid flames had been injected into my veins. The sensation of pins and needles coated my skin as I focused on one breath at a time. The feelings were so overwhelming that a new sensation would crash through me, throwing me off as soon as I was just getting used to the other one. Then my body began to contort, my limbs bending as I heard the sound of bones snapping and cracking. I wanted to scream, to yell out and cry but the sound of my voice was no longer there. The pain so consuming that my body burned and trembled as a deep throbbing ache took over my mind. 'Hang on Elle, we are almost done.' My wolf Kari said encouragingly, her words bringing me some type of hope as I felt like I had lost all sense of time. Had it been minutes, hours, Days even? Then I snapped my eyes open, looking down at my hands as paws began to form. A shimmering silver fur sprouted from my skin, covering every inch of my body. A loud gasp sounded throughout the room, causing footsteps to approach me as my panting began to calm. The burning sensation slowly subsided and all that was left were seven pairs of eyes staring at me with shock. I took a wobbly step forward, confused by their reactions. 'What's wrong, why are they staring at us like that?' I linked Kari as I glanced toward Zack who looked at me with complete wonder. 'They are amazed by us Eleanor." Kari said matter of fact. "Elle, are magnificent," Zack mumbled, his green eyes piercing into me as we stepped forward. He reached his hand out, petting our fur gently as Kari sat down, letting him touch her. "Hello Kari, you are beautiful." He said breathlessly. "Your mother..she knew all along." Helen breathed, looking at me intently. "It's like her fur is made from the purest moon rays. How it sparkles even in the dullest light." Albert mumbled, his eyes glued to me as well. What did Helen mean by that and why is my fur silver? 'You don't feel it?' Kari asked, everyone still watching us intently. 'Feel what?' My voice was soft and full of confusion. 'We are meant for something great.' Her words echoed through me, the ones my mom once spoke to me. Just then Helen looked towards the clock and reached for the necklace on my bed. "We have to go, it's almost one now." She said, snapping out of her trance and making the chain on my necklace go as long as it could and wrapping it around my neck, clasping it quickly. "Is everyone ready?" She asked and everyone nodded. Kari stood up and walked next to Zack, his hand grazing her fur gently the entire time. 'You are absolutely stunning.' He linked to me, smiling down at us as Kari nudged into him softly. She warmed up to him fast. "Okay, once we step outside, we shift. Everyone understand?" Albert asked, and we all nodded our heads in response, even Kari. We crept towards the stairs, the room was silent now as we made our way to the main floor. Kari was cool as a cucumber but I was freaking the hell out. I had a bad feeling about this, something didn't feel right. 'It's the one called Lucy.' Kari responded, surprising me. 'Lucy? What do you mean?' I asked quickly, watching as Kari walked with Zack by her side. Looking ahead I noticed Lucy peering around suspiciously. 'She does not have pure intentions.' Kari added, causing my heart to drop..shit..was she going to betray us? I quickly linked Zack, feeling my stomach drop from this realization. 'Zack, doesn't Lucy seem odd?' I linked him quickly and his eyes shot to Lucy, seeing how her posture stiffened. 'She might just be freaking out because she knows how pissed the Alpha will be.' He responded and I let out a deep breath I had been holding. He is probably right, we are all on edge. We quietly crept through the pack house. Luckily the basement was close to the kitchen so we could slip out the back supply door. It led to the courtyard where the edge of the woods lined. That's the way we were taking and once we get in those woods, we needed to run like hell. 'I'm going to link Freddy now' Zack mind linked us all as we stopped in the kitchen for a brief moment. To make sure the coast was clear and we can make our way out. We stood in silence, my heart pounding wildly as Kari stood next to Zack and Helen. I hadn't realized how big we were until I came into the kitchen, I reached up to the counter now. Lucy kept eyeing me, her teeth reaching out and biting her lip. I needed to say something, she seemed off. 'Lucy, you okay?' I linked. Causing her to visibly jump. Yeah, she was definitely on edge. Suddenly she slammed the link closed, not responding, and now looked away. Kari was about to let out a deep growl when Zack gave the signal. 