Announcing the Princess Pt. 3

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We ended up running to the top of the mountain. He shifted back when we got up there. I stared hungrily at him. He was naked. That didn’t make sense. Melanie was fully clothed when she shifted back. I asked Tatum, “How do we shift back?” She said, “Think of human form.” I did what she said. Sassy was quietly and happily singing in my head. I was naked too. Jeez. Keaton pulled me against him. I said, “That was fun.” I kissed him hard. He groaned, “Everyone is waiting for us.” I whispered, “Let them wait.” He snorted, “They might kill me.” I pouted, “Another quickie then?” He whispered, “f**k. I can’t say no to you.” He put me on all fours and slid into me. He groaned, “You’re so wet for me my song.” I moaned, “Key….” He slammed into me. He brought us to our release again quickly. He slowly pulled out after he came and ran to get some clothes. He came back with clothes that looked like they were mine. I asked, “How did you get these?” He smiled, “I linked Immy.” I asked, “So, is everyone I know a wolf?” Keaton laughed, “Immy is a fairy part hood, not wolf.” I asked, “I’m sorry part what?” Keaton said, “The hood is a group of supernatural’s blessed with advanced speed among other things.” I said, “So you're my Hood Alpha?” I winked at him. He growled, “Yes, I am part Hood.” I thought back on something Jag told me. I asked, “Are you the Silver Blade?” He stiffened, “Where did you hear that name?” I smiled, “Around. I was told the name, and the person was very scared. Obviously, I should be scared but I’m not; because it’s you.” He tapped my nose, “We can talk about that later.” I teased, “Pretty sure I met your mom too. I felt I had to protect her. You were scared of the long nailed chick because your mom was out there. I’m totally right. Your mom is the female robin hood!” Keaton laughed, “The woman you met is a member of the Hood. We call her the Black Arrow.” I poked his side, “But you call her mom.” He laughed, “We can talk about that later.” We could, but I was right. I jumped on his back, “Show your speed, Alpha Flash.” He told me, “Hold on tight.” He took off. I gasped feeling the wind on my face. We were back at the house in a literal minute. I gasped and jumped down, “You really are alpha flash.” I heard someone squeal, “YES HE IS! What a lovely nickname. I’ll still come up with my own, but I will add my flare to it.” I asked, “Who are you?” He answered with a bow, “I am Dylan Frost.” I smiled, “I know you.” He jumped up, “Excuse me?! Was I foiled by a cookie again? Did someone take my memories? I WILL HAVE VENGEANCE! LOOK ALIVE LSGAP! YOU ARE MY VENGEANCE VESSEL AND I CALL UPON THEE!” I giggled, “Melanie said you were funny.” He instantly relaxed, “Ahhh, Melashley told you about me. Fine. I won’t activate LSGAP. Such a brave Alpha Flash about to walk inside smelling like you do. Come on now children. My show must continue.” Smelling like we do? Tatum linked, “Werewolves have a very strong sense of smell. They can smell we had sex.” Well, that’s just embarrassing. We walked inside and several people stiffened. My dad growled at Keaton. I shrank into him. His arms went around me. Haley cleared her throat, “How was your first run?” I smiled, “It was great! It’s so beautiful here.” A man stepped forward. I smiled, “Hi, EJ. I mean…I assume you’re EJ. Melanie talked about you too.” He smiled, “I am EJ.” He stuck his hand out, “As the Alpha of Black Mountain, I accept you, my Aunt Odette Sargasso Conners, into the pack as an Alpha Female.” I felt a connection snap in my mind. Tatum told me, “It’s the pack link. I can close it out.” I decided to listen for a minute. Someone linked, “What do you think her favorite food is? Did you see how pretty she was? Those Conners genes just…damn. MAN! Of course, a Daniels already scooped her up. She’s stunning. I feel so bad for former Alpha Nathan. He always wanted a girl, then she was just cruelly kept from him. It’s not fair. Her wolf is so pretty. I hope we can be friends.” Wow. I was all the gossip right now. Tatum closed the link. I smiled, “Thanks, EJ.” My dad said, “I had Haley snap a room for you here. Immy came over and helped. We can change anything you don’t like.” I was moving. Oh, god. I was moving. I said, “But…Tatum…Oh my god!” My dad frowned, “Your wolf will love living in a pack.” I shook my head, “No, my dog Tatum! She’s been alone all this time.” Keaton assured me, “Immy and May have her. She’s fine.” Tatum sighed, “Ahh yes, the protector.” I asked Caspian, “What is my dog?” Caspian laughed, “Once we surface, our Palicoes come to us. Lux will be getting his though I doubt it will appear as some yippy little dog.” I said, “She’s not really like a little dog. She killed a rogue.” Eric