Lonely Life Pt. 2

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Luke was mystified when I broke up with him after that. He said I was overreacting, and I’d be back. He was wrong. If he had loved me he would’ve explained he wanted me to get help instead of hurting me. As crazy as it was, I’d seen many relationships throughout the high schools I’d attended between juniors and seniors like Roxie and her boyfriend. They loved each other. I knew without a doubt Kaiser would do anything for Roxie and she would do the same. Kaiser wouldn’t even throw a dodgeball at Roxie when they were on opposing teams in gym class. Was it so wrong I wanted someone to love me the way he loved Roxie? I didn't really have a good example other than the teenagers I saw. I did have some stories my older brother told me. Lux told me about how his dad was with his stepmom. It seemed like a fairy tale. I was definitely not going to model my relationships after my mom’s boyfriends. Some were handsy jerks. Then some looked like they aged twenty years from being with my mom for a few months. I understood those guys. My mom was a lot to deal with. If I could dump her I would. I’d considered emancipation several times, but then my mom’s boyfriend's wouldn’t pay for my apartment. I barely made enough to cover utilities and food. I couldn’t afford rent. I had to be practical. Once I turned eighteen, I’d leave the second she left me alone. There was nothing she could do at that point. I’d left once when I was fifteen and the cops tracked me down. They called me a runaway. I told them they didn’t do their job and help me. They’d called CPS. We left and changed our names before they could do anything. No one helps someone like me. Having Thanksgiving with some…acquaintances would be nice though. When the final bell rang I was ready to go. I waved to Roxie and her boyfriend. She ran over to me and handed me printed out directions to her house. I smiled, “Thanks Roxie. I’ll see you for lunch.” She nodded, “We’ll be expecting you. I can’t wait.” Ok? I shrugged at her and left. I spent my first day of break working. I emailed my mom asking if she was coming home for Thanksgiving. I didn’t know why I was bothering. She didn’t care about the holidays. If it weren’t for Lux, I wouldn’t know that most people get presents on Christmas. I hadn’t gotten one since my last Christmas with Lux. He bought me a small teddy bear. I’d managed to keep it all these years. Probably something else that was silly. People always leave me. I didn’t actually begrudge Lux for getting away from our mom. If I knew my dad, I’d do the same. I just wish I knew how to find my brother. Not knowing his last name was really unhelpful. I thought Lux was a unique enough name. I was wrong. There were a lot of people with that name in Tennessee where I was born and lived for several years. I knew Lux’s dad lived in Tennessee in the past. It was maddening. I ended up at the library. Trying to find anything for Lux. There were a few Lux’s who owned businesses. I emailed a few of them. I couldn’t find the actual email address for Lux Bartlett. He and his brother or family members had several businesses together. His relative's name was Harrison Bartlett. Lux had other half siblings, but I didn’t know their names. I found a few profiles under that name on f******k, but they didn’t have pictures viewable to anyone who wasn’t their friend. The ones I could see pictures of weren’t my brother. Two profiles had pictures of wolves instead of their pictures. Weirdos. When did it become so hard to cyberstalk people? I sighed. Maybe Roxie could help me. I’d sat by my fair share of girls in class who needed to be recruited by the FBI. They could get any information on the guy they liked in seconds. If I knew my brother’s last name, I bet they could help me find him. I groaned and put my head down on the desk. Several people shh’d me. I rolled my eyes and got up. I walked back to my apartment. I woke up on Thanksgiving alone. I went to check the mail and found a postcard from my mom. It didn’t even say Happy Thanksgiving. Just her name. Typical. I sighed and decided to not think about her today. I got ready to go see Roxie. I was excited to actually have somewhere to spend Thanksgiving. I’d never been to someone’s house. When we lived in Maine, a woman looked after me like I was her own. I wished she were my mom. She came over and cooked for me. Those were the best eight months. My mom never found out about