We all Have Our Secrets Pt. 1

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Keaton read the file on Andrew. Joe had gotten confirmation while he wasn’t in the ring, he supported them. He dabbled which in my mind, made him involved in the ring. He may not be a full-fledged member, but he helped. That was bad enough. Not unlike Odette’s mom, he had a string of girlfriends. All usually did something for him. What did Odette’s mom do? Or did she flip the script on him and get something from him? I turned my phone off. I had several missed calls. That was going to be fun to go home to. I put that aside. When the Silver Blade outfit went on everything at home disappeared. It’s why I enjoyed going out as the Silver Blade when Joe asked me to. Lisa didn’t exist in this outfit. Or my failings. Or the thought I could die because I was bad at being a Hood member and Alpha. I flipped through the file. Joe wanted Andrew dead because he’d spelled a Hood member in the area who wasn’t even reporting on Andrew. It looks like the girl was gathering information that wasn’t even that big of a deal. Duke Corbin had to come with Haley to the shroud to help her. She couldn’t remember why Andrew spelled her though. I’d get that answer among others before I killed him. I knew all about Andrew’s compound. One thing I knew I was good at was threat assessments. Those were a secret so Lisa never knew I did them. Emmett always asked me to do them because I was meticulous. I knew the weak spots of Andrew’s compound. I knew how to get in unnoticed. I always knew the man’s schedule. I’d studied him for months. He was a creature of habit. Which worked in my favor. When the plane landed I was off. I arrived at Andrew’s ten minutes after I landed. I entered easily outmaneuvering the guards he had. It was honestly child’s play. This section had heavy cover from the garden. I picked the lock and was in the house. Andrew would be doing his evening yoga. I put on my necklace that Haley gave us. It wouldn’t let spells work on me. He could chant all he wanted; it would have no effect. Haley hated warlocks and witch bitches as she said. I couldn’t help but smile thinking of her. I might join her on team dark witch bitches suck. My mom was already on that team. I snuck up behind Andrew then cleared my throat. He whirled around. I punched him in the face. I sighed when he fell unconscious. Channing linked, “Whimp.” No joke. I pulled the punch because I wanted to talk to him. I quickly grabbed a chair and tied him to the chair. I pulled out a pressure syringe full of adrenaline. I mercilessly jabbed it into his thigh. He gasped and looked into my eyes. He hissed, “So, they sent the silver blade to get me.” I nodded. He smirked, “You should’ve killed me.” I shrugged, “I am going to kill you. I just have questions first.” He began to chant. I rolled my eyes. His widened when he realized it wasn’t working. I flicked invisible dirt off my shoulder, “Now, that we’ve gotten that out of the way. Let’s get to my questions.” Andrew snorted, “I spelled that b***h because she thought she was better than me. I asked her out for weeks, and she didn’t give me the time of the day. Why does the Hood care about some stuck up b***h?” I pulled my blade and cut him across the thigh. I told him, “We care because she is one of us.” Andrew grimaced, “Well, I didn’t know that. Let’s call it even. You broke into my place and you’ve cut me. That’s going to need stitches.” I snorted, “Let’s not call it even. Who needs a warlock in this world that can’t handle rejection? What on earth do you do to the human women who reject you? You’re a predator. Women are not required to go out with you because you ask you entitled d**k. What did you do to Katie?” Andrew scrunched up his nose. He said, “Her name wasn’t Katie.” I leaned forward, “You dated her mother, and paid for her apartment. You seemed to think paying for said apartment made you entitled to her body. Whether she wanted it or not.” Andrew rolled his eyes at me, “I’ve only paid for one apartment for my girlfriend’s daughter. Her name wasn’t Katie. It was Camilla Day. Her mother was smart. She never introduced me to Camilla. I happened to see her out one day. I was never faithful, but her mother didn’t care. She wanted connections I had. She was stunning so I did not care that she was using me. I got to use her body. She was always willing to satisfy me. She didn’t care that I was with other women. She understood me. God, I miss Serenity Day. She was the perfect woman. Anyway, I was in the market and I saw the most stunning girl. She was working. I asked her if she was Camilla Day since her name tag clearly said Camilla. She seemed weary but answered she was. She was at work after all. I told her I was her mother’s boyfriend. I tried to be nice. I would show up at her work to talk to her. I thought the problem was some boyfriend she