Creepy Song Pt. 2

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I opened my eyes. I didn’t even need Immy to tell me something was wrong. She’d been crying. Her eyes were rimmed red. I linked, “CHANNING! She was crying and you didn’t wake me up.” Channing replied, “She wasn’t.” She clearly was though. Luke’s mate was apparently the reason for the tears. My heart went out to the girl. I couldn’t imagine her situation. Then she said they wanted her to have his child. Channing roared in my head. He yelled, “MARK HER NOW! SHE WILL HAVE OUR PUPS WHEN SHE’S READY! THEY AREN’T GOING TO RAPE HER!” I was trying to reason with him, but I was pissed off too. Emmett linked me, “Umm what’s going on?” Channing snarled back at him. I pulled Odette close trying to inhale her scent to calm down. Emmett linked, “I’m sending Keith.” I didn’t care. No one was taking her from me. The only thing that calmed me down was Odette’s song. Keith linked me, “Ok, so what the hell happened?!” My dad linked me, “We are outside. Let’s go for a run.” Everyone was just everywhere tonight. I was worried when Odette got a headache. That’s what Giz was talking about. God, I needed to know that guy’s real name. I agreed to take the dog. Keith linked me, “We can’t bring the dog.” I replied, “It’s not a dog.” Keith snorted. We led the dog outside where everyone was waiting. I teased, “Gang’s all here.” My grandpa snorted, “Yes, the gang as you say show’s up when the windows are rattled.” Emmett said, “We can talk about that later. Right now, we need to run. Was bringing the little dog necessary?” Tatum growled. I said, “She’s not a dog.” We shifted and ran. Tatum kept up just fine. We shifted after several miles. Emmett snorted, “This is definitely not a dog.” Tatum yipped. I retorted, “I already told you that.” My dad said, “So tell us what we don’t know then. What the hell happened?” I growled, “Her ex wants to f*****g die. That’s what happened.” Emmett said, “Well, ok. That’s doable. We can kill an ex.” My grandpa’s and uncles looked at him. Emmett shrugged, “What? We can kill him. This is a fixable problem.” I snorted, “Thanks, Emmett.” He teased, “I got your back, little bro.” My grandpa asked, “What did her ex do?” I growled, “He’s leaving her notes, and killing his unborn child with his mate because Katie is supposed to have his firstborn.” Emmett said, “Ok, I did not see that coming.” My grandpa snorted, “So, we are definitely killing someone.” My dad sighed, “Yeah, we are. We’ll run patrols. They won’t get her.” I nodded. Emmett said, “And you’re so mad you shook the windows in grandpa’s building about your girlfriend’s ex because…..” My grandpa snorted. Emmett’s phone rang. He yelled, “OH COME ON!” He answered, “I swear to god this had better be good, and if someone utter the letter L as the start to this explanation I will lose my s**t. I’ll go off the reservation….” He trailed off. He told us, “I have to go.” Keith asked hopefully, “To banish Lisa?” Emmett snorted, “Sadly, no.” Keith sighed then said, “Good because that’s my thing. You can’t take my first move from me.” Everyone snorted and Emmett left. We ran for several more miles. In both human and wolf form. When Channing was worn out and calm I made my way back to Odette’s. I told Tatum as we walked, “Between you and me we will keep her safe.” Tatum yipped. I said, “We’ll just have to skin this Luke Merrick.” Tatum hissed. I stopped and looked at her, “Dogs don’t hiss. Just an FYI.” This dog looked at me and hissed again. I snorted, “Fine. Dog that is not a dog. Hiss all you want.” Tatum then went back to happily prancing beside me. I spent my time working listening to Rya’s friends try to come up with a way to help Odette. They weren’t sure. Odette was definitely walking with more pep in her step. Her medication had changed, but she kept saying that the pharmacist said nothing changed. I couldn’t figure it out. I smelled her new pills. They smelled like the old ones. I found my mom. I asked her, “Do you think Katie would like our North Carolina home? I could always change to Montana. Or New York…” My mom asked, “What does your heart tell you? Your first instinct was North Carolina. You asked your dad for permission already. Why are you second guessing?” I sighed, “Lisa echoes I guess.” My mom sat me down. She said, “You know, I see a lot of your dad and me in you. You’re a good