Announcing the Princess Pt. 1

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Odette was debating what to do as she faced multiple weapons. Delana blinked, “Now, boys you’ll want to be lowering those, won’t you?” Several lowered theirs. Melanie muttered, “I wish I could do that. Siren’s have a thrall. It’s so unfair. I could use that. They’d just tell me to shut up.” I snorted. One man yelled, “Don’t you dare fall for that!” I hissed, “SHE SAID LOWER YOUR WEAPONS!” My voice boomed with an authority I didn’t know I had. Tatum giggled, “They got Alpha Siren’d. They stand no chance.” Sassy seemed to agree with her. At least they got along. Delana glanced at me trying not to laugh. Melanie said, “I could’ve said that.” I hugged her again, “I missed you.” She hugged me back. All the weapons around us were lowered. I asked, “Where are we?” One guy answered, “Scylla.” I smiled, “I know that place! You guys are under my brother's protection. His name is Caspian Sargasso.” Melanie snorted, “Oh, this just got so bad for them….so very bad. In my experience, brothers get pissed about this kind of thing.” I frowned, “Not yours.” She nodded, “Yup. Both of them. Like I said, it was a whole plot. My family is alive, and my brothers are still protective of me.” That was still weird. I heard someone yell, “What the HELL is going on over there? We don’t have time for this.” I squealed, “CASPIAN!” I pushed through everyone and ran to my brother. He blinked several times. He was in full armor with a trident. I guess he really did disembowel people. I threw myself at him. He caught me easily. I whispered, “I wished for you and I made a portal. It really worked.” He held me tightly. We both whistled when we embraced. Sassy was happily humming her song. I felt other hands on me and I whistled even more. I asked, “Why is that happening now?” Caspian said, “Because you are actually here and this is our first time meeting. I see you brought friends.” I jumped down, “Yes, this is my friend Melanie. We talked about her indirectly, and you know Delana.” Caspian nodded, “Mmhmm and how did you and Delana get to be in the same place?” Trit yanked me into a hug. He whispered, “We were so scared, your call to us was so strong.” I hugged him tightly then I was passed around the circle. Cython said, “I’ll call dad and tell him.” Melanie said, “You should probably tell him he’s about to get some visitors.” Everyone looked at her. She flushed, “I mean…probably…the probability is like ninety nine point nine nine nine nine percent. Easily. Really it’s one hundred but I like to leave some room for a margin of error, but really it’s kind of a forgone conclusion.” I told Caspian, “She keeps going if you don’t stop her.” He chuckled, “So I see.” He asked, “Who will be visiting my dad?” Melanie frowned, “Well, Aiden Holloran for sure. Haley will insist on coming. Xander will find a way to come. Keaton will definitely want to come….probably Lux. He’s pretty smart so he’ll point out he’s a prince here. Clearly. The Sargassos are royalty and Aiden will know that.” Cython said, “I’ll tell dad that then. Just for laughs and giggles she wolf who rambles…Who is Keaton? And why would he come?” I flushed. Caspian raised an eyebrow. Melanie answered, “Keaton Frank Daniels is a soon to Alpha of Yellow Hills with his brothers. He’s also Odette’s mate, so he’ll obviously insist on coming….” She gasped realizing she told them my mate before I could, “I mean….that’s a guess. It could be a guess. That’s a thing….I don’t know that for sure….” Caspian snorted, “You are the worst liar of all time.” Melanie frowned, “I’m working on it.” Trit snorted, “It’s not going well.” Melanie pursed her lips. Delana was trying not to laugh. Caspian said, “We looked into Keaton Daniels. He did not admit he found his mate. In fact, several people whispered he was going to take Lisa Kipner as his.” I hissed. Caspian laughed, “Mmm so you don’t like her.” I grounded out, “You call her a harpy.” Melanie shrieked, “LISA IS A HARPY? That’s…” She paused then said, “You know, that actually makes sense. I could see that.” I