Creepy Song Pt. 1

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Keaton decided where he would take Odette on spring break. Our North Carolina house was perfect. I sat back, surprised I wasn’t nervous at all. Planning vacations for me and Lisa was nerve wracking. I was oddly at peace with my decision. I felt that Odette was going to love what I planned. Channing agreed, “She will.” I heard a knock on my door. I opened it surprised to find Immy. I smiled, “Hey, Immy. what’s going on.” She came in and sat down. She said, “I’m worried about Katie.” I asked, “Why?” Immy sighed, “Her aura has been slightly depressed unless she’s around you.” I frowned, “She has seemed fine.” Immy pointed out, “With you. She’s fine when you’re around. When you’re not, something is bothering her. She feels rejected by someone.” I snarled, “Who?” Immy gave me a look, “I don’t know. I’m just telling you.” I nodded, “I’ll watch her closely. Are you going to tell me what’s going on with you?” Immy squeaked, “Me?” I nodded. Immy frowned, “Why would anything be going on with me?” I laughed, “Your evasions don’t work on me. I’m immune. I grew up with you guys.” Immy pursed her lips. She said, “I’m working through some things with Haley.” Immy was going to therapy? I asked, “Do you need anything? Are people still giving you a hard time about those rumors? I’ll tear them to pieces.” Immy actually laughed, “As if anyone was going to forget about the threat from my brothers. Malachi is their Beta, and he made training hell. I think it is still hell. I’m not sure, I haven’t been paying attention.” I teased, “You’ve been secretive.” Immy sighed, “If you’ve noticed then my family has too.” I laughed, “I’m sure they have. They will give you some wiggle room though.” Immy nodded. It felt like she intended to be more careful instead of telling them. Immy popped away deep in thought. At least she was working through whatever this was with Haley. I went to sleep. When I woke up, I went downstairs and found my parents. I told them, “I’m taking Katie on a trip over spring break.” Emmett coughed, “Not Katie.” I rolled my eyes at him. I hadn’t noticed him and Malachi were in the room too. My dad said, “You’re an adult. If that’s what you want to do on your spring break, that’s fine.” I smiled, “Thanks!” I gave both of them a hug and ran out to my truck. Lisa was running over, but I gunned it and left. Everything in me brightened when I saw Odette. I studied her carefully the whole way to school. She seemed fine. When we got to school, I linked Immy, “She seems fine.” Immy studied her then nodded, “Her aura isn’t depressed anymore.” I frowned. Had the situation with Lisa really upset her that much. It seemed strange she was so bothered thinking we should’ve known each other our whole lives. I wouldn’t have minded that one bit. Channing agreed, “Me either. I wish we had.” Emmett linked me, “Don’t forget we have plans tonight.” I replied, “I remember.” I was actually looking forward to spending time with him. Immy linked me, “Katie just asked about the white wolf.” I frowned. I linked Emmett, “Was Melanie Conners taking a run in this area?” Emmett answered, “Not that I know of, but does anyone ever know what that girl is doing though? I don’t think they do. Why?” I replied, “Katie asked Immy about a white wolf.” Emmett replied, “Malachi says no.” Then why was Odette asking. Keith snorted. I asked, “What?” Keith answered, “The pack link thinks it’s funny that Katie met someone who is scared of a white wolf so she wants a picture to scare them off.” I growled, “Who did she meet?” Keith shrugged, “That information is not on the pack link. Might I suggest asking your…girlfriend.” He said that because he was talking out loud. May came up to him in the hallway and they started making out. I snorted, spotting Odette walking to her class. She didn’t seem upset at least. I spent time with Odette after school, until she had to work and I had to leave. I drove back to my house and found Malachi inside. I asked, “Where’s Emmett?” Malachi inclined his head, “Follow me.” We ended up deep in the forest in our territory. Emmett was waiting. I asked, “So what are we doing?” Annie popped in and snapped her fingers then popped away. I teased, “Hi Annie, Bye Annie.” I saw a course before us. Emmett smiled, “Race me.” I snorted and Malachi yelled, “GO!” We were off the second he said it. There were several we needed two people to get through. I guess that was the point though. It was a lot of fun. When we finished we sat down where Malachi was waiting. He handed us both water. I said, “That was fun, Emmett.” He smiled. He said, “Let’s run in wolf form.” Channing was excited about that. We shifted and ended up running our whole territory. I caught a scent that surprised me. I linked, “Scarlett Thunders came home?” She was always traveling. She