Chapter 4

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While overseas, I had done everything to prepare myself for my revenge. I studied many different styles of fighting, human anatomy and strategy. I found it all so all fascinating and now very rewarding knowing one touch had her screaming in pain. I certainly kept myself busy I can tell you. Dear old dad rushed into the room when he heard Lavinia’s scream. He froze in his tracks though when he saw me, before his jaw nearly hit the floor. I continued to smile. "Hi, dad. I'm here." "I can see that," he replied as he collected himself. "Where's Ryan?" I couldn’t contain the scowl that took over my face. "Why would he want to come here?" "Well, he is my son-in-law," he huffed. "Shouldn't he come and meet his in-laws?" "Son-in-law?" I hissed. "A long time ago, you said that I was no longer your daughter. So, if I am not your daughter, how could my husband be your son-in-law?" That made him freeze again before I could see his anger rise. "What are you talking about?" he shouted before composing himself again, we don’t want to show are crazy do we dad. "That’s nonsense, but I shouldn't be surprised. You have always been a difficult child!" I glared at my father coldly as the ice took over my veins as the memories passed before my eyes. "Oh, I remember you saying I was a difficult child, but that was five years ago when I was accused of taking drugs. I was put in a rehabilitation centre, twice, and you were so ashamed of me that you never came to visit me! But the truth came out, after the second time and you had already been informed, I wasn't taking drugs but you didn’t listen. Yet you still have the nerve to call me a difficult child?!?!?!" The medical report said some bullshit about how there was a mistake in the lab as to why the first time I was still positive. I knew Regina and Lavinia had something to do with it. They couldn’t believe I had worked out their game so had tried to have all my test results altered. The second rehabilitation centre was the cheapest nastiest place they could find. It was full of real drug addicts that took their frustrations out on me. I had finally been able to get to a phone and cried to my dear old dad, but after accepting the call, he'd said, "Don't call me again. Stop being such a difficult child." And before I could defend myself and explain, he had hung up on me. By then, I was starting to give up on dear old dad, wondering if he really deserved the title of dad or father at all. Montgomery, or dear old dad, actually I think I will just stick with his name, Montgomery, glared at me, but said nothing. He was too angry to say anything. Lavinia was now laughing at me thinking she had the upper hand, she really was clueless. I was about to explain this to the airhead when Mrs. McBride, Lavinia's maid, interrupted to let us know "Dinner is served." I followed Lavinia, and Montgomery into the dining room with my head held high, but didn't see Regina. Even Montgomery noticed and gave Mrs. McBride a curious look asking "Where’s Reggie?" I didn’t even realise she had left the lobby until we turned to go to the dining room. What was she up to now? Mrs. McBride smiled politely, "Her Ladyship went to use the rest room. She will be out momentarily." Just as Mrs. McBride finished the evil Queen Regina walked in from the kitchen. Her eyes were red and swollen, and it looked like she had been crying. I couldn’t help my sigh as I knew where this was going. Ever the actor, seriously can’t she give it a rest for one night? "What's the matter?" Montgomery asked with concern. I wasn’t giving her a chance to answer though as I quickly looked up and cut in. "Regina is probably just happy to see me," I said full of sarcasm. "After all, Dad, you know, she has always treated me as if I were her own daughter. These are tears of joy!" Regina had always played the part of a good wife and a good mother in front of Montgomery, and I didn't mind blowing a little smoke up her ass for old time's sake. After all, how could a woman like Regina, who had hooked up with a man who was only recently married to another, be a good person? My step-brother, Carl, the eldest son or Regina was more than happy to tell me. He was a month older than me and had done everything he could to become the prodigal son from the first moment he could. Somehow Montgomery was oblivious to my sarcasm as he smiled at Regina. "Don't be silly. Come and join us." Although seeing how pissed off it made Regina was worth it, especially since she couldn't say anything in front of Montgomery, and was forced to sit down and join everyone for dinner. As soon as Regina sat down, Montgomery looked around the table again. "Is Carl not joining us for dinner?" "Since you haven’t been well and haven’t been able to go in to the office, Carl has been busy trying to keep the company in order for you." Of course, Montgomery lapped it up and quickly ordered, "Make sure to wrap and save Carl’s dinner for him." Regina smiled victorious "Of course." She replied as she touched his arm lovingly. Gross! I really couldn’t help but roll my eyes not that anyone saw. The whole meal was as uncomfortable as I had expected, but at least it was over quickly. When everyone had finished eating, Montgomery had excused himself to go upstairs to take his medication and rest. Once Montgomery was gone, I stood up ready to leave. Lavinia couldn’t help herself as she stood up as well, following me out to the lobby. "That was pretty impressive, what you did to my elbow. It actually hurt, and seemed to take very little effort. Who taught you to do that?" I just stopped and stared at her as I crossed my arms. " I don't owe you any explanations. I learned how to do it, just for you dear stepsister." 
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