Lonely Life Pt. 3

3673 Words
When we got back, Jarchi gave me a hug. He said, “Do be on your best behavior. The school has everything ready for you to start in January.” He leaned down and whispered in my ear, “I hope the building manager calls about the epic new year’s eve party you throw. Have fun. I left a credit card for you in the apartment. Please use it. My maid will be stopping by for your grocery list requests twice a week. She will leave her number if you need anything, call her.” Tears filled my eyes. I’d never been this taken care of. Lux would’ve done this if he could. His dad was like Jarchi. One time, we hadn’t eaten in days so Lux called his dad to ask if he’d send us a pizza. He’d then sent groceries the next day with some of my favorite food and Lux’s. I wiped my tears and whispered, “Thank you, Jarchi.” He tapped my nose, “Of course. Someone needs to take care of you. The gym here and pool are open to you. They have an indoor and outdoor one. The building manager will give you a tour whenever you are ready.” I smiled at him. A pool. He said to my mom, “I’ll give you both a minute. I’ll be waiting in the car.” My mom and I went back to my apartment. When the door closed I said, “Mom, I really like him for you. I’ve never seen you smile like that. I’m glad you’re happy.” My mom actually smiled softly at me. She said, “He is charismatic and such fun. Would you like to have a sibling?” I was stunned. I asked, ‘You’re thinking of having another child?” My mom said, “He is a strong, handsome, charismatic man.” I told her, “Out of all the boyfriends I’ve met I think he would be the best dad, and like I said you actually smile with him mom. It would be nice to stay in one place for a while. If you’re that happy with him mom, I’d be happy for you.” At least my sibling would have a nice dad. One who would take care of them like Lux’s dad. Hell, Jarchi was taking care of me, and I wasn’t even remotely his child. My mom said, “I told Luke to give you a lot of space. I know you think I’m not a good mom, but he should not have done what he did. I don’t know where you learned to fight, and it’s not very ladylike Odette; however, Luke went about this the wrong way. There are things you do not know yet. He handled this as if you do, but you don’t.” I asked, “Know what?” My mother touched my cheek gently. She said, “One day, this will be explained. Right now isn’t the right time, and Luke has been told that.” I told her, “He said some strange things.” Her eyes darkened. She said, “Yes, I know. He’s a strange boy though. We’ve established that.” I snorted, “You got that right.” She smiled at me again. She said, “My beautiful baby girl. When school starts again, focus on your studies. Alright?” I nodded, “I will.” She kissed my cheek. She said, “Please behave while I’m gone, Odette. I think you’re right; it would be nice to stay in the same place for a while. That won’t be an option if there are incidents like the last few places we’ve stayed.” The warning was clear. Stay away from Nashville. I sighed but nodded. If we stayed for at least two years, I could go find Melanie. There would be nothing my mom could do about it. My mom kissed the top of my head. She told me, “Your information on your new name is on the counter. You will be known as Katie Karlton here. Just know that the things Jarchi provided for you is something Luke can do as well. Just think about it. He’s going to give you a lot of space, but just talk to him when you’re ready.” She left before I could tell her I’d be ready when it was a cold day in hell. I may not know about love, but I knew what Luke and I had wasn’t it. He was an abuser. He was toxic. I didn’t care if I lived in a shack as long as I loved who I was with and was loved back. I went to the counter. Jarchi had left a card with my name on it, Katie Karlton. How on earth had he done that? He didn’t know my name before we left his house. Yet here was a credit card with my new name on it. How did it even get here? The kitchen counter was bare when I first saw it. I shook myself. The trip here must have worn me out. I was missing things. I went into both bedrooms. There was a note from Jarchi. Odette, I styled this room with you in mind. If you don’t like anything feel free to replace it. Jarchi Ok, seriously. When did Jarchi have time to write all this stuff? I’d told him about my name in his house. He must have added my name before we went to the garage. That had to be it. The only