had. He looked like a horrible boy, honestly. That’s coming from me too.” I wanted to grimace. Channing snarled. If this reprobate thought mate’s ex was bad news; he had to be somewhat evil.” He wasn't wrong. Andrew continued, “Amway, I tried to be nice for a month but she was never friendly or thawed towards me. So, since I paid for her apartment; I went to the building manager and told him I needed a key. He didn’t want to do it, but I paid for the place. I was hoping Camilla would be in the shower when I got there. Sadly, she was drying her hair. When our eyes met, I was mesmerized. She screamed in surprise. I told her it was time for her to pay. She asked for what, and I told her that I paid for her to live there. She owed me. She then made the mistake of throwing the hair dryer at me. It hit me and she charged past me. I fell but grabbed her ankle as she ran by. She fell and hit her head on the bed. It started bleeding. She was making quite the racket screaming. I told her to shut up and threw the hair dryer. I meant for it to hit beside her head, but it hit her in the face. I think it broke her nose. She kicked me in the family jewels and went out the damn window. I chased her when I gathered myself. The damn building manager got in my way. By the time I got outside, I couldn’t find her.” I was radiating fury. Channing was snarling in my head. That didn’t stop Andrew. He kept on telling his story, “After an hour, I gave up on finding her. I still don’t know how she ran so fast. I don’t know what her and her mother are; however, I know her mother isn’t a fast runner. I tried to take her on my morning run once. It was like a fish out of water. She can swim laps around me in the pool, but running…yeesh. I gave her credit for trying. So, Camilla’s dad must be a track star or something. When I got back to my apartment her mother was furious. I don’t know how she even knew. She didn’t allow Camilla to have a phone. I told her that was unsafe for a young girl.” I snorted, “You realize the irony there. She wasn’t safe FROM YOU!” He shrugged, “Camilla is a stunning girl. She needed a phone. All kids her age have phones. Her mom wouldn’t even get her an old phone without the internet. She was trying to keep her naiveness of the world. It wasn’t hard to figure out Camilla didn’t know about the supernatural world. Her mother clearly did. As did Camilla’s boyfriend. She had no idea though. Her mom threatened me with the police. That was when I realized I had the upper hand.” I asked, “What on earth are you talking about?” Andrew smirked, “She didn’t threaten me with the supernatural council for going after an underage girl. A girl who was her daughter. Any mother should’ve threatened me with that.” He was right. She should’ve. Andrew smiled, “So, I told her she could leave and vanish or bring her daughter to me and stay around. I told her that if I ever saw Camilla again; I’d make her mine, and there would be nothing she could do about it. She got pale and…” I roared in anger and began making cuts all over him with my blade. I slammed him against the wall by the throat. It cracked and the chair fell apart. I growled, “SHE.IS. MINE!” Andrew gasped, “I didn’t….know…that.” I’d contained my anger throughout his story, but now I unleashed it. I threw him to the opposite wall. Before he could do anything else I was on him. I beat the living s**t out of him before I drove my sword into him. I knew several of his guards would be coming. I’d made a lot of noise. I easily killed the six men that came for me. Channing snorted. I’d ask him later what that was about. I left the compound the same way I entered it. I made it back to the plane. I looked at the clock. It had taken longer than I thought. To be fair, he pissed me off. He hurt my mate. He was going to take her from me! Channing growled, “Now that we have left. I just have to say…WHAT AN ASS! I almost ripped his throat out. I wanted to. Also, you realize that you just killed seven men, easily. You were never in danger, and you thought you were bad at being a Hood member with a moniker.” He was right. I had done that. Channing snorted, “Of course I’m right.” We took off. I wrote up my report for Joe. I didn’t include what Andrew said about Odette. She was becoming a woman with many names. Katie, Odette, and now Camilla. Her mother infuriated me. What was she hiding Odette from other than supernaturals? What was her agenda? How could she not protect her daughter better from a predator? She kept her isolated. Why? More questions swirled about this than any answers I had. One thing was for certain, Odette’s mother wasn’t going to like me when we met. I had things to say to that woman about what she’d done to my mate. The wheels bouncing on the tarmac brought me out of thoughts. Joe was waiting in the hanger. I laughed, “You want my report that badly, cousin?” Joe snorted, “No, I just wanted