Nalena. I actually called her Aunt Nova. For some reason she had people call her Nova. I sighed thinking about her today. She told me that she felt we’d meet again someday. I hoped with everything in me she was right. Once I’d finished my makeup and picked an outfit I walked outside. I’d never minded cooler weather or walking. I didn’t have a car. I didn’t even know how to drive. I mean I did in theory. I knew which pedals did what. I’d just never driven a car. I made my way through the town in the area. I was headed into a woodsy area that was more secluded. It felt like my very soul was at peace. Which was odd. I’d never even been camping. Why would the forest make me happy? I shrugged it off. The hair on the back of my neck began to stand up. I faintly heard a hissing in my mind. What the hell? I stopped walking. Something in me longed for the water. Ok, I really needed to get whatever hormonal teenage thing this was under control. There was no water around. Was I thirsty? No….I wanted to be in the water. I shook myself. This was ridiculous. I called out, “Who is there?” Ten men came out from the tree. One of whom was Luke. I sighed. Luke said, “I have a lesson to teach you.” I snorted, “You’re kidding me. What lesson?” Luke said, “Not to upset me.” I gaped at him then rolled my eyes. I asked, “You need nine other men to help you teach me that lesson? That’s moderately sad.” Luke said, “I don’t need them.” I rolled my eyes, “So they are here to intimidate me?” The old me would’ve been crying by now, but I wasn’t that girl anymore. Melanie had awoken a different side of me. I was strong. I was not going down without a fight. In fact, I was excited to fight. Man, I needed some serious therapy. Luke nodded. The first guy was strangely fast. I opened my mouth and a hiss came out. Everyone froze. I clapped a hand over my mouth. Luke said, “That’s not possible. She’s not old enough and she’s not been taught how to…” One guy cleared his throat. Luke instantly shut up. I asked, “Old enough for what?” The guy who had been approaching me did so cautiously now. I raised an eyebrow at him. He’d been ready to come at me, but a simple hiss stopped him. I taunted him, “Why don’t you come closer?” Several people gasped. Jesus. What now? The guy seemed unable to stop himself. I watched in shock as he came towards me like he was on autopilot. Whatever. That worked in my favor. When he reached me his eyes cleared. He went for a punch, but after working with Melanie it was obvious. I blocked it and countered. I hit him in the family jewels. He went down to his knees, and I broke his nose. I heard the one coming from behind. I did a spinning kick and he went down. I’d been practicing, but he flew back from me with such force that he hit a tree and groaned. He must have been running super-fast. I wasn’t sure how the physics of what I’d just seen worked out, but I didn’t have time to contemplate it. The rest of the group rushed me. Luke hissed, “You learned how to fight.” I blocked his punch and heard the satisfying crush of his nose. Luke had very distinct features. He had dark brown hair and light brown eyes. His features were very defined and he was very into his looks. I used to think he was quite handsome. Now I saw the face beneath his features, and I didn’t care for it. He was an ugly soul. He screamed as blood spurted out of his mouth. The fight was intense. I couldn’t take eight on one. I knew that, but I did my best. It didn’t feel like bragging to say my best was pretty darn good given the circumstances. I’d taken several hits. I’d been grabbed, but Melanie taught me how to use that. If your arms are held or tied that’s ok because your legs are a powerhouse. My head was pounded with pain. My ribs were on fire, but I didn’t give up. Luke hissed, “You know this is hopeless you can’t take us all. Lay down and take it! You deserve it.” I spat at him. Not surprised to see the blood on his cheek. I told him, “I did nothing to deserve this. You are sick, and I will fight you.” He muttered “Damn mutt blood.” I frowned at him. What the hell? A howl rang out followed by more. Yet again I felt an odd sensation I should not feel at this moment. Relief. Wolves coming should not relieve me. That was a problem. Wild animals did not need to be added to this situation. One guy threw me over his shoulder. I kicked him in the stomach and we went down. I hit my head on a rock. Everything spun. I saw a wolf jump on one of the men who hadn’t gotten far enough