Cinnamon Rolls Pt. 1

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Keaton looked around the living room. I left to go get a drink. The second I was in the kitchen my mom flashed in. She crossed her arms. I held up my hands, “Whoa….I didn’t do whatever you’re mad about. I swear.” My mom asked me, “You didn’t invite Lisa?” I snorted, “No.” My mom gritted her teeth. She said, “The only reason I didn’t kick her out is she said you invited her and I want you kids to make your own decisions in life.” I told her, “Mom, if she ever says from here on out I invited her somewhere….She’s lying. I’m done.” My mom said, “You’ve said that before.” I winced, “I mean it this time. She’s with Justin. It’s all over the pack. She’s not my mate, it’s over.” My mom tried not to show her relief. I snorted, “You can say what you want to mom.” She said, “Well, she’s certainly not my choice for you, Keaton. I know you. I know there are things you kept to yourself about her. I don’t like how she made you feel. You shrunk and hunched your shoulders when you were around her. You are my sensitive child, but you are fierce. Lisa is the type of girl who makes a man afraid to cast a shadow. No one needs that in their life.” I hugged her, “Thanks mom.” She told me, “I just want what’s best for you guys.” I smiled, “I have hope I’ll find her.” She studied me then nodded. We walked back out where everyone was still recovering from all the Turkey Sally made for Thanksgiving. May flashed over to me. I smiled at her. She was seventeen, and one of Sally and Derrick’s kids. She also had a serious crush on my twin that he was oblivious too. I smiled, “Hi May.” She grinned at me. She gave me a hug, “We’ve missed you around here, Keaton.” I laughed, “I’m sure you missed someone else more.” She blushed bright red and muttered, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I whispered, “He missed you too.” He’d mentioned it once or twice. If those two didn’t end up being mates, I’d be stunned. May asked, “Really? He did? I mean….” She trailed off as Keith walked in the door. I saw my mom nudge Sally as Keith grinned and walked over to May. He picked her up and twirled her around. He said, “Hey May! How’s school been going?” May blushed, “Oh it’s been going good!” My Aunt Susie said, “I hear several boys are interested in you miss May.” Keith tensed. May shrugged, “Oh well….” Aunt Susie laughed, “You’re lucky. I heard the boy that took you to the school dance didn’t face the firing squad like Sebastian did with my brothers. They even knew we were mates.” May quickly said, “We are just friends.” Keith muttered, “Excuse me.” He stormed outside. Aunt Susie smirked, asking, “Was it something I said?” My dad groaned, “Susie…..” Aunt Susie winked. She said, “May, would you go give Keith his pie. He loves your mother’s pie and he walked out without a piece.” My mother was trying not to laugh. May grabbed the plate and quickly sped outside to Keith. My dad muttered, “My sister and her operations. You’d think they’d end, but somehow they just keep on going.” I laughed. Ever since we were little Aunt Susie had her operations that she would run. My favorite was when she would run her operations called get a clue. I’m sure that’s what she was pulling on Keith right now. Uncle Sebastian kissed her. My Uncle Cameron, Uncle Ollie, and my dad groaned. Uncle Sebastian pulled back and teased them, “You really have to get over this guys.” Aunt Susie giggled. I didn’t see Keith for several hours. I did see him try to sneak up the stairs. I waited a few minutes then went after him. He was laying on his bed in his room. I asked, “What’s wrong?” Keith shrugged. I teased him, “I don’t need twin intuition to know that something is wrong.” Keith sighed, “I like her.” I didn’t need to ask who the her he was referring to was. I smiled at him, “Welcome to what everyone has known since we were little. You and May like each other. It's seriously about time you both caught on.” Keith shot up and grabbed me by the collar. I asked, “Uhh hey grabby hands, what gives?” Keith asked, “She likes me?” I