loved it. She loved being around the ocean. She said the waves were calming. She’d even studied abroad in high school. She was a couple years older than me, and rarely around. She was a bit of a wandering soul. I liked her though. She was nice, we were friends. Not that Lisa ever let us near each other if she was around, but we were still friends. Emmett linked, “Teke brought her home after the situation with the scary techy Luna of Black Mountain. When she heard what the reason was, she realized her family needed some face time with her. Alexandria has been going to see her every week. I think Scarlett actually wants to stay home now. She hasn’t met her mate in her travels. I don’t think she’s seriously on the look yet, but I think now she’s hoping he’s around here instead of abroad.” That would be a change. Lightning and Channing were quite playful with each other. It had been awhile since they had run together for fun. We ran back to where Malachi was waiting. We shifted back. Emmett sat down. He said, “Alexandria and I are talking about having pups soon.” I smiled, “You guys will be great parents.” Emmett looked away, “I worry. This Melanie Conners situation…has us all on edge. Drake McAlister is a former Beta from a long line of Beta’s. He’s not some weak wolf. They had us eating spelled cookies, and Drake was compelled. Peter was looking into specialists. He even brought one to their territory who found nothing wrong with Drake. He would get so sick though, and no one understood why. To find out it was all some vampire compulsion…it terrifies me to think I could fail my family in that way. I feel like enough of failure as it is.” I frowned, “What are you talking about? You’re not a failure, you’re a great Alpha.” Emmett snorted, “I missed so many things with my own brother. What else am I missing?” I blanched, “Emmett, that’s….I didn’t want you to know.” Emmett said, “There’s a lot of people don’t want me to know that I know.” I asked, “Like what?” Emmett retorted, “Maybe I wait for people to tell me.” I asked, “Are you talking about Katie?” Emmett said, “Her name is not Katie. We all know that.” Malachi said, “Pretty sure her is Odette.” I didn’t give anything away. Emmett said, “Maybe we could talk about other things you do.” I frowned, “Like what?” Malachi handed the threat assessments I’d given Emmett. I quickly took them asking, “Was there an error? Did I mess something up?” Had I put my family at risk? I read through the ones he gave me as understanding filled me. These were the files of the people I’d told him were mild threats then I’d killed. He knew. I looked up. Emmett raised an eyebrow. He said, “These people all mysteriously died. The way they died though; they jump out to me.” I closed the files, “I killed them.” He simply replied, “I know. I’ve been waiting for you to tell me you did. It’s why when you say you belong in the shadows I didn’t push. I thought you meant doing this. Not that you couldn’t handle being an alpha. That you were weak. A weak Alpha could not accomplish what you have. On that note, if you ever go off to kill someone without me or Joe knowing ever again you won’t like my response. You are done hiding who you are. Also, don’t lie in my threat assessments, Keaton.” I pointed out, “I didn’t exactly lie. They are threats, most weren’t serious, they were just trending in a direction I didn’t like. You’re my big brother, and Alexandria is my sister in law. The threats against mom and Allison…I just see red. Even the ones against dad, Grandma, and grandpa. Aunt Susie too.” I didn’t actually need to do them on Aunt Susie. Red Run would do them. Uncle Sebastian was on top of those, but mom always said a helping hand was nice. Emmett said, “Keaton, I understand that inclination, I’m just telling you I want a heads up.” I asked, “Does dad know too?” Emmett snorted, “I’m sure he does. The old man knows a lot of things.” Malachi said, “My dad knows, so yours does.” Great. Another person to talk to. Emmett asked, “Will you just tell me her actual name? I think we both know for some reason you aren’t going to tell me what she is to you, but just her real name.” I frowned, “That’s her deal. I don’t want to betray her confidence.” Emmett replied, “She’s been manipulated into not giving her name, Keaton. I won’t hurt her. We won’t even tell anyone else. Just tell us if her name is Odette. I want you to confide in me again, and I want my Beta to stop researching names that start with Od. He’s driving me insane. He’s even started coming up strange combination names that aren’t names.” I snorted, “Fine. Her name is Odette.” Malachi clapped, “I KNEW IT!” Emmett smiled and hugged me. He seemed really happy I’d told him. Malachi said, “Rya is waiting for us.” I asked, “Why?” Emmett said, “Her witch friends dropped in on your….girlfriend.” The hope on his