asked, “Do you know harpies?” Melanie shook her head, “No, but I’ve read about them.” I laughed, “Of course you have. Melanie is quite studious.” Caspian laughed. He started taking off his armor. He said, “Cordelius tell the armies to stand down. Our princess has returned to us.” Cordelius nodded and ruffled my hair. I asked Melanie, “Do you really think Lux will come?” Melanie nodded, “Yes. I’ve met Lux. He’s in big trouble. He never told me he had another half-sister.” I shrugged, “Maybe he’s embarrassed.” Melanie snorted, “Absolutely not. He told me he was looking for someone. I told him I’d help him, but Alpha’s are prideful. I could tell he felt that he should be able to do it on his own. I’m sure he’d have told me all about eventually. Then I would’ve slapped the back of his head because I knew you. Well, not hard but I might have…he was always really nice to me….I feel bad I didn’t know…I mean I hack pretty much everyone….I should’ve hacked him.” I laughed, “You and Charles are still work on computers?” Melanie smiled, “Charles is a vampire.” I snorted, “Of course he is.” Caspian said, “Such interesting friends you have, little sister.” I hugged him again, “I can’t believe I’m here.” Caspian hugged me tightly. There was a teenager next to him. I asked, “Who are you?” He looked a lot like Caspian. He smiled, “Your nephew. I am Azul.” I said, “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He smiled, “Likewise. I know my dad and uncles are very happy you’re ok. Your call was so strong that even me and siblings felt it. My other cousins did too.” I winced, “I’m so sorry…I was scared and…” Caspian hissed, “Why?” I was about to answer when Melanie giggled. I turned around and saw a man wrapped around her possessively. Caspian tensed. I touched his arm. I whispered, “I’m related to him.” I assumed this was Melanie’s Xander. I touched my heart as he laid the mother of all kisses on her. Azul said, “You are very emotional about seeing them.” I fanned my face, “She loved him for so long. She thought he hated her, but clearly he doesn’t. I’m just so happy for her.” Tatum said, “Oden can’t wait to meet us.” I asked her, “Who is Oden?” She answered, “Alexander’s wolf.” I disagreed, “Nope. He will always be Melanie’s Xander.” She chuckled. Caspian asked, “So…you are wolf too? We suspected. We will figure out how to get you your wolf.” I said, “Oh, Melanie and Freya did that in some plane she has. She’s so cool.” Delana said, “I kind of want to be her when I grow up.” Caspian snorted. I smiled, “I’ve always wanted to be her. She’s amazing. She saved me the first time I was kidnapped.” Trit said, “My turn, the first time? Did we know this?” I shrugged, “Who can keep up with all my kidnappings? The first time these crazy guys thought they were demons….” I trailed off. I yelled, “OH MY GOD! THEY WERE ACTUALLY DEMONS!” Melanie must have come up for air because she said, “Yeah, they were.” I muttered, “Then Roxie is a werewolf too. She was horrified I didn’t know about the supernatural world. You can help me find her, right Melanie?” Melanie nodded, “Of course.” Her Xander disagreed, “I don’t know. I might just lock you in our room, wife of mine.” She snorted, “I’d get out. Plus, I just need a laptop to find someone.” He growled. He popped in front of me and I jumped. He held his hand out and a warm sensation took over me. He smiled, “Hello, aunt of mine.” I snorted, “That’s just…weird.” He smiled, “My grandpa can’t wait to meet you.” I whispered, “My dad?” He nodded, “Yes. He never knew about you. When my grandma, his mate, died he was out drinking at bars a lot. He was drunk as a skunk when your mom was with him. He thought she was my grandma for some reason.” Caspian snorted, “Not for some reason, to the weak willed in our thrall we can appear like someone else to them. My mother is particularly talented at that. A drunk werewolf would be easy enough if Morgana saw her picture. She could even exude a scent for a time. He probably really did think it was his mate.” I asked, “But why wouldn’t she tell him? She told Lux’s dad.” Caspian gritted his