gaped at him. I answered, “Keith, you’ve got to be kidding. May has been in love with you since she could crawl. She’s one of the few people who never gets us mixed up. She literally used to crawl around after you. Then it was walking. She blushes whenever anyone says your name. We all are aware she likes you. She might be the only person who doesn’t know you like her too.” Keith let me go. He muttered, “I didn’t say I liked her.” I snorted, “You never talk about the girls you are with around her.” Keith said, “Hey, I don’t date anyone.” I rolled my eyes, “Yes, I’m aware. You could date the girl you actually like though.” Keith admitted, “It’s already borderline if I’ll beat this s**t out of her mate. If I were dating her, I might tear him apart, and then she’d hate me.” I asked, “And if you are her fated mate?” Keith smiled softly, then said, “Well, then I don’t have to beat anyone up. Come on, May is too good for me. She does all this volunteer work. She’s a straight A student. She’s the sweetest soul I’ve ever met.” I interrupted, “You are a straight A student too. Continue.” Keith glared at me. He sighed, “She’s perfect. She’s never known a stranger. She’s nice to everyone, and everyone loves her. So of course the second I’m not in school the guys pounce.” I offered, “To be fair, several guys almost approached her, but you’re whole I’ll kill you if you breathe in her direction vibe put them off.” Keith sighed. He admitted, “I know she dates. That one guy was alright.” That one guy was a visiting Alpha’s son who was our friend. I snorted, “You like Future Alpha Jack Finnigan.” His father was Alpha Clyde. His kids were also wolf/fairy mixes. We saw them often enough because they went to Black Mountain for fairy training lessons. Keith shrugged, “Like I said he was fine, but a lot of those guys don’t deserve someone like May. She’s special. She’d be an amazing Luna.” I tilted my head, “Not to state the obvious, but you’re going to be an Alpha. So…Luna May.” Keith ran a hand through his hair, “I know that.” I asked, “Why are you so worked up about this tonight?” Keith groaned and threw himself backwards onto his bed. He whispered, “I kissed her.” I laughed, “Finally.” Keith threw his pillow at me. I dodged it. I laughed, “You’ll have to do better than that. I’m fast.” Keith asked, “Can we go back to your girl problems?” I held up my hands, “I’m single. You kissed May because Aunt Susie said she went on a date.” Keith growled, “Tony is supposed to tell me when these things happen.” I laughed, “I’m shocked your future Beta didn’t want to tell you the girl you liked was going on a date. It’s almost like he knew how you would react.” Keith’s choice as a beta was going to be big. My dad and brother were proud he wanted Tony Jr. as his Beta. I was proud too. This pack’s Beta position was always making history in packs. A beta with no wolf blood was going to stand beside my brother. There was no denying that Tony Jr. was the right man for the position. When she was going by Ashley Griffen, Melanie proved those without wolves could handle the positions of power. She was a force of nature. Alexander and Melanie made a lot of sense. I left Keith’s room after some more light teasing. The morning after we went back to Gray Stone. Keith spent a lot of time texting May. For a guy who didn’t do girlfriends, he was well on his way to getting one. A little before Christmas Clara called me. I answered, “Well, if it isn’t the Beta to my Alpha.” Clara laughed, “Oh, just you wait. You’re in for it, Keaton.” I groaned, “Why? I didn’t do anything?” Clara taunted, “Immy said she found the perfect girl for you.” Now I really groaned. I pleaded, “Come on, Clara. Help me out here.” Clara laughed, “You know no one can deny Immy. She’s got a new friend.” I muttered, “She makes friends all the time.” Clara said, “That’s true. She said this girl has a good aura.” Normally, I’d say bullshit, but that was one of Immy’s powers. She could read people’s auras. She said Lisa had the worst aura in the pack. Immy was just too nice to tell many people that so not even Lisa