other explanation was magic, and that was crazy. There was no such thing as magic. No matter how cool that would be. The room was blue and yellow. I actually really liked it. I went into the next room and gasped. There was a desk with a laptop sitting at it. I opened it up and it had Katie K listed as the user. He’d bought me a laptop? I quickly set everything up. I pulled up the Lux and Harrison Bartlett I’d found online that had business in Tennessee. I squealed in delight. The business was an hour and half from here. My heart began to pound. I began to dream of walking into the business and finding Lux. Would he be happy? Would he hug me? Would he just turn around and act like I wasn’t there? Harrison could be his half sibling. I knew my brother had other siblings on his dad's side. What if he loved him more than me? Tears welled up in my eyes. I resolved myself. Eventually, I’d go to that business. I could call them and try to get an appointment to see this Lux. It probably wasn’t even my brother. The Lux’s I’d found so far never ended up being him. I closed my laptop and went downstairs. The building manager instantly came over, “Hello Miss Katie. I would like to give you that tour.” I smiled, “Sure.” It was easily the nicest apartment I’d ever stayed in. There was even a hot tub. I asked, “Who owns the building?” The man smiled, “Oh, they are wonderful people. They don’t come here often, but we send them reports. Frank Daniels and Isaac Miller own this building. Their families own a lot of places around here. You’ll be in school with some of the Daniels and Miller kids. They are quite nice.” I nodded but didn’t say anything. Rich kids didn’t tend to be nice to people like me. Although, I’d never known Roxie was a rich kid. She never acted entitled like the other rich kids I’d met. So, I’d withhold judgment from the Daniels and Miller kids. The building manager gave me a map of the town. I eagerly explored. I smiled when I saw a bookstore. I walked in and walked to the front. I called, “Hello?” A girl with a big smile came running up. She said, “Oh gosh, so sorry. I was in the back reading a book.” I laughed, “I was wondering if you had an application to fill out. I love reading, and working here would be amazing.” The girl nodded, “Oh yeah, and you’re in luck. We are in fact looking to hire.” She handed me the application. I said, “I’m…Katie.” She smiled, “Hi Katie, I’m Immy. Imaghen but everyone calls me Immy. It was a last minute decision by my dad’s and mom to have me.” I asked, “Your dads and mom?” She laughed, “Oh my dads are together. My mom was more of an egg donor, but my other sibling's surrogate is actually their biological mom, and my siblings all call her mom. She’s my mom. My egg donor is more like my aunt. Has anyone ever told you that you’re stunning? You should meet some of my friends. They are hot. We are like family so I can’t go after them, but I have one in mind you’d suit quite well.” I laughed, “I’m not looking for any guys. I’ve had enough trouble with them.” She nudged me, “Or not enough trouble. Trust me. I have a good feeling about you and Keat…” I held up my hand and asked, “How old are you?” She smiled, “I’m sixteen.” I sighed in relief, “Me too. At least I’ll know someone on the first day of school.” Immy smiled, “I can’t wait. You seem like fun.” I handed her the application. She said, “Katie Karlton, huh? Your names are even cute together. Katie and Keaton. It’s happening. He needs some fun. He’s got a crazy ex.” I snorted, ignoring the warmth that spread through me at the mention of his name. I told her, “Then I definitely don’t want anything to do with him. I have my own crazy ex.” Immy smiled, “Oh, Keaton could scare him off. Trust me.” I rolled my eyes, “What? Is his grandma the big bad wolf?” Immy laughed so hard I couldn’t help but join her. She said, “Oh, you have no idea how funny that is. You’ll understand when you meet him though.” Ok? She said, “Well, you’re hired.” I gaped at her, “You can hire people?” She smiled, “My dad owns the place, and I won’t deny both my dads are wrapped around my finger. My brother Tony Jr. says…actually all of them say I’m the favorite. I’m the baby. So far anyway. One never knows what the future holds. Well, Angela does.” Who was Angela? I snorted, “You’re telling me. What’s your dad’s name?” She smiled, “Dads. Matt and Ted Miller.” Miller again. They really did own the whole town. Immy continued, “Daddy Matt owns this store, but my