Headaches Pt.3

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I changed the subject, “So you guys really are some like secret Robin Hood society…I won’t tell anyone. I’ve got a lot going on anyway, and who would believe that?” The hood guy retorted, “Who indeed? Why were you out here?” I snorted, “Well, since we are all keeping secrets for each other. The song in my head hissed at someone I bumped into so I started running. They chased me but stopped. I was about to leave when I heard the fight, and you know what happened after that.” They shared a look. BA told me, “It was a pleasure to meet you. I appreciate the help. I am capable on my own, but a helping hand is always nice and welcomed.” I snorted, “Not really my motto in life, but I’m glad I was here to help.” The hood guy asked, “What’s your motto in life?” I snorted, “Everyone leaves, only count on yourself. Though several people are making me think that’s not true.” BA pulled me into a tight hug. She said, “It’s not true, I promise. Do me a favor and don’t run into the woods if you’re being chased. Scream really loud, and a lot of people would come running.” I said, “You’re supposed to yell fire. That’s what they say in assemblies.” BA snorted, ‘You just have to yell for help around here.” My phone started to ring. I pulled it out. It was Keaton. I said, “Umm excuse me.” I answered, “Hi, Key.” He asked, “Where are you?” I said, “In the woods.” He growled, “Why?” I said, “Uhh that’s a long story. I was running away from someone I bumped into.” That did not help. I felt his intense anger. Yeesh. He said, “I’m coming.” I was confused, “But…” He hung up. I sighed, “I didn’t tell you where I was.” I heard a laugh behind me. Both said, “Goodbye not Katie.” I shrugged, “I guess that works. Bye Robin Hood and Female Robin Hood who goes by BA.” They laughed again and sped away. I rubbed my eyes. I had to make an eye doctor appointment. I began to jog back to the main path. I had just reached it when Sassy started singing. I stopped. It wasn’t Keaton. It was a giant black wolf. I guess it was not a dog I’d seen the first time. He was too far away, but it was a wolf. I groaned, “Sassy! Stop singing at wolves.” She smugly kept singing. The wolf whined. I frowned, “Are you hurt?” I walked slowly towards him with open hands. What am I doing? We don’t walk towards wolves! They will eat us! Well, maybe not. I could be the wolf whisperer. I had the rabies wolf. Why not this black one? He was beautiful. I held my hand out so he could sniff me. Gosh, this was clearly a dire wolf. What was I doing? He sniffed and put my hand on his head. I giggled, “Well, aren’t you a big softie.” WHAT DID I JUST SAY? I obviously want this thing to eat me. I was strangely confident it wouldn’t though. I spoke in a baby tone, “Who’s such a pretty wolf? You are.” He began to purr. I laughed, “I have to go find my boyfriend, but maybe I’ll see you again. I’m apparently the wolf whisperer. I have my rabies wolf….” He growled as if annoyed. I reprimanded him, “Don’t be jealous, he’s not as pretty or big as you. He’s helped me out a lot though.” The wolf huffed. I scratched under his chin. His leg began to twitch. I smiled, “I’ll look for you again, ok?” He nodded seriously as if he understood me. I took off running towards my apartment. I was a few miles away when Keaton grabbed my waist. I screamed, “AHH!” He twirled me around. I asked, “Umm, how did you get behind me?” He kissed me hard, not answering. I was more than happy to forget the question as we got lost in each other. It was easy to do. I wrapped my legs around him. He was running around shirtless? He must have taken it off in my apartment. He began sucked on my neck. He got lower and lower until he reached the spot between my neck and shoulder. I gasped and pulled him closer as it felt like a live wire running through my body. He growled. I begged him, “Key, please….” I didn’t know what I was even asking for, but I needed it. He tensed and held me tightly. He whispered, “You can’t say that. You don’t know what you’re asking for.” We were startled when we heard noises. I unwrapped my legs and got down. There were several black wolves staring at us. I asked, “Is there a pack of black wolves that hang out? Because I saw one earlier…I mean he was prettier than them though.” I swear to god Keaton purred. The other wolves snorted and ran off. Ok…that was weird. Keaton grabbed my hand, “Come on, let’s get back to your place.” I asked, “Are you just running around town without a shirt? Because I could get used to the view.” Keaton