Trust Issues Pt. 3

2284 Words
Immy was waiting. I saw one of Lisa’s friends walk by Immy. She was about to spill some blue dye on her. I grabbed her chair and pulled her away. The dye fell on the floor. The girl glared at me. Immy gasped, “Are you freaking kidding me, Liz?!” Liz shrugged, “It was an accident.” I snorted, “Liar.” The teacher walked over, “Liz, clean this up.” Liz snorted, “The janitor can. It’s his job.” My jaw dropped. The teacher growled, “Liz, clean this up.” She sighed and went to get something. I told Immy, “Lisa’s clan is out of control.” Immy snorted, “Not for long.” I had no idea why she thought that. They didn’t show any signs of stopping. They seemed to be targeting anyone who was my friend. Their attempted message was clear. Befriend me and you’ll have problems. When school ended Keaton was waiting for me up front. I skipped over to him. He told me, “Bryce is going to give you a ride with Immy to your apartment. I’m going to run home and change. I am apparently not in proper attire. I’ll pick you up soon.” I smiled and kissed him quickly on the lips. Immy grabbed my hand, “Come on let’s get you ready.” I laughed, “I already have the outfit.” Immy said, “And I’m going to do your makeup and hair. You are such good practice. I usually just snap my fingers.” I laughed, “How would that help get anyone ready?” Immy said, “One day, you will understand.” I snorted, ‘I hope I understand a lot of things one day.” For instance, I’d like to understand why I had lost my mind since coming to this town. Bryce drove us to my place. Bryce said, “You look a lot better than you did this morning Katie.” I snorted, “I probably looked like a drowned rat. I was in the bathtub when you guys arrived.” Bryce frowned, “What do you mean? We were knocking on your door for fifteen minutes.” I quickly said, “I was just really tired, and out of it.” I was NOT under water for fifteen minutes. That was crazy. What was crazier was that I would swear it was hours, but that was not possible. So I was just wrong, and Bryce had to be wrong too. Or I woke up when I slipped under water. That was also an option. Bryce dropped us off at the door. He told Immy, “I’ll wait out here.” I frowned, “That’s silly. Go park in the space beside the red mustang, then come on up.” Bryce smiled, “Thanks Katie.” I smiled at him. Immy and I went inside. Once we got into my apartment she grabbed a chair and dragged it into the bathroom. I sat down as she did my makeup. Then she moved onto my hair. She spiral curled it. She observed her handy work grabbing a few other pieces to curl. She smiled, “Perfect. Ok, time to get dressed.” I laughed. I left and put on the outfit we’d picked out. She squealed, “Perfect! Come on.” She dragged me out. She said, “Ta-dah! Doesn’t she look awesome, Bryce?” Bryce spit out his drink. He said, “Immy! They are ice skating. Also, you were right about the boobs and butt thing.” I blushed. My bra’s had gotten a little bit strained but not bad. Immy said, “I know, right? Keaton’s not going to let her fall down. She’s perfectly fine in this outfit.” Bryce snickered, “Keaton won’t be able to sit down. You look beautiful Katie. Are we leaving Immy?” Immy laughed, “Do I look like a sucker to you? If we leave, Keaton won’t take her on their date!” I asked, “Why not?” Bryce snorted, “He’s…a possessive alpha male and you look….good enough to eat.” Immy laughed. I rolled my eyes, “I’m not even his girlfriend yet. It’s our first date.” Bryce muttered, “You’re so much more than his girlfriend.” We watched t.v. for fifteen minutes before the song started to play in my head a few minutes before the knock sounded on the door. Immy skipped to the door. I stood as Keaton walked in. A low growl sounded in his chest. I blushed. Immy squealed, “He brought you chocolates!” He had a large crunch bar in his hands. I smiled, “Oh that’s so nice. I don’t really like flowers. It’s like this whole obligation to keep the flowers alive. No matter how much you feed them that food they eventually die. Then you have to throw them away and find a place to put the vase. My mom used to get a lot of flowers, and she’d leave them at my place. I swear I had more vases than anything else. I really don’t like flowers. It’s like a gift disguised as an obligation. They are pretty though. Chocolate is better. Or food of any kind.” Keaton asked, “What’s your favorite chocolate?” I smiled, “Crunch bars so…you did a good job.” Bryce said, “Those are his favorite too.” He winked at Keaton. Immy said, “We will walk down with you guys.” She handed me my jacket. Keaton grabbed my hand and we used the elevator to go down to the garage. Keaton helped me into his truck. I looked at him. He had on nice jeans and a nice shirt. I told him, “You look really nice.” He glanced over and squeezed my bare leg. He said, “Thanks, my beautiful song. You look stunning.” I smiled at him. I laughed, “Your song?” Keaton winked, “It was on Immy’s list and I thought it fit. You sing beautifully, and I’m your Key. So you’re my song.” The song was so happy it was practically shouting. I was unable to keep a smile off my face. We got to the ice skating rink. I asked, “Is Wednesday a slow day for ice skating?” Keaton smirked, “My brother owns the place. I asked him to close it for us.” I stopped walking and gaped at him. I asked, “Are you serious? He’s losing business over our date? Oh gosh, he’s not going to like me, is he?” Keaton laughed, “He’ll be fine. He doesn’t need the money from Ice skating on a Wednesday night. Trust me. Besides, my brother already likes you because your name isn’t Lisa.” I snorted. We walked inside. Keaton went behind the counter and