face that I would tell him actually hurt. I said, “She’s my….” A shriek cut me off. Emmett said, “I hate her.” I asked, “What’s wrong with her?” Lisa was at the edge of some bubble she didn’t seem to be able to get past. Malachi answered, “I had Annie make sure this area couldn’t be heard, and your time together couldn’t be disturbed. She’s pissed she can’t get over here.” I asked, “Can we just…ignore her?” Malachi laughed. He didn’t say yes though. We walked over to her and stepped out of the area. Lisa immediately started, “That’s so irresponsible! The beta and alpha were unavailable to the pack. Don’t you understand what I’m saying now Keaton?” Channing snarled. Emmett started to speak. I said, “No, I don’t understand what you’re saying. I don’t understand a lot of things. All of a sudden, our time together makes no sense. We have nothing in common. My family says we argued about you a lot, and I just don’t see why. You clearly don’t like me. I can’t say I’m fond of you. So why were we together so long? You’re a b***h. I’m an i***t for staying with you. You cheated. Repeatedly. We have nothing in common. You did nothing but tear me down and keep me from reaching my full potential. I have nothing to say to you. You lied to me. You always lie to me. I’m done. I’m so past done it’s crazy. I’m counting down the days until Keith banishes you. I don’t think anyone but May could talk him out of it. It’s going to be good. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have a conversation to get to.” Malachi and Emmett choked a little, but both looked happy. I shifted. Channing snarled at Lisa who ran away screeching. Jesus that was an octave. I ran to the house and walked inside. Rya was inside with a group of her friends. They were talking quietly. My mom stood in the room, looking rather upset. I asked, “Mom, what’s wrong?” My dad linked, “Not a wise question, son.” My mom said, “I just don’t know what could be wrong. All these people have met your girlfriend, but not me. I don’t even know these people. They are Rya’s friends. HER FRIENDS! She met her. Why can’t I meet her?” I opened my mouth but no words came. I said, “You can meet her, mom.” My mom’s eyes narrowed, “Great. When?” I shrugged. My mom threw her hands up in the air and let out an exasperated huff. She flashed into the kitchen and came back with a martini. Oh boy. She was texting someone. She was going to have a drinking night with Aunt Haley. I’d just bet on that. I asked, “Did your friends find anything out, Rya?” Ryan winced, “Yes.” I said, “I don’t recognize them.” My mom hissed, “Because they live in Kentucky. Out of state friends get to meet your girlfriend, but not me. Nooooo, not me.” I winced. Keith linked, “We should have not Katie over for dinner.” I glared at him. My mom put her drink down, “Damn it!” She kissed my dad and said, “I’ll be back.” I frowned. She flashed out. I asked my dad, “What happened?” My dad said, “A check in was missed. She’s going to check on someone. She should be back in two hours.” I nodded but worry creeped in. My mom could handle herself, but she had no idea what she was walking into. Her moniker was feared for a reason though. The Black Arrow was fierce and respected. I asked, “What did your friends find out, Rya?” One stood, “I met her first. My friends are still there. I even had our coven leader go meet her. It’s not good.” I growled, “What does that mean?” The girl put out her hand, “I’m Karissa.” I nodded, “Keaton.” Karissa said, “Well, your girlfriend is spelled. She’s bound very tightly. The worst part is the witch who did it knows that your girlfriend has started to go around her magic. She’s dream walking to her.” I blinked, “That’s who she wants to scare. It’s the witch.” Keith linked, “Uhh, what?” Clara clapped, “You’re right! She wants a picture of the white wolf because the witch is scared of the white wolf. Why would a witch be scared of her…? Unless….” She bit her lip. I asked, “Unless what?” Malachi linked, “Unless the witch that spelled your girlfriend is the one who spelled Melanie’s wolf. I believe her name is Valdoma.” Great. Well, that was just great. Karissa looked between us then back at Rya. She wasn’t getting the information about the white wolf from us. Karissa shrugged, “Anyway, I called in my coven leader to go meet her and discreetly left because…I can’t help her much. I could give her some protections, but the magic placed on her is serious dark magic. The witch seems to find your girlfriend interesting. She’s getting headaches though, and that’s not great.” I asked, “Why? Does that not mean she’s breaking the magic?” Karissa winced, “Umm, that’s why I called in my coven leader. I need her to answer those questions.” I frowned, “Ok.” I began to pace. My dad said, “Keaton, it will be ok.” An hour later the rest of the coven came into the room. The