A Royal Pt. 4

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Nathan didn’t have a blood disorder and Odette didn’t have a wolf though. They said there were sedatives, wolfbane, and silver in her pills. WHAT?! Channing snarled, “THEY HID MY MATE FROM ME! I’LL TEAR THEM TO PIECES!” How did I miss that? Keith linked, “Hey, it was magic. Don’t you dare spiral right now. I didn’t spell a damn thing wrong with those pills either. None of us did. Nathan broke down crying. Alexander finally asked where Melanie was. Yes, this was someone on my level. Our mates were missing. I snarled when they said Odette was kidnapped. How the hell did that even happen? Was it Luke? This got onto Cassandra knowing about Odette. I couldn’t even be bothered with that. The woman was dead. I didn’t care what she did. She was a b***h from everything I’d gathered. She could rot in her grave. Or I could dig it up and set her remains on fire and take them to Faerie. That had promise. She’d turn over in her grave to be finally resting in Faerie. I just bet Aiden Holloran would love every second of that revenge. Dylan Frost had words to say. Then it seemed Finn didn’t like her name. I snarled at him, but it turned out he knew her brother. Good. I could kick his ass sooner. I was stunned it was Lux. I linked Keith, “That doesn’t make sense. Lux is a good guy. He wouldn’t….” How could he just walk away from her like that? Lux was popped in. We got into a little bit. He was coming at me. I smirked. Good. I was going to get him. Alexander popped in the middle. My eyes narrowed on Lux. I’d punch him later. We argued. It seemed Lux tried to find her. Emmett linked, “She is hard to find.” I growled, “If this was Alexandria you would be pissed off at him too.” Emmett didn’t have a reply to that. Nathan was destroyed over this. I hated that. I looked up to him my whole life. He was like a second grandpa to me. He’d taken us on some fishing trips with the Conners boys. He and Grandpa Frank were good friends. I linked Grandpa, “Nathan needs you.” He replied, “I’m holding down the fort over here. Is Nathan upset about Melanie?” I replied, “Odette is his daughter he didn’t know about.” My grandpa replied, “Holy buried lead. What the f**k?! This just got so much messier.” He had no idea. I wanted to assure Nathan that Odette would want him in her life. She wanted her dad. Channing linked, “We could run with mate…in wolf form.” Our mate was a royal and an Alpha. An Alpha of a very strong line. Morgana was her mom’s name. I linked my dad, “Morgana is f*****g dead. I’ll find her before they do.” My dad replied, “With us.” Maybe. Malachi came over. He said they were on the phone ransoming my mate back. How the hell did they know? Emmett linked me, “Her being your mate was the WORST kept secret of all time. That’s how they knew.” I glared at him. I reached for Annie’s hand to pop us back. Nathan was struggling with us being mated. He was going to be pissed that I was marked…probably. Definitely pissed. We were popped back in. Odette’s eyes found mine. Then someone slapped her. Channing roared, “I’ll rip them to pieces.” I was going to help him. Before I could agree to the ransom, Eric did. I couldn’t help but smile. My mate had a loving family just like she wanted. Channing whimpered, “She was right. We should’ve known her our whole lives. Yes, we should’ve. Odette smiled when I called myself an Alpha. Keith linked me, “Ohhh boy. She knew that already. She’s definitely talked to the techy Luna.” He was probably right. Channing purred, “Mate is proud of us. I can’t wait to shift for her.” I felt my dad and Emmett’s hand on my back. Odette’s eyes flickered a few times. Son of b***h. Channing growled, “MATE!” She had her wolf. Could Melanie do that? Or was Haley right? The second she stopped taking those pills…her wolf came to her. Howls rang out as a woman handed something to Odette and kept moving. I watched as Melanie in wolf form stormed into the room. Channing cheered, “Get them Freya!” Odette paused. She needed to run. She wasn’t trained for this. She did run. We watched as Freya smirked and then glowed. Someone yelled, “RUN!” But it was too late. Melanie electrocuted the whole room. She took off after Odette. Eric said, “Someone tell me we have goddamn