took me back to my place. He winced, “I actually need to go. My mom was supposed to be back a while ago, but she’s not. I’m going with my brothers and dad to check with my uncle.” I frowned, “I hope you find her.” I muttered, “Hopefully she stays away from the crazy long nailed people.” Keaton put his hand in the door. I shrieked, “Keaton! I could’ve hurt you!” He looked frantic, in fact now I felt frantic. He asked, “What long nailed people?” I said, “Well, I saw this woman with really long nails and….” Keaton asked, “Where?” I answered, “In the woods.” He kissed me hurriedly and ran out. Did Keaton know the Robin Hood people? Maybe he knew that BA girl. I felt a little bad I’d given up the long nailed chick. I didn’t say I saw her or the Robin Hood dude though. I texted Keaton. Me: Let me know if your mom is ok My phone rang. I smiled answering, “Hello, Jag.” He said, “Man, you are the most interesting person I have ever met. I had to follow that Hood guy around for days to get close to him, and you just meet him randomly.” I told him, “That’s not his name. He’s Robin Hood. I’ve decided.” Jag howled with laughter. I asked, “Did you see the body?” Jag answered, “Yes, but their people took care of it.” I yelled, “I KNEW IT! They ARE a society of Robin Hood’s.” Jag considered then answered, “I mean that’s not an entirely accurate description but it could be worse.” I asked, “You know them?” Jag corrected, “I know of them.” I asked, “And they are….?” He replied, “Complicated. They are hard to explain. Your boyfriend should do that, but I don’t think you’re telling him you met them. Some should be avoided. You met two of the leaders and they liked you.” I asked, “Is the Robin Hood woman BA in charge?” He laughed, “No, she’s high up though. The Robin Hood guy used to be in charge. The new crop of their group are not to be crossed. The Silver Blade doesn’t go out that much, but whoever he is….He’s quite deadly. Avoid him.” I got a warm feeling in my chest and Sassy hummed happily. Why did I like the name the Silver Blade? Jag continued, “Crimson death is intense too.” I snorted, “Of course he…his name has the word death in it.” Jag amended, “It’s a moniker.” I snorted, “Whatever it is. It’s literally called death.” Jag told me, “Black Knight is also one to avoid. I doubt they would be involved with you in a bad way as close as they are to the Daniels though.” I asked, “Why are they close to Daniels?” Jag said, “That’s a complicated answer.” I snorted, “What’s not?” Jag laughed, “That’s true.” I asked, “Do you know their leader's name?” Jag replied, “Everyone does.” I retorted, “Well, by all means tell me so I can be included in everyone.” He laughed, “His name is The Axe.” I snorted, “Ok, these people and their monikers like to kill things.” Jag laughed, “It’s a rumor that his sister is the Kusarigama.” I mumbled, “Sure because it goes with an Axe. When I used to play Nioh I would always pair my axe with my Kusarigama.” Jag shrieked, “YOU PLAY VIDEO GAMES?” I snorted, “Not all of them. I had a job when I was fourteen in a gaming but also an arcade throwback place. They had PS4’s, Wiis, arcades, Xboxes’, pretty much all the game consoles. I was there a lot, and they decided a cute girl playing would keep guys there. So, I got really good at a few games.” Jag teased, “Not a driving game.” I winced, “No, I was actually always terrible at those.” Jag laughed. He said, “We will talk soon.” I replied, “Sure. Stay safe, Jag.” He laughed, “I should say that to you. Goodnight, Odette.” He hung up. I went downstairs to get my mail. I opened my mailbox and found a box with some letters. I knew this box. My new set of pills were here. I nodded to Ken and went back upstairs. I opened them and threw the box away. I frowned. Tatum whined at my feet. I went and got my other pills. They were red, but the new ones were blue. I called the number on them. I was surprised someone picked up. “Hello, how can I help you?” Who didn’t say their company name? I said, “Um, hi I just got my auto-refill on my prescription. The pills are blue instead of red. Did I get the wrong pills?” The girl answered, “No, the manufacturer changed the color.” She hung up. I shrugged, “Ok then. You didn’t even ask my name.” I put the new pills on my counter. I took my last red one and threw it away. I told Tatum, “I have to take them.” She whined. I laughed, “I have a blood disorder. I’m pretty sure it made me hear a voice in my head and I got locked up.” Tatum growled. I said, “Yeah, it wasn’t great.” I shivered and went back. I had another black envelope. I