Trust Issues Pt. 2

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We made it to the bench I was beginning to frequent. I started asking questions. The song in my head contentedly and quietly sang. Was that ever going to stop? He got really mad about my mom’s grabby boyfriends. I had to shake myself again because I swore his eyes went all black. My overactive imagination was on overdrive. We briefly talked about Luke. I sighed. Keaton and I had a lot of emotional baggage with our exes. When I told him I had been hit he was murderously angry. It should’ve scared me, but I felt completely safe. I felt excited that he was upset for me. What on god’s earth was wrong with me? He looked like he was about to murder someone and I was excited. I needed to speak to a therapist as soon as possible. That’s what I needed to do. Keaton wanted to change our date. I was disappointed. I’d really been looking forward to it. It ended up being Lisa baggage. I should rip her face off. WHOA THERE ODETTE! We do not rip people’s faces off. Jesus. I was pulled out of those thoughts by Keaton saying we’d be going to dances together. Even prom. I blushed. I’d seen girls get asked to prom. Keaton said he was going to do some big cheesy thing. He was too much. No part of me was upset. I was a serious romantic. I didn’t want to be with someone for what they could do for me. I wanted someone I had fun with. Who loved me, and I was pretty sure Keaton and I were on our way to that. We made our way back to my place. We made out until Immy came charging in. She looked entirely too excited. She practically shooed Keaton out. I pouted once he was gone. Immy said, “You guys are so damn cute!” I changed and we walked to work together. Immy said, “So….tell me everything.” I laughed, “He’s great. We both have a lot of ex baggage though.” Immy snorted, “And you invited Justin to sit with us.” I frowned, “They were both used. Justin said they were like moths to the flame determined to be burned.” Immy sighed, “She did manipulate him as it turns out.” I asked, “How?” Immy said, “Uhhhh that’s complicated to explain.” I shrugged. Immy asked, “So, how are Keaton’s kissing skills?” I laughed, “Is this what girlfriends talk about?” Immy said, “Duh.” I laughed, “He’s….the best kisser I’ve kissed.” Immy asked, “What’s the number we are comparing to?” I laughed, “He’s the tenth guy I’ve kissed. I got signed up for a kissing booth at one school.” Immy sighed, “You’re so young and you have such a low number. At least it’s an even number to end on. That would’ve been a disaster to have a bad number.” I was laughing when we walked inside the bookstore. Immy said, “You organize the new books in the backroom. I’ll be up front, sadly. I did not get enough details yet.” I laughed and headed to the back room. I had been there for a few hours when I heard someone shuffling. I asked, “Immy is that…?” I trailed off when I looked up into the eyes of Keaton’s dad. He smiled, “I’m not Immy. I actually snuck by her.” I giggled nervously, “Oh, I know you. You’re Key’s dad.” He smiled brightly, “You call my son Key?” I nodded. He asked, “Why?” I sighed, “That’s…complicated. It works though.” He chuckled, “I suppose it does. I’m Chase Daniels.” He stuck out his hand. I took it and said, “Od…Katie. I’m Katie.” Why did I have such problems not telling members of the Daniels family my name? Chase tilted his head as if he didn’t believe me. That was fair. I was lying. He said, “I just wanted to meet you. There’s something very familiar about you.” I laughed, “I get that a lot around here.” Chase said, “Yes, my friend Matt said the same thing. It’s driving him crazy trying to figure it out.” I shrugged, “Well, I promise you I’ve never met any of you before.” Chase shrugged, “He’ll figure it out what it is. He usually does.” I asked, “Did you want to see Immy? No, that’s not it. You said you snuck by her.” He laughed, “I was hoping we could keep this meeting between us. God, I’m turning into my father.” I said, “Your dad is my landlord.” He laughed, “Yes, he is. I actually came to meet you.” I blushed, “Oh. Why?” He smiled, “You’ve made quite the difference in my son in just a few days. He’s smiling again. He’s standing tall and being proud of who he is. He’s laughing and taking charge.” I sighed, “I’m pretty sure I made him mad a little bit ago. His eyes flickered….no sorry. I have an overactive imagination. My mom always said that when I was little when I saw her.” His dad said, “Why do you think Keaton was mad?” I shrugged, “I told him a little bit about my life. Some of my mom’s boyfriends