teeth, “Because you are a girl. I believe she was having boys to raise an army. She needed Lux’s father to teach him to be a fierce wolf warrior that she could not. A girl, well, she had other plans.” I snorted, “Yeah to get me killed.” Delana offered, “That’s not the plan Morgana had for you. You were supposed to be living in the lap of luxury.” I frowned, “Being raped and married to an abusive dick.” Melanie’s Xander growled. Delana nodded, “Well, yeah. Actually, since we are here. I, Princess Delana Marmara, reject Luke Merrick as my song now and for all eternity.” Melanie frowned, “Merrick?” I nodded, “Yeah…that’s a story.” Melanie nodded. Her Xander said, “We should get to Keaton. He’s desperate to see her.” I squealed, “Can we Caspian?” He said, “It will take us some time to get back.” Melanie disagreed, “It’s a pop or portal away. How did you get here Xander?” He said, “I portaled. Popping is too loud.” Caspian sighed, “Open your portal then, Alpha Alexander.” I teased, “Uhh his name is Melanie’s Xander.” Caspian threw his head back and laughed. He said, “I’ll call him Alpha Alexander.” Melanie’s Xander said, “Call me Alexander. You are my aunt’s brother. Lux calls me Alexander.” Caspian asked, “And what is my brother’s last name?” Alexander answered, “Bartlett.” I smiled, “I really found him. I had a meeting set up with him and everything.” Caspian ruffled my hair. He said, “My mother really went deep not letting us find him. We found no Lux Bartlett when we looked.” I frowned, “Then why could I find him?” Melanie said, “I think because you were already breaking the magic around your mind down. That’s what Freya said. You met some of your family and met Keaton….it was breaking for you.” I nodded. It was all weird. I asked, “Hey…that scream when you broke the magic…Was that Valdoma?” Melanie’s eyes flashed with intense anger. She growled, “Yes.” I said, “Well, she’s creepy so that’s good.” Melanie gritted out, “She’s who took Freya from me, and she’s who kept Tatum from you.” I gasped, “That b***h!” Melanie added, “She’s also the one who had your mind magically protected.” Well, I figured that one out from our talks. I spoke to Tatum, “I am so sorry.” Tatum said, “It’s not your fault. You had no way of knowing. It must have been terrifying to think you were crazy. To be locked in that place. I should’ve waited until we were alone. I shouldn’t have said anything in front of that horrid man.” It wasn’t her fault, but that definitely would’ve been different. Melanie’s Xander opened a portal. We ended up in Caspian’s house. I heard Keaton talking. I squealed, “KEY!” Melanie Xander snorted, “Keaton has always hated nicknames. Something tells me he loves that one.” I turned, “Whatever you say Xander boy.” He smirked. Trit laughed, “Caspian, our little sister is such a handful. Imagine how mischievous she will be after hanging around partial fairies and their princess.” Caspian laughed, “Oh that’s just…great.” I ran into the room and met Keaton halfway. He picked me up and spun me around. He laid the mother of all kisses on me. Lux said, “Come on, Keaton. I don’t need to see that.” I pulled away from Keaton. Tears filled my eyes. I whispered, “Lux…” He smiled, “Hey, kid.” I choked out a sob. I stumbled over to him. He caught me, and we both whistled. He said, “I’ve been looking for you everywhere. I can’t believe you’re finally in my arms. I’m so sorry, Odette. I’m so damn sorry.” I held onto him concerned if I let go he’d disappear again. Tatum told me, “Lake says they have been looking for us everywhere. He wanted to take custody of us. He had a case built and everything. Alpha Theo, his dad, and his stepmom turned in our mom to the supernatural council about us when they won custody of him. They were going to have us taken from her, then argue they should get us because Lux was my brother. Morgana took us away before they could.” I asked her, “Who is Lake?” Tatum replied, “Lux’s wolf.” Everyone was a freaking werewolf. Lux whispered, “Hey kid, I’m not going anywhere. No one will take you away from me again.” Melanie asked, “Uhh is that Scarlett