snorted and threw it away. I was not entertaining Luke anymore. He belonged in the trash. My phone buzzed. Key: My mom is fine. I’ll be back over later. Me: We should get you a key to my place, key ;) Key: Maybe I’ll talk to the building manager. Don’t wait up if you’re tired my song Me: I’ll do my best to stay awake I put my phone down and put on a TV show to watch. The next thing I knew, I was in the ocean. I swam down, but I went back to that dark place. I panicked. Could they see me now like Caspian and everyone there could? Several people just walked right past me. Maybe they didn’t see me. I waved my hand in front of one girl's face. She didn’t move. I said, “BOO!” She didn’t flinch. Ok then. Then I studied her. She looked so sad. I looked around, everyone looked sad. One guy was looking around as if he heard me, but that couldn’t be. I shrugged that off. I walked into Luke’s home. It was depressing. I walked back into the main room staying in the back just in case. Caspian told me not to make noise here. Which didn’t really make sense. They heard me because we were related. I was going to follow his advice though. My eyes were instantly drawn to Delana. She’d lost all the life in her eyes. She’d lost weight too. Luke looked worried at her trying to get her to eat. I didn’t understand him. He wouldn’t have offered me food if I was starving. Why couldn't’ he just treat her right and be with her? He clearly loved her. Darwin yelled, “Delana stop crying!” Luke hissed, “FATHER! She lost our child. Leave her be.” Delana shrieked, “LOST?! THEY MURDERED OUR CHILD!” My eyes went wide. Luke whispered, “Delana…” Darwin said, “You shouldn’t have been so careless. I told you his first born must be with Odette. Then you can have all the children you want with my son. I am being lenient with you because you have been through an ordeal. I myself have lost a child, but Luke you need to handle your song better.” My heart felt like it shattered into a million pieces for this woman. How could they be so cruel? Delana whispered, “I would like to go home.” Luke said, “Yes, let’s…” They had a home? Man, he was awful. Delana yanked her hand away from him. He looked hurt. She said, “No, my home. I want to leave this place and go back to my home. I’m not wanted here by anyone. I don’t know why you even brought me here. No matter how perfect I try to be, all everyone wants is Odette. You want me to be ok with you bringing her here when you intend to make her yours. Then you’re just going to rip her child from her and kill her. I kind of envy your plan for her because I wish I was dead. My child was ripped out of my womb. I’ll never hear him cry. I’ll never watch him crawl, talk, or walk. I’ll never see any of his firsts or watch him grow. He’s just gone because I’m not her! I will never be her, and I can’t be here anymore. I can’t walk these halls where I planned our life together. Where I thought I’d see my son learn everything for the first time.” She started sobbing. Everyone was silent. Several women were subtly wiping tears. Even a few men. My silent tears brought me to my knees. Luke hissed, “You can’t leave me!” Delana yelled, “BUT YOU CAN BE WITH ANOTHER WOMAN?! YOU CAN LET THEM KILL OUR SON! OUR LITTLE BOY! HE WAS INNOCENT!” Luke hissed, “I didn’t let them! You know that! With Odette…the situation is complicated. She means nothing to me.” Delana snorted, “Oh but she does, and I feel sorry for her. I thought we were going to be happy. I thought I could change your mind. That you would all see it was you and me that were meant to be. That you would leave Odette alone, set your plans aside, and just want me. How stupid was I?” A woman stepped forward, “Delana, that’s not true. Our family loves you. You make Luke so happy and….” Delana said, “I’m not listening to your lies anymore, Nerissa. You tricked me. You made me think you accepted me this whole time, and then you killed your own grandson. You gave me that tea. He was so small….” She broke down again. I looked at Nerissa. She looked broken, but I felt no pity for her. Darwin sighed, “I should not have had you in here today. Clearly it’s too soon.” Delana laughed, “Too soon? I’m still bleeding! I want to go home!” Darwin waved his hand, “You are free to go to your home here. You have no home outside of here now.” Delana told him, “Where I grew up with love in my life will always be my home. I will take my leave. She stood up and I nearly gasped. Where she was sitting was covered in blood. Didn’t they get her care?! She needed to be with a doctor. Nerissa