away. The wolves seemed to stop at a line. As if it were a boundary they wouldn’t cross. They snarled in anger. Luke and his friends hissed. This was easily the weirdest Thanksgiving of all time. I heard a scream, “TESS!” That sounded like Roxie. I whispered, “Get…out…of…here…it’s…not…safe, Rox….” My world faded to black. I dreamed of a pack of wolves. Not the ones I’d just seen, but a group of five wolves. They were all black. One was clearly the dad. This was a family. The other black wolves were so striking. They were free in a way I wished I was. Other wolves joined them. One by one the female wolves went to a black wolf. Until a human went to the wolf. She was stunningly beautiful. People said my mother was beautiful, but this woman surpassed her. She had auburn hair and green eyes. I gasped as she approached the largest black wolf. He purred under her touch. The previously fierce looking wolf was putty in her hand. I whispered, “He loves her.” All their eyes shifted to mine. The second largest wolf who had no one beside him whined at me. It was as if he was asking me to join him. The woman held out her hand. I smiled and reached for her. Hissing sounds filled the air from behind me. I looked around towards the woman. Her eyes began to blaze gold. She suddenly was right next to me. She had almost grabbed me when I was pulled back screaming. I heard snarling. The wolves were all trying to get to me, but I was too far away. Had that woman teleported? That was a strange dream. I heard beeping and arguing. I forced my eyes open. My mom was yelling at a man she would normally be seducing. He was strikingly handsome. I asked, “What….what happened?” My mother hissed, “I had to cut my trip short, and deal with these….people. Because you couldn’t do what I asked you to do.” I frowned then asked, “What did you ask me to do?” My mother grabbed me by the hair. My hand gripped her arm by reflex. I didn’t cry out, but she did as I squeezed her hand. She let go as if I burned her. Her eyes narrowed in anger. She hissed at me. I glared at her, “People really need to stop hissing at me. It’s annoying.” My mother said, “We are leaving.” I sighed, “I'm pretty sure this is a hospital and a doctor has to agree to me leaving.” My mom sneered, “I signed the AMA forms.” The man beside her said, “Unfortunately, Tess you’re a minor, and somehow she’s your guardian.” I smiled at him, “She’s my mom. You must be Roxie’s dad. Thank you. I’m guessing you found me.” The man smiled, “Call me Beck.” My mom said, “She’ll do no such thing. Get dressed, Tess. You’ve embarrassed me enough. We are leaving.” I asked, “I embarrassed you? How? I was attacked, and I hung on long enough that some….” I trailed off. I almost said wolves saved me. I amended, “That Roxie and her family found me. Aren’t you proud of me?” Beck smiled at me. He said, “I am. It was impressive. Ten on one is hardly fair odds, but you did quite well.” My mom said, “Luke told me how you started a fight.” My jaw dropped, “Mom, they followed me! I didn’t even know he was here. AGAIN! He’s a stalker. We need to report him. I need a restraining order. Clearly.” My mom yelled, “You will do no such thing!” I gasped, “Mom! He’s stalking me and trying to beat me up with his friends! He could’ve killed me!” My mom sighed, “You’re so dramatic. Luke wouldn’t kill you.” Beck said, “She’s been unconscious for a week. She had a serious concussion, and cracked ribs. That blow to the head could’ve killed her.” My mom said, “Luke told me they were trying to help her. Get her out of the area and the silly girl caused the fall.” I asked, “Are you seriously blaming me?! They attacked me! I will not be kidnapped again! I will fight with every breath in my body because GOD knows you won’t come save me. I have to fight for myself because no one else will. You took everyone away from me that cared, and now it’s just me. It’s ALWAYS just me.” Beck asked, “You’ve been kidnapped?!” My mom said, “I already told you she’s dramatic.” I shrieked, “DRAMATIC! Woman, you’ve not seen anything dramatic. I’m about to cause you to see a whole Broadway musical. It’s not dramatic to be terrified when men in masks show up to your apartment and hit you. They threw me in the back of a van! My friend saved me! She didn’t even know me, and she came for me. Those guys were mentally disturbed talking about how they were demons and…” My mother yelled, “ENOUGH! Get out of this bed, and get dressed. We are leaving. I met someone new, and