eyes outside.” Gunner said, “I do.” He put something up on our screen. We watched Odette’s wolf take over. Nathan put his hand on his chest. She had a powerful snarl. Keith linked me, “Maybe don’t get a hard on right now.” Melanie was in front of them now. I growled, “They are being surrounded!” Odette frantically looked around. She spotted water, and relief colored her expression. Malachi said, “Oh no.” Eric gritted out, “What?” Malachi said, “We had a prisoner that came after Keaton and Odette on spring break. He jumped into a puddle and was gone. She thinks she can do that too.” Lux snorted, “She can’t do that! She has no idea how.” I disagreed, “She’s been talking to her brothers. She thinks they are in the mob, but they could’ve told her how.” Lux growled, “I’m sorry. I HAVE BROTHERS?!” I nodded, “Caspian and Trit are the two names I know.” We watched as Melanie ran faster than anyone could process to the hot spring. Odette screamed for Caspian and dove down. The water became perfectly clear. A wolf jumped in after them. He came up announcing, “They are gone.” Someone yelled, “How could they be gone?! We didn’t block her memories! She knows ENTIRELY too much. She’ll ruin everything!” He paced, “Get everyone alive out of her. Clear out now.” I snarled, “You can’t hide from me.” Dylan Frost spoke, “King Fire hands, I see you in the corner. We have SO MUCH to catch up. Nathan’s secret love pup, that even he didn’t know about, is the girl in question. The same girl is the half-sister of our dear Lux over there. Be a dear and tell us their other half.” I watched the screen looking between the room and the water making sure Odette wasn’t going to surface. Where was she? Channing whimpered, “Where did mate go?” I linked Emmett, “We need to check that pond.” Emmett told me, “Joe is checking with Ken.” I nodded. Lux said, “I know I told you I didn’t want to know..” I cut him off, “We need to f*****g know. She’s been talking to her other brother’s on her mother’s side.” Aiden was surprised, “She has?” He must not have been here when I’d said that earlier. I explained, “Yes, she thinks they are in the mob.” Dylan squealed, “That’s amazing. I bet they’ve had such fun conversations. They have to think she’s hilarious. I cannot wait to introduce myself to the world’s most protected sister sibling. Seriously secret keeping Alpha Daniels, you’re so lucky you met her before they did. This could’ve been dicey for your health. Still might be. Anyway, throwing it back to King Fire Hands.” Alexander growled. Aiden answered, “Lux is a partial Siren. A royal one.” Clara clapped, “I knew it!” Dylan shrieked, “A ROYAL ONE! Of course, he is. Of COURSE, the youngest Conners is a royal. That’s just too good. I must update my blog. We are going to meet a siren. I’ll get one for Blue Moon too. The supernatural collectors of Black Mountain just can’t do things halfway. Does anyone else notice that? A royal, he’s got a royal.” Lux snarled, “I’m going to hunt my mother down.” Aiden replied, “That’s not necessary. I can get your mother here.” Haley snorted, “I’ll pop to that f*****g b***h and TEAR HER TO PIECES!” Dylan clapped, “YES! I am on board with this plan.” I was getting a piece of that action. Odette’s mother was worse than even they knew. Aiden spoke, “You don’t have to do that, little sister. I’ve been trying to get a meeting with King Caspian Sargasso. Their timelines are so complicated and boring. I wanted to jump the line, so I tracked his mother down. I sent someone to keep her entertained when I was aware of what she was doing. The channels to reach King Caspian are complicated. I hadn’t told him I knew where his mother is yet.” WHAT?! He knew about Odette? Lux snarled, “You knew about my sister? Aiden snorted, “No, I did not, which is annoying. My guy told me there was an unforeseen factor, he did not mention it was a child. I would’ve come to speak to you Lux, since I would’ve known that she was your sibling. I actually didn’t know you had one. I clearly did not look into you deep enough. A mistake I won’t make again. I’d have gone to meet the girl myself, then gone to my sister’s wolf. Her features are unmistakable.” Matt growled, “How the f**k didn’t I not see that?” Aiden answered, “Morgana works with witches and