Chapter 3

1047 Words
I used my time wisely while in Europe, never missing an opportunity. No more standing in the shadows. No more nervous scared Milly. This was the new Milly that HAD to survive. "I'll ask him," I replied, trying not to let my emotions show. "Come early, Regina has arranged a large dinner." I couldn’t help but frown as I asked, "Am I to call her Regina now? And not Mom?" I had almost forgotten about my dear stepmother's existence, or was it I tried to forget? "Don’t be cheeky! See you then, bye." He tried to play it off before he hung up quickly. I stared at my phone and took a deep breath before I called Ryan. I should have known he wouldn’t answer though. I wouldn’t bother him if it wasn’t for the fact that if he didn’t come, I would have to deal with my family alone. Also, the fact that I now had a werewolf husband to show off. That’s the only reason they invited him, I just know it. It was something they could brag about in their little circles. I did my makeup and selected a limited-edition overcoat from my closet, I have to look the part as always. Then I did the normal perfume behind my ears as was customary and prepared to leave… alone. When I arrived at the place, I once called home, forcing myself to smile before I rang the doorbell. I listened as I controlled my breathing. Regina surprisingly opened the door, with the biggest, not surprising, fake smile of her own. She laughed, that annoying laugh as she touched my arm. "Milly darling, you're back! Your dad is waiting for you. Come in! Where's Ryan? Didn't he come with you?" I let my fake smile drop as I sneered at her. "He's working late. Now, please take your dirty hand off me." There was no glossing over it, Regina is a b***h. There is not a genuine bone in her body and absolutely no reason to show her any respect... anymore. Even if it was only fake before I left. She frowned and looked almost confused as she pulled her hand away, "OK, I won't touch you." How can she be confused? Seriously? Told you they pretend the past never happened. I couldn’t help but smirk, "I do love you’re acting skills and fake niceties. It's no wonder your daughter is a famous actress. She definitely got her skills from you especially after the way you treated me. Or are we pretending the past is in the past?" In the past, Regina and Lavinia had abused me in every way they could behind my dear old fathers back, not that he would have cared. I had been helpless to stop them especially with the drugs in my system and no one believing me. Not even the police when I finally got the courage to call them. I had shown my father and the police my injuries, but Regina told them all that the wounds had been self-inflicted and even cried saying she had tried to stop me. Oh, it was a great show I can tell you. Everyone took Regina’s word over mine, even my own father. Just thinking about it made my blood boil. I gently pushed Regina out of the way and walked in. "You’re right. The past is in the past and we are both different people now. Not that anything about me is any of your business." I could feel her glare on the back of my head as she huffed, "Whatever." Before closing the door behind me as I continued into the living room. Unfortunately, Lavinia must have heard my voice, as she came down the stairs. The typical scowl instantly taking over her face when she saw me.   Growing up, when I was forced to accept her as my stepsister, we were also forced to attend the same school together. I don’t know whether it was because I wasn’t a bad looking kid or because I had a lot of friends to start with but she made my life hell from day one. She would do everything to destroy my school uniform, sometimes even just before we left for school or destroy my hair before we got there. There was always something she would try, she did everything to make sure I looked like a beggar that didn’t belong. That’s why I made sure my make-up and clothes were on point for tonight just to piss her off like it always did. Her face quickly changed into a fake smile as she yelled. "Milly, welcome home." She made a point of quickly pull me in for a hug. I didn’t refuse it and played along for a moment. As soon as she stepped back, I returned her fake smile. "Well, that was a surprise. I wasn’t sure what kind of welcome I should expect? No beatings today?" Lavinia froze. I let her stew for a moment before I added, "Or perhaps maybe it’s your turn? What do you say, sis?" I made sure to emphasis the sis part. Lavinia gnashed her teeth together as the smile dropped. She couldn't stand it when I referred to her as "sis." I watched as she collected herself, smiled and came up with a reply. "Oh Milly, I see you’re alone. Is it because your husband doesn't love you at all and doesn't want to be around you?" She laughed and continued, "You know, my husband told me that he didn't want to come tonight, because he didn't want to have to see your dirty, ugly face again either." Suddenly, she grabbed my wrist and gave it a hard twist. Fortunately, I was waiting for something and was able to quickly pull my hand away. She did get a small twist in, but I wasn’t giving her the satisfaction of showing any pain. She looked at me surprised, "It seems you've learned some skills while you were away." "Indeed," I replied as I couldn’t help myself and quickly hit a pressure point on her elbow. She screamed like a banshee and turned my fake smile into a real one. Who knew such a horrible sound would actually sound like music to my ears? 
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