'Let's go.' Zack linked us all. Then we were off, Albert opened the door slowly and we all quietly exited the kitchen. Kari barely squeezed through the door as the cool night's air hit us. She lifted her nose, smelling the air as hundreds of different scents hit us all at once. I could smell wolves and trees, all the different animals and plants around us. It was almost too overwhelming as we started to walk out into the courtyard. Once we reached the tree line that was when everyone shifted. Zack lurched forward, shifting into Zane quickly as his wolf walked up to us, sniffing and nudging into Kari. I couldn't help the smile that filled my mind as Zane licked Kari on the snout, showing how he felt about us. Zane was a light brown wolf with Zack's green eyes. He wasn't huge but he was bigger than the average male omega wolf. Kari was actually slightly bigger than him which surprised me. I thought I would be a small wolf but Kari was decent-sized and strong too. Looking ahead I saw Helen's wolf Margo saunter over to us. She nuzzled against Kari as we rubbed into her back. Margo was a dark small wolf but she was always cunning and fast. I had come to know Margo well over the years and felt a family bond with her right away. 'We have to go now.' Albert linked firmly, his wolf Rocky looking back at us as he bounded toward the woods. Lucy follow behind him closely, glancing through the trees as her wolf Sasha glanced at me. Her eyes were almost wide and full of fear. Zane nudged into me one last time, walking ahead as I followed hastily. The twins stood to the left with their wolves Cadence and Fern. Then Rachel was on the right, her wolf so small and skinny it was almost hard to look at. Nastya was a mousy brown color and was skittish and full of fear. We needed to get the hell out of here. We had to find our new home and rebuild our lives. We picked up our speed, our wolves listening to the slightest sound as the air grew thicker by the minute. It was quiet, almost too quiet as Kari kept glancing toward the right. 'What is it, Kari?' I asked quickly, feeling her tense as we continued to run. 'Someone is coming.' She said urgently, causing me to panic as I linked the group. 'Kari thinks someone is coming.' I linked, noticing Lucy slowing down as she was now following in the back. 'Lucy, what is going on?' There was something she wasn't telling us..she was acting strange. Just then a blood-curdling howl sliced through the night air, causing Kari to growl. 's**t, Lucy what did you do?' Helen yelled into the link, anger and hurt filling her voice as Lucy had now disappeared. 'I'm sorry, this was the only way, the beta said he would protect me.' She said with remorse and then exited the link. Shit, she told Malcolm...she betrayed us. 'Go faster! Now!' Albert boomed through our minds, causing everyone to pick up speed as we raced through the woods. We had to be close to the border, we had to get out of here. The sting from Lucy's betrayal affected all of us as we weaved through trees and jumped over logs. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash of dark brown fur, the wolf huge as it raced next to us. I knew that was Malcolm's wolf Kane without a doubt. 'Malcolm, he is here.' I gasped into the link, causing Zane to look over as he snarled and growled. 'Zack no! Keep running no matter what, we are close.' Albert commanded, weaving through the trees as the sound of more wolves surrounded us. Looking back quickly I noticed Rachel lagging behind, her eyes wide and full of panic. Kari slowed a little, pulling up next to Rachel as we shielded her from the side. 'No matter what, don't stop, do you understand me?' I linked her and she nodded her head, looking at me with worry in her eyes. 'Eleanor, I would stop now before I kill all of your friends.' Malcolm linked me, causing my irritation to rise. 'Up here! I see the car!' Helen shouted, continuing to run as I knew if I didn't stop..none of us would make it. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. 'If I stop will you let them go?' I breathed, knowing Malcolm wasn't one to bargain with, but the fact that he hasn't stopped us yet gave me hope. He was playing a game..his warriors were much faster and stronger than us..they could have stopped us at the house. 'You have my word.' He said cooly, causing my heart to stop as I looked at the wolves around me. Kari sniffed the air, assessing the surroundings..there had to be fifteen wolves..this would be a blood bath. I saw the edge of the woods up ahead, knowing we were getting closer as I kept running next to Nastya. Zane continued to look back, making sure we were keeping up as we saw the car lights up ahead. 'I will stop at the edge of the woods.' I linked quietly back to Malcolm, noticing his pace slow once he heard my words. Why was he letting my friends go? It seemed odd, could this all be a trap? Or was Malcolm serious and he only wanted me... 'After they are safely across, I hope you do know I plan to fight until my very last breath.' Kari said ominously and I nodded my head, knowing we wouldn't just give up without a fight...I knew either way the outcome would be the same. Either I died now, or I died at the hands of Malcolm later. 