knew. I told Clara, “I’m not looking to date.” Clara was quiet then said, “It wouldn’t be the worst thing. Immy isn’t sure what this girl is. Says she makes hilarious comments about wolves. Immy said it’s strange because she doesn’t seem to realize why it’s funny.” I asked, “Is she human? Because she might actually not know it’s funny.” Clara swore, “Hand to god, Keaton Immy says she’s some supernatural kind just not one Immy has met. Yet it feels like she has. My half fairy, hood sibling is all twitterpated with excitement with her new mysterious friend.” I asked, “Do you like her?” Clara admitted, “I haven’t met her yet. She’s working in the bookstore with Immy though. You’ve been offered up for driving lessons.” I snorted, “I’m not getting in a car with Immy. No way. No how.” Clara laughed, “You misunderstood. You’re teaching Immy’s friend to drive.” I yelled, “Oh come on!” Clara laughed, “Immy promised, Keaton.” I cursed, “That smart little s**t! Great! I’m teaching driving lessons. Who is this girl?” Clara laughed, “I’ve been told I can’t tell you her name. Apparently this should raise your intrigue about this new girl.” I groaned, “It raises my irritation. So, this is a new girl?” Clara said, “Yup. She’s starting the school year with us. Immy said it’s really sad actually. Her mom took off with a new boyfriend who did get this girl a bunch of nice stuff. Immy said she gets the sense her new friend hasn’t had nice things. She also said the whole mom ditching her in an apartment while she jets off with a boyfriend isn’t new. Immy said her new friend is very lonely.” Now I felt bad. That sounded awful. I pointed out, “Well, now Immy is on the case. This girl will have more friends than she knows what to do with soon.” Clara laughed, “Oh yeah. Immy plans to introduce her to May, Lee, and Brian.” Lee and Brain were twins. Lee was Immy’s best friend. They were our lead warriors Carry and Kincade’s kids. One of many anyway. Haley and Eric were responsible for Lee and Brian being conceived. They released magic in our area. Kincade often says he didn’t mind it one bit. Their youngest sibling was Adeline. They were in the middle of Kincade and Carry’s pups. For some reason Channing felt very possessive about Lee and Brian meeting this girl. I growled. Clara asked, “What happened?” I honestly answered, “I don’t know.” I linked, “Channing, what’s wrong?” Channing was practically pacing. He huffed, “We should meet her first. We are giving her driving lessons.” I rolled my eyes at him. Weird wolf. I told Clara, “What else do you know about this girl?” Clara cackled, “Oh my god! Immy was right. I didn’t tell you her name and now you want to know more. How does that girl know so many things?” I rolled my eyes but waited for her to tell me. Clara continued, “Immy said she’s beautiful. Like picture model perfect pretty. She has long blonde hair with blue eyes, and Immy said I had to say this as a direct quote to you ‘full pouty lips.’ Apparently she has an hourglass figure and she’s about five foot eight.” Well she sounded pretty. Maybe giving her driving lessons wouldn’t be terrible. Clara snickered before adding, “Oh, and uh some people are pretty pissed you’re going to give this girl driving lessons. The green eyed jealousy monster has been set loose on the pack. She’s told everyone this girl is the ugliest, rudest girl alive and the pack needs to avoid her at school.” I growled. Clara laughed, “Interesting. No one is listening to her of course because Immy loves her, and everyone loves Immy; whereas no one was like the shrill harpy of Yellow Hills.” I said, “Hey, her voice isn’t her fault.” Clara groaned. I added, “How did Lisa meet this girl?” Clara growled now, “She ran into her and Immy in town by the bookstore. She gave Immy s**t about her biological mother not wanting her.” I stared at my phone before I growled, “She what?!” Clara said, “Right? I know! Emmett punished her. She has kitchen duty the rest of the month. This girl, who is quite possibly my new favorite person, got in Lisa’s face about it. According to Immy she stunned her