combination of us. Being in an emotional abusive relationship is something that sneaks up on you. It’s never something that you see when you’re in the situation. It happens so slowly when you finally see it you’re looking around wondering what the hell happened. Acting that way wasn’t you. Letting things and actions go wasn’t like you. You don’t blow off your friends. You don’t excuse behavior or argue with your family. You don’t go into a shell of yourself so that when it’s over you wonder who you really are. I took years to find the old me. I found her on my own, and I made a name for myself. When I came home, your Aunt Haley convinced me I needed something just for me. I started my event business, and that led me to your dad.” I whispered, “Mom….” She smiled, “You had your own journey. Now, not Katie is bringing out the you we’ve all wanted to see. When your Uncle put aside your dislike for…things….he was grateful to your dad. One, because I was staying in one place. Two, because I started coming out of the shell Noah forced me into. He forced me into the shadows and to run from my home. I figured out who I was, but I was still angry. When I met your dad, I still had echoes. I understand, and so did your dad. He’s the most amazing man. Not Katie loves you. I saw it in her eyes. She’s a lovely woman, and I think you are very lucky.” She stood and kissed the top of my head. She told me, “The echoes get quieter over time, eventually they become a memory that you look back on. Don’t let the echoes win, Keaton. Trust not Katie. It’s ok to let someone in.” She left my room. The North Carolina house it was. I got up and went to find my dad. He wasn’t hard to find. I asked, “Do you mind if I take the jet to take Katie to the North Carolina house?” My dad sat back, “I kind of figured that was going to happen when you asked to use the house over spring break. Kind of a given. I don’t want you guys driving, and you can’t have a fairy pop you there because…spells and what not. We could bring Eric into the loop on that. He’d have The Bishop’s all over it. They might be able to help.” I snorted, “Aunt Haley might go on a witch b***h killing kick.” My dad snorted, “I can have Eric be discreet. Your Aunt Haley can compartmentalize.” I nodded, “Yeah, if he can keep it quiet. I don’t much care for Giz.” My dad snorted, “He does appear to be good, but I just think we are up against something they are not prepared for.” I nodded, “Anything to help her.” The weeks passed by, and before I knew it; it was time to take Odette. I was surprised I wasn’t nervous. I was excited to take her. After school, I drove us to the airstrip. She was already excited. I led her onto the phone. She gasped, “You just….wow. Who am I dating? Do you have a secret life I don’t know about?” A slight bit of guilt ran through me because I did. I was a werewolf, but I can’t tell her that. We sat down and took off. When the seatbelt sign went off Odette unbuckled her seatbelt and stretched. The faintest hint of her stomach showed, and my restraint snapped. I grabbed arm and pulled her to the bedroom. She gasped, “There’s a bedroom?!” I laughed, “Yes.” I covered her lips with mine. She whimpered in my mouth. I threw her on the bed and pounced on top of her. I growled, “f*****g mine.” Her hand laced into my hair and tugged. I sucked on her neck giving her a hickey. She sat up and quickly discarded her clothes. I tilted my head. She snorted, “Immy packed my clothes. I have no idea what I’m in store for, so you can’t destroy my clothes. Who knows what I’ll end up wearing where we are going.” I smiled and gently sucked her tit into my mouth. She gasped, pulling her body flush against mind. She began to gyrated against me. I slowly slid a finger inside her. I groaned, “You’re so wet for me, my song.” She threw her head back moaning. I growled, “Ride my finger, Odette.” Her eyes snapped to mine. She smirked, “What if we make it two fingers?” I smiled, “Anything you want.” I slid another inside her wet heat. She started out slow but soon picked up her pace. I was going to have to agree with her that her new pills gave her some of her energy back. She screamed my name as she came. Channing took over. I stripped quickly. Her flipped her over and spanked her, sliding into her felt like coming home. She gripped the seats and slammed back into me. Channing growled, “Say my name.” Odette