to see you.” I handed him the report. I said, “He’s very dead. Also, he’s an ass. He spelled her because she didn’t want to go out with him.” Joe’s face turned red. He asked, “Are you f*****g kidding me?” I shook my head, “Nope. In his mind, he gave her a month of chances.” Joe snorted, “The world is a better place without him in it. Good job, Keaton.” I smiled, “Thanks.” I took off running with him. When we got to my Uncle Heath’s house, I ran inside to change back into my street clothes. Once I got in my truck I saw my Uncle Heath in the window. He waved to me as I drove my truck away. I still hadn’t turned on my phone. When I walked inside my house my mom was pacing. My dad was sitting in a chair watching her. Emmett was glaring at me. Keith was asleep on the couch. I said, “You all are up late.” Keith bolted upright. My dad’s head whipped to me, relief clear in his eyes. My mom sped over to me and hugged me. My dad pulled me into a hug next. He linked, “Glad you’re back safe.” Emmett said, “A heads up would be nice, little brother.” I told him, “It was last minute.” Emmett said, “So I gathered.” Keith punched my arm. He said, “Umm HELLO! I’m your twin. I’m Crimson Doom for god’s sake. I could go with you.” I shrugged, “I was fine.” Emmett asked, “So I’m guessing Andrew is dead.” I nodded, “Along with six of his guards.” Emmet smirked at me. My dad’s pride was in his eyes. I looked at the corner and asked, “Grandpa, are you going to come out?” He snorted and filled the doorway. My dad teased, “And you gave me s**t, dad.” My grandpa winked, “I told you that you should get some sleep. I didn’t say I was going to sleep. He’s my grandson.” I laughed, “We should all go to bed.” My mom said, “You’ll be sleeping in. I will call the school and excuse you from classes.” I was about to protest. My mom said, “I know the crash you feel after a mission like that. You haven’t been out for a while. I want you to get some sleep.” I wanted to see Odette, but I knew my mom was right. I hadn’t been out in over a year as the Silver Blade. I nodded. She kissed my cheek and pushed me towards the stairs. Keith linked, “We are so not done talking about this.” I linked back, “I had to do it. He hurt Katie.” Keith replied, “Ok, I guess I get that. Still…you tell your twin when you’re going to go out and kill people.” I answered, “Fair enough.” I flashed to my room and took a shower. I knew the crash was coming, but damn if I didn’t feel amazing right now. Channing linked, “We feel like we should’ve. We have confidence. Mate is good for us.” Yes she was. I got out of the shower and grabbed some shorts. I walked back into my room. Emmett was sitting on the bed. I asked, “You bunking with me?” Emmett rolled his eyes and threw a pillow at me. I caught it easily. Emmett said, “You know, I have a moniker too. I can go out with you.” I laughed, “You used to go out with me all the time, Black Knight.” Emmett sighed, “Well, I’ll rest easier if you go out more often than once every seventeen months. It’s nerve wracking this way, Keaton.” I teased, “You’re a worrier, Emmett. You’d worry about me even if I went out weekly.” Emmett groaned, “Dear god, don’t do that to me, little brother.” I smiled, “I don’t intend to. I do intend to go out more if Joe needs me.” Emmett smiled then admitted, “It’s good to see you standing tall again Keaton. Joe sent me the mission report. I haven’t read it yet, and I’m proud of you.” I snorted, “You all are a bunch of worry warts.” Emmett rolled his eyes and tousled my hair. I slapped his hand, “Hey!” He smirked, “Listen here pipsqueak. It’s my job to worry about you. I’m your Alpha and big brother. So I get to be double worried.” I rolled my eyes at him. My adrenaline was beginning to fade. Emmett said, “Get some sleep.” I snorted, “Ok, dad.” My dad yelled from the hallway, “Your dad says go to bed too.” I laughed. Emmett flashed out of my room. I laid down and dreamed of the day I saved Lisa from rogues. We were thirteen. I didn’t have a wolf yet, but I was on my way back from the shroud. I’d called mom to tell her I was on the way. I heard someone screaming at our border. I ran and was there in a flash. I grabbed a rogue as he went for her and snapped his neck. She screamed her head off as I took out two more. She jumped on me the second they were dead profusely thanking me. I held her tightly and linked my dad. They’d come quickly. It was my first kill. Well, kills really. Lisa and I were always together after that. Justin ran up to us. Lisa screamed at him asking where he was. He’d been playing with Isla. I woke up with a start. I rubbed my face. I hadn’t remembered that Justin came. Or that he’d been with Isla. Channing snorted, “Or that rogues have lost it.” I asked, “What do you mean?” Channing said, “Think about the rogue that was going for her. It was going for her arm. Luckily for that rogue, she couldn't fight. Or