coven leader smiled and walked to Rya. Tyler growled. Rya rolled her eyes, “We are friends, Ty.” I was pretty sure they were f**k buddies at minimum. The guy cleared his throat, “Well, Rya this is quite an interesting situation.” Rya sat down, “How can we help her, Giz?” Giz? I linked Tyler, “What kind of name is that?” Tyler growled, “A nickname.” I asked, “Why don’t you like him? You haven’t minded her other boyfriends.” Tyler replied, “They actually asked my sister to be her boyfriend. She liked him, he strung her along. She thought they might be on the path for chosen mates, and he cheated.” Oh, ok. Well, f**k this guy. Giz said, “We can put protections on her. I assume she would wear a present from your cousin.” He pointed at me. I growled, “I am her boyfriend. I have a necklace I wanted to get her anyway. I’ll get it to you.” I’d found a pretty necklace with a note on it. He nodded, “Ok, we’ll place protections on them. The tricky part becomes the intense lock around her mind. Imagine it as a band. You don’t want to snap the band, but her thinking about supernatural things causes the band to tighten and gives her a headache. Her mind is giving her the ability to fight it after all this time. True love, fated love is usually the reason for that.” Everyone looked at me. I linked Tyler, “So, I hate him too.” Tyler nearly laughed out loud. I asked, “So there’s nothing you can do besides the protections.” Giz shrugged, “My coven and I will research more into it. I worry that the witch is dream walking to her. We need to work on mind defenses, but we can’t really explain that how we normally would.” I growled, “Great.” They stayed and talked about Odette. I growled occasionally. Rya linked me, “They are just trying to figure this out.” I said, “She’s not a science project! She’s a person.” Rya nodded, agreeing. Tyler said, “Let’s just…step outside.” My dad grabbed my arm, and Uncle Cameron grabbed the other. I did a double take. I asked, “When did you get here?” Uncle Cameron snorted, “Me, your Uncle Ollie AND my dad all got here while you paced and look like you were going the murder the coven members for talking about your….are we still saying girlfriend?” My grandpa laughed. I growled, “She IS my girlfriend.” Uncle Cameron sighed, “Sure.” Uncle Ollie said, “Kids these days.” I said, “You’re not that much older than me.” He raised a glass of whiskey smirking, “But I’m an old soul.” I rolled my eyes. My dad said, “Might I suggest, going to see your girlfriend.” My grandpa chuckled. I growled, “Might I suggest someone remind Rya’s former cheating ex-boyfriend that my girlfriend is not his damn science project! She’s a person and they can figure out what’s going on with her without treating her like she is!” Uncle Cameron growled. My grandpa said, “Let’s just go for run by the lovely not Katie’s apartment. You’ll shift and go inside. We’ll keep running while we worry about your mother. Because it’s what we do.” I sighed and shifted. I waited for the rest of my family to shift. We stuck to the woods. When we reached Odette’s apartment I grabbed some shorts I’d stashed and ran in. Ken sighed, “Oh, good. This looks good. You look happy. What now?” I growled, “Witches.” Ken asked, “Are we being the princess? Is there where I say are bitches?” I snorted, “Sure.” I ran up to Odette’s. I knocked but I couldn’t hear her inside. I didn’t hear her heartbeat. I linked my dad, “She’s not here. Is mom back?” My dad growled, “No. She’s not answering my link either.” f**k this day. I called Odette. She was running from someone. GODDAMNIT. I linked my family, “Odette’s being chased.” I ran outside and shifted the second I could. Channing took over and easily caught her scent. My family wasn’t far behind me. I ran across her in wolf form. Channing was practically prancing. Keith linked, “Well, she’s not screaming. That’s…good.” That was true. Channing was a big wolf. She wasn’t moving towards us which had Channing whining. That made her move. He was back to prancing. When she touched us Channing was in heaven. Keith linked me, “She’s talking to you in a baby voice and you don’t even care.” I growled, “Don’t even ruin this moment for Channing. It’s his first time interacting with her in wolf form.” Keith replied, “Fair enough.” Channing snapped out of it when she said she had her rabies wolf. f*****g JAG! Channing snarled, “MINE!” Channing was satisfied she thought we were better looking than Jag. I linked Emmett, “Could we please find that guy?” Emmett smugly asked, “What’s the matter? Don’t you like her rabies wolf?” I snarled, “She’s not his! She’s….” Emmett said, “Go on….” Odette took off running. f**k. My dad linked me, “I feel the need to point out, she doesn’t know she’s getting the thrill of the chase going for you.” Whatever. My blood pounded with need. I grabbed shorts and took off