have sucked.” Chase’s eyes flickered black now. I needed to get an eye doctor appointment. Something was wrong with me. Chase said, “I’m sorry to hear that. I really just came by to meet you, and to thank you. For making my son realize he doesn’t need to be ashamed of himself or uncertain of who he is. I probably shouldn’t say this, but I hate that Lisa girl with a passion. Keaton is…” He trailed off. I smiled, “Key’s great. You and your wife raised an amazing man.” Chase smiled, “Thank you.” I added, “We can keep this a secret. I won’t tell anyone.” Chase smiled, “Thank you. I’m sure it will come out one day. My dad will give me such s**t for it, but I was just so curious. You’re lovely. You suit my son.” I flushed, “We just started dating.” Chase laughed, “I hope to see you again soon, Od..Katie.” He winked at me and left. I whispered, “Yeah, well at least my head doesn’t sing around you. Just your son.” My phone beeped. I smiled seeing it was Keaton. I frowned and the song in my head turned sad when I read that he might not take me to school. Why not? I began to get anxious. What was going on? Was he ok? Was he sick? Should I check on him? I was about to go see if I could catch Chase when Immy came in. She said, “Wow, you work fast!” I nodded. She asked, “What’s wrong?” I sighed, “Keaton said he might not be able to pick me up for school. I was just hoping he’s ok.” Immy’s phone beeped. She looked at it and dropped it. She looked at me then picked up her phone. She began texting rapid fire. I asked, “What? Is Key ok?” Immy held up one finger. She gaped at me. She said, “Damn girl. You’ve got some magical juju about you. That’s what you have.” I asked, “Huh?” She laughed, “Keaton’s fine.” The song in my head and I were not settled by it. Immy said, “Well, let’s go pick out your date outfit.” I nodded, “Alright.” We locked up and left the bookstore. We were walking when I got bumped. I took a step back and looked into the face of a man I didn’t recognize. The hissing sounded in my head. I didn’t say anything. I moved around him quickly and kept moving. Immy asked, “Uh what are we doing you don’t….” I whispered, “Shhh….” I led us to a different apartment complex and walked in. Immy whispered, “You don’t live here. You know that right?” She didn’t see the guy we bumped into take a picture of the place and keep walking. I said, “Yeah, that guy just gave me the creeps.” Immy said, “Oh he’s a creep. That guy has a bad aura.” We got back to my apartment. I was looking over my shoulder ever so often, but the guy never came back. Ken frowned at us, but didn’t say anything. When we got up to my apartment Immy disappeared into my closet. I yanked all the blinds shut. She came back out with a red fitted v neck sweater dress with white stripes. I gasped, “Immy! It’s an ice skating date! I can’t wear a dress! He’ll see my underwear when I fall.” Immy snorted, “He won’t let you fall. Trust me.” She put out knee high stockings with black ankle boots. I stared at her incredulously. She added a long green jacket white a white fur lining. She said, “Trust me.” I snorted, “When I fall on my ass, I’m calling you. You will have to share in my shame of showing my underwear to Keaton. Then you’ll have to kiss the bruise on my ass.” Immy cackled. She said, “Ohh come on. You’ll show your underwear to Keaton sooner or later. I heard you guys were humping in his truck.” I gasped and threw a pillow at her. She laughed as she caught it. I yelled, “We were not humping! We were making out! That’s totally different.” Immy snickered, “It’s not really that different. You were in his lap. I’m just helping you get him all hot and bothered with the outfit.” I snorted, “I’m still saying when I fall….” Immy laughed, “He won’t let you fall. Keaton has excellent reflexes.” We hung out for a bit longer before she left. Which unfortunately meant I was left alone with all my thoughts. I changed into sweats and went to the other room where my computer sat. Don’t look, Odette. Which started me on where Keaton was. Was he ok? What was he doing? To avoid those thoughts I sat down at my computer. I sighed and opened it. It was worse worrying about Keaton than talking to Lux Vennox. I saw his reply right away. I clicked on it. Odette, Such a beautiful name. It suits you. Now that I think about it, you do resemble the last member of the family with that name. We are family. I’m your second cousin. The relationship our family has with your mother is complicated. Not exactly email sharing content. We need to meet in person. The sound both of us made when we touched is