seductively said, “Keaton.” Channing yanked her up so her back was against my stomach. He nipped her chin. He whispered, “Call me, Channing.” Odette giggled, “Whatever you say, Channing.” He teased, “Oh, really? Anything I say?” I asked, “Channing, what are you doing?” Odette giggled, “Whatever you want.” Channing growled, “Say f**k me, my Alpha.” Ohhh s**t. Odette laughed, “Whatever floats your boat.” Channing waited to see if she would say it. She went back down on all fours, turned her head, and winked at me, “f**k me, my Alpha.” Channing’s chest rumbled with desire. I was impossibly hard. He gripped her hips, pulling almost all the way out and slamming back in. She cried out in pleasure. The sound of our bodies slapping together filled the room. Odette moaned, “Harder, Alpha please.” s**t f**k balls. Channing lost all control, and I couldn’t even try to bring him back. Being called Alpha had never turned me on more than in this moment. We only stopped when someone knocked on the door, “Mr. Daniels, we are going to land.” Odette flushed. I said, “We’ll be right out.” Odette whispered, “They had to hear us, we were so loud.” I laughed, “The sheets on this bed get changed after every flight that’s taken. They’ve heard everyone who has flown in it. My family is uh….” Odette snickered, “A bunch of serious Alpha males with kink.” She was referring to a masculine guy, not a werewolf. She wasn’t wrong though. I smiled, “Maybe.” We went back out and took our seats. When we landed my Jeep was waiting. I grabbed our luggage and we drove to the house. When we pulled up Odette’s jaw dropped. She asked, “You rented this place?” I laughed, “No, my family owns this place.” Odette shrieked, “Who the hell are you people?! This is…on the beach?! There’s no one around. Property on the beach….Beachfront. You have a beachfront home in North Carolina. I saw that sign back there.” I laughed, “I thought the flight to the Virgin Island house would be too long. This house just felt right.” Odette yelled, “THE VIRGIN ISLAND HOUSE?! How many freaking houses do you guys have?” I thought about it. She gasped, “You have to think about it? Oh my god. Money bags MaGee over here.” I laughed, “We have property in most states and a few in Europe. Anywhere Haley Conners has a house, my mom has one too. Our vacations together got pretty crazy. Our parents go without the kids sometimes, and I don’t even want to think about what happens. My mom and Haley are crazy together. I call her Aunt Haley even though we aren’t actually related.” She bit her lip. She asked, “So you know Alexander Conners?” I blinked, “Do you?” She shook her head, “No…well…I feel like I do. I heard a lot about him, but you said he’s marri…AH!” I picked her up and ran into the house. Channing was fuming. I growled, “You like Alexander Conners?” She snorted, “Oh, god no. I mean I’ve never met him. I just knew….I had a friend who liked him…” I backed up and said, “Oh, well he is married.” She must have met a she wolf while moving around. A lot of people liked Alexander. He was mated though. She sighed sadly, “My friend will be so sad.” Before I could ask what friend she jumped and ran into the living room. She stared at everything with an open mouth. I laughed, “I’ll go get the bags then I can give you a tour. She snorted, “You better hurry. I could get lost in this place.” When I came back in she was at the back window. She yelled, “THERE IS A POOL!” I laughed, “There is.” She stripped down and backed away from me. She smirked, “Bet I can beat you there.” I snorted, “Not even kind of.” She took off running and yelled, “I have a head start.” Didn’t matter. I caught her in second. She grumbled, “I’m dating the flash.” That was closer to accurate. I jumped into the water with us both. Little did I know how hard it was to get my little fish out of the water. After several hours, the sun had set. She giggled getting away from me. I said, “Come on my little mermaid.” She turned and hissed. I held my hands up, “Umm whoa, it was a joke.” She shrugged, “Sorry. I don’t know what that was about.” I did. Whatever her supernatural side was did not appreciate the comparison. I finally got her out of the water, and after our shower she fell right asleep. I called Clara. She answered, “Hello.” I said, “Whatever Odette is, she does not like being called a Mermaid.” Clara said, “Well, that makes