grandma Isabella manages it. We share a love of books and baking cakes. We sell slices here sometimes. Do you like cake?” I shrugged, “I’ve never had cake. My mom says it’s too fattening.” Immy gasped and look scandalized. She said, “Ok, we are fixing that immediately.” She ushered me out of the store and put up a closed sign. We went into a bakery. She told me, “Keaton’s sister in law owns this place. Her name is Alexandria.” Jesus Christ, who were these people?” She waved at someone and held up two fingers. She ushered me to a seat. Moments later slices of cake were brought out to us. I asked, “We aren’t starting with vanilla or chocolate cake?” Immy snorted, “How boring. This is a funfetti cake. You can try vanilla or chocolate cake with Keaton. I’m just not boring so we are having fun cake.” I laughed. I really liked her. I moaned when I tried the cake. It was delicious. We ended up getting dinner too. After we left I realized, “Hey, we didn’t pay for the cake or dinner.” Immy snorted, “They are owned by people I know. My big brother, Malachi, would make them run so many laps if they gave me a bill. We have an account. Yours was charged with mine.” Rich people lived such different lives. She was so fun but down to earth while at the same time not being down to earth. I really liked her. I asked, “Do you know how to drive?” She snorted, “Oh no. Daddy Ted keeps trying to teach me, but Daddy Matt is really overprotective. Grandpa Tony says he’ll teach me one day.” I smiled, “My mom’s boyfriend bought me a car, but I don’t know how to drive.” She squealed, “Keaton does! I bet he will teach you. That’s a perfect meet cute! That’s so happening.” I laughed, “Won’t I meet him at school?” Immy waved her hands, “That’s boring. This is way more fun. I’ll get Clara to tell me the exact date he’s coming home.” I laughed, “How many siblings do you have?” She answered while looking at her phone, “Six. I was the unplanned impromptu seventh. They are all so lucky my dad’s and mom decided to have me. I’m the most fun, and bring such color to their lives.” I told her, “I actually agree.” A shrill voice screamed, “Immy!” Immy groaned, “Ugh. Her.” I turned to see a beautiful blonde. Her eyes were crazy though. I shook myself. That was a mean thought. The girl sneered at me, “Who is she, Immy?” Immy answered, “My friend. What do you want, Lisa?” A boy came running over and put his arm around Lisa. He smiled at me, “Hi, I’m Justin.” I answered, “Katie.” Immy hummed. Like she knew it wasn’t true. Lisa asked, “I just wanted to ask about Keaton. When is coming home for good?” He wasn’t here? Why did that make me sad? Immy said, “I just want you to be hit by an anvil. We don’t all get what we want. Watch out though, mine could come true” An anvil? Was this Wylie Coyote? Immy grabbed me and walked away as the girl shrieked insults at her. I stopped when she called her a flighty b***h with no mom. Immy snorted, “I’m blessed with two dad’s and a mom.” The girl sneered, “Your biological mom doesn’t want you.” I saw red. Immy was a beautiful girl. I turned around. Immy said, “Uhhh what just happened? That felt like an aura shift.” I didn’t know what that meant. I hissed, “Shut up or I will shut you up, Lisa. Thanks for the heads up on who the queen mean girl in town is before school starts for me. I don’t understand girls like you. How miserable is your life that you feel the need to put others down. Immy told me she has a mom. That’s what matters. Trust me blood doesn’t mean anything to some people. You want ammo on me? My mom doesn’t like me and is rarely around. So you want to say something to my face about it? Or would you prefer to wait until I walk away?” She stared at me in shock. I snorted, “Of course not. You’re the type that’s all tough when people have their back to you. Not when you have to say it to their face. Pathetic.” I turned and walked back to Immy who was beaming. We walked away and she said, “That. was. AWESOME! No one dares talk to her like that.” I asked, “Why? Bullies often back down when confronted.” Immy sighed, “It’s complicated. That’s Keaton’s ex.” I snorted, “Well, she’s pretty.” I guess he was superficial. That thought hurt my heart. Immy said, “She’s ugly on the inside. Keaton saved her when they were kids. He’s seen it as his role to protect her ever since. She had him convinced until recently she was a pearly white angel and everyone else was mean to her.” I snorted. So he wasn’t superficial. He was