she could’ve killed him and gotten away with a bite to the arm.” He was right. Rogues weren’t exactly the wisest. They’d been without a pack so long they went feral. They were more wolf than human. Wolves were pack creatures. It was really sad. I got in the shower and went downstairs. My mom was sitting at the table with my dad. They had a huge meal prepared. I sat down and started eating. Keith linked me, “You awake yet?” I replied, “Yes.” Keith said, “Good. You need to get to school. Odette is pale. We knocked on her door for fifteen minutes this morning before she answered the door. She’s steadily growing more despondent.” I replied, “Despondent?” Keith said, “She barely notices Immy beside her. Immy has been guiding her to her classes.” I asked, “What happened?” Keith sighed, “I don’t know, man. I’m not exactly her best friend yet. One day her and me, we will be thick as thieves. That day isn’t today. We need you. She’s lost all track of time. She thought it was two in the morning when we came to see her. She was muttering about songs, emails, and someone in the mob finding her. Honestly, she was so tired with our hearing none of us caught it all. Bryce and Lee thought she had some weird dream.” I frowned. She must be having trouble sleeping. Something must be bothering her. Channing began pacing in my head. I told my parents, “I’m heading to school.” My mom quickly said, “Wait, just a second Keaton.” I sat back down. My mom smiled, “I just wanted to say, while I would prefer more notice about you going out, I’m really proud of you Keaton. I read the report. I know you previously did a threat assessment for Emmett on this guy. You remembered it all though. You were efficient. You took a lot more time to question him than I think you needed.” I shrugged, “I haven’t been out in a while.” My mom pursed his lips but nodded, “Anyway, you did good.” She flashed around and kissed my head. She said, “I’ve got a meeting.” She had an event planning business. She probably pushed several meetings to see me this morning. When she left my dad casually said, “You know, when your kids aren’t telling you the whole truth parents tend to know that.” I asked, “What do you mean?” My dad said, “I know that’s not why it took you so long to question that warlock and so does your mother. There’s something missing from your report. It’s whatever made you so mad that Andrew was found cut by your blade and beaten. You don’t tend to beat people up as your moniker. So I’m guessing this has to do with Katie. How would she know Andrew?” I shrugged. I heard someone laugh. My grandpa came around the corner. He nodded to my dad. My dad said, “I’ll see you later, Keaton.” I didn’t really question why he dropped the subject and flashed out the door. I got in my truck. It was going to be lunch time when I got there. Which was good. I was still hungry. I walked straight to the lunchroom. My friends looked relieved to see me. I laughed, “You all knew I was home.” Keith spoke for the group, “We are worried about Katie. You need to help her.” Immy nodded, “Yeah, she’s like….not herself.” Clara said, “She’s not, but that’s…quite the walk there my Alpha friend. You’re different. I like Katie for you. She’s certainly put that Alpha pep in your step.” Immy agreed, “She is.” Bryce had a mouthful of food but he agreed as well, “What they said.” Keith said, “I know your parents raised you to not talk with your mouth full.” I laughed at them until I smelled Odette coming. I smiled and stood to greet her. When she walked in her eyes searched for mine. The need to kiss and claim her coursed through my veins. The pack link started going crazy the second I kissed her. “He never kissed Lisa like that.” “God, she’s so lucky!” “I knew he’d be a good kisser! Lisa was keeping that all to herself.” “Go new girl, go! Bringing out Keaton’s swagger! I like it. He was like this before Lisa got her claws into him.” “Lisa is going to s**t a brick. He’s got PDA going with the new girl, but never with her. He must like her better. That must sting.” Lisa’s voice hissed, “SHUT UP!” That made everyone do the exact opposite. Immy spewed out her drink out she was laughing so hard. Channing linked me, “Mate’s fighting her instincts.” I asked, “How do you know that?” Channing said, “I’ve been around a time or two, Keaton. She likes us, but being raised with a human background is telling her this is crazy. Her instincts are telling her everything is normal.” I studied her. She was pale, but she’d gotten some color back since I saw her. Still, I was worried. Channing was huffing in my head, “Get her to eat. That will help.” I snorted, “Thank you. I was thinking about not doing that.” We teased each other about her eating habits. I linked Immy, “You’ll have to watch her. Based on your comments and hers about the diet her mom wants her on….I’m wondering if it doesn’t even occur to her.” Immy