said, “I’m sorry….what?!” Caspian said, “Yes, she will be able to kill many things. She may look like a yippy dog, but she’s not a regular dog. She will protect you at all costs. Palicoes are very strong.” I asked, “What’s yours?” Caspian answered, “My Palicoe is a giant seahorse. Trit’s is an octopus.” I bet it was a large one. I asked, “Do I have to move? School is almost over and I….have friends again.” Haley said, “You don’t have to switch schools. Not even next year if you don’t want to. Riley, the secretary there, lives here. She gets popped to work or she drives. That’s not a big deal. Keaton is of course welcome to stay here with you…” My dad growled, “In his room.” Haley rolled her eyes continuing, “In your room Odette since we all know separating mates is mean. That will not be happening in this house.” She turned to all the men, “All of you love Keaton. My godson is a good man, and you will remember that you love him. You have watched him grow up, and she could do no better. Nor could he. I can already tell. So, none of that.” She turned back to me, “Obviously, Keaton is about to take on the mantle and some responsibilities as Alpha so you’ll have to stay there. Lexi already cleared out some space in Keaton's closet. I snapped you some things there.” I could tell all the men wanted to say something. I spotted Keaton’s dad in the back of the room with Emmett and Keith. They all looked like they were trying not to laugh. She said, “We’ll find the balance. Plus, you’ll want to spend time with your siren brothers. Caspian has granted me permission to pop in with you. You know you have a room there, and they have said Keaton is welcome as well. So, this will obviously be an adjustment period for everyone. You’re just so popular you need three rooms. Don’t worry I have the same thing going on.” She winked at me. Then added, “I also know that can be overwhelming. We will all be here for you each and every step of the way. We’d love for you to stay here tonight with Keaton. If you’d rather go back to your apartment, Keaton’s place, or Caspian’s we will all understand. We will take this at your pace. We obviously have a lot to discuss, but I think being kidnapped, rescued, helping in your rescue like a badass, going to a different realm, meeting all the family you have, being saved from a GOD awful dress…” I snickered along with several other people. She continued, “Being introduced as a Sargasso, and shifting is a lot for one night.” I actually agreed. I nodded then asked, “Melanie, do you know anything about sirens?” Melanie nodded, “I do.” Caspian laughed, “How interesting. What do you know powerful she wolf?” Melanie said, “Well, I know there are five main clans, but ten all together. The Sargasso’s are the most powerful. They used to be combined with their relative clans the Wedell and Merrick’s. They both went dark and the Sargasso’s kicked them out and they formed their own individual clans.” I screamed, “WHAT?!” Keaton stiffened, “Oh, shit.” Melanie seemed baffled. She rambled, “Umm, well I might be wrong. That’s just what a read…” Aiden spoke, “You’re not wrong, and Jared seems to have leant you more books from our library than I realized as a child.” I whirled around facing Caspian, “RELATIVES?!” He winced, “I didn’t know she would know that. Only the fairy king should’ve.” Melanie whispered, “What did I do, Si?” Sierra answered, “I don’t actually know. Normally, I do but I have no clue this time. So, whatever you did wasn’t obvious.” I turned, “Hi, Sierra, I’ll hug you in a second when I’m not ready to throw up.” Sierra frowned, “Umm, ok? Good to see you though.” I asked, “Caspian, HOW are we related to them? Like you’re related through your dad…not mom, right?” Lux growled, “What’s the big deal?” Caspian winced. He didn’t answer me though. I turned to Melanie, “How are they related to us? Through their dad?” Melanie frowned and started to pick at her sleeve, “Umm…the Sargasso line would be your mom….and the Merrick and the…” I said, “I don’t care about the other one. The Merrick’s. How am I related to the Merrick’s?” She said, “Well, they are your cousins. They were having fertility issues though. The son of Darwin was the last one born and he’s like forty something…” I shrieked, “HE’S WHAT?! LUKE IS FORTY?! ARE YOU f*****g KIDDING ME?!” Haley grimaced, “Fuck.” Eric growled, “What’s going on here?” Haley sighed, “Nothing good.” Melanie frowned, “Luke is their crown prince's name…I feel someone should make me stop talking…that’s a thing I’m getting the sense of. I just don’t know why….Why don’t I know what? No clue…normally I do know and I just can’t stop talking…” Her Xander kissed her. I turned, “Caspian, tell me that’s not true. He’s NOT my cousin and he is NOT forty! GOD! Do not tell me I lost