Chapter 5

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Suddenly Lavinia swung her hand attempting to slap my face. I blocked it easily grabbing the pressure point between your thumb and pointer finer and twisting her arm downwards. The b***h tried to pull her arm back, but I just squeezed harder, enjoying the pain on her face while refusing to let it go. Lavinia's face turned red from the pain, anger, and the struggle before she started shouting "Let go of me! I'm warning you!" I couldn’t help but smile in satisfaction, "Well, well, well." I thought about it a moment, only a moment and decided why not, I twisted her arm a bit more before giving her a nice bit back hander across the face with my free hand. Then, as I let go of her hand, I gave her just a little push, causing her to stumble and fall on the ground since she was already off balance. Livinia was caught off guard and twisted to the side trying to grip onto anything that could stop her fall. Unfortunately for her and fortunately for me, she instead bumped her new nose on the entryway hall-table that she pulled down with her. The large vase that was sitting on it smashing to the ground. How delightfully dramatic. The result was even more magnificent, as her new nose was now no longer straight. The look of murder on her face as she roared my name made me laugh. "Wow! Talk about a face-lift gone wrong! You didn't pay for that, did you?" The look of murder changed to horror on Lavinia ugly face, showing she didn’t realise she had hit the edge of the table. She slowly touched her nose before crying out once again like a banshee when she felt it. Just shows how much feeling she has left in her face if she didn’t feel it when it happened. Regina was upstairs with Montgomery. When she heard Lavinia's cry, she of course, came running downstairs to check on her darling daughter. I was still standing close to Lavinia laughing when Regina made it into the room. "Milly, what on earth are you doing?" Without waiting for an answer, she rushed over to Lavinia and helped her off the ground. That’s when she finally saw Lavinia's nose. "Oh… oh… s**t. Are you OK?" her hand came up but stopped before she touched it. Lavinia moaned, "Mom, my face! Save my beautiful new nose!" "Honey, it's okay. Mommy will take you to the hospital right now, and your nose will be fine. You'll see. Easy to fix." Regina held Lavinia close as she glared at me. "Milly, I can’t believe you did this. Such a horrible child. Aren't you afraid your dad will disown you when he hears about this?" I couldn’t help my smile from growing. "Reject me?" I laughed. "I thought he rejected me when he married you." The bitterness coming out with each passing word, "Oh, I remember who the horrible one in this house is and it isn’t me. You purposely moved my bedroom far enough away so my dear old dad didn’t hear my cries as you beat me. An innocent child! No matter how hard I cried and shouted, he couldn't hear a thing. And you were clever, never hitting me in the face. You were afraid that, if you did, he would find out.” I tapped my finger to my chin. “Since I’ve been away, I must admit I do like a bit of violence myself now. Especially in the face, I love to watch and feel the bones and Cartledge move as I disfigure them. It’s even more fun when they’re unrecognizable after. I hardly even touched Lavinia though, the table did that for me. Plus, she has always been ugly!" The more I talked, the angrier Regina and Lavinia became. Seems they didn’t like to be reminded of the past when I was the one bringing it up. I wonder what delusional things they pretend happened instead. "Milly, I will ruin you!" Lavinia screamed. I must admit I really do enjoy our new friendly banter. I just shrugged. "Okay. If you want a go at me, you know where to find me. I'm not afraid." I then turned around and walked out feeling lighter than I thought possible. I certainly didn’t miss Lavinia telling her mother that they had to destroy me and Regina promising they would do whatever it took. So didn’t see that coming. Bring it on. I stepped out into the cool night breeze smiling away. As soon as I got into my car, I received a call from my best friend Linley Anderson. I answered as I started up the car. "Hey, Linley, what's up?" "Milly, I am so sorry you need to get here urgently! I just saw your husband's w***e with someone else." Crap here we go. "Where?" I asked anxiously. "Paradiso Bar!" She half yelled over the music. "Okay, wait for me." I drove there as quickly as I could only taking twenty minutes to get there. I couldn’t miss this opportunity. I sprinted in giving the bouncer a nice bonus for letting me straight in. I found Linley quickly. "Don't worry, she is being her normal self, so they aren't going anywhere anytime soon." Linley reassured me as tried to calm down. "Can we get a photograph of them together?" I asked as that would be perfect. "Unfortunately, no. They are in a private room with no windows." Crap! I couldn’t help but groan with frustration. Linley suggested we order a drink in the meantime. It was a good idea, a needed a drink after dealing with my family and not the disgusting red wine they have. We flagged down a waiter and ordered a bottle of white wine to drink while we waited for the couple to emerge from the private room. An hour later, the door to the private room slowly opened, finally. We quickly hid in the corner watching the couple emerged. Yep, definitely the slut, Carly Wilson. Linley held up her phone and took several photos of Carly and the young man. I was too much to the side to really get a good shot, but I tried anyway. The slut and her man for the night were too busy with each other they thankfully didn’t notice us. Linley showed me her photos and I showed her mine. Hers were definitely better. "Will this work?" 
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