Annnoucing the Princess Pt. 2

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I asked, “What’s your support group for?” She told me, “Terrible parents.” I laughed, “I’m so in. Serenity walked into the room. I smiled at her. She stared at me. She said, “That was a serious upgrade in the dress department. Princess Haley do you think…?” She didn’t get to finish her sentence before Haley snapped. She was not in an off the shoulder long sleeve green and sheer dress that had sparkles. It had an all green train behind it. She looked just like a queen. She laughed, “This is much better.” Haley nodded. Serenity produced the crown I’d seen in my dream that Caspian showed me he got for my birthday. She put it on my head. I asked, “Where’s yours?” She smiled, “Caspian has it. Come on. It’s time to introduce you. Noxus will lead you into the room.” As she said it he stepped into the room. Tears filled his eyes. He whispered, “You’re so beautiful.” I hugged him. He held out his arm and I walked behind him. Scarlett whispered, “Where do we go?” Haley shrugged, “I can pop us in.” Serenity said, “Nonsense. Walk in before our family. That dress DESERVES an entrance. All of them do. Scarlett and Keaton will be up with our family.” Holy crap.” Haley smiled and looped her arms with Melanie and Scarlett. We were led to a different place. I watched the door open as all three women stepped through. I heard several growls. Scarlett winked and I heard another growl. I turned, “Lux?” He snorted, “Wait till your wolf sees you.” His eyes were flickering black. Scarlett did a little shimmy then skipped through the doors. Everyone was announced. Serenity had stayed back with us to walk Lux in. Noxus spun me around in my dress. He smiled at me. Lux was announced first. I squeezed his hand as he walked by. He kissed the top of head and walked inside. I let go of a breath. I asked, “What if they don’t like me?” Noxus said, “Our people? They already like you.” I whispered, “The Conners.” Noxus said, “I met Nathan. He’s torn apart about how alone you have been. He would’ve been there for you. They are all looking forward to getting to know you. Plus, the princess likes you. They like whoever she does.” I laughed, “She seems very nice. Who wouldn’t she like?” Noxus laughed, “There are those she does not like.” I gulped when I heard Caspian say, “Announcing Princess Odette Sargasso Conners.” Holy s**t. I went from no last name to two. Noxus squeezed my hand and we walked through to a massive ballroom. I heard a growl I knew was Keaton along with a few I didn’t know. The floor was moving. It looked like the ocean. We walked down a stairway that could’ve been in a movie. Noxus led me to Caspian. I smiled at him. He took his trident and touched both of my shoulders. He said, “You are of Clan Sargasso. Blood to water let it be.” He stepped back. That was it?” I stepped back and people clapped. I saw Lux Vennox step forward. He smiled at me. He cleared his throat, “Cas, there are some on the phone worried that you were spotted preparing the army.” The army? For me? Caspian shrugged, “Let them worry. Everyone is welcome to stay and enjoy the evening.” Noxus led me through a door on the side that opened up into a very large room. He took me into a smaller one. Keaton came in. I smiled and hugged him closely. He whispered, “Hello, my song. Channing is really excited to meet Tatum.” I felt Tatum push forward. She purred, “Hello, mate.” Gosh, he must think I’m so dumb. I called him Australian. Keaton’s eyes flickered back. He smiled, “Hello, mate. What’s your name?” She answered, “Tatum.” He laughed, “Like the little not dog?” Not dog?” Tatum sighed, “It was my name first. My human gave the protector that name to honor me.” She seemed kind of resigned that my dog’s name was Tatum. Channing questioned, “The protector?” Noxus said, “The wolves should probably give the humans control back.” Channing smirked, “In a minute.” He yanked me into a very possessive claiming kiss. When he stepped back his eyes were clear. Tatum smiled, “Hello, mate.” Keaton laughed, “Hello, Tatum.” She purred, “You are very handsome.” He said, “Well, your human half is the most gorgeous girl on the planet. I can’t wait to see you in wolf form.” She purred and pushed me