into silence.” A strange feeling of pride settled in my chest. I said, “Good for her. No one gives Immy, Tony Jr, Annie, or Bryce s**t about their biological mom. They were so beyond wanted by Matt, Ted, Joanie, and even Drisenella. She just wants to be the fun aunt in their life. Which is fine because Joanie wants to be their mom.” Clara said, “You’re preaching to the choir. Momma Joanie is the best.” I muttered, “I can’t believe Lisa said that Immy.” Clara snorted, “I can. Anyway, Lisa is trying to get the whole pack after this girl. Your brother, being the Alpha, has had to have a sit down chat with her. He’s told her if he gets one call about Lisa bullying this girl there will be hell to pay. Guess what she told him?” I frowned, “Hopefully that there will be no problems with her and said girl who is Immy’s nameless friend.” Clara laughed, “Oh my naive adorable Alpha friend of mine, no. She told Emmett that he would be sorry he talked to her like that when you came home. That you’d be mad at him, and it would make things hard to run everything together when she was your Luna.” I stared at my phone. I told her, “I’ll call you back.” Clara muttered, “Bye Keaton.” I called Emmett. He answered, “Hello Keaton.” I said, “Uhh no. My ex-girlfriend threatened you…WITH ME…and you don’t even call me. What the hell Emmett?” Emmett said, “I can handle a teenager, Keaton. Though I appreciate your concern.” I gaped at the phone. I yelled, “She said she was going to be my Luna…to my brother! The Alpha…after practically threatening you.” Emmett said, “I am aware. She has been reprimanded. Grandpa seems to have developed an interest in any situation that has to do with Lisa. He is overseeing her punishment. Care to explain why all of a sudden Grandpa cares so much about Lisa?” I blushed. Keith’s voice came from the doorway, “Interesting blush.” I jumped. I linked, “Channing!” He replied, “Channing is busy thinking about the girl we are giving driving lessons to. Hush.” He closed our link. Weird freaking wolf. Emmett asked, “Why would you blush, Keaton?” I rubbed the back of my neck, “Grandpa is grandpa, Emmett.” Keith said, “It’s about those papers you burned.” Emmett asked, “Papers?” I snorted, “Don’t act like you don’t know things Emmett. It’s insulting.” Emmet snorted. Keith said, “Grandpa started being weird about Lisa after that. What I can’t figure out is why. Lisa barely writes papers for schools. She uses you as an excuse to every teacher that’s a werewolf.” I asked, “Huh?” Emmett said, “Come again?” Keith smiled, “Look at that. I knew something Emmett didn’t. Anyway, then you burned the papers, and now grandpa is watching Lisa like a hawk.” Emmett offered, “He’s doing more than that.” I looked at Keith who shrugged. I asked, “What do you mean?” Emmett said, “It’s not come to anything yet. I’ll let you know if it does. I just don’t know why he’s doing it. What was in those papers that pissed off grandpa?” I groaned, “Can we not talk about this?” Emmett said, “Fine.” Keith added, “For now. I still want to know.” I looked down at the floor. Emmett broke the silence, “I can handle Lisa and her threats. Trying to separate me from my brother is an act of aggression against our family, and I will not stand for that. She’s been thoroughly chastised by her parents and siblings.” Keith snorted, “I bet she didn’t even look contrite. She thinks she has Keaton wrapped around her finger.” Emmett agreed, “You’re not wrong, Keith.” We heard someone knock on his door. He said, “I have to go.” I looked at Keith, “She’s gone crazy.” Keith snorted, “Gone? She’s gone crazy, Keaton? She’s been crazy the whole damn time. Gone crazy. That’s the most ridiculous things I’ve heard. She’s literally been crazy since they moved here. From what I understood from her old pack, she didn’t have friends there either. She was a loner, and her voice didn’t sound like nails on a chalkboard.” I frowned, “You talked to her old pack.” Keith raised an eyebrow, “Of course I did. She’s got my twin all twisted up in knots. I found out everything about her all the way down to the power