replied, “I am all over that. You give me such fun things to do, Keaton. I like eating.” I winked at her. I was startled when Odette moaned. She closed her eyes and threw her head back a little. f**k. I heard several small growls. I snarled at them in the pack link. They quickly looked away. My pants were getting smaller the more she continued. Keith linked me, “Dude, it’s lunch time.” I replied, “She’s killing me.” Keith snorted, “Oh, we know.” She finished her food and I grabbed her. The pack link was on fire again, “Nooner!” “Seven minutes in heaven!” “I bet we hear her loud and proud.” I locked everyone out. I wasn’t going to have our first time be in a closet. Which is where I was heading. I’d seen people coming in and out of this janitor's closet my entire high school career. I’d just never been the one taking anyone inside. I was yet again almost to her boob when someone opened the door. Channing grumbled, “This is such a conspiracy!” I was actually inclined to agree. When he said someone in I.S.S. made a mess. I was furious. I linked Lisa, “You b***h!” She gasped, “How could you say that to me? You’ll regret this when you’re over your flavor of the week!” I snarled, “I’ve told you not to talk about her! I’ll never get over her. Stop this bullshit!” Lisa retorted, “You’ll never have what we do with her.” I answered, “God, I hope not.” Lisa lowered her voice and gently said, “She won’t be as nice as me about things….Sexual things. I was doing you a favor whether you want to see it or not.” She killed the moment with that comment. I dropped Odette off at her class. I made it mine without speaking to anyone. Keith linked me, “Did she kick you in the nards? What the hell happened?” I answered, “No, she didn’t do anything. Lisa made a mess in I.S.S. On the grounds of helping me.” Keith snorted, “Yeah, helping the supernatural people in the school not hear you getting off your mate or vice versa.” I linked, “Our first time together isn’t going to be in a closet.” Keith raised an eyebrow, “Little brother, there’s plenty you can do without doing that.” He wasn’t wrong. The rest of the class anxiety plagued me. What if Odette didn’t want to be with me after we had s*x? What if she laughed? God, I might die if she laughed like Lisa did a few times. Channing growled, “After she came nine times she laughed from pleasure. I’m telling you she’s lying. Mate isn’t like her.” After school, I walked up to the front with Keith. Bryce came over, “I hear Lisa put the kablam on your sexy fun times. Everyone was pretty annoyed. The girls all seemed to think she doesn’t want everyone to hear how good you are. Then the ones who have gotten drunk with Lisa confirmed…that’s exactly what it is. The poor little peon didn’t realize she was linking the pack instead of her friends. Some people just don’t have a firm grasp on it yet. They locked it down though. The poor peon is worried Lisa will find out she spilled the beans that you rocked her socks off in bed.” That was what Isla said. I was confused. Was Lisa protecting me with the pack? Or were her drunken words the truth? Why would her sober words and her papers be so harsh then? I shook myself. Immy linked me, “FYI, you’re changing.” I replied, “I look fine.” Immy snorted, “Fine is not dazzling. I had Anne put an outfit out for you. Bryce is taking Katie and me to her place.” I rolled my eyes. Immy added, “I also conjured a list of acceptable nicknames for you to call Katie.” I linked, “Well, thanks.” I smiled when I saw Odette and explained what was going on. Her color was much better. She really needed to remember to eat. I drove home quickly and found the outfit. I was pretty sure what I was wearing was fine. I quickly changed and found the paper on my bed. I didn't need to read past the first choice. My song. Odette was my song. I ran back downstairs. My mom squealed, “Have so much fun on your date!” I said, “Ok, well I’m leaving…so…” My mom yelled, “WAIT!” I asked, “Uh, why?” She turned me so I wasn’t facing the window. She smiled, “We all have our secrets now, don’t we Keaton?” I nodded, “Sure.” She winked, “Well, I just wanted to make sure you had a great time.” I smelled my grandpa come into the room. My mom looked at him then said, “Well, off you go! Have fun.” I turned around and gave my grandpa a look. He just smiled at me. I shrugged whatever. They could have their secret. I thought I smelled Lisa before I got in my truck, but I didn’t see her anywhere. I shrugged and drove to Katie’s place. I stopped at the grocery store my dad owned. I grabbed a crunch bar. I debated flowers, but decided Katie was a chocolate kind of girl. None of those flowers would’ve been up to Lisa’s standards. Grocery store bought. She’d have my ass. Channing linked, “Mate is not like that. We should see if she likes flowers first though.” He was right.
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