forward. I rubbed my face, “That was weird.” Keaton told me, “You do get used to it.” He hugged me, “I was so worried. They didn’t call me. I would’ve come home and brought you home.” I said, “It’s ok. I learned a lot, actually.” I needed to tell them all about it, but I needed to figure out how to protect Jag. I bet Haley could help me. Maybe even Scarlett. My sisters in law were pretty dang awesome. At least I was crushing that. I gasped, “WAIT! May and Keith…are they mates?” Keaton nodded. So Immy was mated to Sean, and because of family stuff….it’s been messed up. Poor Immy. Noxus said, “The Conners would like to meet you, but the princess says that has to be on your terms.” I smiled, “I would like to meet them.” He nodded. He went to the door. Four men came in with Haley behind them. She smiled at me. I smiled at Eric. I said, “Thank you.” He frowned, “For what?” I’m pretty sure from his unspoken words he felt like he’d failed me and I had nothing to thank him for. I said, “Well, you did offer to pay millions of dollars to get me back. They were going to give me back. You don’t know me, and you tried to help me.” He said, “You’re my sister. I will do anything for any member of my family. The money is nothing. We are quite rich.” I laughed, “I know the Conners are rich. Melanie told me about you guys.” Eric said, “That means you're rich too.” I blinked. That was weird. He pointed to his left, “This is…” I said, “Jackson. I know.” Everyone glanced sharply at me. Oh, right. I shouldn’t have known that. Melanie jumped in, “And that’s Harold and Darrin…sorry.. I wasn’t going to say anything….” I laughed, “But you hate silence.” If she kept talking she’d say I had a vision of them or something. Eric looked at her, but they all seemed to let it go. I asked, “Can I hug you guys? I am apparently a hugger. Probably a side effect of being alone so much.” Noxus interjected, “Sirens are very affectionate.” Eric sounded very emotional when he answered, “I would love a hug.” I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him. He held me tightly. He whispered, “We are so sorry. We would’ve come for you. You’ve become a very beautiful strong woman all on your own. We are proud of you.” Sassy whistled and Tatum seemed very happy. One by one I hugged my brothers. I even jumped on Haley. She smiled and hugged me back. Eric said, “Our dad would love to meet you.” I asked, “Maybe….we could do that privately.” Haley said, “Of course. Let’s go everyone.” Noxus squealed my hand as he left. I held Keaton back. Haley said, “Just call when you’re ready. He will hear you.” I asked, “Do I get my super hearing from him?” She nodded, “Yes. Don’t mind me being bitter I didn’t get better hearing. It’s such a pain in the ass.” I laughed as she left. Keaton asked, “My song?” I whispered, “What if he doesn’t want me?” Keaton growled, “He does. I wouldn’t let him near you otherwise. He’s been looking for you. He doesn’t actually look like he’s slept since he came home. He was in Hawaii. He just got back.” I held onto him. Every insecurity I felt about ever meeting my dad felt like it was going to crush me. Keaton began to hum our song. He slowly rubbed my back until my breathing evened out. He whispered, “I can stay.” I wanted him to, but I also wanted to meet my dad alone. He seemed to understand. He said, “I’ll send him in.” I asked, “How did you know?” He answered, “Tatum explained it to Channing.” That was handy. Tatum laughed, “I got you girl.” I wiped my tears away thinking about how much I’ve missed her this last year. Keaton gave me a kiss then walked outside. An older man stepped in. I laughed, “I kind of expected you to have blonde hair.” He snorted, “My grandpa and grandma had blonde hair. So did my father. Seems it skipped me, but I passed it on to my pups.” His eyes filled with tears. Tatum linked me, “His wolf, Herb, is so upset. He wants us Odette. He always did. He whispered, “You’re so beautiful.” I blushed. He tried to quickly wipe his tears away. He said, “I…god…I’m sorry. I’m so damn sorry. I had just lost my mate, and I was….drunk off my ass. I thought my mate appeared to me again. I thought that’s who I was with. If I’d have known….god…I would’ve had you with us. I would’ve found this half of your