normal, I assure you. Who did you trust, Odette? What place are you talking about? Did someone hurt you? You heard a song? A beautiful song that calls to you and someone else? I know quite a bit about that. We should discuss that more. Hissing could be a few things. Anger…causes the hissing, but, and this is important, If you hear hissing and you are not angry or there is no reason you should be angry you need to get somewhere you know is safe. When the hissing stops you are safe. That’s very important, Odette. All of this is not Hypothetical. I’m very serious. Please meet me. We need to talk. You’re not safe. We, your family, can help keep you safe. I do not know what your mother is up to, but it’s not good. Do not trust her, Odette. If you take anything from what I’m saying, take that and the hissing part to heart. It’s important. DO NOT TRUST HER! Who is your father? Lux Vennox I sat back and stared at the email. I hadn’t trusted my mother for years. Curiosity was nagging at me. I had no proof this man was family. That weird whistle happened, but that wasn’t proof. He did nail my mother and her personality on the head though. When I heard the hissing when Lisa hit Keaton, I was angry. The men I’d run into though….What if Lux sent them? I replied. Lux, That’s a lovely story, but you have no way of proving any of that. I trusted my boyfriend. I’m sure you can figure out the place I referred to. They locked me up and no one would help me. I won’t go back there. Lots of people have hurt me, but I’m stronger now. I made friends, and they taught me how to fight back. It came naturally to me, honestly. I don’t even know why I’m telling you this. I shouldn’t even be talking to you. My ex is probably testing me again, and I’m failing. If this is his idea of some other way to teach me a lesson…All I’m learning is I’m lonely, and I knew that already. Hypothetically, the song I hear is beautiful. I don’t know if it calls to someone else…it’s around this one guy. I hummed it around him….he definitely liked it. My voice is pretty. People say that a lot. So, I’m sure he just liked my voice. He didn’t say if the song called to him. I know when he’s around though because of the song and he smells good. The hypothetical hissing. Did you send those two guys after me? They know my name and no one should. If we are family you haven’t done anything for me except left me to my lonely existence. Don’t worry though, I haven’t trusted my mom since I was four. She’s never mentioned having a family before. I’m pretty sure she’d pawn me off on anyone she could. Since she’s pawned me off on her boyfriend’s dime to my own apartment so I’m not around them. I don’t know who my father is. My mom doesn’t talk about him. Other than to say she got exactly what she wanted from him, and he didn’t want anything to do with me. My friends think she’s lying. That my dad might not know about me. The only thing I know is I have a blood disorder from him…..Do you….Do you know my dad? Odette I looked through my other emails. I frowned. I didn’t know this address. The title was Why Hello. I clicked on it. Odette, We have many things to discuss, you and me. Do not be upset with Lux Vennox. He had to give me your email once he told me of your existence. He is….let’s say beneath me in the chain of command. I understand there are many things you do not know. I want to explain them to you. I want you to come home. I am worried about you. You are young and susceptible. There are things about this world, our world, you do not understand. That is not your fault, but in our family there are many politics that are being played. I fear you have been entered into that game, and you have no idea what is going on. I do not know what mother is playing at here, but I will not forgive her for keeping two of my siblings away from me. Come home Odette. I will keep you safe. We can find Lux together. Caspian I read the email six times. Mother? Siblings? He’s…saying he’s my brother? I stood and paced. Was my mom part of some wealthy family? Oh god. Is my family the mob? Is that still a thing? Is that why we moved all the time? Oh my god! Did I stumble into the mob? My mom thinks arranged marriage is cool…In the romantic books I read about the mob that was how they do things. Oh my god. Oh my god. Would they hurt Keaton if they found me? I wasn’t surprised by the hissing this time. The thought of anyone hurting Keaton pissed us both off. I sat down and replied. Caspian, Ok, I feel like this all has gotten out of hand. I don’t want any part of the mob or anything. I didn’t mean to start