gasped, “Luke, get her to the doctor that’s….it’s too much blood! She shouldn’t be bleeding that much.” Now they cared? Delana laughed, “Good. I hope I die and join my little boy.” Darwin was yelling out commands as she passed out. Luke caught her and hissed in fury. A doctor ran in. Darwin grabbed him, “If she dies, I’ll have your head.” Since I was positive Nerissa gave her that drink at his order that would hardly be fair. I was pulled away into Caspian’s living room. I finally broke down and sobbed. Cython ran in. He asked, “Odette?” I cried, “It was horrible, Cython! We have to help her. Oh god, what if she dies? It will be my fault. Why would they hurt her because they want Luke with me?” Cython pulled me into his lap and began humming a song sassy hummed along with him. She was devastated like me. More hands were on me humming the song. I sat up asking, “Why does that calm me down?” Caspian said, “We can be very emotional crea…people. We need our family to balance us. You were upset about grandpa because your song longs for familial acceptance. It’s hard for us not to have that. Now, what’s going on?” I cried, “It’s so awful there! We have to help Delana. Can…can we get word to her family they need to get her out? They won’t let her leave and now she wants to die….She might have died. They did it because of me. It’s all my fault!” Caspian said, “I know Delana’s father. We will help her. The Merrick’s won’t kill her that would be suicide.” I cried, “They forced her to have a miscarriage because they want me to have Luke’s first born child. She….she was so upset and I don’t blame her. They didn’t even get her to the doctor. She was just bleeding out hoping that she could join her son. She said he was so small. How could they do that? My song would never treat me like that. How…I don’t understand how anyone could be like that. She was so pale….if she dies it will be my fault. They wouldn’t let her go home.” Caspian winced. He told me, “I’ll reach out to her dad. I have people in the Merrick camp. I’ll text them right now that I want Delana’s status. I wish I could tell you this will be quick and easy. That we will have Delana home soon, but that might not be the case. Luke being her song makes it complicated. She went with him willingly.” I cried, “But now she wants to leave.” Caspian sighed, “He’s not going to let her. I’ll get my people to talk to her. She needs to play this smart to get out. She’s grieving right now, and that’s understandable. As I said, we are emotional people. We will get her out. It will just take time.” I whispered, “What if she’s dead?” Caspian closed his eyes. Trit said, “They will do everything in their power to make sure she doesn’t die. They can’t withstand a war with her family and ignite one with ours. They can’t stand against us. That's why they haven’t come at us.” I snorted, “So she’s a mob princess?” Caspian laughed. Cython said, “For what you would equate her to, yes she is. Not like our family. We are larger, but her dad is nothing to ignore.” I asked, “Is her family your ally?” Caspian said, “We are not enemies. Allies are not quite so clearly drawn. You are an enemy or someone we know. We are all quite separated.” I whispered, “That sounds lonely. You should have allies.” Caspian smiled, “I’ll get right on that.” I needed to change the subject. I asked, “I had this weird stare down with my song boy’s toxic ex. She shrieked really loud. Sassy doesn’t like her.” Caspian laughed, “Well, she can’t take you on in a stare down or otherwise. Be wary of her.” I snorted, “I already am. She keeps treating my song boy like he’s her personal tissue. It’s gross.” Trit hissed, “Don’t let her do that. If she tries.” I said, “Way ahead of you, big brother.” Trit smiled. Caspian said, “If she does try again…You could do something about it. Would you like to?” My brothers snickered. I clapped, “God, yes. Do I encase her in cement? Or go after her kneecaps with a baseball bat?” They all laughed. Caspian said, “No, hum this song.” He hummed a scary but somehow beautiful tune. I said, “I could do that.” Caspian smirked, “You’ll scare the piss out of her.” I smirked, “Even better.” He tussled my hair before I was yanked back. Caspian yelled, “Do NOT mention this to Luke’s family if they contact you. They can’t know you’re there.” I called, “Why can’t they see me?” Caspian said, “Dark cannot see the light.” Huh? That didn’t make sense. I woke up beside Keaton. I traced my fingers around his face. He opened his. I whispered, “I love you, Key.” He frowned and pulled me close, “I love you too. What’s