Thunders?” The girl behind my brother laughed. She said, “I heard you do that. I am in fact Scarlett Thunders. I don’t believe we’ve ever met though.” Melanie said, “Well, I definitely didn’t know you’d be here. I mean really how would I have guessed that though. Did you come with Keaton for Alexandria? I mean I guess since she’s your sister but…why would Alpha Emmett come?” Lux snorted, “I’ll cut the ranting off and tell you, she’s mine. We discovered it before we came.” Melanie nodded, “Makes sense. She’s been traveling a lot. Pretty sure Alpha Male Teke brought her home because of me. Sorry about that Scarlett but….now you have Lux though…so…I’m not sorry?” Scarlett laughed, “I was leaning towards coming home when my dad called anyway.” Melanie muttered, “That’s good.” Caspian said, “Lux, hello brother.” Lux shook his hand. He said, “Looks like I have quite a few older brothers. Here I thought I was the oldest on both sides.” Caspian laughed, “Finally! One of you who understands my pain.” I rolled my eyes, but I really liked that they already seemed to get along. The rest of our brothers introduced themselves to him. Caspian turned, “King Aiden, I hear you have wanted to meet with me.” King Aiden nodded at him. I looked at the woman next to him. I gasped, “You’re the woman from my dream!” She frowned, “Well, I for one am PISSED I wasn’t really in the damn dream. All the wolves were. It’s unfuckingfair is what that is. Why wasn’t I there? That’s some type of bullshit.” I laughed. Caspian said, “It has been a long time since we have had fairies in the siren realm. Hello, Princess Haley.” Haley snorted, “Let me guess, since before the O’Toole’s took over.” Caspian nodded. She grumbled, “They have to ruin everything.” Caspian laughed, “They certainly did their best. What is it you wanted to discuss, King Aiden?” King Aiden sighed, “Your mother. I have a man on her…” I gasped, “No way! Jarchi works for you!” Haley raised an eyebrow, “Jarchi? As the Prince of earth fairies? That Jarchi, brother?” King Aiden nodded. Haley frowned, “Why would he do that? He’s not been to Faerie since before I was born. He rules through his son. Why would he help you?” King Aiden sighed, “Because his daughter told him about a girl she saw in Faerie on New Year’s Eve.” Melanie’s Xander growled, “He knows Olivia?” Who was Olivia? Trit whispered, “It’s like watching a tennis match. If only Harish were here. He’d have snacks for the show.” I snickered. Lux squeezed my hand. I felt Keaton behind me now. He pulled me against him. I relaxed into him. King Aiden said, “She is his niece. He wanted to prove to her that he was a good man. He didn’t know about her. He believed his brother was dead, I recently got information he’s not. Jarchi is trying to help bring him home.” Trit wiggled his eyebrows, “Juicy.” I snorted, “He’s a good guy. He’s been so nice to me. He gets me presents and I swear my apartment and my car just produce the things I want.” Haley said, “They probably do. It’s a charm.” How cool was that. I asked Trit, “Can we do charms?” Trit laughed, “Nope. Just fairies.” Man! I wish I was a fairy. Caspian said, “Lovely family drama. You mean you can bring my mother to me?” King Aiden answered, “I can. I have him entertaining her so I could give you her location.” Caspian smirked, “Fabulous. She will never see me coming. Now, I know we have a lot of introductions to be made, but we have a princess and prince to announce. Since the fairies are here, we could bring in the ceremonial dresses they used to wear attending our announcements.” My eyes widened, “Huh?” Caspian said, “Everyone needs to know that to come at you and Lux is to come against the Sargasso. I know I’m cutting reunions and introductions short, but we need to get this done.” I frowned. I asked, “Can….can my dad come? And the other Conners…I mean my brothers?” Haley smiled at me. Caspian sighed, “Sure. Why not?” Someone coughed, “Sucker!” I spotted Noxus behind Haley. I smiled and ran to him. He opened his arms and hugged me. He said, “My little girl is home at last.” It felt right being with him. I