Chapter 7

1036 Words
“I like the feisty ones. No ticket tonight but if you would like to see me again your more than welcome to run another red light.” The cop winked and handed me back my licence. “No thank you.” I replied and wound my window back up. Why did he have to be a d**k! Such a waist of good looks, then again, he is probably used to getting anyone he wants due to those good looks. Troy chuckled when as I put my window up “Good night beautiful Milly.” He called out before turning around and returned to his squad car. It was ten o'clock when I finally arrived home. Ryan still hadn't come home yet, which meant that he probably wouldn't come back tonight. Sighing, I went and had a shower before sitting on the balcony looking at the stars in the sky. Sitting there the only thing missing was a good drink. I quickly went and got a bottle of wine and sat back down. I was intending to only have one or two but before I realised the bottle was empty. Then I had the bright idea that before bed I really should send Ryan the photos of Carly and her ‘friend’. Smiling to myself I sent them all to him and crawled into bed. I woke up the next morning, with nothing but regret. Regret I drank that much and regret that I had sent Ryan the photos. Why do you always think stupid things are good ideas when drunk? Groaning I decided to make Ryan an apology lunch before quickly heading over to the King building to apologize. I had been there many times, so the employees all knew that I was the president's wife and didn’t stop me. As soon as she arrived at his office, though, I was stopped by Ryan's assistant, Wade Jenkins. "Mrs. King," he said, "Mr King is in a meeting. Would you like to wait outside of his office for him?" I frowned not understanding why I couldn’t wait in his office. Why would I wait outside? "Okay, I'll wait for him in his office then." I smiled and went to step around Wade but he stepped in front of me. Knowing my suspicions were correct, I still tried to push past Wade, but he refused to let me pass. "Please move," I hissed, but he still wouldn't move. I didn’t have time for this. Although I didn’t want to hurt Wade as he was doing his job, I had to get into that room. I grabbed his elbow using the faithful pressure point again and moved him out of the way. He let out a small scream of pain but I ignored it as I quickly walked over the opened the door to the office, the empty office.   "What the heck?" I mumbled. Everything looked to be in order, but I knew that there was something wrong. I took one last look around the office before I saw a bright red coloured purse on the edge of Ryan's desk. I slowly approached it before turning my eyes to the lounge attached to the office with the door closed. Taking a deep breath, I forced my feet over to the door. My heart began to beat rapidly as I opened the door with a trembling hand. What I saw, I knew I would never be able to unsee… Ryan and Carly. Carly was bent over the couch with Ryan thrusting into her from behind. I stood frozen feeling my heart break before I finally pulled myself together enough to closed the door and walked out. I went straight to the bathroom, found an empty stall, and emptied the contents of my stomach into the toilet. It wasn't until I finished laying against the wall after flushing the toilet again that I realized I wasn’t alone. "Miss, are you okay?" the woman asked. Shaking my head, I got up off the floor and went to the sink to quickly clean myself up. I closed my eyes trying to get that horrible sight out of my brain as I took a few deep breaths. "Miss, do you need help? A doctor?" the woman asked again. I gave her a weak smile. "No, but thank you. I'm okay, thank you." I pulled my hair into a ponytail, checking that I didn’t get any puke in my hair as I heard the woman gasp. "Mrs. King..." she gaped. CRAP I sighed shaking my head. "Forget I was here." She nodded giving me a sympathetic smile before I walked out with my head held high. I left the King Building straightaway and asked Linley to meet her at the Paradiso Bar. Once there, I proceeded to drink the day away, as my friend kept me company. Finally, Linley asked, "What do you see in Ryan?" I was more than drunk by this stage as I smiled hearing his name and couldn’t hold my tongue again. "He’s the best, kindest, person I’ve ever met. He has the most beautiful eyes in this world..." I didn’t realise it but I had begun to cry as I talked. "Can I buy the two most beautiful ladies in the bar a drink?" Came the slur of some sleaze bag beside us. Linley told him to rack off, but it certainly didn’t deter him as he ignored her as he gave me a disgusting smile that I think he thought we sexy. Linley was up off her chair and got in his face this time. She tried to shoo him away, but he would not budge. Getting annoyed, she actually gave him a push this time. He certainly wasn’t ready so stumbled a little before correcting himself. He reached out to touch Linley's face, but she swatted it away. "Hey, what do you think you are doing?" She hissed. All that did was make the creep smile before he grabbed Linley's wrist. "I just want to buy you both a drink." "Let go," she struggled to get her hand free. "You're hurting me!" "What can you do to me if I don't let go?" The drunk creep chuckled.
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