my virginity to my COUSIN OLD ENOUGH TO BE MY DAD! That the abusive piece of crap who locked me in that place and took Tatum from me IS NOT RELATED TO ME!” Several growls filled the air. My dad stood, “WHAT?!” Tatum was growling in my head. Sassy was sad. I said, “Wait! I didn’t whistle the last time I saw Luke!” Caspian said, “He’s not a light siren. Light only recognizes their immediate family or other light relatives.” I screamed, “SO HE IS MY COUSIN?!” Caspian sighed, “He’s not your first cousin.” I yelled, “Oh, well then that makes it so much better! Wait…NO IT DOESN’T! Tell me he’s not forty, just tell me that.” Caspian said, “He’s not forty.” I sighed in relief, “Ok…how old is he?” Caspian shrugged, “it’s not really important…” I asked, “How old are you?” Caspian answered, “I'm fifty-two.” I turned and asked Eric, “How old are you?” He answered, “Fifty-seven.” I narrowed my eyes, “Neither of you look like you’re even thirty! Tell me he’s thirty that’s a little better, just a smidgen.” Caspian titled his head, “Supernatural’s don’t age like humans.” He didn’t continue after that. I narrowed my eyes and asked, “Trit?” He didn’t say anything. I said, “I’ll call Harish. He’ll tell me.” Cython groaned, “Don’t do that….just….” Caspian answered, “He just turned fifty.” I could actually feel the bile in my throat. I cried, “Oh, god.” I heard a pop then I was in the bathroom. I threw up all the bile and dry heaved since I had nothing left. I started crying. Haley spoke in the language that the eye doctor did and I felt calmer. She rubbed my back. I told her, “I didn’t really even like him. He was just….he used to be nice and….I was so lonely. Oh my god Keaton probably thinks I’m disgusting. I was so lonely I had s*x with my fifty year old cousin!” Haley said, “That’s not true. No one thinks you're disgusting. I can also promise you Luke Merrick is not long for this world.” I snorted, “I find that oddly comforting.” She rubbed my back, “I know how it feels. Fairies don’t see ages, but things happened to me as a child with men centuries old that sometimes I still feel disgusting over. He’s the predator, not you. You are blameless. Sirens have a thrall. He had you in his. He took your choice away, and you were kept naive of the supernatural world. This is not on you.” I cried, “I just want to go to bed.” She didn’t try to convince me otherwise. She just asked, “Where do you want to sleep?” Those people had to know where my apartment was. I felt safe here. I told her, “Here.” She popped me into a room filled with green. It was perfect. I started crying. When I stopped she told me, “There’s a toothbrush and everything in the bathroom.” I quickly went in and brushed my teeth. Sassy was feeling a lot of emotions. Tatum was angry and growling in my head. I heard a little yip. I gasped, “Tatum!” She jumped up into my lap. Haley told me, “I thought you might want her. I conjured her here.” I cried, “I want Key.” Haley said, “He’s on the way.” The doors flew open. Haley told me, “If you want there’s a bubble bath set up in your bathroom. It won’t get cold, and there’s a cocktail in there for you too.” I smiled, “You’re kind of the coolest sister in law ever.” She smiled brightly. She said, “Get some sleep, and remember; you’ve done nothing to be ashamed of. Luke has. He’s made an enemy of this family, and he will not survive that. He will pay for what he did to you and Tatum.” She kissed the top of my head and pop away. I cried, “Key…” He held me tight. He said, “You didn’t do anything wrong. He will pay, Odette. I promise.” I cried, “You don’t think I’m disgusting? Do you still want me?” He growled, “You’re not disgusting. You did nothing wrong. He should be ashamed.” I asked, “Do supernaturals not care about being relatives?” He winced, “They tend to.” I asked, “Do sirens not care?” Keaton sighed, “Caspian said they do.” I groaned, “Great. So, it’s just my creepy relatives. They were having fertility problems, and he killed his child. Poor Delana. I want to talk to her.” Keaton said, “I’m sure we can arrange that. I know she stayed at Caspian’s. They put her up in a room there. I’m sure he’d bring her here to talk to you.” I cuddled into his chest wanting to block out the day. Haley was right. I should’ve just gone to bed. Did you see that coming? Cousins? Odette shifted. She has Tatum the palicoe and the wolf. When will we see her in Sassy form? Are Keaton and Odette just going to shuffle from place to place? Will they pick one? Next week: I do not know if I'll get an update out next week. I've got a lot of work deadlines and am not sure how that's all going to play out. So, i'll repeat I DO NOT KNOW IF THERE WILL BE AN UPDATE NEXT WEEK. Just incase someone didn't see it ;)
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