'Why aren't they attacking? It's almost like the beta called the Warriors off.' Zack linked hastily. Then Zane looked over at Kari, studying us as we continued to run. Just then we reached the border, everyone hurtled over the line but me. 'Shift now and reject the pack!' Helen yelled, panic filling her as everyone shifted and a group of strangers ran up to them. There had to be at least five other werewolves that now surrounded the group. 'Eleanor, not another step or everyone will die.' Malcolm gritted through his teeth, I felt him behind me, his eyes burning into us as the words were shouted from over the link. "I, Helen Anne Bishop, reject the Blood Moon Pack and therefore sever all ties and accept my new status as a rogue." She spoke quickly and I felt her bond with the pack snap. Everyone else followed suit, their bonds snapping as I watched anxiously..only Zack was left and he looked at me. 'Elle, come on.' He linked and Kari shook her head. 'This is the only way for you guys to be safe...I'm sorry Zack.' I choked out, tears forming in my eyes as I curled up in the darkness of my mind. Just then Malcolm stepped forward, growling possessively as the other warriors began to surround me, not crossing over the border. "Elle, no!" Zack yelled, lunging forward as Albert reached out to stop him. " can't..." Helen cried out, the people from the other pack wrapping her with a blanket. 'Please Zack, say it, it's the only way I can save you, please..' I begged, knowing as long as he was a part of this pack he was in danger. He needed to say it..this was the only way. 'Eleanor, come to me now.' Malcolm ordered, causing Kari to look back at Kane, his deep green eyes burning into us as he stepped forward. 'Now or I will have my men kill them all!' He snarled, Kane, growling aggressively as Helen began to sob. Kari stepped back, standing next to Kane as he towered over us. "You can't do this, you can't sacrifice yourself like this..this was to save you Eleanor, this was to protect you." She yelled out, anger filling her as Kari let out a soft whimper. Deep down I knew it would be like this...I knew I would never get out of this place. But if they had a chance, if they could live and be happy all of this would be worth it. 'Zack, go find your mate, go be happy..please.' I begged him, seeing the hurt on his face as he tried to jump forward. 'We need to lead the wolves away, or they will never leave. This is the only way, Eleanor.' Kari told me and I knew it was true, if we hung around for too long all of this would be worth nothing. Kane was busy growling at Zack, giving me my chance to run as Kari quickly took off. 'Elle, no please!!' Zacked begged, causing my heart to break as Kari began to run faster. 'Get back here Eleanor!!' Malcolm hissed, his wolf let out a vicious howl, signaling all of the wolves to chase after me..every single one. 'If you don't f*****g stop I will kill everyone you love.' He threatened but I knew they had gotten away, I heard the cars peel out and I heard Zack shouting for me as he was dragged away, the desperation in his voice and the sobs from Helen and everyone else. I knew they were free now...I hope one day they can forgive me, that they can realize this was the only way. And the one thing really giving me hope was the moment I felt Zack's ties to the pack finally snap, giving me complete relief..he was Zack would be okay. Please, moon goddess, let him find his mate and be happy..let them all be happy. Without anyone holding us back Kari took off at full speed. She was fast..she was strong and she was incredible. Her speed made us lose the warriors in no time, but I knew Malcolm was fast too...I knew he was strong. He was a beta after all and I was a mere omega, there was no way we could beat him. I felt the west side border coming closer, the smell of fresh running water filling my senses as I knew there had to be a river or some type of running water up ahead. Before we could even come up with a plan I felt Kane at my heels. His body lunged forward, jumping on Kari's back and tackling us to the ground. 'Shift now Eleanor.' Malcolm growled, his jaw mere inches from my throat as his big wolf pinned us down. 'No, no matter what we can't shift.' Kari said quickly, and I agreed, I knew I would be able to shift back so easily. 'Listen to what I say! I own you are mine! And after seeing your will be my mate Eleanor Winters.' He growled, causing Kane to reach down, sniffing my neck as he bared his teeth, inching down slowly as his eyes turned feral. Was he going to mark me?! Kari panicked, kicking her feet and snapping her jaw until she finally made contact, biting Kane in the shoulder as he whimpered out. The action caused him to lose his balance slightly making it so we could kick him off of us. Kari rolled over and got back on her feet, running once more. 