Chapter 9

972 Words
I awoke the next morning in my own bed, I don’t know how Linley did it but I would have to thank her later. I did my morning routine before going downstairs for Panadol and breakfast. What I didn’t expect was for a fresh already made breakfast to be laid out on the table already. I didn’t expected Ryan to come home last night. I definitely assumed he would have spent the night with his w***e, sorry girlfriend. Mrs. Matthews, the house keeper, poked her head out from behind the refrigerator door and smiled when she saw me. "Morning, Mrs. King." "Morning, Mrs. Matthews. How are you today?" I smiled back and quickly grabbed some Panadol out of the cupboard first before sitting down. She didn’t say anything until she sat down across the table from me. "You were very drunk last night. Are you alright?" I sighed and help up the Panadol. “Yep. I’ll be lots better in a moment. Thank you for asking. And thank you for breakfast." When I finally felt more like myself in the afternoon, I decided to quickly duck down to shops before they closed. I got in the car but before I could start it a hand with a cloth in it was over my mouth and nose as a strong arm held me in place. I tried to scream and hit every pressure point and nerve I could to get them to release me, but to no avail, they were like trying to move a brick wall. The man was too strong for and I quickly lost consciousness. I woke up suddenly feeling confused and a cold hand running up my upper thigh… holy f**k! I quickly kicked the man straight in the balls as hard as I could. I must admit it was a good shot and I got some power behind it, resulting in him screaming on the ground in pain. I kicked him in the nose hearing a satisfying crush. He screamed again and started swearing at me calling me a few very not nice words. He went to get up but I quickly grabbed his arm and quickly dislocated his shoulder making sure his good arm was out of action. I then took a look at myself. Down to my underwear, prick. Then looked around… standard hotel room. I wonder which one. I pulled my phone out of my bag that he had nicely put on the desk in the room. Looks like he hadn’t had a chance to look through it yet. Bingo. My phone was still in there and undamaged. I grabbed it out and turned it onto video and started to record our little conversation. "Tell me who sent you!" I asked sweetly. How rude. He didn’t answer me so I gave a little kick to his injured shoulder as I walked around him lying on the floor. He grimaced, but didn't cry out, so I decided to add a little pressure on the shoulder instead and asked him again. After he finished screaming, he finally replied. "I don't know." I could help but sigh. "You may not believe me, but I don't enjoy hurting you. If you tell me what I want to know, I’ll stop. But this is your last chance. If you don't tell me who it was, I will make you wish that you had." He looked at me with fear and apprehension. If it wasn’t for the look in his eyes, it was also clear by how he was twitching and shaking that he got the message I wasn’t here to play games. "Please, I-I r-really d-don't know. I didn't even s-see the person's f-face..." He tried, fumbling over his words. Probably from the pain. "Nice try. It was Carl Brown, wasn't it? Or was it Lavinia or Regina? Which one of them or even was it both?" I wouldn’t past them to organise it together. "I don't know," he screamed out holding his shoulder. "Please I need my arm!" Well too f*****g bad. "Was it Carl Brown?!?!?!" I walked around ready to make sure he never used that arm properly again. As soon as I was behind him, he started nodding quickly and panted, "Yes, it was Carl Brown!" I couldn’t help but smile in satisfaction. “Good. Now tell me the full story… " I had him start from the start and tell me everything while I recorded it. Once he was done, I made extra sure he knew not to speak of the video to Lavinia and Regina. "Understood. I’ll keep my mouth shut." "I hope so," I replied as I quickly made some ties out of the bed sheets and the pocket knife, I have in hidden in my handbag. I tied the dickhead up and shut him up by putting his dirty ass socks in his mouth. His screaming from me touching his injured arm was just annoying. He’ll be fine, it was a straight dislocation anyway. I sent Linley a quick e-mail with the footage of the man's confession attached to it, as I got dressed. Once dressed I quickly called Linley to let her know what’s going on. She answered on the second ring, I love how she lives on her phone sometimes. "Hey Milly, what's up?" "I just recorded something very interesting, and I sent it to your email for safekeeping." “Hold on.” I could tell she put me on loud speaker as she opened her email and watched the video. “What the f**k! How the hell… You need to stop getting yourself into trouble!" She practically screamed out. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained," I shrugged, not that she could see me. “OK. Gotta go. I’ll call you later.” I quickly hung up before she started on me again.
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