manipulated. I felt bad for him. I’d seen that a lot too. My mom did it to men a lot. I said, “So, she’s the girl who cries wolf. Got it.” Immy laughed, “God, you’re so funny! I like you.” I smiled, “I like you too.” She said, “Let’s exchange numbers.” I sighed, “I don’t have a phone…well, I might. My mom’s new boyfriend got me a laptop and a car. I wouldn’t put getting me a phone out of the running.” Immy said, “Well, let’s head back to your place and see.” She clapped when we walked up. She said, “Grandpa Isaac owns this building.” I nodded. The building manager smiled at her when she walked in. They must know she’s the one of the owner’s granddaughter. We did in fact find a phone. A brand new top of the line phone. Jarchi pulled no punches. Immy programmed her phone number and texted herself. She said, “There.” I asked, “So, what’s your story? Do you have a boyfriend?” She laughed, “Yes, don’t tell my brothers. Or my dad’s.” I asked, “How do they not know? It seems you all run this town.” She winked, “Us women have our ways. He’s my fun for now guy.” I smiled at her. We hung out a little bit longer before she said she needed to pop on home. I actually missed her when she left. She was such a happy person. I got online and finished some work for my old school. I got an email from Isabella Miller with my hours and e-forms to fill out so I could work for her. It took a while because I had to go through the papers my mom had left for me for the information. I’d hung out with Immy several times leading up to Christmas. She talked about her big family get together. I envied her. I wish I had that. She insisted we decorate my apartment. We’d even got a tree and decorated it. She’d snuck over some alcohol. It was my first time having it. We laughed and danced around my apartment all night. When Christmas rolled around I wasn’t going to get out of bed until a knock came. I groaned and got out of bed. The building manager was there with a cart full of presents. I gasped, asking, “What is this?” I’d exchanged presents with Immy the day prior. He pulled the cart in and said, “Compliments of your mother and Mr. Jarchi.” Tears filled my eyes. I knew they were all from Jarchi. My mother didn’t care about Christmas. I took out my phone and sent him a text thanking him profusely. I’d call but I didn’t really know if my mom knew about all the things he’d gotten me. I didn’t want her to take this phone like my last one. The building manager unloaded the presents and put them under the tree. I asked him, “What’s your name?” He said, “Kenneth.” I teased, “Miller?” He laughed, “No, Ms. Karlton. I live on the Daniels land though. They are great employers.” He seemed like one. I said, “Well, go on. Get out of here and spend time with your family.” Kenneth snorted, “Oh no. Then I’d have heard about how I need to travel and focus on finding my soulmate. I worked really hard to become the building manager of this property. I paid my dues and worked my way up. I’m proud of it, and I don’t want to travel just yet.” I told him, “What if your soul mate came here and you were gone traveling?” Kenneth laughed, “That’s an excellent argument. I’m going to use it.” I smiled at him. He left me alone with my presents. I laughed and happily opened them all. He’d gotten me clothes for school, wireless Bluetooth headphones, a backpack, and several other things. This man was too good for my mom. He just was. I went over to the fridge and got out some sparkling grape juice. I poured two glasses like I did every year and whispered “Merry Christmas Lux.” I clinked the glass together like he’d taught me and drank mine. A tear slipped out of my eyes and before I knew it, I was sobbing. I cried, “I miss you Lux. So much.” I looked around my fancy apartment and it reaffirmed everything for me. I’d rather be alone in a shoebox than lonely in a relationship with someone like Luke. My mom might care about what someone can provide her, but I didn’t. I just wanted to be loved. I shoved those thoughts aside. First, I was going to find Lux. That was my main goal for the New Year. I was going to find my big brother and hopefully he wouldn’t leave me again this time. Author Note: hmmm. What was Roxie and her family? What is Jarchi? Who can't wait to see how Odette and Keaton meet? Will Immy get her way with her meet cute? Or will it be "boring" at school? ;) join my F B group the ribbon novels to discuss. We have fun!
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