whispered, “I’m really sorry about my mom.” Noxus said, “She made her choices. Those are on her. They brought us you and Lux. I wish she’d brought you home. I could’ve had you meeting your dad long ago. We would have spoiled you rotten together.” I felt Keaton behind me again. I heard someone say, “Ask for a pony. You’d so get one.” I laughed, “I did always want a pony. Lux used to buy me my pretty pony stuff for school. He said I could have one for real one day.” Lux said, “I get to buy the pony everyone. I promised her long ago.” I gasped “You can’t buy a pony!” Lux laughed, “I’m rich. I can buy whatever I want for you.” He had his arm around Scarlett. I smiled at her. She seemed nice. A woman entered with a giant dress with wings. It had a corset body and a giant skirt. It was orange, blue, green, and black. The woman handed the dress to Haley. She asked, “What the f**k is this?” Caspian smirked, “The dress the fairies used to wear to our ceremonies.” Haley snorted, “Exfuckingcuse me?! This is a butterfly. I am not a butterfly. Aiden, what the actual f**k is this? I’m not dressing up as a butterfly. This is insulting is what this is.” King Aiden was trying not to laugh. He told Caspian, “Apologies King Caspian, my sister is very into fashion. She has quite the eye. She recently opened up a store in Faerie. It’s quite popular.” Caspian smirked, “I do not think the fairies used to like it either.” Haley's eyes narrowed, “Can I change it?” Caspian was grinning now, “Well, it is a tradition.” Haley said, “So, if I come up with a tradition where you Siren’s dress up like mermaids and we call you…” All of us hissed. She smiled triumphantly, “Exactly! This is a butterfly. I’m not a damn butterfly.” Caspian laughed, “Awe us with your magic, fairy princess.” I elbowed him, “That’s why you mentioned the dress. You wanted her to change it.” He winked, “Everyone likes seeing fairy magic, little sister. I have only heard stories. I want to see it in person.” I watched Haley snap the dress on. Her hands began to glow. I watched in awe as the dress changed into a very sexy formal dress. It was nor orange with a hint of red. It was a tight dress with sheer places now. It was like feathers that sparkled around her. It opened up at her thigh. One side it gathered at her hip and flowed down around her. The back was pretty low. I blinked, “Wow…that was amazing. Is this how fairies actually dress?” King Aiden answered, “Yes.” Wow. I kind of wanted fairy blood. Maybe Jarchi actually knocked my mom up. A sibling with these powers would kick ass. Tatum pointed out, “We are related to her children. They are our nephews and nieces.” Sweet! Some of them had to be around my age based on Melanie’s stories. Tears filled my eyes. Keaton put his arms around me. He asked, “My song?” I whispered, “I have such a big family. It’s all I ever wanted.” Lux squeezed my hand. Keaton wiped my tears. Haley said, “Alexander, go get the others. I’m staying with Odette. I probably need to fix her dress too. I’m not sure about this realm's fashion sense, but I sense it’s terrible. Possibly stuck in the past.” King Aiden’s booming laugh filled the room along with Caspian’s. He told her, “My song might be jealous. Our ceremonial outfits could use an upgrade.” She looped her arm with mine. She said, “Come on Lux, Keaton, and Scarlett. Let’s help my sister in law avoid a fashion fiasco.” I snorted. Tatum said, “I like her.” Sassy hummed in agreement. King Aiden smiled at her. Caspian seemed deeply entertained by her. I broke free to hug him again. My other brothers surrounded me. I whispered, “It feels like home.” Caspian said, “This is one of your homes, and it always will be.” I told him, “I’m sorry I scared you.” He said, “We will discuss what happened later. Go get fairy ready.” I laughed, “I like her dress. Maybe she could do it green.” Caspian laughed, “She can, but she’ll have to send your wolf back down to us. Then we’d have to send everyone away. Serenity would have to work overtime making me forget all that happened.” I asked, “Why?” Caspian gave me a look. I blushed, “Oh.” He