her Siren talent is to keep things hidden. She was actually the queen of her clan until her son took over. Her talents are hard to break through. I’m sure she combined it with magic to confuse anyone specifically in this area. Those talents hold no power over me or my sisters. If the Conners had met her, they would know too. Since my sources tell me Melanie is the one who started it and shattered the magic. So, Obviously that magic doesn’t work on a goddess wolf either.” Dylan ate popcorn happily stating, “Obviously.” Alexander snarked, “Where the HELL are they? Melanie isn’t answering my links.” I started to pace. Were they in danger? Aiden sighed, “I have an idea.” Eric snarled, “Aiden.” Aiden answered, “If there was water around, and Odette’s been talking to her brothers…they might have mentioned how she could get to them. Since she clearly knows now it’s not the mob she might have tried to get to them.” I yelled, “Were you not watching that?” Aiden answered, “No, not really.” Lux said, “So, I go outside, find some water, jump in, and wish to see my sister. Problem solved.” Aiden shook his head, “No, you haven’t surfaced and she has. You need your siren side to do that. I’m impressed she could even do it.” I asked, “Why?” Aiden said, “Female sirens can’t open a portal to their realm at will. They have to be royal, trained, and it usually takes decades. They use their thrall to get out of things. They can go to known portals opened by the males, but to create one themselves…She’s quite powerful.” Dylan said, “So…are we going to talk about the makeup on our Alpha Holf’s neck? Because….I think he’s marked. What’s it look like?” Several pairs of eyes turned towards me. Nathan snarled, “WHAT?!” My dad growled, “Nathan…back off!” Lux asked, “You marked her?” I growled, “No, I didn’t mark her.” Dylan said, “But….she marked you.” I stared at him. Haley said, “That’s not the point right now. Aiden, how do we get to them? Are they safe? Odette is untrained. Could she have gone to anyone but Caspian?” Aiden shrugged, “I doubt that very much. She screamed for him. She was powerful enough to create a portal to them.” Haley asked, “Can we go to him?” Aiden frowned, “I can pop to their realm, yes. Going without an invitation is frowned upon.” I snarled, “f**k frowned upon! Odette needs us!” Haley grabbed Aiden's hand. She said, “Let’s go see this King Caspian then.” Eric growled, “With me.” I said, “And me.” Several people wanted to go as well. Aiden said, “We can’t all go. That’s a terrible idea.” Lux said, “But I could. I’m royalty. Their royalty.” I growled, “I’m her mate!” Emmett said, “I’m so glad you can say that now.” Aiden sighed, “Fine. Haley, me, Lux and Keaton will go.” Nathan growled, “I want to go see my pup.” Haley left Aiden’s side and went back to him. She promised, “I will bring her back to you, Nathan. I promise.” She kissed his forehead. Eric pulled Haley into him. He whispered, “Be safe.” He looked at Aiden who nodded. Eric released her. She grabbed my hand. My mom whispered, “Bring her back, Keaton.” I nodded. Lux asked, “Ok, what is the sea salt smell? It’s been faint over the years a few times, but it's been overwhelming lately.” Alpha Theo gasped. I said, “Scarlett Thunders smells like sea salt.” I had no sooner said that then Scarlett burst into the room. Lux locked eyes with her. He growled, “MINE!” Oh fantastic. Another delay. They couldn’t have figured this out sooner? Scarlett ran and threw her arms around him. He growled, “Where the HELL have you been? You live here.” I cut in, “She’s been abroad since she was sixteen. You all don’t come around if the Blue Moon pack is around. She only popped in for big events. She recently came back. Everyone is caught up. She can come with us. Let’s go.” Dylan snorted, “Alpha Holf is impatient. I’ll get you a good nickname, young holf. Don’t you worry.” Nathan said, “I agree with him. You guys need to get moving.” Dylan snorted, “Of course you do.” Lux asked, “What the hell is singing in my head?!” Aiden sighed, “Your siren. You met your mate/song. You are royal so that made yours surface.” Lux looked at me, “Odette’s been having something sing in her head this whole time?” I nodded. He snorted, “Great.” Scarlett said, “Alexandria caught me up. Let’s go get