this. I don’t know anything about the family business, or whatever politics you guys are into. Mom has mentioned an arranged marriage, and doesn’t seem to care what year it is. I don’t like that guy. He’s abusive and awful. He hit me, and keeps trying to teach me some lesson I do NOT want to learn. I don’t want an arranged marriage. I met this guy….he makes my head sing. God, I sound crazy. It’s not like you can find me to lock me up to pump me full of drugs like mom did so…yeah, that guy that makes my head sing. I like him. He’s nice. He’s caring. I want to date him. I don’t want to get tangled up in this. I just wanted to find my brother. Now…this is too much. You’re saying you’re my brother too, right? I…just…I only have Lux. Are you like the head of the mob in our family? Oh god. Am I talking to a mob boss? Mob bosses would need lawyers in the family like Mr. Vennox. I need to delete this email. I’m not trying to play any political game. I swear that to you. I don’t want to play. I just….I just wanted to find Lux. I just don’t want to be lonely anymore. I feel less lonely here. If mom finds out I’m talking to any of you or looking for Lux….god she might kill me or lock me back in that place. I can’t stress enough that I can’t go back there. I take my pills just like I’m supposed to. I’m not trying to get involved in your business or mess anything up for you. I promise. I don’t know if you’re telling the truth. I don’t know if you’re really my brother. Can you prove it? You know what? This is crazy. If you want me, possible big brother, then you’ll have to come find me. I don’t trust people anymore. I can’t afford to trust you and be wrong. Odette P.S. Can you call the scary guys off that are following me around? They are your guys…right? I wasn’t going to send this email. I needed to revise it. I felt like someone else took over my hand and hit send. I yelled, “NO! Oh god! Voice? Did you do that? Why did you do that? You can’t piss off the mob! I told him he was a liar basically! Do you have any idea….? I challenged a mob boss. Oh god. I’m going to die. Why would you send that?! I need to shut this email down. How do I do that? Can I just sign out and never sign back in? God, I needed Melanie. She could probably get the email back. I went into my room and screamed into a pillow. Immy was right. I should probably have s*x with Keaton soon because I might die. Stupid song in my head! Why did you do that? I ran back to the computer and signed out of the account. I set up a new email. Out of sight out of mind. Until they showed up like ninja’s in the night and abducted me in my sleep. Oh gosh. Was I going to get encased in cement shoes? Did that still happen? Was I going to get taken to the “boss” who might be my brother and dealt with? Why? How did the voice make me send that? What was going on? I tossed and turned all night. I missed Keaton. I screamed in annoyance. This was crazy. I didn’t have some long lost family out there. The mob was NOT coming for me. I did NOT miss a guy I met two days ago so bad I couldn’t sleep. Get it together, Odette. I looked at the clock, it was almost two in the morning. I went and filled up the tub and took a bubble bath. It was relaxing. My eyes shot open. I was underwater. I screamed and jolted up breathing hard. What time was it? Someone was knocking frantically on the door. I grabbed a towel. Who was coming around at two o’clock in the morning? I opened the door. Lee, Keith, Bryce, May, and Immy were there. Immy asked, “You aren’t ready yet?” I asked, “Who is ready at two in the morning? What are you guys doing here?” Keith looked worried. He told me, “School starts in forty-five minutes.” I yelled, “WHAT?!” I looked at the clock. I whispered, “But that’s not possible!” I got in the bathtub close to two this morning. I looked at my skin. It wasn’t pruned at all. I couldn’t have fallen asleep in the bathroom for that long. For one thing, I would’ve drowned. I shook myself. I was just wrong about the time. I told everyone, “Come in. I’ll be ready soon.” Immy said, “Yeah you will because I’ll pick out your outfit.” I admitted, “I was just going to wear my date outfit.” Immy said, “Uhh no. That’s the date outfit. I’ll pick your clothes, don't worry. You go get ready.” I started to run off then stopped. I whispered, “Where’s Keaton?” Keith said, “He’s sleeping. He’ll be at school this afternoon.” I sighed in relief and ran to get ready. I locked the bathroom door. I touched the water in the tub. It was cold. What the hell? I had definitely taken a hot bath. I looked in the mirror and turned