wrong?” I cried, “I don’t know how to explain it.” Keaton pulled back, “I will always listen to you, no judgments.” I carefully said, “Luke has a woman that’s like what we are, but it’s so awful Keaton. I want to help her. It’s all my fault!” Keaton frowned, “What do you mean?” I cried, “She was going to have a son, but they forced her to miscarry. She might be dead now and I….It’s all because of this deal with my mom. They want his firstborn to come from me and….” Keaton’s roar shook my window. I froze. My head pounded. I whispered, “Key….” Ken ran into the room. He cautioned, “Keaton….” Keaton was taking deep breaths. I heard a pop again. Then Keith came in and tried to pull him off the bed. Keaton snarled at him, “MINE!” Keith said, “We know.” I began to hum our song against his chest. His breathing evened out. I asked, “Keith, how did you get here so fast?” He said, “I was downstairs.” Why? I rubbed my head. Keaton asked, “What’s wrong?” I said, “Just a light headache.” He rubbed my shoulders. I asked, “Are you ok?” He said, “I’m fine. Luke is not going to touch one hair on your beautiful head.” I kissed his cheek. Keith said, “So….I actually came to go for a run with Keaton.” I asked, “Would you mind taking Tatum?” They nodded. Keaton kissed me before he left. I looked out the window. His dad, grandpa, and older brother were outside too. Frank looked up and winked at me and shot me a wave. I waved back. I turned back to face Ken. He had coffee. I took a mug. He asked, “So…what happened?” I sighed, “Ex drama.” Ken laughed, “I’m going to need a bit more.” I bit my lip, “So, I think my ex is in the mob.” Ken said, “Sure.” I sighed, “My mom seems to be in this arranged marriage era.” Ken snorted, “This is so good already.” I highlighted the rest for him. He sat down on the edge of my bed. Eventually he said, “s**t. I don’t think Keaton will be back from that run for a while. I’ll meet up with them and bring Tatum back when she gets tired.” I nodded. I got ready and went about my day. Ken was right. Keaton didn’t come back until later that night. He brought Tatum with him. So, they must have let her rest somewhere because she seemed fine. I decided Luke and Delana talks were going to be off limit topics for quite a while. I didn’t want to upset Keaton and clearly that was too much for him. The weeks flew by after that. I’d actually felt better on my new pills. I didn’t know how much energy I was lacking. I kept calling the pharmacist, but they insisted nothing but the color had changed. I disagreed. I felt different. I liked it. The rest of the weeks were surprisingly drama free. Caspian had found out Delana survived. He promised he was going to help her, and he was going to meet with her dad in April. That seemed like a really long time, but he assured me it’s how things work for them. I was pretty sure her dad would want to know what was going on sooner, but Caspian knew their mob lingo and I didn’t. Before I knew it, spring break was upon us. I took my last test and walked out of school with a smile. Keaton was already waiting in his truck. I squealed, asking, “So, what’s the plan?” Keaton smiled, “We are going for a drive.” I’d already put my bag in his car. He drove to a private airport. I asked, “What did you do?” He chuckled, “I just don’t want to drive. It’s a quick flight, I promise.” I giggled and got out of the truck. This was going to be fun. Note: Thank you for your patience. Those winter time bugs hit our home hard, and my kiddos will always come first. I'm stilling spending quite a bit of time my youngest who is doing better at sleeping without having to be on me, but he's also teeting and getting over being sick. Fun times in this house, but my momma hat will always be worn before my others. THE CHAPTER... Valdoma said a lot...Do we think she's ok after Melanie broke her magic? Is she still sick and not thinking clearly? Or is she lonely and just wanting someone to appreciate her plans? A god AND A GODDESS! How intriguing. What do we think of that whole conversation? Alon put himself in a pickle. Delana broke our all our hearts her pain was so very real and Luke is still the worst! Caspian and gang are adorable with their sister. Odette's mind is trying to break free. She's getting stronger too ;) Valdoma followed through with her changing of the pill color. EXCITED TIMES! We are now mid march and book 7 ended in May before graduation. If you want to join my group The Ribbon Novels we will be screaming over these revelations. Discuss!!!
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