family. With my resources and Theo’s, we could’ve….asked Aiden. That’s what I would’ve done. He would’ve found the Sargasso’s for me. I…I know you must hate me…” I cut him off, “I don’t. I was upset until I met Melanie. My mom told me you didn’t want me…” He snarled, enraged. Tatum giggled in my head. Yeah, that growl should be terrifying, but it was oddly comforting. He declared, “That’s a lie! I never knew about you! I do want you; I swear. I would’ve loved and care for you. I would’ve given you every damn thing you wanted. I still will. I….HOW DARE SHE SAY THAT TO MY PUP!” Eric came back into the room. He put a hand on his dad’s shoulder. He said, “Dad…Herb…calm down.” I waved my hand, “It’s ok. The story is upsetting. When Melanie theorized you probably didn’t know about me; it fit. She had other evidence she found. We didn’t get to talk about all of it before I was forced to travel again. I’m glad I don’t have a blood disorder. I’m really upset I’ve been hurting Tatum like this.” My dad whispered, “Tatum, is your wolf?” I nodded. He said, “I failed you both…You didn’t know what you were doing. You didn’t know about us. That’s not your fault.” I told him, “No, you didn’t fail us. You didn’t know about me. I believe you when you say you would’ve been in my life. Melanie has always talked about the Conners family. I actually know several stories about you all; particularly her Xander.” My dad snickered. I said, “Anyway, we can’t turn back time but we can move forward. I decided a long time ago that my mom doesn’t get to win in my life. I have this happy bubble, and I’m not letting her mess with it. I’ve been talking with Caspian, Trit, Cython, Cordelius, Cornelius, Cadence, and Noxus. I’ve never felt more myself. Keaton blew into my life, and I finally feel loved. I’ve wanted to meet you ever since I could understand that Lux had a dad. I’d like to build a relationship with all of you if that’s what you want.” My dad choked out a sob and came forward. He held me in his arms. He cried, “My pup. You are so loved by us all. It’s more than I deserve, but I do want to get to know you.” Sassy whistled again. I instinctually nuzzled him and he did it back. It felt like the last missing piece of me just clicked into place. I had my dad, my brothers, and kick as sisters and a brother in law. I actually didn’t know if I had another brother in law, but Harish was Cython’s mate. Which made him my brother in law. I told him, “You’ll have to teach me all about werewolves. I only know what I read. I also know your eyes flicker black when your wolf takes over.” My dad's eyes flickered black. I smiled, “You must be Herb.” He rubbed my face. He said, “My gorgeous pup. My human and I are devastated that we missed your early years, but we will never miss another moment again.” I smiled, “I look forward to getting to know you both.” We stayed there holding onto each other for several more minutes. Eventually, “He said, “We should go join everyone else.” I realized Eric had stepped back out of the room. I pulled back. My dad said, “I swear to you, your mother will pay dearly for this.” I snorted, “I’m pretty sure my mob boss bro plans to whack her.” He threw his head back and let a belly laugh loose. He asked, “Are you still going to call him that?” I nodded, “Yup. It’s been going on way too long now. It’s a habit. It’s our thing. I think he’d be lost if I stopped calling him a mob boss.” He smiled, “I’m glad you can find the humor in all this. I’ll try to take a page out of your book, but I’m still enraged. In all seriousness, I’m glad that you’ve had them to talk to.” We were almost to the door when Lux stepped in. My dad nodded to him and squeezed my hand then stepped out. I felt a little awkward for some reason, “We should probably join everyone….” He whispered, “Please don’t do that, kid.” I glanced up, “What?” He winced, “Hate me.” I gasped, “Lux, I don’t hate you. I’ve been looking for you. There are a lot of Lux’s around the world in case you were curious. I look everywhere I go.” Lux growled, “I fired my secretary for not getting me your email sooner.” I titled my head, “It’s hardly her fault.” He shrugged. I’d have to have Keaton hire her for something. Or…I don’t know. He owned a whole town. He could surely help