on the hair dryer. I told myself, “You just looked at the time wrong. Don’t be crazy.” Everything was too much. I just needed to see Keaton. Then everything would be ok. There I go with more crazy thoughts. I did not need to see a guy I just met to feel sane. That crazy ship had set sail, and I needed to get it back. I left my hair a little wet and put on some makeup. I looked at my reflection. You don’t have a brother out there besides Lux. Stop trusting people. Stop thinking people’s eyes flicker black. Stop hissing at people. You sent that email. A song in your head did NOT do anything. Songs can’t send emails. You are done with that email address. If Caspian wants to find you, he will. He’s an adult. In charge of something…hopefully not the mob. Why did you jump to the mob? Maybe they have a family business. That’s not your family business. My mom would’ve mentioned other siblings. She’s selfish and awful, but if she could pawn me off on someone she totally would. I was right about that. Lux Vennox and Caspian were mistaken. They would figure that out and leave me alone. I would email a new group of Lux’s. I’d have to be more careful seeing if any of them had any connection to Lux Vennox. Maybe he had a f*******: page. I’d do some research. I’d be more careful. That’s just what needed to happen. I would be more normal from today on. I drained the tub; grateful I didn’t drown. No getting in the tub when you’re so exhausted you don’t know what time it is. That’s a new rule. I walked into my bedroom. Immy had left out blue skinny jeans with a white top and green jacket. I quickly put them on. I looked at the time. We were going to be rushing to school. I ran out, “I’m so sorry…” Keith laughed, “You’re ready? That’s impressive. Let’s go. I thought for sure I’d have to ask dad to call us out of the first hour.” We filed down to his car. He’d left an SUV parked out front. We all piled in. We barely made it to our classes before the bell rang. The day was depressing. The song was singing a melancholy tune in my head today. I barely talked in my classes. I was walking into the lunchroom when the smell of chocolate chip pancakes hit me a second before the song started singing happily this time. It was the song it always sang when Keaton was near. Except the one time with the big dog. It liked Keaton and a giant dog like…thing in the forest. Weird song. I rushed in through the doors. I spotted Keaton. He smiled and stood. He looked…different. Was he taller? He was definitely more confident. He swaggered as he walked over to me. He swept me into an earth stopping kiss. Cat calls rang out around the lunchroom, but I didn’t care. He pulled back and whispered, “I missed you Katie.” I smiled, “Missed you too.” Which was insane and I should not admit that. He interlocked and fingers and walked me over to our table. I saw the glares from who I assumed were Lisa’s group. I flipped them off behind Keaton’s back. They scoffed at me. They had the wrong version of Odette. I was not a wallflower. They needed to stop because I wasn’t about to take their jealousy and misguided idea of friendship lightly. If I liked a guy I would not want my friends behaving how they were if we broke up. There’s having someone’s back, and then there’s being a b***h for no reason. I hadn’t done anything to them. We sat down at our table. Keaton whispered, “Are you ok? You look a little pale.” I frowned, “I didn’t eat breakfast.” He frowned. He had two plates with pizza on them. My mouth watered. He whispered, “Eat. Or you’ll be in trouble.” I stuck my tongue out at him. Several people at our table laughed. I moaned while taking a bite of my pizza. It was that good. Keaton was getting stiffer and stiffer in his seat. The second I finished my last bite. He grabbed my hand and stood up. He led me around the halls. He opened a random door and yanked me inside. I looked around, “Is this a janitor’s closet?” He didn’t answer, he backed me into the wall and devoured my lips. My body had a mind of its own when it came to him. I pulled him closer to me. He growled appreciatively. I had just started to touch his chest when the door opened. Keaton pulled back, “You’ve got to be kidding me.” The janitor snorted, “Sorry kid. Someone made a mess in I.S.S. I’ve got to clean it up.” Keaton snarled, “b***h!” I didn’t have to ask. I knew who he was talking about. I frowned, “You think it was Lisa?” He gritted his teeth, “I know it was. Come on, I'll walk you to your class.” I smiled at him and walked into my science class.
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