we are going to….well….we are leaving.” Beck said, “Well, let’s step into the hall and discuss this like adults.” He winked at me. I got out of bed. I found some clothes. Someone must have gone to my place. I went into the bathroom to change. I searched through my hairline for the cut I must have had from the rock, but I couldn’t find anything. I found my pills. I heard, “No, don’t…” I smiled. The voice in my head shouldn’t be comforting. I whispered, “I’m sorry. I can’t go back to that place. I miss you though. The voice in my head.” She tried to talk fast, “I’m not a voice in your head. I understand your worries, but I’m your wo….” She faded as I swallowed my fill. Tears filled my eyes. I missed her already. That was just ridiculous. I was losing my mind. I should’ve let her finish what she was going to say. Poor Tatum. That was her name, or so she told me last time. I shrugged it off and walked back into the main room. Roxie jumped down from the window. I said, “Wow….you’re like a cat.” Her eyes flashed and she growled before she laughed. She said, “Uhh nope. Not like a cat.” I said, “Ok. Thank for….I mean I heard you before I passed out. I guess.” Roxie studied me, “Do you remember the wolves?” I nodded, “Yes. I should probably be scared a bunch of wolves were around, but…it’s like when I heard them I knew I was safe. I was relieved. That’s crazy right?” Roxie gasped, “No way. Listen Tess…” My mother stormed back into the room. Her eyes narrowed on Roxie. She grabbed my arm. She said, “We are leaving this place and these people.” I told her, “You need to thank them. They saved me, and you’ve been nothing but rude. They took care of me, brought me to a hospital where I received care. You’ve been rude to Beck, and now Roxie. Roxie found me mom.” She narrowed her eyes, “Yes, Roxie and I have met already.” I asked Roxie, “So, did she say thank you?” Roxie snorted, “No. She yelled at me.” I gasped, “MOM!” My mother said, “I’m the parent here.” Roxie muttered, “Could’ve fooled me.” Roxie said, “She needs to know.” My mom said, “Shut your wretched mouth. You have no idea what you are talking about.” I gasped. My mom dragged me down the hall. Everyone there was growling. Roxie and her friends were strange, but they’d helped me. I liked them. Hell, maybe everyone was strange. I had a voice in my head that I missed, and I’d only talked to her twice. Maybe living the solitary life I live was bad for my mental health. Roxie said, “Dad…” My mom said, “If you say another word, I’ll have you arrested for kidnapping.” I snorted, “That wouldn’t work. I was attacked and they saved me.” My mom smirked, “But they don’t need the attention.” Beck shrugged, “I’ve never minded attention. I’m not doing anything I should be ashamed of. Unlike some people in this room.” My mom turned red in the face. Roxie whispered, “We’ll see you soon, Tess.” I turned and nodded to her. Beck’s face turned red with anger. I realized that Roxie was back at my room that I’d exited. I shouldn’t have been able to hear her. My mom started the car and drove. I looked around. This was where Roxie told me to come for Thanksgiving. She lived by a hospital. There were several large houses around the area. Wow, her dad had a lot of money. She told me, “Never embarrass me like that again.” I rolled my eyes, “I don’t know how I embarrassed you. The guy you want me to end up with jumped me with nine of his friends. If anyone should be embarrassed it’s his dad for raising a son like that.” My mom didn’t say anything. I asked, “Where are we going?” My mom said, “We are heading back to Tennessee. The man I met while traveling is from there.” I asked hopefully, “Nashville?” My mom snorted, “No.” I said, “Wait! I have school.” My mom said, “We’ve transferred you a million times now, Odette. I talked with your teachers. Given your attack they agreed to let you finish online.” Of course she’d use my attack to get what she wanted. She didn’t even care that Luke had attacked me. I stared out the window. Maybe I’d save enough money to get on the bus and ride to Nashville from wherever we were. Melanie would help me. We slept in nice hotels. We always did when we were going somewhere new. I didn’t understand why my mother’s boyfriends paid for her to live like this. She’d never had a job to my knowledge. When we made it to Tennessee I couldn’t help but get excited when I saw where we were. This was one of the places Melanie had told me were safe to stay. I was actually excited. We drove