outage at the pack hospital the night she was born. Even the generators knew she was bad news.” I snorted, “That’s mean.” Keith said, “It’s accurate.” We sat in silence for a little bit. Eventually Keith said, “Well, that’s progress. I said something not nice about Lisa, and all you did was say it was mean. Normally, you’d yell at me.” I winced. He was right. Channing unblocked our link and took over to say, “Who cares about her and her reports anymore. We are giving driving lessons.” He let me take back over. Keith raised his eyebrows. He asked, “So, that gave me several questions and answers. Obviously, the papers you burned were reports. Reports of what? I’m surprised Channing is excited about giving driving lessons to Immy’s new friend.” I quickly asked, “Do you know her name?” Keith snorted, “Yes. Tony and May told me.” I retorted, “I have questions now about May, your new girlfriend.” Keith shrugged but didn’t deny it. He didn’t say anything so I prodded, “Are you going to tell me Immy’s friends name?” Keith laughed, “May swore me to secrecy. I am intrigued that you're not upset with this girl for reading Lisa the riot act.” I shrugged, “Lisa shouldn’t have said that about Immy. Or about any of the Miller kids.” Keith nodded, “I agree. Normally, you’d be mad at someone for being rude to Lisa. You’d still be upset with her for saying that though. Then you’d have to spend thousands of dollars to make Lisa happy again.” I snorted, “Yeah, I’ve had to spend a lot of money to keep her happy.” Keith snorted, “You’re lucky you and I have opened a few businesses. I don’t think anyone would’ve given you that money since it was ridiculous. You shouldn't have to buy someone’s forgiveness.” I muttered, “I shouldn’t have had to do a lot of things I did with Lisa for anyone who cares about me.” Keith said, “You said it, but I’m agreeing. One hundred and twenty percent, little brother.” I snorted. When Christmas rolled around I was nervous. Keith asked me, “What gives?” I sighed, “I don’t want Lisa to be there today. I’m worried she’ll try to ruin Christmas like she did Thanksgiving.” Keith told me, “Don’t worry. I’m all over that already. I told Tony to make sure she wasn’t there. He and Clara were more than happy with that assignment.” I groaned, “She’s already there, isn’t she?” Keith said, “No, she tried to get in. Tony and Clara were keeping her out when Grandpa showed up. He sent them inside. Whatever he said to Lisa had her running away from the main house like her hair was on fire. That’s a direct quote. Which leads me to Channing’s comments. Was she giving you boyfriend reports or some s**t?” I snorted, “Kind of.” Channing growled, “No.” Keith raised an eyebrow. I spoke out loud to Channing. “They kind of were.” Channing growled. Keith said, “Ok, solve your crisis with your wolf. If he feels so led to tell my wolf what’s going on…that would be great.” Stone, Keith’s wolf, and Channing were as close as we were. Channing wasn’t telling Stone because of me though. I just didn’t need everyone to know about that. We walked out of Gray Stone’s pack house and shifted. We ran home. Stone snarled at Lisa who was waiting behind the hospital for us to show up. She was sobbing. Keith linked me, “Leave it.” I shifted back and grabbed some shorts. I asked, “What’s wrong Lisa?” She cried, “Your grandpa said awful things to me, Keaton! How could you tell him about our private life!” I told her, “I didn’t tell him. Technically, you did.” Lisa stopped crying to gape at me. I shrugged, “He read the papers.” She hit my arm, “You should’ve hid them better!” I nodded, “Sure. Of course it’s my fault. Look, Merry Christmas, Lisa. I hope you and your family have a good one. I truly do.” Lisa quietly asked, “Can I spend the day with you?” I said, “After you threatened my older brother and the Alpha of the pack? No. After we broke up and you have a boyfriend? Also no. After you disparaged and tried to make a beloved member of this pack and the Beta’s daughter cry over her parentage? Again no. I won’t have you around Immy. She’s a fun loving kid, and you tried