Chapter 6

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"It's perfect," You could clearly see this was not just a friend and recognise both of their faces in the photo. "Now I have proof. I knew she was cheating on Ryan!” Linley sent me the photos quickly. "All done. Good luck. Hopefully your dear husband will let you show them to him." "Fingers are crossed! I'm off! Thank you! My shout next time!" "Next time you owe me more. I deserve to be wined and dined!" Linley dramatically grumbled. I couldn’t help but laugh. "It's a deal!" I gave her a hug and headed out. Before we got to the door, Linley stopped me. "Milly, you know that you deserve better, right? You’ve been through enough and Ryan really wasn’t the best idea even if he was a werewolf. Don't you think you deserve better than Ryan?" I froze for a moment before collecting myself and leaving without replying or looking back at her. She didn’t understand and I couldn’t explain it to her. I needed him, my hope. Once outside, I sent Ryan a text message. ‘Where are you?’ ‘At work.’ Was his short sharp reply like aways. A lot of werewolves don’t live in a small excluded town they call a pack. Some live in the city with a country estate they go to, to let their wolf out. They have normal jobs like everyone else, not just warrior or something.   ‘I'll meet you there shortly.’ I replied ‘Don't bother.’ I tried not to let it get to me and brushed it off. ‘No bother. I'm just out and about.’ I put my phone back in my handback without waiting for his reply. I knew what it would be, but I refused to be deterred from my mission. The King building was not far from where I was, so it only took me about fifteen minutes to get there. I straighten my shoulders and walked happily into the building, making my way to the CEO's office, Ryan’s office. Ryan was sitting at his desk, working hard as always. He looked up as I walked in “Another late night?" I said as gently as I could with a big smile. Ryan frowned, but I pretended not to notice. "You must be hungry. Did you want me to order you something?" "I had dinner," His tone was clipped and made me wonder if I should show him the photos now. I wanted to tell him that Carly was not who he thought she was. She wasn’t the sweet and innocent she-wolf and tonight definitely proved that. It hurt knowing how much he cared for her and what she was doing behind his back. I could see though the dark circles under his eyes and the wiry look he was giving me, he wasn’t in the right mind set. He’d already had a bad day and it would be cruel to make it worse. I need to make sure it’s the right time. Instead, I sat down on the sofa in his office and let him get back to his work. I looked around the room studying it. It was clean, everything in its place and not a fingerprint to be seen even at this hour. "Shouldn’t you be going?" He brough me out of my observation with his sharp tone. I once again pretended I didn’t hear it and rested my chin on my hands. "I thought I would wait for you so that we can go home together." His cold look certainly didn’t give me any hope before he replied. "No, you go on ahead of me." "OK." I almost whispered as I tried to hide my disappointment. I stood up and grabbed my bag, "Try not to be too late. It’s not healthy to work such long hours. You need your rest." Ryan turned back to his work without saying anything, so I left quietly. I really would have loved to see even the smallest bit of the kindness he had shown me in my previous life. Just one. But I will not let it deter me, I will still do everything I can for him, repay him even if he doesn’t realise what I’m doing. I just wish he would see me… Unfortunately, I was in my head too much that I didn’t even see the lights change to red and sped straight through. And of course, there was a cop car sitting right there that saw it all. They caught up with my pretty quickly and pulled me over. Cops always made me nervous. Don’t know why, but they do. I pulled over to the side of the road trying to calm my beating heart. I was surprised to look up and see the cop was Troy. He looked at me and smirked "Good evening beautiful, if you want to die so much, why not spend a night with me first?" Damn he was hot and in that uniform… it was just criminal. He definitely was the best-looking man I had ever seen. The look on his face though made me come out of my daze. The smirk was gone and in its place was a critical smile. "Sorry," I said again like a child that had been told off. I gave him my licence and waited for him to do the paperwork for my ticket. I still had a lot of demerit points so luckily shouldn’t lose my licence from this. Holding my licence, he watched me. “Where you headed tonight?” “Home.” He nodded. “Have anyone special at home waiting for you? I would guess someone as beautiful as you would.” OK… That took a turn I wasn’t expecting. I didn’t really like the look in his eye now, it was more that of a predator than a protector. “Home to my husband. Now do I get a ticket or just a bad line before I can head home?” My patience was running out and there were no more nerves making he hold my tongue.
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