to a really nice house. We got out. My mom said, “You won’t be staying here.” I sighed, “Of course.” We went inside. The man ran to mom. He spun her around. He said, “Morgan, welcome. I know you were worried about being in this area, but I promise it will be fine.” I rolled my eyes. That was almost her real name. I guess this time she was Morgan. Her real name was Morgana so it almost wasn’t a lie. He saw me. He smiled, “Well, you are beautiful like your mother.” We didn’t really look alike. He said, “I’m terribly sorry about your accident. That must have been very frightening. Come on, I have cookies for you in the kitchen. When my girls were your age, a cookie and some milk could fix everything. Well, they were younger. Teenagers are hard to figure out.” I laughed. What was this guy doing with my mom? He was too nice. He had a plate of cookies. My mom squeezed my arm. I knew what she was telling me. I could only have one. She’d say it out loud if it wouldn’t look bad to her boyfriend. I took a bite. I told him, “These are amazing.” The man smiled, “I wish I could take credit, but my maid is the baker.” I told him, “Well, she did a great job.” He said, “Your mom told me you prefer your own place. I completely understand. I just want you to know, I’m not here to be your dad; however, I hope we can be friends. Your mom and I will be traveling quite a bit for a few months. I’m sorry for that. I hope once we are home, we can get to know each other better.” I nodded, “Sure.” It was probably a lie. If this guy lasted more than a week with my mom he was going to regret it. She’d suck the nice right out of him. I actually found myself not wanting that to happen. He said, “I’m Jarchi by the way.” I said, “That’s a unique name. I’m….” I actually didn’t know what name I was going by here.” Jarchi laughed, “Trouble forgetting one of many names? I have the same problem sometimes. Though I did tell you my true birth name.” I noticed my mom had left. I whispered, “Odette.” Jarchi smiled, “A beautiful name for a special girl. You’ll like my girls. Hopefully, they pop in when your mom and I are back. Maybe we can all even visit my home. Rules are different there now. I haven’t been back in quite some time. It would be nice to see the place.” I asked, “Where are you from?” He frowned then started to answer. My mom yelled, “Katie! We are taking you to your place now.” I guess my name was Katie. Jarchi winked at me. We walked out and got into his car. My jaw dropped when we drove to the nicest apartment complex I’ve ever seen. Jarchi got out. My mom smiled at him, “This is lovely, Jarchi.” Jarchi said, “I told you, I’d take care of your little girl. I don’t break promises.” My mom smiled, “Because you can’t.” Of course he could. Everyone could break a promise. I said, “Jarchi, thank you this is….beautiful.” Jarchi laughed, “You haven’t even seen the inside. Come on!” There was a door attendant and a security guard. Just wow. We went upstairs. It was a two bedroom apartment. It had all new appliances. In fact, everything was brand new. Jarchi said, “I have an account at the local hardware store. If you want to paint any of the rooms, feel free to charge it to my account. I do hope you put some accent walls together and liven up the place.” He smiled warmly at me. He said, “Now, let’s get down to the garage.” He was excited. My mom and I followed. Why were we going to the garage? My mom looked confused too. When the garage opened he led us to a space with a brand new red mustang convertible. He handed me the keys smiling. I asked incredulously, “You bought me a car?!” He smiled, “Of course. You are sixteen. You need to be able to get around while we are gone.” I hugged him, “Thank you!” My mom said, “You don’t know how to drive, Katie.” I shot her a glare. Jarchi said, “That’s quite all right. You gals are always on the move and busy. I’ll hire someone to teach her. Then when we get home dear, I’ll continue her lessons.” My mom smiled brightly at him. She said, “You are just too much.” Jarchi laughed, “I assure you, I’m not.” I opened the car and got in. It smelled new. Jarchi said, “Let’s take her for a spin. It will be such fun. Let’s be adventurous and put the top down. Come on my dear.” I climbed into the back. Jarchi put the top down and we sped off. My mom was actually laughing and having a good time. Maybe….Jarchi was good for her. Maybe this would stick. I’d never seen her this happy.
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