got skates for us. I looked down. And laughed, “You know my shoe size?” He shrugged, “I notice things about you.” I raised an eyebrow. He chuckled, “Or I asked Immy.” I nodded, “That sounds right.” We sat down. Keaton helped me lace up my skates. He had a remote in his hand. Music began playing. He helped me out onto the ice. I started to fall and he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me into him. I looked up at him breathless. He leaned down and kissed me. The song in my head happily hummed quietly. Was this just permanent? Would my head forever sing around him? Good thing the song was pretty. Keaton pulled back, “Are you ok?” I nodded, not looking away from him. He gently released me. I took a tentative skate forward. He was skating backwards with ease. We made it around a few times. He smiled at me, “You’re a natural.” I didn’t feel super awkward. I asked, “How are you so good at this? Other than your brother owns a skating rink.” Keaton smiled, “I’m actually quite good. Most of my siblings are. My Uncle Heath has a training regimen he…requires that now my cousin requires. Ice skating is part of it. My mom is actually quite talented at it. My dad didn’t find that out until she started to teach Emmett and Emma.” I smiled and skated to the edge. I said, “Show me your skills, Key.” Keaton laughed, “Anything for you. Just keep in mind, I haven’t skated in a while.” He changed the song and started moving on the ice. He landed his first jump, and my jaw dropped. The superstar basketball player was also good at ice skating? That was…not something I expected. I began to hum to the song. When it ended I clapped. He skated over to me. I said, “Wow, I’m just…that…was so good. Is there anything you aren’t good at, Keaton Daniels?” He flushed and looked away. He said, “I guess you’ll find out.” I snorted, “I think you are talented at anything you want to be.” I kissed his cheek, “That was beautiful, Key. Really.” He smiled, “It felt nice to get back on the ice.” I asked, “When was the last time you skated? Because, for the record, I would not guess long. You certainly weren’t rusty.” Keaton sighed, “It’s been a few years.” I asked, “Why? Did you hurt yourself? Or stop enjoying it?” Keaton smiled, “Oh, I enjoy it. It’s just not manly.” I snorted, “Says who?” Then it clicked. Lisa. That was something Lisa said to him. The hissing started. I told him, “I think manly is used incorrectly these days. It really means good qualities associated with men. Courage is one of those things. I think it takes courage and strength to learn and master a skill. You’ve mastered this one. Traditional masculism is so limiting. Why can’t a jock like poetry or art? That’s a silly stereotype. It doesn’t make the big linebacker any less macho for liking poetry or painting. It makes him unique.” I reached up and touched his face, “The basketball star who loves all his siblings so much his eyes light up when he talks about them, who is a talented ice skater, and easily the best kisser of my life is definitely one of the manliest men I’ve ever met. Plus you seem to think your oldest brother is super manly. You just said he could skate. Your mom taught him.” Keaton nodded, “Emmett is a talented skater, so is Emma.” I smiled, “There you go. Lisa is shockingly wrong.” Keaton whispered, “What did I do to deserve you?” I giggled and teased, “Dealt with Lisa for years?” He snorted. We skated around for about an hour. Before we got off the ice. We were leaving when I saw a diner. I asked, “Can we go there?” Keaton looked startled, “You want to eat at a diner?” I nodded, “Yup! Diners always have the best milkshakes.” I paused then added, “Ok, I don’t know that for a fact. I’ve only ever had two milkshakes, but the one from the diner was the best.” Keaton pulled in and we got out. Everyone was trying not to smile when we walked in. A waitress came over. She smiled at Keaton, “I switched tables. I waited on your parents the first time they came in here. After your mom sent a waitress away for flirting with your dad.” I smiled. His mom sounded funny. Keaton laughed, “Sounds like my mother.” We ordered. I swear the whole restaurant was listening to our small talk as we learned about each other. Several of the women bumped each other and seemed to be having an unspoken conversation. When we finished we went back to my apartment. He parked and led me upstairs. He bent down to give me a goodbye kiss. He pulled back, “Go inside and lock the door, Odette.” I turned around. I felt him against my back. It was hard to breathe. I turned the lock and walked in. I turned around and said, “You could come in. Not to have s*x or anything but…we could make out and watch some t.v.” Keaton smiled and stepped into my apartment. His lips were on mine again. He was addictive. I really needed to put up some boundaries with us, but I just didn't want to. Or seem to be able to. I pulled back and led us to the couch and turned on the T.V. I just hoped tomorrow went smoothly. His ex-girlfriend was going to be out of I.S.S. It felt like our bubble was going to burst. I wanted to soak up every second before it did. I looked away from Keaton and picked a show trying to will the tears away. Everyone abandoned me, and I managed to keep going. If Keaton did, I wasn’t sure if my heart would recover. Lisa is going to be walking the halls. Any chance she'll just let everything be? Will Caspian look for Odette? Will he find her if he does? What is their family business? What politics are invovled? What is Morgana planning? Join my F B group The Ribbon Novels to discuss and learn about other fun extras.
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