Chapter 8

978 Words
That was definitely it! You do not hurt my friends and think it’s funny. I grabbed my wine glass and smashed it over his head. I would have preferred a bottle or a sledge hammer but it would have to do. It had the desired effect as he let go of Linley's hand, and as he stumbled backward. I stood up and kicked him in the balls needing to make sure he really got the message. It was a cheap shot but still felt good. The creep screamed as his hands instantly went to his crotch. His knees bent, and I must say it was very satisfying watching as he then doubled over onto the floor. "When a woman says no. She means no. Plus this is my date for the night." I gave him a mock innocent smile as he still withered in pain on the floor. I really did make sure I put some force into that kick. Linley putting her arm around my shoulders. "Awww. Your date. I’m flattered. Does that mean I’m your girl?" she battered her eyes at me and I wrapped my arm around her waist laughing at her antics. "Aww, you make me the happiest girl in this world." She pretended to choo at me. Suddenly Linley screamed “Look out.” As she pulled me to the side. A beer bottle just missing my head as it whizzed past and hit the wall, smashing. I looked up to see what must be the creep's buddy lung at us. Before I could react, another man stepped in pushing him back. Within seconds fists were flying between the two men. Our saviour looked familiar but I couldn't quite place him. He was definitely a shifter by his speed, fighting skill and the normal natural good looks. And there was no mistaking those broad shoulders that were nothing but glorious muscle. He took out the i***t pretty quickly before looking back at us with a cynical look on his face. Ah, Troy! She definitely recognised the look. Crap! I didn’t realise he was a shifter last night. I went to say thank you to him but thanks to my heels and the alcohol it wasn’t the must classy walk. I stumbled over making Troy laugh and me feel like an i***t. “s**t. You, OK?” Linley quickly tried to come to my rescue, but Troy reached me first. He caught me thankfully before I went face first onto the floor. He smelled so good, and being in his arms I could feel his broad chest that seriously had been chiselled from marble. This man is amazing! Wait! My drunken brain caught up as I quickly tried to pull away trying not to blush. “Thanks. I think.” As I tried to hold my drunken head up and pretend, I didn’t nearly make a fool of myself. He kept his hands on my hips holding me steady, a massive smile on his face. "You seem to like being a damsel in distress." He mused with a wink. OK that kicked my drunken brain into defensive mode as I slowly removed his hands form my hips. “I am always more than happy to help you. Remember you would have gone ass up if I didn’t help. Would you prefer I didn’t?” He still had the smug smile on his face. “Help is one thing but don’t think it will lead to anything more." “No problems” He put his hands up in the air. “Thank you.” I mumbled still with my unimpressed look as I went to continue on and nearly went flat on my face again. Troy grabbed onto my hips again to steady me. Crap that wasn’t the walk of confidence I was looking for. “Seems I get to be your white knight again. Maybe you can’t get enough of me?” I whispered into my ear making my cheeks definitely go red with embarrassment. He moved one of his arms to wrap around my waist as he moved to be beside me, holding me in place. A full mischievous smile on his face. Damn heels. Definitely the heals fault. “Here.” He said draping my arm around his waist and securing his more. “Did you come by car or taxi?” he asked me and Linley. Linley stood there in shock with a smirk on her face for a moment before she finally replied for us. “Yes. My car is in the parking lot." He nodded. "Let's go." As he held onto me tight so I didn’t stumble again as Linley led the way. “I’m fine now. You can let go.” I tried as we walked and tried to take my arm back. He used his free hand to put it back in place as he held me a bit tighter only smiling in response. Once at the car Troy helped me into the car. I mumbled my thank you again as I buckled myself in. Well tried to but was failing. I didn’t expect him to lean in and help me though. “Always happy to help a beautiful damsel in distress remember.” He winked at me as he pulled out of the car. “Yeah, yeah. You’re kind of handsome yourself.” My hands instantly going to my mouth as my eyes went wide. I didn’t just say that, s**t I did. “Good to know you think I’m handsome.” Oh crap! Here we go. I didn’t say anything more as I quickly grabbed the car door and closed it to him laughing in the background. Asshole. I leaned my head against the door and was out like a light within seconds, not even knowing if Linley was in the car yet or not.
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