out. I hugged him, “I missed you, gator.” He snorted, “I wondered if you forgot that you called me that.” I laughed, “Nope, but your chomping at people makes more sense now. You’re a wolf.” He smiled, “I am. I really did…I looked for you everywhere.” I shrugged, “People keep saying mom’s power is to keep things hidden. I think mine is seeing the past. I wonder what you will get.” Lux frowned, “You see the past?” I nodded, “Apparently.” He rubbed the back of his head, “We will talk more about that later. Ok?” I grabbed his hand and followed him outside. We ended up back where everyone was. Everyone turned to look at us. Caspian said, “Ok, let’s talk about what happened?” Haley interjected, “Odette, how are you feeling?” I sighed, “A little overwhelmed.” Haley nodded, “That’s understandable. What would you like to do?” I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. All these Alpha male types in the room wanted answers, but each and every one of them were following her lead. Whatever I wanted was going to happen. Dang. I really liked my sister in law. I sighed, “Honestly, I’d like to shower and put on some comfy clothes.” Melanie squeaked, “Umm…she should probably do that because Freya just told me that…well…we healed her and her wolf. We broke the magic on her and restored Tatum to full power…and…” My dad asked, “She’s going to shift?” Lux winced. I bumped him, “Don’t worry Melanie’s super cool wolf did something special. She said it wouldn’t hurt me.” Melanie nodded, “Right, but Freya says we have about an hour before she will shift so..she should shower if she wants. It’s not like this conversation will be done in an hour…I speak from personal experience there, Odette. These types of conversations last FOREVER.” I laughed, “Right because you were kidnapped…No! Wait! Keaton said you walked into a trap.” Her Xander growled and pulled her against him. Melanie sighed, “I baited bad people. Which some people are testy about…which when you think about it…I did us all a favor…and….” I snickered as her Xander pulled her into a kiss. Caspian said, “Well, I’ve never seen a wolf shift.” Haley said, “I’ll pop us all there with my son and brother. She should shift in Black Mountain. Her dad, brothers, and mate can all go run with her. First, she wants a shower though.” I smiled gratefully at her. Serenity said, “I’ll guide you back to your room.” She grabbed my hand and we left the room. I told her, “Man, I’m wiped.” She snorted, “You’ll probably feel invigorated once you shift.” I asked, “Does Sassy have another form?” Serenity nodded, “Sassy is you, but you have a siren form. Caspian and your other brothers can have your ceremony so you can transform into her if you like.” Sassy happily sang in my head. I told her, “I would like that.” Serenity smiled, “I will tell Caspian.” She opened the door to my room. She said, “Us songs have stocked the room with things we thought you’d like. Harish had a great time sending Cython into a tizzy buying lingerie for you since you have your song.” I laughed, “Harish really seems like a riot.” Serenity smiled, “Oh, he is.” I left her and got into the shower. Sassy started to sing. I smiled and called, “Key.” He stepped in the shower already naked. He pulled me against him. I whispered, “Bold move with all my brothers here.” He chuckled, “Aunt Haley and Melanie created a distraction.” I laughed, “I really like Haley and I already love Melanie. What’s she rambling about?” Keaton shrugged, “I didn’t really listen. I wanted to be with you.” I smiled, “Have I met Channing? Is he the wolf I came across? The really handsome big black one?” Keaton smirked, “Yes.” I asked, “Do you think we’ve gotten any better at quickies?” Keaton slid into me. He nipped my ear, “I bet we can make it happen just this once.” I wrapped my legs around him, and he backed me into the wall. I gasped as he took my n****e into his mouth. I moaned, “Key…” He growled and slammed into me. He gripped my hips with one hand and brought me to an earth shattering orgasm in minutes. He roared his release. He pulled back and kissed me, “Ten minutes to spare.” Jesus. It felt like minutes. He pulled out of me and quickly washed us both off. We got out and I found some cute yoga pants and a t- shirt. I walked back