to cut her down.” Lisa snorted, “She’s sixteen. She’s hardly a kid.” I shrugged, “Immy will always be a kid in my head. She’s like my own little sister.” Lisa frowned, “I would never say anything like that Allison.” I countered, “So you’d only talk back to Emmett? He’s the Alpha, Lisa. What were you thinking?” Lisa started crying again. I wanted to give in but Channing didn’t. Lisa asked, “What is wrong with you?” I frowned, “I asked you that already.” Lisa stomped her foot, “I’m just going crazy because I don’t get to see you. I would never disrespect Emmett otherwise. He disparaged our relationship. I reacted. You can’t blame me for that!” I told her, “We do not have a relationship. You aren’t even in the pack I’m going to be the Alpha of.” Lisa crossed her arms, “I want to transfer into that pack. I only want you as my Alpha.” I told her, “That wouldn’t work out.” Lisa cried, “But if you’re not my Alpha I’d be demoted to Omega.” I shrugged, “Then earn warrior status.” Lisa hit my arm again. She gasped, “How could you say that to me?” I told her, “That's what I’d say to everyone.” A growl sounded from our side. I turned to see my grandpa’s wolf. He snapped at Lisa. She jumped. I laughed, “Ratchet, it’s ok.” Lisa hit my arm again, “He growled at me.” I said, “It’s my grandpa and his wolf, Lisa. He’s not going to do anything to you.” She hit my arms again. Ratchet snarled at her. I told him, “It doesn’t hurt.” He chuffed at me. Channing linked me, “Ratchet said he doesn’t care. She hits you again, and she’ll be punished for hitting another pack member.” Oh boy. Grandpa really was mad. I told Lisa, “Stop hitting me or you’re going to be punished for hitting another pack member.” Lisa sneered, “Then you’ve gotten weak over in Gray Stone. I told you that you need me. I make you better.” My grandpa shifted back, “You vicious little girl! GET OUT of my eyesight before I throw you in the dungeons. I won’t even let you out until I good and well feel like it. Here’s a spoiler alert for you…I will not feel like letting you out for SUCH a long time. I’m not talking days, months, or weeks here. I’m thinking years are in order. I’m only not giving into that instinct because it’s Christmas. So take my goodwill, cheer for the holidays, and run back to your house, Lisa. Stay away from my grandson.” She glared at me as if it were all my fault then ran away. My grandpa walked over and clapped me on the back. He said, “Let’s run home, Keaton.” We shifted and ran the rest of the way back. My dad was waiting by the back door. He looked at my grandpa. We shifted and grabbed the clothes waiting for us. My dad asked, “Dad, care to explain why Keith announcing Lisa was waiting to talk to Keaton had you running out the back door and shifting?” My grandpa said, “I couldn’t wait one more second to see my grandson. Let’s go inside, kid. Your mom is missing you something fierce.” My dad narrowed his gaze on my grandpa, but didn’t say anything else. We walked inside. Allison squealed and ran over to me. She jumped into my arms. I said, “Hey Allison.” She kissed my cheek and admitted, “I’ve missed you, Keaton.” I told her, “I’ll be home after New Year’s.” Allison held up her pink finger asking, “Promise?” I smiled and set her down. I gave her my pinky and said, “I promise.” I saw Arden and ruffled his hair. I said, “Hey squirt.” He yelled, “Keaton!” He straightened his hair then gave me a hug. I laughed and pulled him in tightly. Keith linked me, “Is everything ok?” I answered, “Of course.” Keith snorted, “Really? Grandpa dropped his whiskey when he heard you were talking to Lisa. He growled, Keaton. What the actual f**k?” I replied, “He’s protective.” Keith rolled his eyes at me, “Tell me something I don’t know. For example, why was that his reaction?” I shrugged him off. Emmett was looking at me out of the corner of his eye. May was slowly inching over to Keith. Clara walked up to me next to give me a hug. She whispered, “Your mom is in the kitchen.” I walked in and surprised her from behind, giving her a hug.
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