said, “Yes, oh. Go.” We were led through the halls to a beautiful room. I gasped, “Whose room is this?” The girl answered, “It’s yours, princess. Noxus had it cleared out and all your brothers have been getting their songs advice on things for you.” Tears filled my eyes. Keaton whispered, “They love you.” I heard a horrified gasp. I turned realizing it came from Haley and followed her gaze to see a very old green style dress in the girls hands. It had black accents, but it did not belong in this century. Haley seemed scandalized. She asked, “THAT is the dress?” The girl laughed, “I am glad fairies are back. My family had passed down stories of how they were about fashion. Our wardrobes need an update.” Haley snorted. She turned to me. She asked, “Do you like it?” I laughed, “No.” She sighed, “Oh, thank god. What would you prefer it look like?” I smiled, “I like green, but something more this century would be nice.” Haley smiled, “I can work with that. Keaton, Lux, go find what he’s supposed to wear. I’m sure he has a room too.” Keaton huffed. Haley laughed, “Have no fear, I will keep the dress rules in mind for my godson.” Keaton laughed, “I love you, Hales.” She smiled, “As I love you. This is a much better woman for you too. She doesn’t try to hide from me because she is a liscaredy wolf.” I snorted, “That’s amazing.” Haley smiled, “I also call her Lishriekra.” I busted up laughing. She added, “Ok, I call her lots of things. I loathe her.” Melanie huffed. I asked, “What’s wrong?” She squeaked, “Wrong? I mean…that’s…well…nothing…that’s….wrong…what could be wrong?” Scarlett snickered. Lux sighed, “Good lord. You’re getting worse at lying.” Melanie gasped, “No I’m not!” Lux nodded, “You are.” Her Xander chuckled. I hadn’t even noticed that they’d come. Wasn't he getting people? He said, “We’ll discuss it later.” I frowned, “Wait, you went to get the rest of my family.” Family. Because I had one. He nodded, “They are downstairs. Mom, did you warn dad?” Melanie snorted. I frowned, “About me?” Melanie’s Xander laughed, “No, not you. Her dress.” I asked, “What’s wrong with it?” Keaton coughed, “Prom.” I laughed, “Is my brother an Alpha wolf too?” Haley answered, “Yes. He’s the head of the werewolf council now. He’s a very possessive alpha wolf.” I winked at Keaton, and he smirked. Lux slapped the back of his head. Melanie’s Xander kissed her hand, “See that you don’t get in any more trouble with my mom and aunt.” He left to follow the guys. She called, “I was helping! I rescued her. That’s a thing! It wasn’t trouble! That’s just…” Her Xander laughed and closed the door. She huffed. Haley snapped the dress on me. I winced, “Gosh, this itches.” Haley’s hands began to glow. When she stepped back I looked into the full length mirror and gasped. I twirled, “This is amazing” She’d put me in a strapless dress that had detachable sleeves. It had a corset bodice that had a sheer pierce to right before my belly button. It had a poofy shirt with a slit up the thigh. I spun around, “I love it!” Haley smiled. She snapped and I gasped as Melanie was now in a stunning red dress. It had an A-line halter top with cut outs across her chest midriff and thigh. I gasped, “Your scars! They are gone.” Melanie smiled, “Yeah, Xander and his mom did that.” I hugged her, “That’s so great!” Scarlett was now in a stunning blue sheer tight dress with a sleeve on one side. With a very subtle slit. I asked, “Where’s Melanie’s slit?” Haley winked, “My son can snap things off. You have to keep the men on their toes sometimes.” I snorted, “You’re funny.” She smiled. I asked, “What’s Eric like?” She again smiled, “Eric is the most amazing man. He’s a fair, caring, loving man. He is ruthless with our enemies to protect our family. He is the strongest werewolf in the country. He will spoil you with anything you could possibly want. Our girls have him wrapped around their little finger. You should probably make a list of things you want because they already started buying things. I have a lot of brothers too. You can also join my support group.”
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