after her. Keith linked, “And we are running again.” I could care less. I caught her easily. She was moaning and pleading with me. s**t. I linked Emmett, “Come back!” Emmett asked, “Are you ok?” I groaned, “NO! Get back!” I could hear them coming. Channing whined, “She wants us to mark her. She may not know, but she’s asking for it. Please, Keaton. Mark mate.” I gritted my teeth, “We can’t. She doesn’t know what it means.” Emmett linked, “Ok, why are we here?” Odette started talking about them. She thought there was a pack around here. Channing grumbled, “There is a big one.” She did think we were the best looking. Several snorts were echoing in my link. Keith linked me, “She asked you to mark her, didn’t she? That’s why you asked us to come back.” I asked, “Is it asking me to mark her if she doesn't know that’s what she’s asking?” Keith titled his head back and forth then said, “What did she say?” I replied, “She said Key, please.” Keith thought about it, “I think it counts. Mom hasn’t checked in. We are going to the shroud. We will wait outside her place for you.” I nodded and got Odette back inside. As I was leaving I heard her say something about someone with long nails. My heart actually stopped. She explained what she saw. I ran outside. My dad asked, “Where’s the fire?” I growled, “Katie saw a woman with long nails in the woods.” Everyone snarled. We shifted and ran to the shroud. I was through in a flash. I ran to my Uncle’s house at full speed. Emmett beat me by a few seconds. He yelled, “MOM!” She was standing there confused. She asked, “Yes?” I ran and pulled her in for a hug. She asked, “What’s wrong?” Dad yanked her out of our arms. Grandpa had gotten through the shroud too, so had Uncle Cameron. Keith must have led them through. My grandpa sighed, “Lexi, I swear you take years off my life.” My mom laughed, “I have no idea what I did.” My dad growled, “How about not answering my link?” My mom said, “I was a little busy.” I asked, “Did you run into a mintor?” My mom asked, “And how do you know that?” I said, “My girlfriend said she saw a woman with long nails in the woods.” Uncle Heath asked, “Did she say anything else?” I shook my head. My mom snorted, “I met your girlfriend.” I asked, “In your BA gear? She didn’t look scared.” My Uncle snorted, “She was not scared. She met me too. When I got there she was swimming to the bottom of that ridiculously randomly clear pond. She has quite the impressive lung strength. She got your mom her bow. She was mad when I flashed away from her with you. She just HAD to help your mom. She felt it.” Everyone looked at me. I growled, “Stop giving me that look.” My mom said, “I like her. She’s very pretty and brave. She can also keep confidences. She could’ve told you she met the Robin Hood society.” I snorted, “That’s what she called you guys?” My Uncle nodded, “To be fair, she might have something on that. We do look similar to that.” I hugged my mom again. She told me, “I still want to meet her as myself. We could have a small lunch, dinner, coffee, or anything. I’m open to any and all options.” I smiled, “I’m sure we’ll make that happen.” Uncle Cameron snorted, “Yeah, she’ll have to be at their graduation.” That’s true. My mom groaned, “Why Cameron? Why would you even put that out there as an option? It’s March! May is so far away. Who knows what will happen between now and then.” She turned to me, “Don’t listen to him, Keaton. You can bring her by before graduation. Your dad and I would love to see her.” Grandpa snorted, “Yeah, because now Chase is the only one who hasn’t met her.” No one said anything. My grandpa gloated, “I met her, son.” My dad just rolled his eyes. Emmett didn’t say anything. What was their deal? I knew why Emmett wasn’t saying anything. He met Odette. Why was my dad so quiet? My mom was stoically ignoring the comments. Which means whatever they were not saying, she knew. It amused me it didn’t appear they knew that. I swear dad never learned. Channing snorted, “You’re one to talk.” Ok, so he had a point. I looked at my phone letting Odette know everything was ok. She wanted me to get a key. I linked Ken, “Can you get me a key to Katie’s place? She wants me to get one.” Ken snorted, “Maybe I already have one waiting at the front desk for either of you to ask.” He was good at his job. I replied, “Thanks, Ken.” He said, “Anytime kid.” We stayed talking for a little bit. Emmett was running patrols to make sure there wasn’t a mintor problem. I left and went back to Odette’s. I found her on the couch and picked her up. I carried her into the bedroom. I woke up to Odette flopping around and whimpering. She was upset about something. I began to stroke her hair. She calmed back down and I pulled her into my chest. Next thing I knew, I felt tingles stroking my face.
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