your sister.” Aiden said, “Yes, let’s.” Alexander was missing. What the hell? He wouldn’t leave. I grabbed Haley's hand. I felt arms around me the second we popped. I looked over my shoulder and snorted. Alexander had faded into the background. He had come back to go with us. Aiden nor Haley seemed surprised. We walked through a massive doorway and were surrounded by tridents. Lux hissed and growled at them. He groaned, “Great. Now, I have a complex.” Aiden ordered, “Lower your tridents. I am King Aiden Holloran with Prince Lux Sargasso. We need an audience with King Caspian immediately. We have reason to believe, Princess Odette Sargasso, Princess Delana Marmara, and Luna Melanie Conners are in this realm.” I asked, “Who is Delana Marmara?” Aiden answered, “The woman who gave Princess Odette the key to her cuffs.” Ok then. I asked, “So it’s their sister?” A man with a trident answered, “No, Princess Delana’s father has another clan. She’s from that one.” He eyed Lux. He said, “Hello long lost Prince Lux. We have been searching for you.” Lux snorted, “What a fine job you’ve done. I’m not hard to find. I’m also not the focus. I want to find my sister.” A guard hissed at him. Scarlett snarled at him. They back up. A man came running up. He stopped staring at Lux. He whispered, “Oh, my boy. Look at you.” Lux frowned in confusion. The man ran up to him. Aiden announced, “Former King Noxus, it’s a pleasure.” Noxus didn’t even look at him. He held Lux’s face. He smiled, “You’re strong, my boy.” Lux said, “You must be my mother’s mate.” Noxus winced, “We call them songs, and yes. I’m your stepfather..” Lux titled his head, “That makes sense since one is now singing in my head.” Noxus stepped back, “I’m sure that’s unsettling for you. You’ve been so long without yours if you just surfaced. I can tell it’s new.” Lux nodded. Noxus hissed, “How dare you raise a trident to my stepson! He is your prince! Get on your knees!” Lux said, “To be fair, they didn’t know that the whole time. Most lowered their weapons when Aiden announced me. Again, not the point.” I growled, “Where is Odette?” Noxus turned to me. He evaluated me. Haley put her hand on me. Noxus nodded, “You must be Odette’s song boy. Good. You are strong. Follow me.” I looked around. Alexander was missing again. We followed Noxus past people who were bowing to Lux. He clutched Scarlett close to him. I inhaled deeply but couldn’t get Odette’s scent. We walked into an empty throne room. Noxus turned, “I still can’t believe you are here, Lux. We’ve been searching for you and Odette. We knew you were safe though, and battling Morgana’s magic with Valdoma’s has been tough. There are several false Lux plants in Tennessee.” I asked, “Where is Odette?” Noxus smirked, “Where is the man you came with? There were six of you.” Haley said, “My son is around.” Noxus smiled, “Princess Haley, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” She nodded back to him. Noxus sighed, “When I find Morgana….” Aiden spoke, “I Know where she is King Noxus. I have a man keeping her entertained. It’s why I wished to have an audience with King Caspian.” Noxus snorted, “Of all the luck. We suspended outside request hearings because we were focused on finding Odette.” I interjected, “And she is…where? She came here, right?” Lux shot me a grateful look. Noxus sighed, “In a way.” I growled, “What does that mean?” Noxus sat down on the seashell throne and sighed. Channing snarled, “We should shift and go run around and find her ourselves. Alexander clearly went to go find them.” Yeah, I should’ve done that too. Next time, I’d go the sneaky route. CURSE MY JOB JOB AND IT'S INSANE DEADLINES. They are killing me man! I almost told my boss like I've got Ribbon universe things to do like go away with your deadline after deadline and re-dos of the re-dos. The Chapter. LUX SURFACED! Noxus is with Lux. Alexander is off faded into the background in the Siren realm. Where do we think he went? Did he stay with the group? Where are Odette, Melanie, and Delana? The Conners are reeling but Dylan is there for them. Keaton admitted Odette is his to everyone! They know he's marked. Is Keaton going to punch Lux later? WHAT IS TATUM?! Answers are coming :)
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