'You are going to pay for that! I will make you my f*****g mate whether you like it or not.' Malcolm raged into the link and I slammed it closed once more. I should have done that from the start. Sniffing the air Kari followed the scent to the water, I could hear the rapids as we neared closer. A river, a huge one at that. I had never ventured this far before and this was a huge surprise, I felt myself cross over the border as we were now in rogue territory. Kari quickly bounded to the raging River, her speed not slowing as she lunged into the water, the sound of splashing sounding behind us. I knew Kane followed us in. Kari tried to paddle across, the rapids too strong as the dark sky around us made everything that much harder. I couldn't see a thing and that gave me hope, knowing Kane couldn't either. We let our bodies go and stopped fighting the current, letting it take us as we floated down the river further. I couldn't smell or hear anything, the water lapping at our snout as we fought to keep our head up. Then everything went quiet, the water slowed slightly as we started to paddle towards the side. That's when I saw Malcolm shifted on the river's edge, his breathing heavy as he spotted us quickly. Worry filled his eyes as he looked ahead. "Eleanor, the waterfall!" He shouted, running into the water as a few guards ran up to him, holding him back as he tried to reach me. His actions confused and surprised me as it looked like he actually cared for a moment. Like he was scared for my safety. Shit..his words finally registered and before I knew it I was toppling over the edge, the drop hundreds of feet down as I braced myself for the life flashing before my eyes as I found peace and comfort with how I ended it. If this was truly the end I was glad I didn't just endure..I fought back, I did something to save my family. Unlike all of those years ago, standing there and letting my parents be killed in front of everyone. I stood up and sacrificed myself, knowing those people's lives were worth so much more than my own. I prayed to the goddess that they would live, that they would truly get to experience the joys of life..that is my only wish. We crashed down, Kari getting pulled under by the water's current and being slammed into the rocks that littered the bottom. A loud crack slammed through us, and another and another. Our body was beaten and broken by the time we reached the surface. I knew our leg was broken, every movement causing a burning pain to shoot through us. We continued to float down, unable to swim to the edge as our breathing turn ragged. How would we get out of this? How the hell would we survive? 'Hang on, don't give up yet.' Kari panted, kicking her feet as the water finally came to a still. We floated to the edge, dragging our bodies up to the muddy bank and Kari couldn't go any longer, she needed to rest. There was no way we could heal with her like this. We shifted back, the pain so unbearable as our already broken bones cracked even more. Looking down I saw a piece of bone protruding out of my arm..shit..this was bad. My legs were scraped and bruised, and my ribs were black and blue. I didn't even think I could walk. I bent forward, shock filling me as my hair draped in front of my eyes. I blinked twice, the moonlight illuminating the river as my hair now shimmered and sparkled in silver tones..what the hell? I didn't even know how to comprehend that as a branch broke somewhere near the edge of the woods. Shit..they found me. I attempted to stand, but my legs gave out and caused me to crash forward. I held my broken arm, the blood dripping down my elbow as I tried to stand again. This time much more successful as my knees wobbled and I found my footing. Two massive black wolves stalked were they huge. They looked exactly the same and I wasn't sure if my vision had doubled or if there were really two wolves. Their eyes were a piercing grey as they glowed from the moon's light. I stood up straighter, my feet almost giving out as I staggered back into the freezing water. There was no way I could survive without Kari. I sniffed the air, not recognizing these wolves, wondering if they were rogues. They both had a deep mint and pine smell, no signature rogue scent...which I was honestly thankful for at this point. Who were they and how did they find me? My eyes began to blur once more, my body feeling weak as I shook my head. Trying to clear that fog away. Before I knew it, I was crashing to the ground, only this time I didn't hit it, this time a pair of large hands caught me, their arms quickly picking me up as the face of a man filled my wait, two me..their silver eyes piercing mine as they glanced between one another. "We found her." One of them said, their voice deep and comforting as I quickly found myself lost in darkness, losing consciousness and the will to hang on.
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