sense. I’m heavy into conspiracy theories about what she is. Mostly water beings we didn’t know existing.” I said, “Give me the list.” Clara ran it down, “Talos, Tritons, Sirens, Nachzehrer, Changeling, Kelpie, Kraken, Selkie, Scylla, and nymphs.” I asked, “Kraken? Like releasing the Kraken? You’re joking.” Clara snorted, “I am not. I just can’t find a hint of whoever gets a supernatural pet protector. I’m casting a wide net, but I’m certain she’s one of those things listed.” Clara paused then added, “Ok, that’s a lie. I have NO freaking clue which one she is. I’m looking for answers though. I could be right. She could be on that list.” I laughed, “That’s better than the list I had of no f*****g clue.” Clara snorted, “Which is why you have me. How’s vacation?” I snorted, “I couldn’t get my little fish out of the pool.” Clara teased, “If I’m right you’ll have a harder time getting her out of the ocean.” A bone chilling song began to be hummed. Clara asked, “Uhh what in the creepy noise was that?” I whispered, “I don’t know.” I whirled around and saw Odette looking like she was trying to resist walking. I asked, “Odette?” Clara yelled, “AH HA! Not Katie has a name.” I said, “That doesn’t go past you. Please, keep it to yourself.” Odette cried, “LEAVE ME ALONE!” Clara said, “That’s not what she usually says to you.” I growled, “She’s not talking to me. I think she’s talking to the song. She doesn’t appear to be aware we are talking or that I’m here.” Odette was fighting with whatever it was. She was being led outside. I was literally behind her. I asked, “Clara, what the f**k do I do?” Clara said, “I don’t know! Hang on! DAD HELP! IT’S AN EMERGENCY WE HAVE CREEPY s**t HAPPENING!” I begged, “My song, please wake up.” She started to go into the ocean. f**k this. I grabbed her. She thrashed in my arms. I begged her, “Wake up!” She cried, “Don’t make me go, Key. I don’t want to go.” Matt yelled, “KISS HER KEATON!” Sure. I pulled her into a kiss. The second our lips met she melted into me. She gasped and woke up. She shrieked, “What are we doing out here?” I said, “Uhh you…” Clara yelled, “Sleepwalking. You were sleepwalking” Odette asked, “Is that Clara?” I said, “Yes, I was on the phone with her and her dad.” Odette flushed, “Oh, gosh. How embarrassing. I was having this strange dream, but you woke me up. I’m sorry I interrupted your call and got all the way out. Man, I'm tired.” She instantly passed out in my arms. I ran back up to the house and locked it up. I armed the alarm. I asked, “What just happened?” My dad said, “I don’t know. Rya is calling Giz. Are you guys ok? I called the Alpha out there. They are going to run patrols. I can come out.” I said, “No, just…keep that in your back pocket though. That was creepy.” Clara said, “That song gave me chills in a very bad way.” I admitted, “Me too.” It sounded horrifying. Matt said, “Alright, well I’m officially joining Clara in her research. That was….I don’t actually have the words.” I snorted, “Creepy. Matt, the word is creepy.” My dad said, “Keaton Frank Daniels, you stay safe and you do check ins with us every day.” I replied, “Of course dad.” I slid in beside Odette in bed and pulled her to me. I woke up to a pounding on the door. What the hell? I ran down the stairs and opened the door. I blinked several times. I asked, “JJ?” My cousin James Scott Junior was outside with his string. We were really close growing up. He was only one year older than me and Keith. He’d been on missions for a while now with his mate. I hadn’t seen him since the beginning of the school year. I hugged him, “JJ!” He hugged me back. I smiled, “Come here Jules!” I gave her a hug. JJ whistled, “Well, cousin. She’s a looker.” I turned around. Odette was in my shirt. She gave me a puzzled look. I grabbed her hand and pulled her over. I said, “Odette, this is JJ my cousin and very good friend. He’s been traveling with his wife, Jules, for a while now. What are you guys doing here?” Jules bit her lip. JJ smiled, “Well, we heard you were here. So, we popped right on over.” I read between the lines. There was an argument in my family who was going to come check on us after last night. I was curious how JJ ended up winning. I asked, “Did you see Joe and Jasmine first? Or any of your other siblings?” JJ smiled, “Not yet.” I laughed, “I'm honored. I’ll also rub it in their faces, I saw you first.” Odette