out and we walked downstairs hand in hand. Several growls filled the room. Haley groaned, “Honestly! Shut it. All of you. Alright, since Oscar popped Odette to her apartment after her eye exam, popping should be fine. Alexander, bring the growlers once they collect their damn selves.” I noticed she’d changed too. I wonder if her dress survived my older brother. I wondered who was older, Caspian or Eric. Haley grabbed me and Keaton along with my Siren family. She popped us to a forested area by a mountain. I said, “It’s beautiful.” Haley said, “This is black mountain pack. It’s your home pack since it’s where your dad lives. Obviously, it will always be your home; however, you were born to Luna of Yellow Hills.” Holy crap. Two more pops sounded. I saw a man who looked like Lux in the shadows. I smiled, “You must be Lux’s dad.” He stepped forward cautiously, “I am.” I ran over and hugged him, much to his surprise. I told him, “Thanks for taking such great care of my brother and raising him to be such a good man. I know that’s not from our mom. It’s all you. You kept us both fed, and he spent so much money getting me things. Thank you.” He told me, “I wish I could’ve done more for you, Odette. If I’d have known you were Nathan’s, I would’ve taken you from Morgana in a second.” I stepped back, “I feel strange.” Tatum said, “Keep stepping back. Just trust me and let me take over.” I kept stepping back. I went down on all fours. I heard several gasps and looked down. I had black paws. Tatum yipped and jumped around. Melanie’s Xander said, “The green markings must be for the Sargasso’s.” Caspian proudly said, “It is.” Lux said, “Uhh, Lake has no green markings.” Melanie said, “I bet you do now that you’ve surfaced.” He shifted. I stared at him in aww. He had green tips on his ears, eyebrows, sides, and a little diamond on his chest. Scarlett purred and shifted into her wolf. It was all black. I heard clothes ripping all around. I recognized the five black wolves that were standing with Haley. They were the wolves in my dream. Melanie’s eyes flickered black, “I am so sorry. I’m coming into my powers and I….I have been granting wolves wishes that are in pain. I didn’t know Tatum was in pain. I just knew a wolf was and wanted to see her family so I allowed it. I didn’t know it was you guys.” Haley said, “You had no way of knowing.” She still looked upset. She smiled at me, “Enjoy your first run.” I looked at Keaton who hadn’t shifted. I jumped all around him. Tatum told me, “I told Channing I wanted to play.” Keaton growled and shifted into Channing. I yipped and nuzzled his neck before I started jumping all around him. Several people giggled. Lux took off running. Tatum howled then took off after him, playing. We seemed like our own little pack. Eric linked me, “I assume this works because we are siblings.” I nearly lost my balance. I replied, “Uhh yeah. How are we talking?” Eric laughed, “It’s called mind link. You’ll officially join the pack and be able to mind link anyone, but you can always link family. On your left is our borderline with Yellow Hills. Those wolves are Emmett, Chase, and Keith.” I yipped excitedly at them. I jumped over and playfully swatted Keith’s wolf. His wolf seemed to laugh. My dad linked, “Are you ready to shift back?” Tatum whined. All of them seemed to know the question that was asked. Eric ran behind a tree. He came out with some shorts. He looked like he was trying to figure out what to say. Eventually he sighed, “Let’s…let Keaton and Odette run together.” There was a begrudging acceptance behind his word. Chase’s wolf was laughing. I linked Lux, “Can we link too?” He replied, “Yes, you’re my sister.” I said, “Your markings are cool.” He told me, “Scarlett said they look just like yours.” I told him, “You’re not going to leave, right? I don’t even have your number. I mean, I guess I have your email.” He replied, “I’m not leaving Odette. There’s lots to discuss. I can spend the night here if necessary. They have the room, and I have before.” I teased, “Aren’t you going to be with your mate?” He replied, “Absolutely.” I ran over and nuzzled his wolf. I repeated that with all my brothers then jumped excitedly around Keaton again.
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