said, “I could make us breakfast.” JJ said, “Nonsense, he who crashed the party must pay for the party. You guys get dressed. There’s a fabulous brunch place around here.” Odette smiled, “That sounds great.” JJ said, “I’ll get Jules and myself settled in our families place then we’ll be back in a flash.” Odette asked, “You have a place here too? I thought you were staying here.” JJ laughed, “We might crash here if we have a late night, but you passed our house on the way up. It’s the one before this one.” I hugged him again and then they left. Odette snorted, “They have the quietest car ever. That house is like ten miles away.” They definitely ran. We got ready quickly then met JJ and Jules downstairs. JJ clapped me on the back, “It’s damn good to see you again, cousin.” Jules muttered, “And with a much less crazy girl.” Odette snickered, “Agreed. Lisa has crazy eyes.” Jules flushed, “You heard me? I’m so sorry…I…” Odette waved her hand, “It’s no big deal. I’m sure we will get along just fine. I don’t like that girl. I can tell you about my plan to scare the s**t out of her. Maybe, just maybe, it will scare her away. My mob boss brother seems to think so.” JJ Mouthed, “Mob boss brother?” I shrugged. I’d fill him in. Jules cackled, “I cannot wait to hear this. Please let it be something so beyond simple. I would pay you so much money if she peed her pants. If she s**t herself, I will sign all my money over to you. JJ has enough money without mine.” JJ laughed, “That I do. We could get Isabella to make her a legendary cake too.” Odette smiled. I couldn't help but love how seamlessly she fit into the family. We made our way to the restaurant. JJ owned it, so they didn’t card us. Odette’s face was a little flushed from her mimosa’s, but she wasn’t drunk. Her and Jules were laughing away. Eventually, they made their way to the bathroom. I sat back, “Uncle Heath, are you going to keep sitting over there not saying anything.” He flashed over and smiled, “I'm proud you spotted me.” He kissed JJ on top of the head. He greeted, “Hello my traveling son.” JJ flashed a big smile at him, “Hey, dad. So, does someone want to explain the mob boss brother your mate thinks she has going on.” Uncle Heath chuckled, “He calls her his girlfriend.” JJ shrugged, “Whatever. It’s his mate. Continuing on.” I said, “She’s gotten in touch with her mom’s side of the family. There’s some running joke that they are the mob because she has spells on her that don’t let her jump to the supernatural explanation.” JJ whistled, “Well, mob does make sense then. So whatever plan she has to scare Lisa is going to work then. It’s her supernatural brother that gave her the idea. I really thought I was going to crack open the case of what she was. I am sad to say that neither me nor Jules have an idea.” Uncle Heath flashed back to his seat. Odette and Jules came back laughing. I loved how carefree she was. Last night had scared the crap out of me though. Jules announced, “We are paddle boarding.” JJ held up his glass, “To tipsy paddle boarding. What could possibly go wrong?” I rolled my eyes. We left. Odette was biting her lip. I asked, “What’s wrong?” She shuffled her feet, “We didn’t pay.” JJ said, “I can hardly charge myself for breakfast as the proprietor.” Odette’s jaw dropped. She muttered, “Seriously? Who are these people? Is there American royalty and no one told me? They don’t even have a reality show.” JJ tried to turn his cough into a laugh. We made it to the beach and rented paddle boards. It wasn’t surprising we were all good at it. Supernatural’s had better balance than humans. When we finished Odette seemed sad. I asked, “What’s wrong?” She sighed, “I want to swim in the ocean. I’ve never gotten to. My mom never let me near the ocean even when we lived around it.” She bit her lip. There was something more there. I hated seeing her so sad. I said, “Well, when we get back to the house we can swim as much as you like.” Yet again I underestimated how hard it would be to get her out. If she hadn’t hissed at me last night for the reference, I’d swear the girl was a mermaid. Throughout our trip, Odette wanted to see everything. JJ, Jules, and I loved her pace. We went to the great smoky mountain national park. We spent a day in Asheville. We went to Bald Head Island. Odette had never been on a ferry.
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